
  • The Top Five Movie Musicals NOT Based on Broadway Plays
    Jul 15 2022

    We are THIS CLOSE to winding down our HUGE series of movie musicals with me and my co-host Annie Pruitt.  This week we are tackling movie musicals that were NOT originally based on any Broadway show.

    This is an episode I sort of wish that we'd recorded PRIOR to the episode on Movie Musicals released after 1980, because my lists might have been different, so this was a smidge difficult for me. 

    Still, Annie and I have quite diverse lists and you'll of course be amazed (NOT) at how tight we were growing up in the household that we did - our childhood is totally reflected in this week's episode but NO SHAME in that whatsoever!

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    32 min
  • The Top Five Movie Musicals Released AFTER 1980
    Jul 12 2022

    In today's episode, Annie and I take on our favorite movie musicals that were released after the year 1980.  We get into a few little extra things, too - like how our parents and siblings shaped our view of movie musicals when we were younger as well as what we really think defines the concept of "Movie Musical."  While this was one of our first episodes recorded, it is coming out mid-season, if you will.   No worries - there's still alot more movie musical stuff coming!

    Do you have a Top Five List idea or want to challenge our list?  Send us an email - maybe we'll share your idea for debate on the show!  That email address is hello@thetopfivepodcast.com.

    Coming soon...

    Our Top Five Favorite LGBTQ Shows and Films

    Top Five Favorite Go-Go's Songs

    Top Five Movies SO BAD, they're classic!


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    33 min
  • Our Top Five WORST Concert Experiences Ever
    Jul 1 2022

    OH good lord!  You know you've been there - you have been waiting for this show for freaking EVER and it's finally here - and then it just blows.

    Or someone talked you into going to a show with them and you hated every minute of it.  

    OR - fill in the blank.

    This week, my co-host Chris Corral and I dig into our Top Five WORST Concert Experiences ever.  This is just based on our own personal experience and personal opinions, as always.  And I have to say, let's all feel sorry for Chris this week as he has the best "worst" story of them all, LOL.

    How are you enjoying The Top Five Podcast so far?  Do you think we're full of ?  Hate our top five lists?  Or do you absolutely, positively LOVE them?

    Either way - we want to hear from you!  Email us here:  hello@thetopfivepodcast.com and let us know your thoughts!  Maybe we'll do one of your top five suggestions, read your comments on a show, or invite you to come co-host with us!  Wouldn't that be a HOOT!?

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    40 min
  • The Top Five WORST Movies Ever Made
    Jun 12 2022

    Well, it's a great companion piece to the Top Five Worst Movie Musicals.  And wow, did we have a hoot and a holler recording this show!

    This episode features Chris Corral and me going to town on the five movies we've seen that we consider being THE WORST movies ever made - EVER.  AT least, from our point of view.

    Remember that neither Chris nor I am official pop-culture scholars and we don't have film degrees or work as film critics.  We just have really strong opinions and love sharing them.

    What is it about these films that brought us to think, ", that's a really bad movie?"  Perhaps it was the writing, the plot, the casting, or just poor execution overall.  And keep in mind - some really bad movies turn out to become cult classics.  But as usual, that's a matter of opinion.  

    Don't like our selections and want to challenge us?  GO FOR IT!  Shoot us an email at hello@thetopfivepodcast.com. You can also contact us there if you want to propose a Top Five topic for us to take on...and we are always looking to audition new co-hosts.  We would LOVE to hear from you!

    Please check out our Patreon page if you'd like to support the show!  

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    32 min
  • The Top Five WORST Movie Musicals
    Jun 12 2022


    or - "Please, God, let me have those two hours back!"

    There's one thing to watch a bad movie...it's another thing to watch a really awful movie...and THEN there are the Really Bad Movies that are also MUSICALS.

    In this episode, my sister Annie and I each take on five films of the musical genre that just really grossed us out, pissed us off, or otherwise disappointed us.  And had a really fun time doing it.

    This is also Episode One in a series Annie and I are doing regarding the musical genre as a whole.  So you can look forward to Best Movie Musicals released before and after 1980, best movies that AREN'T truly musicals but feature amazing musical performances, best animated movie musicals, and best musicals not based on Broadway plays...just to name a few!

    Don't like our choices or want to challenge them?  Shoot us an email at hello@thetopfivepodcast.com

    You can also pitch us a Top Five topic or request an audition to be a co-host!

    And we'd love for you to support the show!  Visit our Patreon page at www.patreon.com/topfivepodcast 


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    20 min
  • The Top Five Classic Rock Songs
    Jun 12 2022
    First of all?  What theis classic rock?

    According to Wikipedia, Classic Rock "is a US radio format which developed from the album-oriented rock (AOR) format in the early 1980s."  It is considered the main "genre" of music that was listened to by the Baby Boomers.  

    But you certainly don't have to be a baby boomer to appreciate the concept of Classic Rock, as my co-host Chris Corral and I take on today.  We chose to define Classic Rock as anything released prior to 1985.  Our lists are eclectic and thoughtful with a couple of surprises.

    This was an incredibly fun show to record and I give major props to Chris for his insight here - he's not only a pop-culture enthusiast like myself but he's also a musician, composer, and songwriter and I sure did learn a lot from him during our discussion.

    And by the way - Chris Corral did compose the show music for this very podcast as well as my other show, Higher Ed Happy Place.  

    As always, feel free to contact us about our lists, challenge our choices, or propose a Top Five subject of your own!  The email address is hello@thetopfivepodcast.com

    Want to support the show?  Check out our Patreon Page:  www.patreon.com/topfivepodcast 

    Voir plus Voir moins
    32 min
  • Trailer - The Top Five Podcast
    Jun 11 2022

    What are the best cult classic films out there?

    Or films from the 80's?

    Fashion Fads that didn't last?  

    Best Superbowl Commercials ever?

    If you're like Kris McPeak and her co-hosts, these conversations happen for you often and everywhere you go.  That's the draw of pop culture and everything around it.

    And that's why Kris is launching The Top Five Podcast.  Inspired in part by the book and film HIGH FIDELITY, this podcast will have Kris and her co-host sharing their top five lists of whatever that topic might be for the week - the worst movies ever made, best guilty-pleasure boy-band songs...and many many more!

    Hope you'll join us here or wherever else you listen to your podcasts.

    AND - if you have a Top Five topic idea, we'd love to hear about it!  Email us at hello@thetopfivepodcast.com 

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    4 min
  • The Top Five Cult Classic Films
    Jun 11 2022

    Welcome back to The Top Five Podcast!  In this episode, Annie and I are taking on Cult Classic Films.

    What makes for a cult classic?  According to Live About.com, "The term 'cult film' (and later 'cult classic' as the film ages) is used to describe a movie that has developed a small, but significant and thoroughly dedicated, fanbase that grows over time. 

    The one criteria that all cult movies have in common is that they are not popular with general audiences or at the box office… at least not initially. After all, the very definition of 'cult' means that these movies have small but devoted followings."

    You are going to love where Annie and I go with today's show.  And, as usual, please don't forget that Annie and I are merely pop culture enthusiasts with opinions.  

    Want to challenge our lists or propose a Top Five to us?  Email hello@thetopfivepodcast.com



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    27 min