• In a Spiritual Battle over your HEALTH? Trusting God as Healer Series Part 3 #261
    Jul 9 2024

    Do you feel like you are in a spiritual battle over your health? Whether that is physical, mental or spiritual health? If you have been struggling in your health for many years this is something to consider.

    Trusting God as your Healer is key to helping you get victory over your whole health.... In body, soul and spirit.

    There is a 3-part connection that God created us with. And He alone can bring the healing to all 3: Body, Soul, Spirit.

    We must address all 3 for true transformation in our whole health.

    What would you say if I suggested to you that much of our physical, emotional, and mental health struggles have a SPIRITUAL ROOT?

    We are in a spiritual battle for our health and our life and we need to armor up and stand strong while trusting God as our ultimate healer.

    Grab your bible and journal for today's episode and I pray this blesses you! XO, Michelle

    ****If you have decided to heal and recover from your daily fatigue let's talk on a FREE Fatigue Freedom call!


    **Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Fatigue!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    This is The ONLY Fatigue Recovery Program to live the LIFE you were meant to live. In good HEALTH. With ENERGY.

    Regain Your Energy, Renew Your Brain & Reclaim Your Health

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 coaching, WITH God at the center of all you do. Take a vertical approach of your heart, mind & body with a BIBLICAL view so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman!


    EASY, DOABLE, CLEAR nourishing nutrition + recipes + LIFESTYLE changes to LIVE your life with ENERGY & Clear Thinking!

    DECIDE now to get to the ROOT CAUSE of what is keeping you FOGGY + FATIGUED!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    **Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on https://christianmix106.com/ AND YouTube

    Voir plus Voir moins
    21 min
  • STRESSED over your Mental + Emotional Health? Trusting God as Healer Series Part 2 #260
    Jul 2 2024

    Are you stressed over your mental + emotional health? What does God say about your healing? Can you really trust God to heal you?

    Sometimes it can be really hard to TRUST other people, especially if you have been burned in the past. And often, your stressful situation can make it hard to really trust God too.

    If you have gone through a fiery trial or are in one now and it is causing you great anxiety, stress and worry, I pray that part 2 of my Trusting God as Healer Series will bring you some peace.

    The Trusting God as Healer Series is where we are seeing how God is our healer in body, soul and spirit.

    Last week we talked about God as healer over our body. If you missed that go back and listen. There are some good bible verses that will encourage you. I always want to bring you back into the word as your #1 source of truth.

    Being stressed out over our circumstances isn’t something God wants for His daughters. Even when it comes to our physical, mental or spiritual health.

    Focusing on things that bring STRESS instead of things that bring PEACE will keep us in a state of anxiety and worry.

    Settle in as I share 4 specific bible verses that will bring you peace over your mental and emotional health as you trust God as your healer.

    Grab your bible and journal for today's episode and I pray this blesses you! XO, Michelle

    ****If you have decided to heal and recover from your daily fatigue let's talk on a FREE Fatigue Freedom call!


    **Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Fatigue!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    This is The ONLY Fatigue Recovery Program to live the LIFE you were meant to live. In good HEALTH. With ENERGY.

    Regain Your Energy, Renew Your Brain & Reclaim Your Health

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 coaching, WITH God at the center of all you do. Take a vertical approach of your heart, mind & body with a BIBLICAL view so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman!


    EASY, DOABLE, CLEAR nourishing nutrition + recipes + LIFESTYLE changes to LIVE your life with ENERGY & Clear Thinking!

    DECIDE now to get to the ROOT CAUSE of what is keeping you FOGGY + FATIGUED!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    **Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on https://christianmix106.com/ AND YouTube

    Voir plus Voir moins
    16 min
  • Does God Want to Heal You Physically? Trusting God as Healer Series Part 1 #259
    Jun 25 2024

    Do you BELIEVE God wants to heal you?

    Are you afraid to ask God to heal you? Do you happily join in prayer for other people over their healing and yet hold back a little for healing for yourself?

