
  • Always Caught - #9932
    Feb 4 2025

    This could surely come under the heading of "You know it's going to be a bad day when..." Yeah, my wife and I were stopped at a stop light during the rush hour one morning. We were on a local street that intersects the busiest highway in the area in that town. There were two lanes. We were in the left one - the left turn lane. The light turned green, I started turning left. Well, I noticed another car next to me on my right turning from the right lane. Well that's not allowed. You're not supposed to do that; it's illegal, and it's very dangerous at this intersection. Well, suddenly, I guess this guy saw in his rearview mirror - this blinking light behind him. He had just made that illegal turn right in front of a police officer. Needless to say, he was pulled over on the shoulder before he even cleared the intersection. I mean he's not even out of the neighborhood yet and he's been caught.

    I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "Always Caught."

    Now the Bible has some unsettling news in Numbers 32:23. It says, "Be sure your sin will find you out." See, if God knows, you're already caught. And God hasn't missed a moment. His video camera rolls 24 hours a day; it's inescapable. His recorder catches every word you speak. Our neighbor at the light thought if the law doesn't see me, this is fine. Boom! Caught!

    In fact, when it comes to people catching us, we often do get away with sin. Your parents may never find out, your mate may never know, your boss may never catch you, your friends may never find out, your pastor, your congregation. It sets you up for the myth that you're actually getting away with it. Nobody ever gets away with sin. The bill may be delayed, but the bill always comes. Whatever a man sows, that he will reap.

    Adam and Eve's death sentence came later, but it came. Postponed judgment never means judgment has been canceled. Now, our word for today from the Word of God: 1 Timothy 5:24 - "The sins of some men are obvious; reaching the place of judgment ahead of them. The sins of others trail behind them." Now, one way or the other we get caught; sometimes earlier, sometimes later. Which is better? Well, the longer it takes for the bill to come, the more the interest accumulates.

    That might be the reason God's asking me to talk about this today. Because He's telling you, through this, to face that sin before it faces you with much greater consequences than if you choose to deal with it right now. Today, this is the least expensive day you will ever have to face that sin. The bill continues to increase. Maybe it's a sin that you've committed. Maybe it's lying, or immorality, cheating, stealing or even backbiting or it's lust. It could be rebellion. It could be messing with the occult or verbal or physical abuse of someone.

    And then again, it may be a sin of omission: you're neglecting your mate or your children, or a commitment you've made, or time with your Lord. But every day the sin calculator is running, the consequences are growing, and the gap between you and God is increasing. You're driving with your eyes on the rearview mirror wondering if you're going to get caught. Wouldn't you like to be free; wouldn't you like to be forgiven?

    It's far better to freely come to God with that sin than to have God come to you with it. And he took all of that sin on that first Good Friday and put it on His son so Jesus could pay for it so that when Jesus said "Father forgive them," He was talking about you. This can be erased from God's book forever. The Bible says, "Repent and turn to God, and your sins will be wiped away and the times of refreshing will come from the Lord." This is your day to finally be clean inside, to get the spiritual shower only the man who died for you could give you. If you want that, I encourage you to check out our website the soonest you can get to it today. And let me show you there, how to be forgiven and how to begin your relationship with Jesus. Go to ANewStory.com. That's what it could be for you - a new story. You started out this day dirty inside, you can be by the end of it, clean inside as you have never been before.

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  • Whose Smile You're Working For - #9931
    Feb 3 2025

    It was a hot summer day when my oldest son and I were out working in the yard. I was doing the mowing; he was doing some clipping around the rocks; working just a little bit behind me where I had just mown. And I noticed that he was working pretty hard, and I glanced at him. I was pretty pleased with how he was doing, and I just kind of gave him a quick smile and went back to work.

    About ten minutes later he walked up to me and I could see his lips moving, but I could not understand what he was saying because of the lawn mower was so loud. So, I turned the mower down and I said, "What did you say, son?" And he said, "Dad, would you do that again?" And I said, "Do what again?" He said, "Would you give me another smile like you did a few minutes ago?" And then this is what I'll never forget. He said, "Dad, you know, it's your smile that keeps me going." Talk about a melted Dad! "It's your smile that keeps me going." He had decided that a father's approval was worth working for.

