
  • Healing Shame
    Feb 19 2025
    Shame is an epidemic on this planet, lurking in the shadows of our psyche and causing distress and dysfunction. Most of us don’t even realize it's there because we've become experts at distracting ourselves from it. Yet, whether we’re aware of it or not, it silently drives our choices, decisions, behaviors, and sense of self-worth. In this episode, I dive deep into healing hidden shame. If it resonates with you, share it with someone who might benefit. Together, we can light up the world with self-healing superstars! For FREE resources, book links, my website, socials, and self-love merch, click the link below! https://linktr.ee/kristenbrownauthor Much Love, KB
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    1 h et 17 min
  • Healing the Abandonment Wound
    Feb 11 2025
    In this episode we dive DEEP into the abandonment wound. ✅ What it is ✅What caused it ✅How it shows up in your relationships and life and ✅What you can do to heal it. I call this emotional wound, "The Scarlett Letter of Abandonment" for a reason. It's a painful wound that can wreak havoc on our lives until we give it the necessary attention it requires to heal. And the best news is... IT IS 100% HEALABLE. So grab yourself a cuppa Joe or tea, snuggle up with your coziest blankie and listen in. (Of course don't do any of that if you are driving.) I recommend taking notes or listening to this episode several times for the maximum benefit. *This episode was recorded Live on the Noom Vibe app where I give Live daily talks Monday-Friday at 12pm EST / 9 am PST (1 PM Eastern during daylight savings). Check out my FREE resources, books, YouTube channel, and self-love merch shop here: ➡️ https://linktr.ee/kristenbrownauthor
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    1 h et 38 min
  • Handling Disagreements Effectively
    Feb 3 2025
    This track is a recording of a live talk I gave on the Noom Vibe app—a health and wellness community dedicated to helping people live longer, happier lives. I host live talks daily at 12 PM EST / 9 AM PST (one hour later during daylight savings). If you enjoy this conversation, I’d love for you to join me on NV and even be a guest on my stage! And if you know someone who could benefit from this discussion, please share it with them. Much love, KB For FREE resources, book, website and socials go here: https://linktr.ee/kristenbrownauthor
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    1 h et 36 min
  • Turning Fear Into Fuel - Convo w/ Lynda Sunshine West
    Jun 15 2023
    Lynda ran away from home at 5 years old and was gone an entire week. She came home riddled with fears and, in turn, became a people-pleaser. At age 51, she decided to break through one fear every day for a year and, in doing so, she gained an exorbitant amount of confidence to share her story. Lynda has since found her calling and her mission is to empower 5 million women and men to write their stories to make a greater impact on the planet. Lynda Sunshine West is the Founder and CEO of Action Takers Publishing, a Speaker, 25 Time #1 International Bestselling Author, Contributing Writer at Entrepreneur Magazine and Brainz Magazine, Executive Film Producer, and Red Carpet Interviewer. And last but certainly not least, Lynda helped me publish my latest book that reached International #1 Best Seller in a matter of hours - The Recovering People Pleaser - A Spiritual Guide to Reclaim Your True Worth and Attract the Love You Deserve. You purchase it here: https://go.ht/book Do you feel a longing in your heart to write a book? If yes, I highly encourage you to reach out to Lynda to start the conversation! You can find her at Action Takers Publishing on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn. Get in touch w/ Kristen: https://www.kristenbrown.org
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    59 min
  • Transmuting Your Energy For Mind-Body-Spirit Healing w/ Loyce Hampson
    Jun 5 2023
    I’m super excited to introduce a delightful human being who I have the honor of calling my dear friend. The pure love essence of Loyce Hampson is impossible to capture in a 150 word bio. (Although you can read it below 😉) Her wisdom and knowledge are deeply profound and her light-infused energy far exceeds her Earthly body. (Plus she has the cutest giggle in the entire world!) In this conversation, you’ll learn: ◾ The near death experience that changed her life ◾ How divine inspiration guided her to healing her very sick body ◾ How repressed emotions and stuck energy can make us sick ◾ Why blaming keeps us stuck and what to do instead ◾ How to keep energy flowing in your mind for optimum health and wellness And so, so, SO much more! Loyce Hampson is a retired Marriage & Family Therapist and the founder of W. I.N.G.S., LLC which is an acronym for Whole-life Integration for New Growth Services. She has over 40 years of counseling, coaching and therapeutic experience helping people from all walks of life use all of their experiences, both “good and bad”, to their advantage. She helps them to heal and elevate their lives by transmuting the energy of their experiences with full soul integration as the goal which enables them to soar on their Wings of Love. Her unique perspective helps her clients bring balance to every area of their lives by turning their shit into shine! As a retiree, she keeps herself busy turning her hobbies to income streams. She is the inventor of beauty products that provide cellular nutrition without harmful chemicals, fillers, or alcohol. She also is a licensed marriage minister, nutritional consultant, licensed makeup artist, certified Ho’ Oponopono practitioner, Positive Intelligence Coach and Metaphysical Motivational Empowerment Life Coach, public speaker, and Podcaster. Contact Loyce: neon.ly/wingsllc Follow Loyce on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Wisdom App, OWLL app: @loycehampson
