
  • becoming shameless with Dawn Davis
    Jan 30 2024

    Join me today with my internet friend and fellow coach Dawn Davis for a fun and unfiltered conversation on becoming shameless and embracing rituals that support a flourishing sense of self-love.

    About Dawn:

    Dawn Davis is a queer intimacy coach, confidence specialist, sex educator, writer, podcaster, and motivational speaker, modeling for others how to take up space unapologetically. Empowering folks for decades to say no, ask for what they want, and set clear boundaries inside and outside of the bedroom. She helps women and queer folks love themselves and their bodies, and challenge the status quo without shame. No subject is taboo.

    Find all their links by clicking here and be sure to follow them and say hello on Instagram @dawndaviscoaching

    Wanna join Dawn in becoming more shameless through art?

    Experience the thrill of seeing your whole-ass naked truth in the light of creative self-love. Become a work of art by contributing to (or collecting art from) my forthcoming series through my Take Back Your Body project by clicking here.

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    48 min
  • Our power is not in how we look; our power is in how we live.
    Dec 19 2023

    Friends! I am so excited to share today's episode and guest with you. A very "take back your body" project-inspired conversation between myself and DC area artist and family photographer Mel Worthington.

    In the episode we chat: —reasons we both have avoided having our photo made/putting ourselves out into the world —what constitutes a "good" photo? —and most of all, how can we subvert the BS that keeps us thinking our worth/beauty is linked to how we look? how can we see ourselves as whole and worthy now?

    To connect with Mel, check out her website melworthington.com and say, "hi!" to her on Instagram by following https://instagram.com/melzwphotog

    If you're not already, you can follow my work online https://instagram.com/ashleytrabue and if you want to learn more about being supported in some radical self-acceptance work through the art-making process, click here to learn more about plugging in to my Take Back Your Body project!

    Looking for the images we're discussing in today's episode?? Click ⁠ this link to visit a substack post⁠ where I've shared images from today's conversation!

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    39 min
  • Thoughts on Relationship to Abundance
    Dec 5 2023

    Scarcity and abundance are two sides of the same damn coin. The scarcity side leaves us feeling chronically not-enough, under-resourced, and vulnerable to spinning out in cycles of shame and blame.

    The abundance side, on the other hand, feels a lot like the sense of being and having enough, feeling safe to expand, enjoy, be and share.

    In this episode, we talk about ways to care for ourselves and our relationship to abundance when we are experiencing some kind of scarcity.

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    23 min
  • Breaking the Habit of Over-Giving & Under-Receiving
    Nov 21 2023

    If you tend to keep yourself over-busy, saying, "yes," when you really want to say, "no," and believing that hustling harder is the only way to get ahead... this episode is for you!

    Really, it's for the both of us because these are patterns I am outgrowing too. These patterns didn't spring up overnight. Rather, they were co-created within social environments, and we can't expect to break free from them overnight either.

    But with consistency and co-creative community, we can break free. Today, let's chat a little bit about how.

    Show notes:

    - "Human Giver Syndrome," coined by philosopher Kate Manne and popularized in Emily & Amelia Nagoski's book, "Burnout"

    - The Artist's Way book by Julia Cameron

    - Crossroad moments & bucket-filling inspiration -- ideas I teach inside my 1:1 coaching practice (which you can learn more about and apply for here!) and the Creative Self-Love Club cohorts

    - Gretchen Rubin's Strategy of Treats which I learned about from this episode of Mind Witchery by Natalie Miller

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    22 min
  • A Case for Feeling Special
    Nov 14 2023

    Dear listener, do you know yourself to be special?

    If you're anything like me and that question alone makes you feel a bit squirmy, today's episode is for you.

    In it, I explore the values that undergird an instinct to argue against being special, explore why feeling special is essential to creating and doing anything interesting in this life, and share a ritual I use for connecting more fully to my own sense of specialness.

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    21 min
  • The Art of Doing It Scared
    Jul 12 2023

    Creatives! If you're anything like me, you have big creative dreams and ambitions on your heart, but don't always take action on those dreams due to that old friend fear.

    Want to practice the art of feeling your fear and doing it anyways?!

    Get out your notebooks and favorite colorful pens, because in today's workshop-style episode, I'm guiding you through a mini process in partnering with your fear to show up bravely and creatively for your goals anyways.

    Show notes:

    Do it Scared: A Mini Course in Creative Courage is available to enroll in

    Don't be a stranger! Join our Creative Self-Love Club Instagram account to join a community of your fellow artists committed to showing up for themselves and their creativity with greater compassion and care.

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    16 min
  • How the Creative Self-Love Club Came to Be
    Jul 1 2023

    Gather around the campfire, creative friends, for an origin story of how this community came to be!

    We chat: creative projects choosing us, the process of my transition from teaching fulltime to creating fulltime; growth vs fixed mindset, and failing forward through making “trash art” (just like I'm doing with this podcast!) and more.

    Don't be a stranger! Everything is better with friends -- follow along on IG to introduce yourself and request future podcast episode topics!

    Show notes:

    • Take Back Your Body Project  ⁠https://ashleytrabue.com/take-back-your-body-project⁠
    • Simone Seol’s Coaching Community ⁠⁠https://www.simonegraceseol.com/come-home⁠⁠
    • Carol Dweck TED Talk on Growth Mindset: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiiEeMN7vbQ
    • Dr. Stephen Porges Neuroception and Polyvagal Theory  https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=ec3AUMDjtKQ&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MzY4NDIsMjM4NTE&feature=emb_title
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    22 min
  • Embodying vs Hustling For My Worth
    Jun 14 2023

    I know I can’t be the only one who has felt a tug to do/do/do Achieve/achieve/achieve? To prove to myself that I am good, enough, worthy.

    Nothing clogs the energy of my creative flow quite like coming at it from an energy of hustling for my worth.

    In today’s episode I share my journey of realizing my worth comes from my being alive (and not the things I do) and one practice I work with to help me embody that belief.

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    22 min