
  • Are You A Sensory Avoider?
    Jul 5 2024

    EP:96 I am so excited to dive deep into what it means to be a sensory avoider on this week's episode of Thrive Like a Parent podcast.

    A true sensory avoider means that you experience sensory stimuli or input into your brain more intensely than the average human, which means you then avoid it because it’s so overwhelming.
    Here are some signs that you may be a sensory avoider:

    ☑️ You startle easily with sounds
    ☑️ You avoid bright lights
    ☑️ You zone out on your phone to escape the chaos
    ☑️ You prefer more bland food
    ☑️ You need the house to be clean and in order
    ☑️ You crave calm, quiet, peaceful environments
    ☑️ You are upset by unexpected touch

    Often times I find that you humans with sensory avoiding tendencies place sooo much guilt and shame on themselves. Guilt to the point of anxiety and depression. Everyone else is going after it.. Why can’t I?? So they push and push and push. Doing the complete opposite from what their body and their brain actually wants and needs.

    Therefore awareness is KEY. You must understand how your brain functions, how your children’s brain functions and how to support that brain, that will lead to the most beneficial, healthy, joyful life you could ever imagine. Because you’re supporting the brain in a way that suits your own individual brain.

    Tune in with me on this weeks episode of THRIVE Like a Parent podcast and let’s discuss what it means to be a sensory avoider and how to increase your capacity for the stimuli around you.

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    Dr. B

    #thrivelikeaparent #podcast #newepisode #sensoryavoider #stimuli #sensorystimuli #parenthood #momlife #thrive #overstimulated #sensorydysregulation #dadlife #motherhood

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    30 min
  • The Key to Creating a Thriving Family Dynamic
    Jun 28 2024

    EP:95 All families look different. Before I dive deep into the topic I want to preference that: ● whether you are a female And the working parent or a female and the stay at home parent ● whether you are the male and a working parent, or whether you are the male and a stay at home parent ALL of your roles matter! I think that partnerships are crumbling, and there's so much resentment and anger towards each other within partnerships. And on todays episode of Thrive Like a Parent Podcast I want to talk about one of the missing pieces that most partnerships do not understand…. No matter which job you're doing, it's not as easy or simple as the other pictures. Being a default parent and a stay at home parent, being the parent who does the majority of the mental load for the kids is not a life of autonomy unless you work really hard to give yourself that autonomy within that life. You must learn how to regulate within the chaos of parenthood in life. If you are the working parent, the pressure never turns off, if I don't show up, if I don't keep pushing, if I don't make it to the next level… What will happen if I lose my job? What will happen if I don't get the bonus? What will happen if I don't hit the next financial goal? Then we won't be able to go on the vacation, or I won't be able to. fix the car. There's just so much and the pressure continues. That emotional state never goes away. I truly hope this episode helps to give you a little insight and understanding into the other side of the equation, more awareness, more tolerance, and maybe even a curiosity to dive deeper into getting to know each other's nervous system and how to support each other. #thrivelikeaparentpodcast #thrive #parentingpodcast #podcastforwomen #podcastformen #intimacy #connection #intimacyissues #intimacyandconnection #resentment #joyinthejourney #emotionalregulation #sensoryregulation

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    36 min
  • How We Get Into The Cycle of Resentment and Anger With Our Partners
    Jun 21 2024

    EP:94 On this week’s episode of Thrive Like a Parent podcast we are going to explore strategies for breaking cycles of resentment and rebuilding intimacy in relationships.
    Some key points I will discuss are:
    ✅ Working with couples individually on emotional/sensory regulation can be more effective than traditional couples counseling
    ✅ Accepting your partner as an individual, rather than trying to control them, is important
    ✅ Focus on your own self-care and regulation to rebuild trust and deeper connection
    ✅ Understand your own nervous system and learn to self-regulate emotions/behaviors
    ✅ Avoid over-caring for partner/child, allow them to develop independence
    ✅ Have open, compassionate conversations about emotional states, not judgment
    ✅ Teach self-regulation skills to children/partner rather than being the sole regulator
    ✅ Address underlying issues like dysregulation or disconnection impacting intimacy
    ✅ Intimacy requires consent, communication, and addressing resentment/anger
    Focus on yourself, communicate openly with empathy, and support your partner’s self-regulation for a healthier, more intimate relationship. Trust me you don’t want to miss this one.
    Dr. B
    #thrivelikeaparentpodcast #thrive #parentingpodcast #podcastforwomen #podcastformen #intimacy #connection #intimacyissues #intimacyandconnection #resentment #joyinthejourney #emotionalregulation #sensoryregulation

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    39 min
  • Embracing Magic of the Unknown
    Jun 14 2024