    Oftentimes because of the nature of who you are, caretaker, putting everyone else's needs above your own, get her done kind of gal…. deep down you may struggle with this… Does God really want to heal me?? WILL God really heal me??

    It's hard to trust God as our healer sometimes. In the day in day out reality of this hard life, do we really believe that God still heals today?

    Physical health can be restored, repaired, made whole, cured, healed.

    Mental health can be restored, repaired, made whole, cured, healed.

    Our spiritual health can be restored, repaired, made whole, cured, healed.

    I am sharing 3 ways God can heal with 3 very specific bible verses to back it up.

    This isn't an easy topic but I felt it needed to be addressed and I hope it brings you some encouragement.

    Grab your bible and journal for today's episode and I pray this blesses you! XO, Michelle

    If you are serious about healing and recovering from your daily fatigue let's talk on a FREE Fatigue Freedom call!


    **Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Fatigue!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    This is The ONLY Fatigue Recovery Program to live the LIFE you were meant to live. In good HEALTH. With ENERGY.

    Regain Your Energy, Renew Your Brain & Reclaim Your Health

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 coaching, WITH God at the center of all you do. Take a vertical approach of your heart, mind & body with a BIBLICAL view so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman!


    EASY, DOABLE, CLEAR nourishing nutrition + recipes + LIFESTYLE changes to LIVE your life with ENERGY & Clear Thinking!

    DECIDE now to get to the ROOT CAUSE of what is keeping you FOGGY + FATIGUED!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    **Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on https://christianmix106.com/ AND YouTube

    Voir plus Voir moins
    18 min
  • Do you Drink These for a Quick ENERGY Boost? Why you Should Stop. # 258
    Jun 18 2024

    Do you reach for one of those energy drinks for a quick energy boost? I am reviewing today why if you do, you should stop.

    We are reviewing 3 ways energy drinks will make you more tired and hurt you in the process. There are many other options you can reach for but I will be sharing 3 natural ways you can boost your energy that will not cause more harm to your body.

    Often, summer is a time to slow down and enjoy more time outside with family and friends. To be more social in a relaxed environment. You want to be a part of conversations and all the social events and yet you are still fighting that fatigue that you have been fighting all year.

    Trying to make wise decisions when you are also fighting fatigue can often back fire on you all the same. For instance, avoiding alcohol by the pool but choosing an energy drink that will deplete you in other ways.

    It's vital to get to the root cause of WHY you are so tired so that you can help your body to truly recover and heal.

    Quick energy boosts rarely mean natural or sustainable energy boosts.

    Try these 3 tips for boosting your energy in a natural way that won't cause more fatigue and other problems later on.

    I pray this blesses you and helps you to Treasure YOUR Wellness! XO, Michelle

    If you are serious about healing and recovering from your daily fatigue let's talk on a FREE Fatigue Freedom call!


    **Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Fatigue!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    This is The ONLY Fatigue Recovery Program to live the LIFE you were meant to live. In good HEALTH. With ENERGY.

    Regain Your Energy, Renew Your Brain & Reclaim Your Health

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 coaching, WITH God at the center of all you do. Take a vertical approach of your heart, mind & body with a BIBLICAL view so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman!


    EASY, DOABLE, CLEAR nourishing nutrition + recipes + LIFESTYLE changes to LIVE your life with ENERGY & Clear Thinking!

    DECIDE now to get to the ROOT CAUSE of what is keeping you FOGGY + FATIGUED!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    ***Now thru June 21st I am offering an amazing coaching BONUS to the first 5 women who are ready to take BACK their midlife health and stop missing out on LIFE because they just don’t have the ENERGY.

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    **Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on https://christianmix106.com/ AND YouTube

    Voir plus Voir moins
    17 min
  • Are you a STRESSED Out Leader? 2 Biblical Mindset shifts for PEACE. #257
    Jun 11 2024

    Are you a stressed out female professional leader?

    Do you hide your stress well until you can’t anymore? Do your employees know you are freaking out inside?

    OR is it possible that you can be calm and certain in the midst of your stress?

    Can you be that shining light in the face of a stressful environment?

