
  • Effective Evangalism.
    Feb 23 2023

          Effective Evangelism

                 The Way Jesus Did It

    Churches all over the earth have their outreach programs to win the lost for Jesus Christ. The problem with these programs is just that, they are programs designed by man and church traditions. 

    To effectively evangelize we need to follow the way Jesus and the disciples did it. When we read the gospels we see that Jesus only said and did what the Father told Him to say and do. 

    You will learn.

    • What is an evangelist? [1:34]
    • Disciples of Christ, not man. [2:23]
    • The Lord's instructions for evangelizing. [5:35]
    • The Lord confirms His word that's preached. [10:16]
    • The Rheama word. [12:03]
    • A testimony of following The Spirt vs the program. [24:04]
    • Only one man healed in the midst of a multitude. [28:28]
    • How to see what the Father is doing. [34:48]
    • Example of ministry on the street. [36:44]
    • Testimony of people doing this, a recent event. [38:24]
    •  The Lord's rebuke, a wake-up call. [44:44]



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    55 min
  • How to debunk false doctrines.
    Jul 24 2020
    Ep. 29 How To Debunk False Doctrines. Free Download.  https://bit.ly/DiscipleDisciplinesEp29 If you want to avoid false doctrines and have a clear understanding of what the Lord is teaching you through His Word, then you need to know and apply basic principles when reading the bible. In this episode, I will explain the 9 principles, and then apply them to a portion of scripture so we can see how they work together to give us a clarity of the Word of God, I have also made some resources available for you to help you to keep the principles and to strengthen your Bible reading.   ***The 9 Principles.***  (4:04)   1. Scripture interprets scripture.                                                           2. Who is doing the speaking? - Is it Jesus, the Jews, a Gentile, a king.   3. Who is the audience? - The jews or the church.   4. The chapters and verses. (5:00)                                                  Where these chapters and verses came from and the problems they have caused.   5. Read the scripture in context. (7:42)   6. Read other books of the bible. (9:13)                                            The whole picture. Example of Matthew Ch.17 and Mark Ch. 9    7. What is the subject under discussion?   8. The Culture. (14:04)  - Mans traditions. Example from Mark Ch. 7    9. The Holy Spirit. (15:24) -Guides you into all Truth - His Word is Truth.        Applying The Principles To Scripture. Matthew 5-7 (17:55)   Who is doing the speaking and who is the audience. (19:04)   What is the subject under discussion? (19:42)   Read scripture in context. (20:28) Letting scripture interpret scripture and reading other books of the bible.  (Reading from Chapter 7) What is the narrow gate and why is it difficult?  (24:43)   What is the will of the Father?  (32:03)   How can men who do not know the Lord cast out demons and prophecy? (35:04)   The Culture, Chapters and verses and the Holy Spirit. (42:47)   The 9 principles, use them and teach them to others. (44:33)   A great resource to stop the tendency to read a few verses or to stop at the end of a chapter. (45:38)   Link to Readers Bibles. No Chapters - No Verses. Link to Amplified Bibles. Amplify the Word. Link to Blue Letter Bible. https://www.blueletterbible.org/                                                                      Links to disciples of Christ, Free Teaching, Events and Support. If you would like to be trained in living a fruitful life with the Lord Jesus and being a true disciple of Christ, where you are healing the sick, casting out demons, preaching the gospel and making disciples. Then come along to a free kick-start seminar.  To find an event near you or to get in contact with other disciples who can help you. Then go to The World Map and click on a marker in your area.   If you would like to find out more about kick-starting, then go to Disciple Disciplines on YouTube to watch a presentation of the teaching in a kick-start seminar, Kick-Start Seminar   If you would like to give to the production of Disciple Disciplines Podcast, YouTube channel, Street ministry, Kickstart events, discipleship and home visits to the saints, Then you can do so at Disciple Disciplines   Thank you for your support on making disciples of Jesus Christ.  I look forward to ministering to you in the next episode.  Until then, Obey the Lord, love one another and make disciples. God Bless you all. Glenn.              
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    52 min
  • False doctrine #8 Baptism of fire.
    Jul 10 2020

    Ep. 28

    False Doctrine #8

    The Baptism of Fire.