    I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "Whose Smile You're Working For."

    In our word for today from the Word of God the Apostle Paul tells us whose smile he was working for. Galatians 1:10 - Paul says, "Am I now trying to win the approval of men or of God?" By the way, that's a good question to ask looking in the mirror today. "Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ." Wow! Paul said in essence, "I've decided who my audience is. I've decided whose applause I'm interested in. I've decided whose smile I want." And frankly he's saying, "It just doesn't matter to me what men think of what I've done, but I want to know that my Lord Jesus is smiling when the day is over and saying, 'Good day. Good job, faithful servant.'"

    Now, when you work, and sweat, and minister, and sacrifice; when you do all those things that you do for your family, who are you doing it for? Even the simple things of household chores, homework, tasks you have to accomplish at work. Who are you doing it for? The answer to that question makes all the difference in the fulfillment factor and the meaning of what you're doing.

    Years ago, author Keith Miller told in one of his books about getting close to the Oklahoma college football team at a time when they had the longest winning streak in college history. For years they had not been defeated. And he went to a practice at the invitation of the soon tp become immortal Coach Bud Wilkinson, and he said after a couple of days there that he found out what their secret was. They lived for Monday. Yeah, that's when they watched the movies of the game with Coach Wilkinson, because as it turned out it really didn't matter to them what the sports writers said. And even though there were say 50,000 people in the stadium, it really didn't matter ultimately whether they cheered or jeered. And it didn't really matter even what the rest of the team said. They waited for one thing. They waited for the coach's verdict on how they had played that day. And Keith Miller said, "The secret of that football team's winning was that they played only for the coach." How about you and me?

    Are you playing for the stands, you playing for the other people on the team, playing for the writers, the publicity? I'll tell you this: ultimately every other audience will prove disappointing and unappreciative. You do it for your family, sometimes they'll disappoint you. For your church, for some Christian leader, for your employer, for your teachers? Count on it, sometime they're going to let you down.

    But the Bible says, "We serve the Lord Christ." And the thrill of that is taking today's activity and saying, "Lord Christ, I'm doing it all for You."

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  • Putting On Your Glasses, Getting On Your Knees - #9930
    Jan 31 2025

    OK, so I fought it for a while, and I lived in denial for a while. I finally broke down and got glasses - mostly for reading. I had been the 20/20 kid my whole life. I just couldn't face the fact that the world was getting blurrier and blurrier. I just thought my arms were getting shorter. Suddenly I couldn't hold my reading material far enough from my eyes to make things stop blurring. So, hello, glasses! And what a difference! All those little words that were "fuzzing" out on me suddenly look big and clear, including what I'm looking at right now! It's amazing how clear things start to look when you're seeing them through corrective glasses!

    I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "Putting On Your Glasses, Getting On Your Knees."

    Our word for today from the Word of God comes from Nehemiah 1. Actually, I thought this said Jeremiah before I put my glasses on. Great prayer here that God was so impressed with that He put it in the Bible. And it's a real-life model of what the ultimate purpose of prayer is. Obviously, our purpose is to get whatever we're praying about. But God's purpose is to give us His glasses.

    Nehemiah has a heavy burden on his heart. It's the news that God's people and God's city are a mess, and it drives him to his knees for weeks of praying about it. I don't know what's weighing heavily on your heart right now, but I hope it's driven you to your knees. Maybe like Nehemiah, you feel powerless to solve this one. Then you'll be interested in how he ends up praying after initially focusing on the situation. Praying about the situation changes how he looks at almost everything. After heavy duty praying, he's seeing things much more clearly through God's glasses. And that's what the ultimate purpose of praying is; not getting an answer, but getting God's perspective - which often leads to the answer.

    First, he's realized again who God is. He says, "O Lord, God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love." Notice, he's not talking about the great and awesome problem, but the great and awesome God. He's spent enough time with God on this that his vision is clear. He's not overwhelmed by the situation anymore; he's overwhelmed by God - a God who is totally in charge...a God who always keeps His promises.