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    56 min
  • Building Resiliency Through Challenging Times - Convo w/ Dr. Kate Lund
    May 23 2023
    Dr. Kate Lund is a licensed clinical psychologist, peak performance coach, best-selling author and Tedx Speaker. With a specialized training in medical psychology, she uses a strength and evidenced-based approach to help parents and children build resilience so they can thrive in school, sports, and life. During Kate’s childhood she faced and eventually overcame a difficult childhood illness, so she learned at an early age to believe in the possibility that exists on the other side of challenges. She is the host of The Optimized Mind Podcast and the #1 Best Selling author of: Bounce - Hep Your Child Build Resilience and Thrive in School Sports and Life In this episode you'll learn: ◾ How to culivate resiliency ◾ What the fear of failure really is ◾ Is it failure or something else? ◾ How to modulate your body's stress response ◾ What mindfulness is and how to expand it And so much more! Get in touch with Dr. Kate: Website: https://www.katelundspeaks.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kate-lund Discover more about Kristen: https://www.kristenbrown.org If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a big, juicey ❤ and share with someone you think could benefit. Much Love, KB
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    47 min
  • Tuning Into Your Higher Self - Conversation w/ Timothy Waterman!
    May 18 2023
    After suffering through paralyzing fear, depression, an eating disorder, a soul sucking corporate job and a marriage that didn't fit, my next guest asked himself ONE question that changed the trajectory of his future forever! Timothy Waterman is a globally celebrated channel and transformational guide who passionately speaks on the process of conscious awakening. He focuses on metaphysics, self-love, conscious growth, The Law of Attraction and how to come to the realization that YOU ARE ENOUGH! From that place, he invites you to see how open you can be to the many blessings that life has to offer. To become "all in" on creating a life that feels Oh So Satisfying! In this episode you'll discover: ◾ The difference between soul and higher self ◾ What fear is and how to conquer it ◾ How limiting beliefs are formed and how to heal them ◾ What co-creating with the Universe means ◾ How the mind becomes conditioned to habitual thinking And so much more! Enjoy! Thanks for watching and don't forget to Subscribe, Like & Share! TIMOTHY'S GOODIES: Subscribe to Timothy's YouTube channel here: 👉🏼 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClfgtGLZQx3D8OoRBLYWKgg Work with Timothy, connect on socials and read his blog here: 👉🏼 https://www.timothywaterman.carrd.co KRISTEN'S GOODIES: Take KB's FREE revolutionary Self-Love Quiz: https://www.kristenbrown.org (scroll down just a tad to find it)
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    1 h et 6 min
  • How to Overcome Hidden Shame That's Stopping Your From Achieving Your Dreams
    Apr 26 2023
    If you are someone who struggles with feelings of not good enough, you're bad or there's something wrong with you, chances are you're harboring hidden shame. Shame is the #1 reason we do not achieve success in some if not all areas of our life. Hidden shame not only keeps us small and disempowered where our dreams and desires cannot come to life, hidden shame can stop us from healing the hidden shame! (That might sound confusing, but I clarify this completely in this episode.) This audio was taken from a talk I hosted on the Wisdom social audio app while I was on a morning walk. It was recorded through my airpods so there's an occasional tidbit of background noise not making it the best audio quality. HOWEVER, the content is bar none one of the best talks on shame I've given to date! Unplanned. Unscripted. Straight from my heart to yours. My hope is you gain much clarity on an area of your psyche that many people are not aware of. If you like what you hear, I invite you to Subscribe and turn on notifications, Like, Comment and Share with someone you love. If you're interested in purchasing my new International #1 best selling book, "The Recovering People Pleaser - A spiritual guide to reclaim your True Worth and attract the love you deserve" you can find it here: https://go.ht/book To learn more about programs and 1:1 coaching with me, you can go here: https://www.kristenbrown.org Much Love to you all, KB
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    50 min