
  • Eating the Bible
    Feb 22 2025

    READ: PSALM 119:97-104; JEREMIAH 15:15-17; MATTHEW 4:4

    What is your favorite food? Think about how good it feels to eat that food, especially when you’re hungry! Now, listen to what the prophet Jeremiah says: “When your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, Lord God Almighty” (Jeremiah 15:16). Have you ever wanted to eat the Bible? Probably not. But Jeremiah did! In this verse, Jeremiah probably didn’t literally eat God’s words, but he used this metaphor to express how God’s words sustained him and filled him with joy, especially at a time when he was worn out from trying to speak God’s truth to people who continually oppressed and mocked him.

    Have you ever been hungry for God’s Word like that? Has reading the Bible ever filled you with joy and delight? Psalm 119:103 says, “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” The Bible is so good, we should want to consume it like a good meal.

    Just as we need to eat food every day to give our bodies the strength and energy we need, “eating the Bible” is vital to our spiritual life. That doesn’t necessarily mean we have to read it constantly or think about it every minute of the day. But it does mean we read it regularly so the Holy Spirit can use what the Bible says to transform us from the inside out.

    Much like eating food sustains us, hearing about Jesus’s love and promises in His Word gives us the strength we need for each day. When we’re reminded of how Jesus suffered and died to save us from sin, and then rose from the grave to give us new life, it helps us give our burdens to Him and trust Him to lead us. And as we meditate on His love for us, and for the world, it fuels us to extend His love to others through what we say and what we do. • A. W. Smith

    • Can you think of a time when something in the Bible encouraged and sustained you? What was that like?

    • It can be tempting to read or listen to a devotional (like Unlocked) and count that as our regular Bible reading time. But the truth is that devotionals, helpful as they are, can’t sustain us. Wise words from other Christians can’t sustain us. Only God’s Word can sustain us, and nothing can replace it. If you struggle to spend regular time in the Bible, why not start with the “Read” passages from each day’s Unlocked devotion? If you’re already doing this, great! Consider starting another Bible reading plan to do alongside your devotional, either by yourself or with other Christians.

    Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long. Psalm 119:97 (NIV)

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    5 min
  • The Big Picture
    Feb 21 2025

    READ: PSALMS 23:4; 37:1-9; 139:1-18; ROMANS 8:28-29

    Somewhere along in my life, I realized I loved taking photos. To me, it was the most amazing thing to be able to capture a moment forever. A camera is one of the best tools for rendering an image we want to remember. It takes the light and shadows and makes them into a two-dimensional picture we can enjoy. When we look at a photo, we see how the mix of light and shadows creates a beautiful image that we can revisit again and again.

    Life can be a lot like a photo. There is light, the good times in our lives. And shadows, the hard times. But unlike with a photo, in life we can’t see the whole picture—only the one small detail we’re in at the moment. And if it’s a hard time in our lives, it’s normal to wonder if God is still in control. But He is. And, unlike us, He sees the big picture. He knows how everything will work out, and He knows the person He’s growing us into.

    No matter what we go through, He is using the good times, the hard times, and everything in between to transform us into the people He wants us to be. And He’s crafting a big picture that we get to be part of. He is always working for our good, and He is spreading the hope of Jesus to every corner of creation. We can trust that He knows the outcome of it all, and He is with us, loving us in every moment. • Haley Walts

    • Sometimes we really wish we could see the big picture. How does it make you feel to know that God does see the big picture, and He is at work in every part of it for our good?

    • While it can be so hard not to know the outcome of situations we’re facing, it can be comforting to remember that we do know the final outcome. Jesus has promised to return one day and restore the world—then there will be no more dark places, no more hard times (Revelation 21:1-5; 22:5). In the meantime, Jesus has also promised to be with us no matter what (Matthew 28:20). Consider taking some time to talk to Jesus about what your life is like right now, telling Him about the good things, and the hard and frustrating things, and asking Him to help you notice His presence with you.

    And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 (NIV)

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    5 min
  • The Greater Love (Part 2)
    Feb 20 2025

    READ: JOHN 13:3-17; 15:7-17; ROMANS 10:9-13; EPHESIANS 2:1-10

    The knight Yavain was on the verge of tears as he pulled off his dying comrade’s helmet. “Why on earth would you do that—my life is not any more valuable than yours, Rosalind.”