    Have you or your church been praying for the "baptism of fire"? Matt 3:11 If you're born again and have been so for long while, then you properly have at some time. 

    The reason many are praying for this is that this baptism of fire has been taught that it is a baptism that enables us to live and walk in the supernatural power of God. 

    This is a false doctrine that is dis-enabling many who are hungry for a Christian life that resembles the early disciples of Jesus Christ. 

    So in this episode, as we go through the Word of God, we will see what Jesus and John the Baptist said about this fire and we will see that this baptism is not a baptism that we (His disciples) want. 

    Episode Content.

    • Recap of the previous episode. (0:49)


    • Baptism of fire - (The Advanced baptism). Where did this false doctrine come from? (3:19)


    • John the Baptist preaches repentance and fire. (5:00)


    • The Lord Jesus teaches about the fire. (7:26)  


    • The winnowing fan and threshing floor - What is it and what does Jesus have to do with this? (12:00)


    • We do not want the baptism of fire. Why? (14:10)


    • The Lord Jesus, Saviour and Judge                      Holy Spirit and fire (14:40)


    I have been getting some wonderful comments and testimonies from some of you. So I want to say a big THANK YOU for your commitment to your growth in the things of God and for sharing what you have learned and applied to your lives.   

    • Thank you, saints. - Great testimonies. (17:29)


    • The next episode. - Teaching you how you can decipher the Word of God, debunk false doctrines and how you can teach others to do the same. (18:55)

    ***Link to the previous episode.***

    Spirit within, Spirit upon.


    If you would like to be trained in living a fruitful life with the Lord Jesus and being a true disciple of Christ, where you are healing the sick, casting out demons, preaching the gospel and making disciples. Then come along to a free kick-start seminar. 

    To find an event near you or to get in contact with other disciples who can help you. Then go to The World Map and click on a marker in your area.

    If you would like to find out more about kick-starting, then go to Disciple Disciplines on YouTube to watch a presentation of the teaching in a kick-start seminar, Kick-Start Seminar

    If you would like to give to the production of Disciple Disciplines Podcast, YouTube channel, Street ministry, Kickstart events, discipleship and home visits to the saints, Then you can do so at Disciple Disciplines

    Thank you for your support on making disciples of Jesus Christ. 

    I look forward to ministering to you in the next episode. 

    Until then, Obey the Lord, love one another and make disciples.

    God Bless you all.



