I recently had the privilege of interviewing the author of a new book published by Crossway: "What is Covenant Theology? Tracing God's Promises Through the Son, the Seed, and the Sacraments."
Two things make this book review extra special, compared to previous book reviews. First, I get to interview the author himself. Second, the author is also my systematics professor at seminary!
Today we welcome Dr. Ryan McGraw to the show to discuss his latest book. Dr. McGraw serves as the Morton H. Smith professor of Systematic Theology at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.
In this episode, we discuss the following questions/topics:
- Why this book about covenant theology?
- What is covenant theology?
- What does covenant theology provide as an interpretive system that other systems can’t provide?
- How is the Trinity central to covenant theology, and how does this play into your working definition of “covenant”?
- If the Bible is to be understood covenantally, why do we have two “testaments” and how do these relate to the old and new “covenant”?
- How is covenant theology a profoundly “practical” blessing?
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