    As he cradled her head, Yavain noticed she wore the royal crest around her neck. He stared in disbelief—he hadn’t known that his friend was also the princess of Carissia. He stumbled over his words and bowed his head awkwardly. “My lady, I am, I—”

    “You may dismiss with formalities, Yavain, just speak to me as you would Rosalind. We are friends,” said the princess calmly. “Our lives are both equally valuable and treasured by our God.”

    “Don’t be ridiculous,” interrupted Yavain. “You’re the princess, your life is perhaps the kingdom’s most valuable life. It should not have been taken in an instant of stupid bravery.”

    “Not bravery, tender Yavain.” Here Rosalind used a royal voice to speak to her trembling friend, quelling his nerves. “My Lord’s greatest command is to lay down my life for others, just as He did for me. His love is why I did this.” She paused, tears beginning to stream down her paling face. “He sacrificed Himself for both of us. He has already set you free.” Rosalind’s breath started to waver. “By grace you are saved, Yavain. Believe in Him.”

    A moment later she closed her eyes, and was gone. Yavain wept bitterly.

    “Why would anyone sacrifice their life like that?” Yavain yelled into the forest. He sat there for a long time, pondering Rosalind’s words, still confused by her final moments. What did she mean I’m set free? Does this God really give a grace that saves me? Yavain felt angry. But something else was beginning to grow deep within his heart, whispering that he was loved. And then, all at once, Yavain knew he wanted to live like Rosalind lived, with a love for God and for others. The Holy Spirit had taken root. • Peter J. McDonough

    • In this allegorical story, Rosalind had been transformed by her relationship with God—Jesus’s sacrifice compelled her to love others as He loved her. Yavain wrestled with questions and viewed himself as unworthy of such a sacrifice. Have you ever felt like Yavain? As sinners, we could never deserve God’s love for us, but that is the beauty of Jesus. Even while we questioned and doubted, Jesus left His heavenly throne and humbled Himself to the point of death on a cross—all so that we could experience His love and live in restored relationship with Him (Philippians 2:5-11). Consider taking a moment to thank God for His wonderful gift, and ask Him to help you begin to see yourself the way He sees you, as someone loved beyond measure.

    “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” John 15:13 (NLT)

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    5 min
  • The Two Knights (Part 1)
    Feb 19 2025

    READ: PSALM 63:1-5; JOHN 4:7-14; 6:35; 7:37-39; ROMANS 14:7-12

    As two knights of the Carissian court traveled through the forest on a scouting mission, they passed the time discussing their different beliefs.

    Rosalind brought up what she called the Holy Spirit. “In my end, dear friend, it is not water that I thirst for, but for my God, who gives me the water of life. My soul thirsts to meet my God.”

    Rosalind had often spoken of this God who gave her bread that wasn’t really bread and water that wasn’t really water. While Yavain doubted that her God could produce this water, he did appreciate that Rosalind was a kinder, more compassionate knight than others in the court.

    “Your God confuses me, Rosalind. Though I am glad what you believe in is reflected in your actions.”

    Yavain’s comrade had no time to reply—goblins crashed through the surrounding forest, an ambush! Yavain gripped his broadsword tighter as Rosalind drew her own.

    “Yavain, to my side, let’s show these fiends the Hidden Gauntlet maneuver,” Rosalind remarked coolly.

    Yavain flanked her, and together they swung their blades in quick circular blows, rotating gradually while still nearly linked together. They made swift work of their foes. But, neither noticed one last goblin raising his spear to Yavain’s back.

    “Yav—,” Rosalind spoke quickly, but the weapon was already in the air. Without a second thought she pushed him out of the way. The spear pierced a gap in her own armor.

    “Rosalind!” Yavain shouted. He threw his long sword, slaying the goblin, then spun around to his dying comrade. “Rosalind, friend, let me help.” Yavain scrambled through his pack to look for something to treat the wound. “Maybe I can—”

    Rosalind grasped his wrist. She knew it was too late for herself. “Just give me something to drink, Yavain, I’m so thirsty,” she sputtered out.

    “But we have no water left,” Yavain said desperately.

    Rosalind now whispered quietly. “Then remove my helmet so I may look upon the face of a friend before I prepare to finally rest in my God.” • Peter J. McDonough

    • In today’s allegorical story, Rosalind talks about how she longs to be with God. Have you ever experienced a longing like this? Maybe you’ve never met God before, but you want to. Maybe you already know Him, but you desire to spend more time resting in His presence. Or maybe your heart aches for the day we will finally see Jesus face to face. Consider taking a moment to tell God how you long for Him. And if you don’t long for God, you can ask Him to give you this desire.