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    22 min
  • False Doctrine #7 Born again then baptised with the Holy Spirit.
    Jul 3 2020
    Ep. 27 False Doctrine #7 Get Born Again, Then Get Baptised With The Holy Spirit Ep 27. Free Download. Are you waiting for God to baptize you with the Holy Spirit?     Are you waiting for the anointing to come upon you so that you can minister for God? Are you still waiting to speak in tongues? If you have answered  "yes" to these questions, you are not alone. In fact the greater majority of people in the church answer yes to this question.                              The reason for this is because of a false doctrine that says you have to get born again but then you have to get baptised with the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues.  This false doctrine has come about by 2 verses from the bible. One from John chapter 20 and the other from Acts chapter 1.      In John 20:22 we read that Jesus breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit. From this one verse, people have assumed that the disciples were born again there. Then we read over in Acts 1:8 were the Lord said, you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come UPON you.                                                                      So from these 2 verses, the assumption is that you get born again by receiving the Holy Spirit, but then you have to have the Holy Spirit come upon you so that you can have the power of God to be a witness for Him.  But the truth is that those who are truly born of God (born again) have ALL of the Holy Spirit. We don't get a portion of Him now and a portion of Him later, once we are born again then we have all of the Holy Spirit just like the disciples did, just like Jesus did.  As we continue on our 'removing the religious glasses series' we will see that this false doctrine (like all false doctrines) has come about by taking verses out of context (one of the bible interpretation principles - read scripture in context).  As we read through the scriptures we see that the Lord said that the Helper (Holy Spirit) would not come until He had gone back to the Father. John 16:7 In chapter 20 the Lord had been raised from the dead but He had not gone to the Father yet. In fact, He remained with the disciples for another 40 days.  So the disciples did not get born again when the Lord breathed on them. Why? Because He had not yet gone to the Father. So when did they receive the Holy Spirit? Stay Tuned... In this episode, you will learn... A recap on the previous episode from our series. (0:49)   A false doctrine from 2 verses. (3:36)                    Recieve and come upon.           The words that mean the same thing. (6:41)   Receive the Holy Spirit - ALL of the Holy Spirit. Speak in tongues and magnify God. (11:34)   Jesus Christ in you.  (12:57)                                     The Spirit of Christ.   They did not get the Holy Spirit in John chapter 20.  Why? (16:21)   Why do some not speak in other tongues or walk in the power of God? (25:05)    Pay attention to the Word of God. (29:03)   False doctrine #8 The baptism of fire.  (30:26)          The next episode.  Links... The Previous episode. Husbands love your wife like Christ loves the church. (what does that mean).   Note... If you would like to be trained in living a fruitful life with the Lord Jesus and being a true disciple of Christ, where you are healing the sick, casting out demons, preaching the gospel and making disciples. Then come along to a free kick-start seminar.  To find an event near you or to get in contact with other disciples who can help you. Then go to The World Map and click on a marker in your area. If you would like to find out more about kick-starting, then go to Disciple Disciplines on YouTube to watch a presentation of the teaching in a kick-start seminar, Kick-Start Seminar If you would like to give to the production of Disciple Disciplines Podcast, YouTube channel, Street ministry, Kickstart events, discipleship and home visits to the saints, Then you can do so at Disciple Disciplines Thank you for your support on making disciples of Jesus Christ.  I look forward to ministering to you in the next episode.  Until then, Obey the Lord, love one another and make disciples. God Bless you all. Glenn.    
    Voir plus Voir moins
    34 min
  • False Doctrine #6. Husbands love your wives like Christ loves the church
    Jun 24 2020

    Ep. 26

    False Doctrine #6

    Husbands Love Your Wives

    Like Christ Loved The Church.

    What does that even mean?

    Are you married? Have you had counselling from a pastor or a church elder? If you have, then you have probably heard the advice that says husbands, love your wives like Christ loved the church.  Ephesians 5:25

    The problem we have here is that advice given from this one verse does not give us insight into what that actually means. How does Christ love the church - His body? Does it mean that we die for our wife? If we died, then what would be the benefit to the marriage or our children. 

    Today we have many Christian marriages that are compromised and therefore are not a fruitful, united in the Spirit marriage. A reason for this is because we have not been taught sound doctrine. 

    In this episode, as we continue on our removing the religious glasses series, I take you through the Word of God (reading the scripture in the context which explains itself and having other scriptures that confirms it) and show how a husband loves his wife. (Without compromising).


    The truth is revealed...

    • Introduction to this false doctrine. (2:46.4)


    • Head of the wife - What does that mean? (4:05)


    • Love your wife by giving her the Word of God.   This is how Christ loved His body- the church (6:24)


    • God speaks through the chain of authority. The Husband. (8:33)


    • You will be given the words to speak at that moment. (13:10)


    • The Power of the Word of God to cleanse, set apart, preserve, guide and heal. (16:04)


    • Love is the Truth. (His Word) (24:53)


    • What if your wife does not submit to the Truth?    A strong testimony of what the Lord did to my wife during a time of rebellion. (29:36)


    • God will always confirm His Word. (37:01)                Trust Him.


    • Introduction to the next episode. False Doctrine #7 (39:18)

    *** Links to the episodes mentioned.***

    * Previous episode. #25  I'm under attack.

    * A vision the Lord gave me just before my wife left. I       tell you what I saw in this episode.  Unity in Marriage.

    * My wife was brought to repentance. Here her testimony of The Fear of The Lord.  The Fear of The Lord. A wife's testimony of fear and trembling.


    If you would like to be trained in living a fruitful life with the Lord Jesus and being a true disciple of Christ, where you are healing the sick, casting out demons, preaching the gospel and making disciples. Then come along to a free kick-start seminar. 