    Then, he clearly sees who he is. Three times in this prayer he refers to himself as "Your servant." Now Nehemiah works for the most powerful man in the world - the King of Persia. But as he spends time in prayer, he remembers that he reports to the King of the universe. As you pray, you should see yourself more clearly - not as the victim or the problem-solver in the situation. You're just God's servant, playing whatever position He asks you to play in this situation; living, like a servant, with no agenda but your Master's agenda for each new day.

    Faithful praying over a situation will give you a clear vision of who those folks around you are, too. "They are your servants and your people whom you redeemed." Nehemiah prayed. The believers around you are not your competitors or your problems. They're God's people purchased with the blood of God's Son. You'll treat them differently if you get God's glasses and remember who they are. That happens while you pray.

    Prayer glasses will also show you what the real issue is. In the situation that burdened Nehemiah, he reached this conclusion: "I confess the sins we Israelites, including myself, have committed against you." As he prayed, God gave him the insight to see beyond the initial situation he was praying about to the sin that was causing the situation. Finally, he prays that God will, "give your servant success today by granting him favor in the presence of this man." This man was the king he worked for! But praying showed Nehemiah what his next step needed to be.

    It's that burden on your heart that gets you to praying. But if you'll persist before God, you'll notice your vision starting to clear up. The Divine Ophthalmologist will be giving you glasses to see Him, and yourself, and the people around you, and the real issues, and your next step as you've never seen them before. When you go to your knees, you get God's glasses. And suddenly, things look so much clearer!

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  • When You've Been Hurt By Love - #9929
    Jan 30 2025

    Governors' desks were vacant. Senators' offices were empty. They might as well have just put a sign on the door - "Gone to Iowa." Yep! It was the election season of 2016. We've been through another one recently but I'm thinking about that one. It had been the time when everyone goes to New Hampshire and South Carolina and on and on in the wild and crazy year when so many people were wanting to be president.

    For a long time, the Iowa caucuses saturated cable news because that's where it all started. It was over and I was still trying to understand how it worked. But there's no doubt that the road to the White House started in the cornfields and ethanol wells of Iowa.

    Every four years, cash becomes Iowa's bumper crop. Restaurants, motels, TV and radio stations, stores - they open their arms to the invading political army for months. And then, in a single day, boom! They're all gone; Iowa in the rear view mirror. Next primary states, here we come!

    I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "When You've Been Hurt By Love."

    One Iowa store had some pretty funny caucus shirts back then. One said, "Is there a bale of hay I can interview you in front of?" Another one captured the cynicism of a state that knew the Iowa-fest was over when people voted, "Don't forget to wave next time you fly over."

    "We love you, Iowa, and then we leave you" after they've served their political purpose, of course. That kind of "love ya as long as you can do something for me" is one thing when it comes to a state. But it's a broken heart when it's a person dumped by someone who said they loved them.

    The "'til death do us part" that changed to "I just don't love you anymore." The company you gave the best years of your life to that says one day, "We don't need you anymore." The people who cheered for you once are nowhere to be found now. The lover whose l-o-v-e seems now more like u-s-e-d. When "love ya!" turns to "see ya!" it hurts. It really hurts.

    I've spent a lot of my life sharing with people the good news about love that changed my life and millions of others. Because I'm profoundly grateful that there's a love that will never betray me, never abandon me, never die on me.

    It's obviously got to be bigger than any human love. But it's a love even little kids can understand. I know. Because I sang about it a lot when I was a kid - like millions of kids still do. "Jesus loves me, this I know. For the Bible tells me so."

    Yes, it does. The Bible says in Romans 8:39, our word for today from the Word of God, "Nothing can ever separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord" - nothing on earth, nothing in heaven, nothing in hell, nothing in death. Jesus guaranteed this in Hebrews 13:5, I will never leave you or forsake you." And He said, "I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:20).

    The more love has hurt you, the harder it is to believe that. Before that "nothing can separate us," God says, "He did not spare even His own Son for us." That's when Jesus hung on a cross, to pay the death penalty for our hijacking the running of our life. For taking it out of God's hands to run it with our own.

