• The Divine Call to Pastors (Ep108)
    Jan 1 2025

    How do pastors become pastors? How does God make pastors, and how do they know that’s what God wants them to be? And how do they know what church they should be at. In this episode Chuck and Aaron answer these questions and also talk about Aaron’s call to be a pastor.

    Pastors are called by God to preach and teach the Gospel to the Christian church. In this sense the call is unique to this particular ministry. But in another sense the call to be a pastor is no different than the call to be a mother, or lawyer, or church musician. God gives each of his people gifts to use in loving him and loving each other, and these specific gifts will make clear what call each person has received from God. And for pastors, the question of which church they should serve at is also connected with the gifts God has given them. Which church can best use his gifts and cover his weaknesses?

    Aaron is making the transition to pastoring a new church, so Chuck and Aaron discuss how Aaron and his family made the decision to leave St James and move to his new church.

    And in related news, Chuck and Aaron also discuss the ongoing mission of Craving Answers Craving God, and how the podcast will continue producing episodes in spite of Aaron’s move.

    Hosts: Aaron Mueller and Chuck Rathert

    Subscribe to the show at https://cacg.saintjamesglencarbon.org.

    To comment on this episode, visit https://saintjamesglencarbon.org/cacg-ep108.

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    36 mins
  • The True Meaning of Christmas (Ep107)
    Dec 18 2024

    It’s not at all controversial to note that Christmas, as a cultural phenomenon in the United States, does not always resemble the Christian festival celebrating Jesus’ birth. Commercial interests have exploited the season for profit, and it seems like all of us have agreed to make the month of December the most hectic and least peaceful season of all.

    On the one hand, this misplaced emphasis on capitalist greed and frantic busy-ness at least holds Christmas up as important, and as long as Christmas is at the forefront of the cultural consciousness there is a chance its main message - that God has become human to recur his human creatures and creation - might break through the barriers.

    But its worthwhile for Christians to push back against the noise and pace of “American” Christmas and spend more time quietly meditating on what it means to wait on the Lord, to find our happiness in the arrival of Jesus to save us.

    Hosts: Aaron Mueller and Chuck Rathert

    Subscribe to the show at https://cacg.saintjamesglencarbon.org.

    To comment on this episode, visit https://saintjamesglencarbon.org/cacg-ep107.

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    39 mins
  • Should Christians Rebel Against The Government? (Ep106)
    Dec 4 2024

    Luther expands the “father and mother” of the fourth commandment to also mean “other authorities.” His reasoning for this is that all human leadership flows out of the leadership and responsibility God gives to parents over their children: parents cannot teach their children everything so they hire schools and teachers to represent them in training their kids; parents cannot defend their homes and children from the threat of foreign invaders so they pay taxes to the government who cares for national defense. So for Luther, the government the citizen lives under is just as much a function of God’s authority as the parents a child lives under.

    For that reason, governments must never be rebelled against or overthrown. This does not mean, though, that governments must always be obeyed. While the Christian’s vocation is citizen, his or her identity is baptized into Christ, so the Christian must always obey Jesus before any other human authority, but this must be done with the respect and honor that God’s chosen agent for each country, state, or city is due.

    Hosts: Aaron Mueller and Chuck Rathert

    Subscribe to the show at https://cacg.saintjamesglencarbon.org.

    To comment on this episode, visit https://saintjamesglencarbon.org/cacg-ep106.

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    38 mins
  • Jesus’ Humiliation and Exaltation (Ep105)
    Nov 20 2024

    All of us know what it’s like to be humbled, and almost all of those times of humiliation have been forced upon us - after all, no sane person would willingly choose to be humiliated in front of other people. But Jesus’ humiliation is active: “he humbled himself” Paul says in Philippians 2. But why would he do this?

    Paul insists that the path of salvation - in other words, the path of exaltation - is and was necessarily the path of humiliation. Jesus humbled himself, becoming the servants of those very people whom he created, sustained, and who rebelled against him, in order to rescue us who could not rescue ourselves. This also provides a model of what it means to love self-sacrificially, to give up our glory and exaltation to serve others who do not deserve it.

    Hosts: Aaron Mueller and Chuck Rathert

    Subscribe to the show at https://cacg.saintjamesglencarbon.org.

    To comment on this episode, visit https://saintjamesglencarbon.org/cacg-ep105.