    To find an event near you or to get in contact with other disciples who can help you. Then go to The World Map and click on a marker in your area.

    If you would like to find out more about kick-starting, then go to Disciple Disciplines on YouTube to watch a presentation of the teaching in a kick-start seminar, Kick-Start Seminar

    If you would like to give to the production of Disciple Disciplines Podcast, YouTube channel, Street ministry, Kickstart events, discipleship and home visits to the saints, Then you can do so at Disciple Disciplines

    Thank you for your support on making disciples of Jesus Christ. 

    I look forward to ministering to you in the next episode. 

    Until then, Obey the Lord, love one another and make disciples.

    God Bless you all.





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    42 min
  • False Doctrine #5. I'm Under Attack.
    Jun 17 2020
    Ep.25 False Doctrine #5 I'm under attack. Free Download. Episode 25. Have you ever gotten sick or heard a negative thought and said I'm under attack, Satins' attacking me? If you have, your not alone. But fortunately, this is not true. For too long many of our brothers and sisters in the Lord have blamed the devil for their misfortune. The truth is you and I are responsible for our health and our thought life.  This is great news because that means we can change it.  Just before the Lord Jesus was arrested, He said to His disciples that the ruler of this world is coming and he has nothing in Me. John 14:30   The apostle John in his letter said to the saints, I have written to you young men because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you. And you have overcome the wicked one.  1 John 2:14 Notice that it says that they overcome the wicked one because the word of God (The Truth) abides in them. This is how we live a victories life when we know the truth.    In this episode, we continue with our removing the religious glasses series, and debunk that false doctrine that says I'm under attack.  * In this episode, you learn what do the scriptures tell us about us and the kingdom of darkness.  * What is Christian suffering?  * What was the apostle Paul referring to when he said that Satan had hindered him? * What does it mean to resist the devil? * Where do the negative thoughts come from.? * What about sickness. Plus a whole lot more...   Introduction and why I hate this false doctrine. (3:23)   Delivered from the power of darkness. (5:43)   Delivered from this present evil age. (7:50)   Darkness flees from the light. A testimony from a community of witchcraft. (11:09)     Seated far above ALL rule, authority, power and name. (13:10)   Paul said Satin hindered me. What was he talking about? (19:19)   What about Ephesians chapter 6. The armour of God. What is that? (30:25)   What gives a foothold to the devil? (37:12)   Christian suffering. What is it?  (41:27)   You have overcome the wicked one. (44:07)   Where do wars and fights come from? (46:08)   Renew your mind to the Truth. (48:06)   Negative thoughts, where do they come from and how to change them? (49:54)   The importance of staying in peace. How to do that. (55:40)   What about sickness. Where does it come from? (57:27)   Take responsibility. A testimony of 2 brothers who did not. (59:27)   What's coming up in the next episode. (1:10:57)   Links to previous episodes that I mentioned... Ep. 24  Where 2 or 3 are gathered. Ep. 10  How to renew the mind. Note... If you would like to be trained in living a fruitful life with the Lord Jesus and being a true disciple of Christ, where you are healing the sick, casting out demons, preaching the gospel and making disciples. Then come along to a free kick-start seminar.  To find an event near you or to get in contact with other disciples who can help you. Then go to The World Map and click on a marker in your area. If you would like to find out more about kick-starting, then go to Disciple Disciplines on YouTube to watch a presentation of the teaching in a kick-start seminar, Kick-Start Seminar If you would like to give to the production of Disciple Disciplines Podcast, YouTube channel, Street ministry, Kickstart events, discipleship and home visits to the saints, Then you can do so at Disciple Disciplines Thank you for your support on making disciples of Jesus Christ.  I look forward to ministering to you in the next episode.  Until then, Obey the Lord, love one another and make disciples. God Bless you all. Glenn.  
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    1 h et 14 min
  • False Doctrine #4. Where 2 or 3 are gathered.
    Jun 2 2020

    Ep. 24

    Where 2 or 3 are gathered...

    False Doctrine #4

    Where 2 or 3 are gathered in My name, I am there in the midst of them. Matt 18:20 

    This one verse has been preached and falsely taught that this is regarding prayer. But if we just read scripture in context, we would see that the Lord is not saying anything about prayer.