    • God is the only one who can truly satisfy us. And the good news is, He longs to bring us near to Himself. The answer to the psalmist’s question in Psalm 42:2 is that Jesus comes and meets with us. In the Bible, we see that God sent Jesus to sacrifice His own life for ours on the cross, and then be raised from the dead. Through the cross, He provided the way for us to be forgiven and to know Him intimately. If we’ve put our trust in Jesus, we can be sure that He is with us—right here, right now. If you want to know more about this good news, who is a trusted Christian in your life you can talk to about it? You can also find out more on our "Know Jesus" page.

    • Rosalind knows that when she dies, she will be with God. Those who have put their trust in Jesus need not fear death, for Jesus promises that nothing—not even death—can ever separate us from His love (Romans 8:35-39). And when Jesus returns, He will raise us from the dead—just as He was raised from the dead—and all His people will live with Him forever on the new heavens and new earth. How could these truths give us courag...

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    6 min
  • Friendship Friction
    Feb 18 2025

    READ: PSALM 25:16-17; 1 SAMUEL 18:1-4; 20:1-42; JOHN 15:13-15

    When I was sixteen, it felt like my world was crumbling. My best friend had a boyfriend, spent all her time dancing for a prestigious ballet company, and excelled at math and science. Meanwhile, I was lonely, struggling to improve at my hobbies, and hated math and science with a burning passion. What I thought would be a lifelong friendship was fizzling at the first hint of conflict.

    When we experience difficulties in our relationships, we have two paths we can take. We can act out of the anger, hurt, and jealousy that derives from comparison, or we can be vulnerable and admit our feelings to our friends and overcome the tension together.

    In the Bible, David had complicated relationships with King Saul and his son, Jonathan. King Saul viewed David as his enemy because he knew God wanted David to be king instead of him. He went as far as trying to kill David because of his jealousy! Meanwhile, Jonathan had every reason to dislike David. Jonathan was next in line for the throne, yet David was promised Jonathan’s future. However, Jonathan loved God and had faith in God’s promise. He cared deeply about David and encouraged him to accept his calling from God. Jonathan was a true friend.

    As we grow older, our relationships will either grow with us or fade away. Not all friendships are meant to last forever, but the ones built on godly love are the most important ones to fight for in the face of conflict. With time, and many tears, my friend and I realized we needed to give each other space to grow separately before restarting our friendship with more reasonable expectations and renewed trust.

    Experiencing changes in our friendships can be tiring and lonely. But Jesus wants us to call out to Him and lean on Him through this difficult process. Jesus is the best friend we could ever have. His love for us is so great, He was willing to pay the ultimate price for our friendship. He died and rose again so we can be with Him forever—both now through the Holy Spirit, and for all eternity when He returns. As you rely on Jesus, He will give you the strength and discernment you need to pursue godly friendships with courage. • Hannah Chung

    • Are you struggling with comparison in any of your relationships? Consider taking a moment to talk to God about this and ask Him to remind you of His great love for you.

    • Do you feel alone? Consider asking God to help you notice people who could become godly companions. Remember, even when you feel lonely, Jesus is with you. You are never truly alone.

    A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need. Proverbs 17:17 (NLT)

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    5 min
  • Go to God First
    Feb 17 2025

    READ: EXODUS 14:14; PSALM 32; LUKE 15:1-7; JOHN 20:11-16

    Lost in the dark,

    Can’t see the light,

    Too tired, too weary,

    Too sad to fight.

    Burdened by shame,

    Haunted by the past.

    Looking for help,

    Turning to God last.

    Suddenly He’s there.

    Suddenly there’s light.

    Don’t need to be strong.

    He’ll win the fight.

    Lost in His love,

    Mercy from above,

    Pouring down on me.

    At last I see.

    Darkness is gone,

    So is shame.

    Forgiveness is mine.

    He knows my name.

    Now go to Him first,

    Weak or strong.

    He’ll forgive

    Every wrong. • Haley Walts

    • Have you ever tried everything to fix a problem yourself instead of going to God? How did that turn out?

    • Have you ever been surprised by God’s merciful help and forgiveness when you were in trouble? Consider taking a moment to thank Him for this.

