
  • Your Greatest Superpower | Dr. Asha Prasad
    Mar 27 2025

    We all want to have superpowers. But what if I told you, you already have one of the greatest superpowers within you? Let's talk about how to tap into your super power.


    Do you want to change your mindset and have a positive outlook on life? Are you looking forward to being the change you wish to see in the world? Subscribe and start your life-changing journey ➡️ ➡️ SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/DRAshaPrasad

    Visit my website: https://drashaprasad.com

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    6 min
  • The Road Map to Who You Truly Are | Dr. Asha Prasad
    Mar 25 2025

    Have you ever asked yourself, Who Am I? The core of finding out who we are is about taking the time for self-reflection. Discovering who you are helps you be the best version of yourself.


    Do you want to change your mindset and have a positive outlook on life? Are you looking forward to being the change you wish to see in the world? Subscribe and start your life-changing journey ➡️ ➡️ SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/DRAshaPrasad

    Visit my website: https://drashaprasad.com

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    7 min
  • Embrace Stillness | Dr. Asha Prasad
    Mar 23 2025

    Do you ever just do nothing? There is something so powerful sitting in the stillness. We live in such a busy world, sometimes it can be hard to slow down and embrace the quietness. Let's talk about some easy ways to practice the art of stillness in your life.


    Do you want to change your mindset and have a positive outlook on life? Are you looking forward to being the change you wish to see in the world? Subscribe and start your life-changing journey ➡️ ➡️ SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/DRAshaPrasad

    Visit my website: https://drashaprasad.com

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    7 min
  • Your True Potenial May Not Be What You Think It Is | Dr. Asha Prasad
    Mar 21 2025

    Are you living up to your true potential? What does it even mean to you? Living up to your true potential gives you the courage and the resilience to keep going. There are 3 powerful mindset shifts I want to share with you to help you live up to your truest potential


    Do you want to change your mindset and have a positive outlook on life? Are you looking forward to being the change you wish to see in the world? Subscribe and start your life-changing journey ➡️ ➡️ SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/DRAshaPrasad

    Visit my website: https://drashaprasad.com

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    9 min
  • The Missing Piece to a Purposeful Life | Dr. Asha Prasad
    Mar 19 2025

    Are you living your life for yourself? And I don't mean that you are only taking care of yourself or becoming self-centered. If you feel drained or exhausted by all that you are doing, it might be that you are out of alignment. Alignment is about flowing in life with what you want to experience. Let's dive in to see how you can assess your alignment and fix it today.


    Do you want to change your mindset and have a positive outlook on life? Are you looking forward to being the change you wish to see in the world? Subscribe and start your life-changing journey ➡️ ➡️ SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/DRAshaPrasad

    Visit my website: https://drashaprasad.com

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    9 min
  • Are You Truly Living? Redefining Lifestyle in the Digital Age | Dr. Asha Prasad
    Mar 17 2025

    Are you truly living the life that you want to live? This may be a question you have never heard before. The pressures of our ever growing digital world, can sometimes having us feel like we are not good enough or that we need to do more. Let's take a moment to evaluate our lifestyle and see where we can make different choices that actually align with what we want rather than what others may expect.


    Do you want to change your mindset and have a positive outlook on life? Are you looking forward to being the change you wish to see in the world? Subscribe and start your life-changing journey ➡️ ➡️ SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/DRAshaPrasad

    Visit my website: https://drashaprasad.com

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    10 min
  • The Power of Listening | Dr. Asha Prasad
    Mar 15 2025

    Do you really listen? Not just when speaking to others, I mean listening to yourself. Your thoughts, emotions and intuition? Cultivating the skill to listening to yourself is one of the most powerful tools you can invest your time in learning to help you in all aspects of your life.


    Do you want to change your mindset and have a positive outlook on life? Are you looking forward to being the change you wish to see in the world? Subscribe and start your life-changing journey ➡️ ➡️ SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/DRAshaPrasad

    Visit my website: https://drashaprasad.com

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    7 min
  • How to Build a Resilient Mindset | Dr. Asha Prasad
    Mar 13 2025

    Life doesn’t always go as planned, but your strength isn’t in avoiding struggles—it’s in how you rise from them. Let's break down the resilience formula and shares three powerful ways to reframe challenges, embrace discomfort, and stay rooted in purpose. Ready to turn setbacks into comebacks? Tune in now and start building the unshakable mindset you deserve!


    Do you want to change your mindset and have a positive outlook on life? Are you looking forward to being the change you wish to see in the world? Subscribe and start your life-changing journey ➡️ ➡️ SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/DRAshaPrasad

    Visit my website: https://drashaprasad.com

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    7 min