    Today it is possible for you to embrace the love that will never let you go. You've lived this long without the love of Jesus. Don't live another day without Him if you want to begin a relationship with Him. He went to a cross to have this relationship. He walked out of His grave to prove to you He can deliver love that will last forever. Right now you could say, "Jesus, I'm yours." Tell Him that today, put all your hopes on Him.

    And then would you go to our website please? I've set it up in such a way that it has information there that is easy to grasp that will help you make sure you really do belong to Him. Check out ANewStory.com.

    If Jesus was ever going to turn His back on you, it would have been when He was going through your hell on that cross. But He didn't. He went the distance for you. He will never break your heart. His was broken for you. Jesus loves you. This I know.

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  • Human Jumper Cables - #9928
    Jan 29 2025

    One little light. That's all it took to render our car totally unusable. The little light in the rear of our vehicle was left on one night after we unloaded some things, and it stayed on for several days while we were gone. When we got back, everything in that car said, "I'm not starting, pal!" because that one little light totally drained our battery. But then came the hero! Yes, up came our friend in his pickup truck with his trusty jumper cables. And those cables delivered the energy that my flat old battery needed to run again!

    I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "Human Jumper Cables."

    What does it take to get a drained and tired battery going again? A jolt from jumper cables that infuses the energy needed to revive it. And what does it take to get a drained and tired person going again? Human jumper cables that deliver new energy to revive them.

    I'm guessing that you know someone right now who is pretty depleted - emotionally, mentally, maybe spiritually or physically. When they turn the key, not much is happening because their battles, their responsibilities have left them unable to get going again. That's why God has given us each other. To be jumper cables for each other when we sense that someone we know is pretty run down. If you've got your eyes open for them, you'll see someone in need of an emotional and spiritual "jump" most every day of your life.

    There's a wonderful example of this. It's in 2 Timothy 1:16-17, our word for today from the Word of God. This is the last letter Paul ever wrote. He's away from most of his friends, he's locked up in Caesar's prison in Rome, and he knows he may never leave there alive. And in fact, he won't. Then along comes an unsung hero called Onesiphorus, and he is God's jumper cables to help the great apostle find the energy to go on.

    Listen to Paul's testimony and think about how you could be this for someone you know: "May the Lord show mercy to the household of Onesiphorus, because he often refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chains...When he was in Rome, he searched hard for me until he found me."

    Okay, when you're one of God's jump starters, you wake up in the morning and you say, "Lord, show me who needs me today." Then you look for, even go out of your way if necessary, to call that person who needs encouragement, or to write them, or email them, or visit with them, text them, facebook them, just stop and take time with them.

    It's almost always a sacrifice to do that because of all the things you've got to do. But you may have nothing more important to do than this extension of Jesus' love to someone who's really depleted right now. Your joy can jump start theirs. Your praying in faith can jump start theirs. Your affirmation of their value and their significance can jump start them believing it again themselves. Your belief in them can re-energize their courage to get back in the ring for another round. Your reminder of who they really are to God and to you may be just the spiritual jolt they need to get going again.

    You could say, "Well, I need someone to jump start me!" You're thinking a lot lately about your burdens, your problems, and your feelings. You know the greatest way to get out of your pit is to reach out and help someone else get out of theirs. Proverbs 11:25 - "He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."

    You have what someone needs today to get started again. You know that? Don't just cruise on by, oblivious to the needs in front of you. "Lord, show me who needs me today." That's the prayer that will make you the conduit to deliver the very resources of God to someone who really can't go on without them. You are God's jumper cables!

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  • Ready Or Not, Here He Comes - #9927
    Jan 28 2025

    The love of Mary Ann's life, Tom, was coming for a visit. He lived in another state, so those visits were really special. He was due to arrive Friday night or Saturday sometime, and Mary Ann's room had been declared a federal disaster area. Finally, on Thursday afternoon, she decided she'd better get busy trying to recover her room. It was really in an embarrassing condition.

    Mary Ann's room was at that point on Friday morning when the phone rang. It was Tom. He was calling to say he loved her and that he was looking forward to seeing her soon. That was all the incentive she needed to finish the job. Unfortunately, she did not get that opportunity. Tom had called from downstairs. He had arrived earlier than Mary Ann expected. So in he walked and there she stood, dressed in her "grubbies," hair matted on her forehead, surrounded by an indescribable mess!