    • How could it be comforting to know that, even if we’re in over our heads, even if it’s our fault, we can go straight to God? What kinds of problems are you struggling with right now? Consider taking a moment to bring these to God in prayer. You can confess any sins that come to mind and rest in His sure forgiveness, knowing that Jesus has already paid the price for all your sins on the cross. You can also ask Him for help, guidance, and reminders of His trustworthy love.

    • Sometimes, it can be hard to talk to God about our problems, especially if we feel ashamed or overwhelmed. Who are trusted Christians in your life who can remind you of God’s love and pray with you and for you?

    It is because of Yahweh’s loving kindnesses that we are not consumed, because his compassion doesn’t fail. They are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23 (WEB)

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    4 min
  • Betraying My Denomination?
    Feb 16 2025

    READ: 1 CORINTHIANS 12:12-27; EPHESIANS 4:1-6

    I attended the same church until I turned twenty-three. Through a service opportunity, I started attending a different church. But I wasn’t just switching buildings and service times. I was switching denominations too.

    Denominations are groups of churches (like Free Methodist, Church of God, Presbyterian, etc.) that are united by a particular set of beliefs and practices and have some kind of governing body. They each emphasize different elements of Christianity (and disagree in some areas).

    I grew up in a denomination that was a little reserved. Our sermons were scheduled to the minute, and songs functioned on a click-track. My new church repeats bridges of songs over and over, people will share testimonies in the middle of worship, and services could last anywhere from one to two hours. My new church focuses on spiritual gifts, while my former church focused on discipleship, educating believers, and serving.

    But guess what? God is in both places. I’ve learned so much from each one. God is not a straightforward, one-dimensional piece of paper. While He doesn’t change, He has many different characteristics that different churches emphasize in the ways they conduct worship.

    I think it’s easy to focus so much on denominations that we lose sight of what matters most. We get caught up on all these differences—or, even worse, we don’t critically examine our differences and just assume that one of us is “right.”

    The fact is, Jesus died for people in every church. His love for us goes beyond denominations. In Matthew 18:20, Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there among them.” Yes, as fallen humans, we’re going to set up institutions prone to errors. And there are bad leaders everywhere, so it’s vital to be mindful of the teaching at any church. But Jesus lived and died and rose again for all of us. Let’s come together, learn from one another, and share the many ways God has shown His love to each of us. • Natty Maelle

    • Do you know what your church believes or what denomination it’s part of? Consider going to your church’s website or asking your pastors about what core beliefs your church holds.

    • Jesus calls the church to live in unity (1 Corinthians 1:10). How does Jesus make this possible? What might it look like to live in unity with denominations you disagree with?

    “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I [Jesus] am there among them.” Matthew 18:20 (CSB)

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    5 min
  • Sour Notes
    Feb 15 2025


    Imagine you pick up a violin and attempt to play it for the very first time. You tuck it under your chin, pick up your bow, and draw it gently across the strings. Would you expect to hear lovely music? Of course not! You’d probably get some screeches and sour notes. But if you took time to learn and practice, eventually your playing would improve.

    In the same way, we can have sour notes in our lives too—habits and attitudes that are out of tune with who we are as God’s children. But if we confess our wrongs to Jesus, He forgives us and helps us play a new song. When we put our trust in Jesus to save us, He changes us and gives us the Holy Spirit, who works in us so others can hear the beautiful song of God’s love and saving power in our lives. It takes time to learn how to play the music God calls us to. But, although we’ll still struggle with sin, Philippians 1:6 says God has promised to continue working in us until the day Jesus returns and gets rid of sin forever.

    And, when we hear sour notes from our fellow Christians, it’s easier to be patient with each other when we remember our own struggles. Because the truth is, we all do sinful things every day. We all need God’s help and forgiveness. And God is so very patient with us. He delights in helping us learn how to play His music instead of our own noisy scrawls.

    While it can be discouraging when we hear sour notes in our lives, let’s not forget that God is still working in us. He’s patiently teaching us to turn away from sin and show His love to others, and He won’t ever give up on us. Whenever we sin, we can turn to Jesus, confess our sin, and rest in His sure forgiveness. Then trust Him to help us share His sweet song of salvation with those around us. • A. W. Smith

    • Because Jesus died for us and rose again, we can know God, the one who created music. Take a moment to look back on your life. What sour notes has Jesus worked to transform? Where do you notice His beautiful music breaking through in your life? Consider spending some time thanking God for this!

    And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. Philippians 1:6 (NLT)

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    4 min