    Can you be bold and confident that you are in the right place for this season that God has placed you in?

    The answers my friend, can all be YES!

    God calls you higher. He wants His best for you.

    He doesn’t want you sad, sick and stuck. No matter what your career is, no matter where you find yourself in your life right NOW….God wants more for you.

    You can have peace amidst the stress. I want to share with you 2 biblical mindset shifts to bring you some peace even during the stress building inside.

    I pray this blesses you and helps you to treasure YOUR wellness! XO, Michelle

    If you are serious and not merely curious about healing and recovering from your daily fatigue let's talk on a FREE Fatigue Freedom call!


    **Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Fatigue!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    This is The ONLY Fatigue Recovery Program to live the LIFE you were meant to live. In good HEALTH. With ENERGY.

    Regain Your Energy, Renew Your Brain & Reclaim Your Health

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 coaching, WITH God at the center of all you do. Take a vertical approach of your heart, mind & body with a BIBLICAL view so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman!


    EASY, DOABLE, CLEAR nourishing nutrition + recipes + LIFESTYLE changes to LIVE your life with ENERGY & Clear Thinking!

    DECIDE now to get to the ROOT CAUSE of what is keeping you FOGGY + FATIGUED!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    ***Now thru June 21st I am offering an amazing coaching BONUS to the first 5 women who are ready to take BACK their midlife health and stop missing out on LIFE because they just don’t have the ENERGY.

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    **Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on https://christianmix106.com/ AND YouTube

    Voir plus Voir moins
    19 min
  • Is your FATIGUE related to a Spiritual IDENTITY Crisis? Walk in Freedom Today #256
    Jun 4 2024

    Is your daily fatigue possibly related to a spiritual identity crisis?

    Are you ready to help yourself get to the bottom of your tiredness my friend? To walk in fatigue freedom?

    YOU must address your fatigue or you WILL remain sad sick and stuck. It WILL affect every single area of your life. Here’s the cold hard truth: No one else is going to address it for you. The reality is, YOU are your own best advocate for your health.

    That includes ALL levels of health. Physical, Mental, Spiritual.

    And to TRULY address your daily fatigue you need to consider if it is a spiritual issue. Meaning, are you struggling with your IDENTITY as a Christian woman?

    Most people find their identity in WHAT they do. What their career or vocation is. Wife, Mom, employee, biz owner.....

    While there is nothing wrong with attaching those things to WHAT you DO, they aren't WHO you ARE.

    What is your IDENTITY as a daughter of the KING?

    To help you stand BOLDLY in your Kingdom IDENTITY, and help you break FREE from your daily FATIGUE, I am going to share 6 identity names and verses to back them up.

    I pray this blesses you and helps you to treasure YOUR wellness! XO, Michelle

    If you are serious and not merely curious about healing and recovering from your daily fatigue let's talk on a FREE Fatigue Freedom call!


    **Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Fatigue!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    This is The ONLY Fatigue Recovery Program to live the LIFE you were meant to live. In good HEALTH. With ENERGY.

    Regain Your Energy, Renew Your Brain & Reclaim Your Health

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 coaching, WITH God at the center of all you do. Take a vertical approach of your heart, mind & body with a BIBLICAL view so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman!


    EASY, DOABLE, CLEAR nourishing nutrition + recipes + LIFESTYLE changes to LIVE your life with ENERGY & Clear Thinking!

    DECIDE now to get to the ROOT CAUSE of what is keeping you FOGGY + FATIGUED!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    ***Now thru June 21st I am offering an amazing coaching BONUS to the first 5 women who are ready to take BACK their midlife health and stop missing out on LIFE because they just don’t have the ENERGY.

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    **Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on https://christianmix106.com/ AND YouTube

    Voir plus Voir moins
    30 min
  • Still TIRED Physically, Mentally or Spiritually? Specialized SUPPORT to Heal + Recover from FATIGUE #255
    May 28 2024

    Hey Friend, still feeling TIRED physically, mentally OR spiritually?

    What SPECIFICALLY does YOUR body need when you are healing and recovering from fatigue?

