मञ्जीरं मञ्जुनादैरिव पदभजनं श्रेय इत्यालपन्तं पादाग्रं भ्रान्तिमज्जत्प्रणतजनमनोमन्दरोद्धारकूर्मम् । उत्तुङ्गाताम्रराजन्नखरहिमकरज्योत्स्नया चाऽश्रितानां सन्तापध्वान्तहन्त्रीं ततिमनुकलये मङ्गलामङ्गुलीनाम् ॥९॥
मञ्जीरं मञ्जु-नादै:-इवthe anklets, by their sweet sound, as ifपद-भजनं श्रेय(Thy) feet worship is excellentइति-आलपन्तंthus sayingपाद-अग्रं भ्रान्ति-मज्जत्-the forefeet, at the time of deluge, sinkingप्रणत-जन-मन:-prostrating peoples' mindsमन्दर-उद्धार-कूर्मम्the Mandaar mountain lifting up tortoiseउत्तुङ्ग-आताम्र-राजत्-raised, very red and shiningनखर-हिमकर-ज्योत्स्नयाtoe nails' moon lightच-आश्रितानांand of the devoteesसन्ताप-ध्वान्त-हन्त्रींsorrowful darkness expellingततिम्-अनुकलयेrows (of toe nails) I meditate onमङ्गलाम्-अङ्गुलीनाम्(of the) auspicious toes
I meditate on Thy anklets with their sweet sound, which, as it were, sweetly confirm the excellence of worshipping at Thy feet. Thy incarnation of the tortoise which lifted up the Mandaar mountain at the time of the deluge, Thy forefeet lift up the minds of the people who prostrate at Thy feet. Thy toe nails, of Thy auspicious toes, slightly raised, very red and shining are like the moon light expelling the darkness of the sorrows of Thy devotees. I meditate on them.