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    37 mins
  • Is Change Bad or Good? (Ep104)
    Nov 6 2024

    A person’s appetite for and willingness to change can frequently be a matter of personality - some people are by nature more conservative in their personality and tend to resist change by nature, while others have personalities that are more progressive and tend to embrace and even pursue change.

    The former group have the advantage of not being easily swayed into making bad changes in their life but the disadvantage of being unwilling at times to make necessary good changes. On the other hand, the latter group have the advantage of being willing to embrace much-needed changes but the disadvantage of sometimes rushing into unnecessary and even harmful changes. Both groups, of course, need each other to temper each other’s weaknesses. But how do we know what is bad change and what is good change?

    The answer the Bible gives is that their is an unchangeable touchstone, Jesus Christ, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He never changes because he is perfect and thus needs no change. But we are not perfect, so we must be ready to change when needed, and we know we need to change when our thoughts or behavior does not match up with the perfect, unchangeable Jesus. So, with Jesus as our North Star, we can know when changing is necessary and when changing would be wrong.

    Hosts: Aaron Mueller and Chuck Rathert

    Subscribe to the show at https://cacg.saintjamesglencarbon.org.

    To comment on this episode, visit https://saintjamesglencarbon.org/cacg-ep104.

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    36 mins
  • Is Confession Good for the Soul? (Ep103)
    Oct 23 2024

    In Christianity there are two different, but related, senses of the word confession. On the one hand, there is a confession of faith - the public and private statement of what Christians believe. On the other hand, there is also a confession of sin - the public and private statement that God is right and his human creatures are wrong. What these two confessions have in common is they both are fundamentally an agreement with God, that he is right and we are wrong.

    These confessions carry with them a lot of benefit for the individual human: first, by turning us away from the fake “reality” that God is wrong and we are right and orienting us to true reality, we can know that we are right with God; and second, this right orientation to God’s reality produces psychological comfort as the individual human begins to experience much less dissonance in his life as he moves throughout God’s world.

    Chuck and Aaron also discuss the benefits of private confession to God, corporate confession, individual confession with a pastor, and confessing our sins to those we have sinned against.

    Hosts: Aaron Mueller and Chuck Rathert

    Subscribe to the show at https://cacg.saintjamesglencarbon.org.

    To comment on this episode, visit https://saintjamesglencarbon.org/cacg-ep103.

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    36 mins
  • Is Christianity Reasonable? (Ep102)
    Oct 9 2024

    Every human belief or opinion is based upon a presupposition - a faith commitment that cannot be proven but can only be assumed. For instance, the difference between Christianity and atheism is not the difference between “faith” and “reason”, between opinion and fact, between superstition and rationality; instead, both positions are based on unprovable, faith-based assumptions - presuppositions. Christians believe God exists, atheists believe God does not exist. Neither can prove their position is correct, so both hold their position based on faith. And starting from those presuppositional foundations, each builds out logical explanations of how the universe works based on those presuppositions.

    The question is which presupposition makes for the best logical conclusions; does faith in God or does faith in no-God make best sense of the universe? Does Christianity or atheism make best sense of the inborn sense of justice all humans have? Does Christianity or atheism make best sense of the quest for beauty that all humans strive for?

    For Christianity, the logical conclusions of belief that God has revealed himself in Jesus make sense of our world in ways that no other presupposition can.

    Hosts: Aaron Mueller and Chuck Rathert

    Subscribe to the show at https://cacg.saintjamesglencarbon.org.

    To comment on this episode, visit https://saintjamesglencarbon.org/cacg-ep102.

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    35 mins
  • Cremation or Burial? (Ep101)
    Sep 25 2024

    Some Christians have held that cremation is not permitted by the Bible, on the grounds that bodies buried intact, or “sleeping”, are a concrete anticipation of the resurrection of the dead on the last day. But the Bible never expressly forbids cremation, and in at least one place cremation is approvingly performed (1 Samuel 31:11-13).

    The key issue is the question of what the resurrection from the dead means: if the body has been created by God and is fundamentally good, then our funeral and burial practices must center around and focus on the belief and confession that God will raise all the bodies of his children someday to new life in his new creation, whether they have been buried or cremated.

    Hosts: Aaron Mueller and Chuck Rathert

    Subscribe to the show at https://cacg.saintjamesglencarbon.org.

    To comment on this episode, visit https://saintjamesglencarbon.org/cacg-ep101.

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    36 mins