
  • Let's Talk: World Suicide Prevention Day
    Sep 10 2020

    This episode is a shorter episode with just myself, providing an update on the state of the podcast, as well as talking about World Suicide Prevention Day.

    I had to take a break this last month and a half for my own mental health, and explain in the episode why, about how I want to be more honest about my own mental health, and talk about how I am really feeling.

    I also talk about World Suicide Prevention Day, talk about my own recovery after my attempts as well as the great work being done by the Zero Suicide Alliance.

    You can check out their work and the free training they provide at:

    Help and support is available right now if you need it. You do not have to struggle with difficult feelings alone.

    Samaritans – for everyone
    Call 116 123

    call a GP
    – ask for an emergency appointment
    call 111 out of hours – they will help you find the support and help you need
    contact your mental health crisis team – if you have one

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    17 min
  • Leah: Living with Anxiety & Trauma
    Jul 17 2020

    In today's episode, I release a conversation that talks about living with anxiety from a young age and coping with trauma. 

    This episode was with Leah, a colleague of mind working to benefit people's well being and mental health.

    Leah comes onto the show today to share her mental health journey, living with anxiety from a young age, trying to cope with trauma as a teenager, the pressure education places on in our formative years, as well as the stresses that relationships and work can put on us, and unfortunately easily pile up until we reach our breaking points.

    Leah also talks about the support she did receive from her line manager at the time, reaching out for CBT through the mental health charity Mind, and then opening up to her family about her anxiety and how freeing that can be.

    **Conversation trigger warning**
    Leah share's about being raped from 25.06 minutes in. 
    The conversation moves on at 31.00 minutes 

    Mind Mental Health Charity:

    Stop Street Harassment Survey Results:

    National Helplines are available:

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    52 min
  • Hope Virgo: Eating Disorders, Anorexia and #dumpthescales
    Jul 10 2020

    In today's episode, I release a conversation that talks about living with an eating disorder and the struggles and misconceptions that come with.

    This episode was with Hope Virgo, mental health campaigner and author of Stand Tall Little Girl.

    Hope comes onto the show today to talk about her own experiences living with an eating disorder, how it stemmed from wanting control in her life following sexual abuse as a child, some of the struggles she faced on her recovery, and also the wider struggles that a lot of people with eating disorders till face to this day.

    Hope has spent the last 4 years campaigning against the stigma, challenges and misconceptions those with eating disorders can face, and is spearheading change with her #dumpthescales campaign. 

    You can find out more about the campaign at:

    Stand Tall, Little Girl is available at:

    If you want to find more about Hope, you can do so at:

    Voir plus Voir moins
    54 min
  • Natalie Hibberd: Cerebral Palsey, Mental Health and Creative Writing
    Jul 4 2020

    In today's episode, I release a conversation that talks about living with cerebral palsey, mental health and finding help through creative writing.

    This episode was with Natalie Hibberd, an author, who recently published her first Young Adult novel called Inside Out. 

    Natalie talks to us today about her life with Cerebral Palsey, some of the struggles and stigma she faced as child with a disability, and then the links from that to her mental health and dealing with anxiety, depression and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

    Natalie also goes into her process and passion for creative writing, how it has helped her, and in some of the ways her life has featured through the works she writes.

    If you want to find out more about Natalie then please go to:

    And if you want to pick up a copy of Inside Out you can at:

    'Please Stop Assuming a Person With a Disability Doesn’t Understand You’ by Ellie Stumbo:

    Voir plus Voir moins
    52 min
  • Ellie: Feeling Suicidal & Being a Patient in a Psychiatric Ward
    Jun 26 2020

    In today's episode, I release a conversation that talks about feeling suicide and time spent with psychiatric facilities. 

    This episode was with Ellie from the Chewy Head Podcast, and we talk openly and frankly about both Ellie and I’s own experiences and stigma around the topic of suicide and psychiatric facilities. 

    Ellie talks her time as an in patient on a Psychiatric Ward, and we get into the stigma and misconceptions still surrounding psychiatric facilities and the people inside of them. 

    We also talk about what it means to feel suicidal and the stigma that surrounds people who have made an attempt, or just even admit to having suicidal feelings. And there are some real misconceptions when it comes to Suicide. 

    If you want to find out more about Ellie, and listen to the Chewy Head Podcast, then please go to:

    'Schizo - The Movie Trailer - Time to Change

    Lost Connections - Johann Hari

    Voir plus Voir moins
    59 min
  • Jay Shifman: Suicide, Substance Misuse & Recovery
    Jun 20 2020

    In today's episode, I release a conversations that talks about suicide, substance misuse and recovery.

    This conversation was with mental health, substance misuse and recovery advocate Jay Shifman. In the conversation we talk openly and frankly about both Jay and I’s own experiences and attempts with suicide, as well as our treatments afterwards. 

    We also talk about substance misuse, in particular with mental health prescription medications and what recovery is like both in and outside of a treatment facility. 

    If you want to find out more about Jay Shifman, then please go to:

    You can also listen to Jay's podcast at:

    Voir plus Voir moins
    55 min
  • James: Domestic Abuse & Mental Health
    Jun 13 2020

    In today's episode, I release the a conversations that touches on mental health and domestic abuse.

    This conversation was with James, and in the episode Jame talk's about being in a relationship with and going through domestic abuse. James talks about the different types of abuse he received, physical, emotional, financial and sexual, as well as the gas lighting that was present. 

    We also talk about being in the LGBT community and the extra labels that brings, plus being somebody who has been through domestic abuse. James also talks about the help he received from the LGBT Foundation, and the support since for the social anxiety afterwards.

    If you are somebody who needs support right now then please reach out to the following:

    LGBT Foundation - https://lgbt.foundation/ - 0345 3 30 30 30
    Stonewall - https://www.stonewall.org.uk/
    National Domestic Abuse Helpline - https://www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk/ - 0800 2000 247

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    38 min
  • Joe: Teaching, Mental Health in School & Anxiety
    Jun 5 2020

    In today's episode, I release the a conversations I recorded last week that touches on mental health and teaching. 

    This conversation was with Joe who I met whilst at University, and in the episode Joe talk's about being a teacher right now, and the stress that COVID-19 has brought to teachers, as well as the uncertainty around opening up schools again. 

    We also talk about some of the more stressful times in Joe's teaching career, how schools approaches have changed in the last few years towards mental health, as well as talking about Joe's own experiences with depression and anxiety. 

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    1 h