    Hint.... Your body needs to feel safe and secure… in order to truly heal and recover from debilitating fatigue.

    Your body feeling safe and secure in the healing process is SO KEY in helping you to truly BE WELL. In body, soul & spirit.

    In my training and experience over the last 10+ years, I have come to realize the human body has 7 specific essentials of health.. whether that is GOOD health or POOR health.

    We are talking about them today. 7 is the number of completion right?

    7 essentials of health that will help your body feel safe and secure so that you can heal and recover from your debilitating fatigue!

    As you listen in, think of what essential you may be lacking or where you are falling in these 7 essentials for health.

    I pray this helps you to Treasure YOUR Wellness! XO,


    If you are serious and not merely curious about healing and recovering from your daily fatigue let's talk!


    **Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Fatigue!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    This is The ONLY Fatigue Recovery Program to live the LIFE you were meant to live. In good HEALTH. With ENERGY.

    Regain Your Energy, Renew Your Brain & Reclaim Your Health

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 coaching, WITH God at the center of all you do. Take a vertical approach of your heart, mind & body with a BIBLICAL view so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman!


    EASY, DOABLE, CLEAR nourishing nutrition + recipes + LIFESTYLE changes to LIVE your life with ENERGY & Clear Thinking!

    Get to the ROOT CAUSE of what is keeping you FOGGY + FATIGUED!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    ***Now thru May 31st I am offering 2 additional private 1 hour coaching calls to the first 5 women who are ready to take BACK their midlife health and stop missing out on important events because they just don’t have the ENERGY.

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    **Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on https://christianmix106.com/ AND YouTube

    Voir plus Voir moins
    21 min
  • Physical, Mental or Spiritual Fatigue? Why Am I So TIRED Masterclass Replay #254
    May 21 2024

    Is your FATIGUE physical, mental, spiritual or ALL THREE?

    Feeling tired is a SYMPTOM. But of what exactly?

    That is what needs to be found out… to do that we need to get to that ROOT cause of your tiredness.

    Here’s a hint…not ALL of your fatigue is physical. But you may THINK it is. Which is why you get so frustrated when your vacation doesn’t make you feel more rested, sleeping in doesn't help or your labs come back normal but yet you KNOW something isn’t right.

    Not all fatigue is physical AND fatigue is not just your new 'normal' in this midlife season. (I promise it doesn't have to be!)

    Join this very important topic as we unpack the 3 types of fatigue that many women in this midlife season are fighting.

    See where you fall into these 3 categories and what you can DO about your fatigue!

    If you are serious and not merely curious about healing and recovering from your daily fatigue let's talk!


    **Snag your time to talk about YOUR MidLIFE Fatigue!


    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    This is The ONLY Fatigue Recovery Program to live the LIFE you were meant to live. In good HEALTH. With ENERGY.

    Regain Your Energy, Renew Your Brain & Reclaim Your Health

    Faith Fueled Coaching + Like-minded group support and accountability + private 1:1 coaching, WITH God at the center of all you do. Take a vertical approach of your heart, mind & body with a BIBLICAL view so you can FUEL UP to FLOW OUT as a Christ EMPOWERED woman!


    EASY, DOABLE, CLEAR nourishing nutrition + recipes + LIFESTYLE changes to LIVE your life with ENERGY & Clear Thinking!

    Get to the ROOT CAUSE of what is keeping you FOGGY + FATIGUED!

    Information + Implementation = TRANSFORMATION

    ***Now thru May 31st I am offering 2 additional private 1 hour coaching calls to the first 5 women who are ready to take BACK their midlife health and stop missing out on important events because they just don’t have the ENERGY.

    Get your application in NOW for the MidLIFE Health Makeover Program.

    **Grab your FREE RESOURCE: Foggy & Fatigue Freedom over 40

    ***Join our community, Holistic Health for Christian Women over 40, to be supported, encouraged and educated as you regain energy and take back your health.

    **Catch the Treasured Wellness Podcast on https://christianmix106.com/ AND YouTube

    Voir plus Voir moins
    1 h et 1 min