• Unveiling the Hidden Bunker: Ivana and Marko's Historic Adventure

  • Jun 28 2024
  • Durée: 18 min
  • Podcast

Unveiling the Hidden Bunker: Ivana and Marko's Historic Adventure

  • Résumé

  • Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Unveiling the Hidden Bunker: Ivana and Marko's Historic Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unveiling-the-hidden-bunker-ivana-and-markos-historic-adventure Story Transcript:Hr: Ivana i Marko stajali su ispred srednjovjekovne tvrđave.En: Ivana and Marko stood in front of the medieval fortress.Hr: Bilo je ljeto, sunce je zalazilo.En: It was summer, and the sun was setting.Hr: Ivana je držala svoj bilježnicu i olovku.En: Ivana held her notebook and pencil.Hr: Marko je bio skeptičan, ali je podržavao svoju najbolju prijateljicu.En: Marko was skeptical but supported his best friend.Hr: „Znaš, Ivana, mislim da je ova legenda samo priča,“ rekao je Marko.En: “You know, Ivana, I think this legend is just a story,” Marko said.Hr: „Možda je, ali ja želim saznati istinu,“ odgovorila je Ivana.En: “Maybe, but I want to find out the truth,” Ivana replied.Hr: “Moramo pronaći tajni bunker.”En: “We need to find the hidden bunker.”Hr: Jedna od najvećih legendi u njihovom gradu bila je o tajnom bunkeru ispod tvrđave.En: One of the biggest legends in their town was about a hidden bunker beneath the fortress.Hr: Priče su govorile o skrivenom blagu.En: Stories spoke of hidden treasure.Hr: No, svi ulazi su bili zapečaćeni i stražari su čuvali tvrđavu.En: However, all entrances were sealed, and guards watched over the fortress.Hr: Ivana je imala plan.En: Ivana had a plan.Hr: "Ući ćemo noću," rekla je odlučno.En: "We’ll go in at night," she said determinedly.Hr: Marko je uzdahnuo, ali je znao da mora pomoći Ivani.En: Marko sighed but knew he had to help Ivana.Hr: „Dobro, idemo.“En: “Alright, let's go.”Hr: Te noći, mjesec je bio visok na nebu.En: That night, the moon was high in the sky.Hr: Ivana i Marko su se uvukli kroz stari vrt iza tvrđave.En: Ivana and Marko sneaked through the old garden behind the fortress.Hr: Koristili su svjetiljke.En: They used flashlights.Hr: Sve je bilo tiho.En: Everything was quiet.Hr: „Evo, ovdje je ulaz,“ šapnula je Ivana, pokazujući na kamene stepenice koje su vodile dolje.En: “Here, this is the entrance,” Ivana whispered, pointing to the stone steps leading down.Hr: Spustili su se pažljivo.En: They carefully descended.Hr: Prostorija je bila tamna i prašnjava, puna starina i prekrivena paučinom.En: The room was dark and dusty, full of antiques and covered in cobwebs.Hr: Ivana je osjetila uzbuđenje.En: Ivana felt excitement.Hr: Ovo je bilo više od školskog projekta.En: This was more than a school project.Hr: Ovo je bila avantura!En: This was an adventure!Hr: Odjednom su čuli zvukove.En: Suddenly, they heard noises.Hr: Neki nepoznati glasovi.En: Some unknown voices.Hr: Ivana i Marko su se sakrili iza starog stola.En: Ivana and Marko hid behind an old table.Hr: Bili su to stražari!En: It was the guards!Hr: „Brzo, ovamo!“ šapnuo je Marko.En: “Quick, this way!” Marko whispered.Hr: Pronašli su maleni prolaz iza polica s knjigama.En: They found a small passage behind the bookshelves.Hr: Prošli su kroz njega i našli se u drugoj sobi.En: They went through it and found themselves in another room.Hr: Tu su bile stare mape i artefakti.En: There were old maps and artifacts.Hr: U kutu su vidjeli nešto što izgleda kao stara kutija.En: In the corner, they saw something that looked like an old box.Hr: „Tu!“ pokazala je Ivana.En: “There!” Ivana pointed.Hr: Otvore kutiju i nađu stari dnevnik.En: They opened the box and found an old journal.Hr: Pisalo je o blagu, ali i o lokalnoj povijesti koja je bila mnogo bogatija nego što su znali.En: It spoke of the treasure but also of local history, which was much richer than they knew.Hr: Ali, trebali su brzo izaći prije nego što ih stražari otkriju.En: But they needed to leave quickly before the guards discovered them.Hr: „Idemo!“ rekao je Marko.En: “Let's go!” Marko said.Hr: Uspjeli su izaći iz tvrđave neprimijećeni.En: They managed to exit the fortress unnoticed.Hr: Ispred ulaza, pogledali su jedan drugog i nasmijali se.En: Outside the entrance, they looked at each other and laughed.Hr: Ivana je osjećala kako je konačno dokazala svoju hipotezu.En: Ivana felt she had finally proven her hypothesis.Hr: „Napravili smo to,“ rekla je Ivana zadovoljno.En: “We did it,” Ivana said, satisfied.Hr: „Da, i otkrili smo nešto što će promijeniti povijest našeg grada,“ odgovorio je Marko.En: “Yes, and we discovered something that will change the history of our town,” replied Marko.Hr: Sljedeći dan, prezentirali su svoje otkriće u školi.En: The next day, they presented their findings at school.Hr: Cijela zajednica je bila šokirana.En: The whole community was shocked.Hr: Svi su se divili hrabrosti i upornosti Ivane i Marka.En: Everyone admired Ivana and Marko’s courage and persistence.Hr: Ivana je postala sigurnija u svoje istraživanje.En: Ivana became more confident in ...
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