    I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "Ready Or Not, Here He Comes."

    Poor girl! I mean, he came at a time when she did not expect him, and she was not ready. Not being ready might be okay when it's a boyfriend who's arriving unexpectedly. It's not okay when it's God who's arriving unexpectedly, which seems to be His modus operandi.

    That's why Jesus provided this inside information for us in our word for today from the Word of God in Matthew 24, beginning with verse 39, where He tells us what His coming will be like. "Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left. Therefore, keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come...Be ready because the Son of God will come at an hour when you do not expect Him."

    Jesus was speaking specifically here of that day when He will return to this earth to write the final chapter of human history - the Second Coming of Christ. And while He made clear that no one will be able to predict the exact time He will come, He did give us signs that would be evident in the world when heaven's two-minute warning has been sounded.

    And many Bible scholars believe that the world has never looked more like the kind of world Jesus said He would return to than it does today. People seem to be able to sense that. Look at how they made years ago the "Left Behind" series that became huge bestsellers because it was about a scenario for what the Bible calls the "last days." One major network aired a major mini-series entitled "Revelations" - imagining that world that Jesus will return to. You hear on the news more and more of the words like "apocalyptic" and biblical proportions.

    But whether or not Jesus comes back physically in our time, He is most certainly going to come for you in this generation. And when He does, will you be ready? The Bible describes us as being in a mess - the mess of a life where we've sinned against God, we've ignored God, we've marginalized God, we've rejected God's rule of our life.

    But that same Bible says, "God demonstrates His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). You and I did the sinning; Jesus did the dying so He could forgive those sins that otherwise would condemn you forever. You're not ready to meet Him until your sins have been erased from God's book. And that can only happen when you make the Savior your Savior, by turning over the life that He gave you to the One who gave His life for you. This could be your day to "get ready" if you'll tell Jesus, "I'm Yours."

    In fact, right now where you are, why would you hesitate when there's so much at stake? This is the only guaranteed day you have? Tell Him, "Jesus, I'm done running my own life. You died for my sin, You're alive today, and I am Yours."

    There's all the information you need to anchor a relationship with Jesus Christ at our website. Please check it out today, it's ANewStory.com.

    He'll be coming for you, one way or another, and then it's too late to get ready. The time to do that is now. Opening your heart to Jesus means you are ready for eternity, whenever it comes.

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  • God's Music Through You - #9926
    Jan 27 2025

    We raised a son who loves sports, but he also had an ability in music. How do you put those two together? A lot of times those two interests don't go together. Well, it was fourth grade when we thought it was time to introduce our son to a musical instrument. And when we talked a little bit about what instrument he'd be interested in, he said, "Well, maybe the saxophone."

    We really didn't have a saxophone or the money to buy one, but a friend called us and said that he knew we were interested in getting a saxophone for our son. He'd found a classy, reconditioned instrument that was all shined up and looked great and was willing to make it available to us. Now, I really wasn't too sure how my son and the saxophone would get along at their first meeting, until our friend handed it to him for a first try. I've got to tell you, I was expecting squawks and squeaks.

    But instead, out came a couple of notes loud and strong as if he'd been playing it for a while. It was great! He played it loud and strong for many years! I looked at that saxophone one day; I saw myself.

    I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "God's Music Through You."

    Well, our word for today from the Word of God comes from 2 Timothy 4:17. Paul's talking about how God has played His music through him. "But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it." Now, this is Paul's reflection on his life's work as he's nearing the end of his life. And I was struck by these two words "through me." The Lord through me is seeing that the message is fully proclaimed.

    Notice he doesn't say it's being proclaimed by me. He said, "Everything that's happening in my ministry comes through me. All those churches that have been established, all those people that have come to Christ, all those letters that are going to become part of the New Testament; ultimately, all those sermons preached. I'm just an instrument."