    EP:93 As we head into this summer season, I want you to take a breath and remind yourself, what is the rush. And the more you do that, you're more the more you're slowing your brain down and reminding your brain there is no threat here, I am safe, and it's really hard sometimes to not just allow yourself to feel safe in threatening moments. That's effort, but it's also effort to allow your brain to feel safe in happy moments and good moments, because we harp so much on the hard, we harp so much on the bad that we forget to acknowledge, or even be present to the good. So I encourage you to start acknowledging that there's good. As you ease into the summer, I want you to keep breathing. I want you to relax your shoulders. Take really big inhales and exhales. Do the thing. Say yes to this the thing, go get the ice cream late at night, let your kids stay up, watch the movie, snuggle with them, have fun, because summer can be magical if you allow it. #thrivelikeaparentpodcast #thrivelikeaparent #podcast #parentingpodcast #podcasts #embracingtheseasons #magicofsummer #selfcare #artofslowliving #nervoussystem #podcastforwomen #emotionalhealth #slowdown #summerseason #thrive #thrivecommunity

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    27 min
  • What It Looks Like to Have an Authentic and Honest Relationship
    Jun 7 2024

    EP:92 On this week’s episode of Thrive Like a Parent podcast, Dr. Tracy Dalgleish, a clinical psychologist and couples therapist, shares her journey of becoming a parent and how it inspired her to expand her work to reach more people with resources for healthy relationships. In this episode we talk about...

    ✔️ How insecurities and self-doubt from the past can shape our present relationships and careers, emphasizing the importance of understanding these inner narratives.

    ✔️ The value of vulnerability, empathy, and partnership in navigating challenging situations together as a couple.

    ✔️ The challenges women and men face in expressing needs and emotions within relationships, and the importance of providing constructive feedback and having tough conversations.

    ✔️ Approaching difficult conversations with an open mindset, focusing on positive change rather than immediate resolution.

    ✔️ The importance of self-validation and differentiation within relationships, allowing for a healthier interdependent dynamic.

    ✔️ Maintaining a balanced support system beyond just a romantic partner.

    ✔️ The intentionality required to maintain connection and intimacy in long-term relationships, especially after having children.

    Trust me you don't want to miss this one!

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    43 min
  • Is Screen Time the Real Culprit Behind Anxiety in Your Home?
    May 31 2024

    EP:91 Today on the Thrive Like a Parent Podcast I’d like to discuss something that has really been on the forefront of my mind lately…

    We MUST set boundaries and provide a balance between screen time and outdoor activities, while also modeling healthy emotional expression and prioritizing our own mental well-being to our children. Excessive screen time can lead to increased anxiety and decreased ability to explore and learn from mistakes.

    Social media has been a major contributing factor to cyberbullying, negative self-comparison, anxiety and overall mental health in the next generation.

    By prioritizing mental health in the digital age, I believe children will be better equipped to handle the challenges of growing up in a world filled with technology.

    So this weekend.. My challenge to you… GO EXPLORE.. Take in nature in whatever way feels best and right for you!

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    15 min
  • Your Most Asked Questions Answered
    May 24 2024

    EP:90 On this week’s episode of Thrive Like a Parent podcast.. ALL your most asked questions answered. Trust me you don’t want to miss this one.

    I will share with you my journey building a business while raising two children, emphasizing the need to delegate tasks, set boundaries, and prioritize self-care. I will share with you how to let go of perfectionism, being honest about limitations, and putting your own well-being first in order to thrive.

    I will also discuss managing children’s noise and behavior, distinguishing between dysregulation and baseline sound aversion to choose the right coping strategies. Techniques like noise-reducing loops, breaks for emotional regulation, exercise, meditation, and journaling are recommended for caring for yourself and your family.

    Additionally, this episode will cover supporting children with ADHD and other neurodivergent conditions without solely relying on medication. I will speak about cautions about blindly adding medications without monitoring effects closely and advocate for trusting your instincts as a parent. And lastly, I will address navigating social media toxicity, emphasizing creating valuable content over chasing algorithms.

    Overall, this episode provides insights on self-care, regulation strategies, and being a proactive advocate for your child’s wellbeing while balancing the demands of work and family life.

    If you have any questions you’d like answered on the next Q&A episode, drop in the comments 👇👇👇

    Dr. B

    #thrivelikeaparentpodcast #parenthood #healingjourney #q #newepisode #euntrepreneur #buildingabusiness #widow #adhd #medication #trustyourself #advocate #mentalhealth #structure #schedule #parenthood #boundaries #joyinthejourney

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    34 min
  • How to Advocate for Yourself When You Have an Autoimmune Disease
    May 17 2024

    EP:89 On this week’s episode of Thrive Like a Parent podcast, I am so thrilled to be joined by Dr. Wentz. Dr. Isabella Wentz, is an internationally acclaimed thyroid specialist, who shares her personal journey with Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Despite initially working in mental health advocacy, her own struggles with undiagnosed Hashimoto's inspired her to dedicate her career to addressing the root causes of thyroid dysfunction. Dr. Wentz also covers the role of diet, nutrients, and lifestyle in managing Hashimoto's and thyroid health. She also shares how valuable insights are provided on testing, optimizing thyroid function, and advocating for proper care. Don't miss this empowering episode as we delve into the complexities of thyroid health and empower you to take control of your well-being. XOXO Dr. B

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    48 min