
    May 25 2020
    The theme is from Jesus Statement of "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar and Give unto God what is God's But how do you give unto Caesar what is Caesar's and give to God what is God's in atmosphere of divisiveness, incivility and distrust.? This podcast present the solution as having :The VIP Leadership Experience™ VIP stands for God's Vision, Intent and Purpose. It is the DNA of everything of Dignity, Civility, Unity and The New Wealth.
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    41 min
  • God, the Government and the Governed
    Jun 1 2020
    How do we give to Caesar what is Caesar's and give to God what is God's in an atmosphere of racism? It will be difficult in the absence of leadership. The world needs a new kind of leadership The VIP Leadership. Calling on all leaders from all religious persuasions to come and let us reason together. There is a solution to what is going on in the VIP Leadership Experience. To make the world better is a Call to a new kind of leadership. The VIP Leadership according to God's Vision, Intent and Purpose. Please join me every Monday
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    40 min
  • God and Leaders
    Jun 8 2020
    Since the beginning of time, God has raised up leaders by appointment, selection, promotion, or election. The purpose is to improve the human condition by continually expressing the Beauty of the Glory of God from one leader to another through the generations. When God's Beauty is being expressed, New Value is created, It is recognized, appreciated and compensated. It improves the quality and quantity of life for all people. This Beauty is expressed through the knowledge, understanding and leading as God's VIP leader. But because there is deficit in this area, some leaders do not know how to create and sustain value that reflect the Beauty of the Glory of God. They have intentionally or unintentionally created atmosphere where Racism and all its derivatives is encouraged. Emotions are now stoked in all people due to this negligence. Leader must re-channel these emotion for good of humanity and the Glory of God Voice of the VIP is here to bring the knowledge and understanding of God's VIP to all leaders of all races, culture, language and religion to make the world a better place to live. If the world is to overcome the current charged environment we live in today, leadership paradigm for home, business, religion must change.
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    35 min
  • Flickering Light of Soul
    Jun 15 2020
    There is a VIP [ God's Vision, Intent and Purpose] Light within each of us that wants to shine. It is buried under the avalanche. What COVID has shown us again is the brevity of human life. And what the current racial unrest is how the oppressed and the oppressors are living under value and it has been going on for a long time. The summation of these two is the fact of human tragedy - that humans, who are created in God's image will intentionally seek to limit the Light of God's Beauty and Image in another human. In between God and the people are leaders, people of special skills, abilities, wisdom and experiences, God has chosen from among the people to represent God. They are to create the environment that allows for the expression of the Beauty of the Glory in all humanity - people of God of all colors, races, age, gender, socioeconomic background etc. Some leaders in the world today are lacking vision to lead the world into the 21st century and beyond. Voice of the VIP speaks on behalf of God and God's VIP image bearers to give voice to God's VIP as it comes from God, applies to both the Governor and the Governed in a VIP triangle of The New Wealth - to speak, teach, coach and encourage the leaders to lead by God's VIP. We all must learn how to "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and Give to God what is God's and learn it through God's VIP
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    31 min
  • There is story behind the leader
    Jun 22 2020
    The Guiding Theme in this first season of Voice of the VIP is " Give To Caesar what is Caesar's and Give to God what is God's" What does it means, how do we understand and live it s the key to this world becoming more peaceful and prosperous. And Leaders must lead the way. So how are leaders doing in Home, Business, Religion, Education and Governing? The leaders are the first to blame when things are not going well, but how much regard to we have for them when things do go well.? Before we even begin to answer these question, it is important to know the story behind the leaders. No leader assumes position without God's divine unseen hand in operation. Whether through appointment, selection or election, God's divine wisdom is working behind the scene. It takes time for some of us to understand it or we may never understand, but God is showing us something, if we can see it. Many of us do not and cannot understand. But if we take time to understand God's Vision, Intent and Purpose [VIP], and the story behind the leader, I am sure we'll have better regard for them. Regardless, we want leaders to succeed. When they succeed, the whole society prospers. They are there to lead at a point in time of the history of the world. They are not to lead forever, but just in to express the beauty of the glory of God where it is needed most.
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    34 min
  • The Inner VIP Light
    Jun 29 2020
    here do you turn to for reliable information in these days of COVID, social unrest and financial instability? God has a made a promise to Himself which is to fulfill the expression of His eternal glory in all life and especially in the humans He made in His own image. This is a sure word of promise that will never fail because it is threat to God's promise. But how you take hold of that promise is another thing. The answer is the VIP, the VIP light within. If you allow the VIP light within to cooperate with the VIP Light of God is where to begin. You have to allow the inner light to resonate with God's VIP and there make the inner light strong. The Voice of the VIP's mission and passion is to speak life into your inner light to live up to its; God's given potential and find and live out your voice. The more you do the the more you find your place and space and make the world a better place to live.
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    33 min
  • Why Are We here?
    Jul 6 2020
    In today's episode, we answer the question, we answer the question "Why Are We Here? In order to live life to the fullest, we must know why we are here, how we came to be here and for what purpose. If we do not, life would not be fulfilling. We may be buying and selling, [a term to describe our human activities] managing our families, businesses, schools, religion and government, but we would not have a standard or parameter for knowing how we are doing in order to feel well about what we are doing. Knowing and understanding the the Vision of God is the first step to answering that question of why we are here. Many of us, leaders, and those being led have not really thought about the what is the vision of God and why it is important for us to know. The problems of this world can be traced directly to the lack of knowledge and understanding of why we are here. If we do not know why we are here, we would not know where we are going, and if we do not know where we are going we would not know how to get there or when we get there. It creates layers of question that directly affect our daily life, our, health - spiritual, emotional and physical.
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    37 min
  • Are we Giving to God what is God's?
    Jul 13 2020
    We are not giving to God what is God's in our families, houses of worship, businesses, school systems and government. A look at the history of the world and the current events answer the question. And as long as that holds, the world will not find itself in the VIP Plan of God. But how? When Jesus said give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's, Jesus was laid a foundation whereby the Government and the Citizens can coexist peaceful and so experience the Beauty of the Glory of God. Does the Creator deserve to enjoy the His creation? Let's ask ourselves the same question. If you have an intellectual property - a reflection of your thoughts - that was damaged, stoles, or manipulated how would you feel? God deserve for His Glory to be manifested. And the way to express God's Glory has not been hidden from the beginning of creation. It is by honoring the image of God in Man. Which is more important, Government or the People. The people of course for both the government and people are expressions of the Beauty of the Glory of God. It is an interdependent and interconnected mystery of Man from all works of life, all colors, languages, age, gender etc. Beauty of God and that's where all value find their authenticity. That is how we can give to God what is God's - Beauty of God through Jesus Christ.
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    35 min