    Which brings me back to my son's saxophone. It never did produce any music by itself. It would really just kind of lay there like a piece of shiny plumbing...only an instrument. But it could play jazz, or pop, or gospel, or patriotic. But that sax didn't decide what it would play; it was only an instrument. And the music was not by the sax, it came through the sax. Without the master playing it... (By the way, my son would love that...the master.) Without the master playing it, it's shining but it's useless, because it's only an instrument.

    But then, so are you, and so am I. God has designed you for some special purposes. And if you try to play yourself, you'll be useless. When you realize that you're only an instrument, good things start to happen. First, you relax and you realize you can make a difference because it isn't up to you. You let the master musician pick you up and use you, and play melodies through you that you could never manufacture yourself.

    Secondly, you stop telling the master what tune you should be playing. You let Him pick the tune. And thirdly, you give the credit where credit belongs. Anything that happens as a result of my life is not by me, it's through me. That means you can be surprised daily by what He's going to play through you, and you can wake up expectant daily, that He's going to use you.

    You're only an instrument, but you don't belong in the case. No, the Master Musician wants to play through your life.

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  • You're Free - #9925
    Jan 24 2025

    For three months, Dayna Curry and Heather Mercer were prisoners of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, accused along with other aid workers of trying to convert Afghans to Christianity. In October of 2001 their prison cells were suddenly shaken by the thunder of U.S. bombs falling on the city of Kabul. Weeks later, after a cold, sleepless night in a steel shipping container, the girls and their colleagues found themselves in a new prison south of Kabul, with rockets crashing down on the contested town they were in. Suddenly, there were men banging on their prison doors. They thought their Taliban captors were returning, and now their fate was clearly uncertain as the situation around them dissolved into total chaos. Then, to their surprise, an anti-Taliban soldier came in with reams of ammunition around his neck. He was just shouting two wonderful words, "You're free! You're free!"

    I'm Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about "You're Free!"

    What a feeling to be imprisoned, to be in great danger, and then to have a liberator suddenly come crashing into your chaos shouting, "You're free!" Well, that's an experience shared by many who have met the ultimate Liberator.

    His rescue of folks like you and me is described in the Bible in John 8, beginning with verse 34. It's our word for today from the Word of God. "Jesus replied, 'I tell you the truth, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.'" When Jesus talks about "sin," He's talking about something a lot deeper than breaking some religion's rules. He's referring to the fact that we've all decided to run our own lives instead of letting God run them - which has led us to a lot of selfish choices, a lot of hurtful actions, and a lot of accumulated garbage in our lives. There's not one of us who doesn't know the weight of the guilt of our mistakes; the bondage to our dark side that has made it impossible for us to shake some of the junk that we really don't want in our lives.

    But Jesus moves from talking about our slavery to our dark side to the promise of something better - freedom! In fact, He goes on to say, "If the Son (that's Him - the Son of God) sets you free, you will be free indeed." Now, Jesus Christ is offering to you and me the promise of being liberated forever from the guilt, the shame, and the slavery of this sin-prison we're in - something no religion could ever do for you.

    He wants to remove your guilt with total forgiveness for every wrong thing you have ever done - a total new beginning. He wants to remove the shame and replace it with a new sense of cleanness and worth. He wants to give you the spiritual power to stop doing the things you've never been able to shake.

    But for Jesus to be able to rescue you from the prison of your sin, He had to give His life. He went to the cross to pay for and remove your death penalty for every wrong thing you have ever done. There is a death penalty. Sin is a capital crime against the God of the universe. And only paying the death penalty can set us free. And Jesus said, "I'll take it instead of you."

    So He stands ready to make this day your Liberation Day if you'll tell Him you're opening your life to Him...that you're going to depend totally on Him to be your personal Rescuer from your personal sin. If you've never done that, you can swing open the door to Him right now. You can tell Him right where you are, "Jesus, I turn from the running of my own life. I believe when You died on the cross You did it for every sin I've ever committed. I believe you're alive, and I am now pinning all my hopes on You. I am yours."

    Go to our website, I think it will help you get this settled. Just check out ANewStory.com.

    You know what this day could be for you? This could be the day that Jesus, the great Liberator, comes into your life and makes this awesome announcement, "You're free! You're free!"

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