    When it comes to prayer, we read through scripture that many of Gods people prayed (and had their prayers answered) when they were alone. Elijah prayed to bring down fire from heaven when he was in the midst of pagans. Jesus went up to the mountain in solitude and prayed. Plus many other examples in the bible.

    So in this episode, I again take you through the scriptures (both old and new testaments) to see what the Lord is talking about in this passage of scripture.

    You may be quite surprised.

    This false doctrine like all false doctrines is really misleading the saints, for many are compromising (maybe you too) on the commands of God because they are not aware of what the Lord is teaching in this verse.

    What you can learn from this episode.

    •  Introduction to this false doctrine read from Matthew 18 (2:09)


    • What is the Lord teaching us?  (3:35)

            It is not about prayer.

    • Whatever you bind is bound, whatever you loose is loosed. (6:53)

          Nothing to do with demons or Satan.


    •  Apostle Paul quotes the same scripture to Timothy. (11:10)


    • How you can grow and teach the truth to the ones you love. (13:18)


    •  What is coming up next episode. (16:38)


    FREE Downloads. 

    The previous episode of this series. 


    Bible Interpretation.


    If you would like to be trained in living a fruitful life with the Lord Jesus and being a true disciple of Christ, where you are healing the sick, casting out demons, preaching the gospel and making disciples. Then come along to a free kick-start seminar. 

    To find an event near you or to get in contact with other disciples who can help you. Then go to The World Map and click on a marker in your area.

    If you would like to find out more about kick-starting, then go to Disciple Disciplines on YouTube to watch a presentation of the teaching in a kick-start seminar, Kick-Start Seminar

    If you would like to give to the production of Disciple Disciplines Podcast, YouTube channel, Street ministry, Kickstart events, discipleship and home visits to the saints, Then you can do so at Disciple Disciplines

    Thank you for your support on making disciples of Jesus Christ. 

    I look forward to ministering to you in the next episode. 

    Until then, Obey the Lord, love one another and make disciples.

    God Bless you all.


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    19 min
  • False Doctrine #3. 70 - 80 yrs of Life.
    May 26 2020

    Ep. 23

    70 - 80 yrs of Life.

    False Doctrine #3

    Continuing on with our removing the religious glasses series, I teach on what does the scripture from Psalm 90 verse 10 mean? 

    Unfortunately many have believed that this was saying that man has only 70 or 80 years to live. That is a false doctrine. If that was the truth, then why are so many living well beyond 80 and why are many dying before the age of 70? Obviously that scripture is not talking about our life span. So what is it talking about?

    In this episode, I take you through the scriptures and let the Word of God explain itself, simply by just reading it.

    What you will learn in this episode. 

    • A very depressing verse. (3:00)

           The bible does not contradict!


    • What does this scripture mean? (7:18)

            The importance of reading scripture in context!


    • One generation that died in the wilderness. (11:16)

            The book of Numbers Ch. 13 - 14


    • You can easily interpret the bible. (19:21)


    • Long vibrant life to those who love God. (24:19)

    Plus a lot more...


    FREE Downloads. 

    The previous episode of this series. 


    Bible Interpretation.


    If you would like to be trained in living a fruitful life with the Lord Jesus and being a true disciple of Christ, where you are healing the sick, casting out demons, preaching the gospel and making disciples. Then come along to a free kick-start seminar. 

    To find an event near you or to get in contact with other disciples who can help you. Then go to The World Map and click on a marker in your area.

    If you would like to find out more about kick-starting, then go to Disciple Disciplines on YouTube to watch a presentation of the teaching in a kick-start seminar, Kick-Start Seminar

    If you would like to give to the production of Disciple Disciplines Podcast, YouTube channel, Street ministry, Kickstart events, discipleship and home visits to the saints, Then you can do so at Disciple Disciplines

    Thank you for your support on making disciples of Jesus Christ. 

    I look forward to ministering to you in the next episode. 

    Until then, Obey the Lord, love one another and make disciples.

    God Bless you all.


    Voir plus Voir moins
    29 min