
  • "Catch Them YOUNG" - in conversation with India's youngest racer Ms. Aashi Hanspal
    Jun 8 2023

    As a teenager we look at holding books, pens, colours, love hanging out with friends, look for salons, listen to the beats and begin to experience challenges in life. Girls enter their menarche and Boys enter puberty. But this young girl as young as 11 years of age dreamt of racing cars after being inspired by her father. This episode is a journey of Ms Aashi Hanspal, India's youngest racer whose vision is to gear-up continuously for breaking the patriarchal ceiling in the male-dominated ‘World of Motorsports’ by being the leading Indian girl to compete at the prestigious Formula Racing Series & the W-Series and fly the mighty Indian flag at soaring heights.

    Know Aashi's food habits and her view on protein supplements. In this episode they also discuss her journey- mental, physical and emotional journey.

    #carrace #formula1 #fitindia #swatibathwal #proteinpowder #bodybuilding #sportsnutrition


    Instagram: @swati_bathwal


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    29 mins
  • Kitchen Hacks not Kitchen Trash - Throw these ingredients wisely explains Swati Bathwal
    May 27 2023

    This episode is an eye opener where Public Health expert Swati Bathwal, talks about some ultimate hacks from kitchen. We look for hair colours to prevent grey hair but discard coffee powder after filtering it, we look for memory enhancing foods. but discard coconut flesh after drinking coconut water and there are so much more to it. In this episode, Dietitian and Public Health expert Ms. Swati Bathwal talks about health ingredients which are not trash but actually our superfoods.

    1. There is abundance of nutrients in our seeds and other kitchen ingredients which we throw as trash.
    2. Unnecesarily, these trash enters our landfills and contribute to improving our health rather than impact our environment #climatechange #globalwarming #healthtips #healthtricks
    3. These ingredients are natural and we use them everyday but throw them unknowingly.
    4. Learn about some simple tricks to improve your lifestyle.

    Stay happy, stay healthy


    Swati Bathwal

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    13 mins
  • Swati Bathwal in conversation with Dr Deepak Acharya on ancient herbal knowledge
    May 14 2023

    आधुनिक औषधि विज्ञान यानी मॉडर्न मेडिकल साइंस प्रयोगों पर आधारित ज्ञान (एक्सपेरिमेंट्स) पर भरोसा करता है जबकि भारतवर्ष के सुदूर जंगलों में रहने वाले आदिवासियों और ग्रामीणजनों द्वारा अपनाए जाने वाला सदियों पुराना पारंपरिक हर्बल ज्ञान बुजुर्गों के अनुभवों (एक्सपेरिएन्सेस) को आधार मानता है। हिंदुस्तान के सुदूर आदिवासी अंचलों से एकत्र किए गए ज्ञान को समेटकर एक किताब के रूप में प्रस्तुत करने का उद्देश्य यही है कि आदिवासियों के पारंपरिक हर्बल ज्ञान को एक “शॉर्ट-कट टूल” की तरह आज़माया जाए तो समय और रुपयों की बचत तो की जा सकेगी, बल्कि आम जनों तक सस्ती सुलभ दवाएँ भी आसानी से उपलब्ध हो जाएँगी। पिछले दो दशकों में माइक्रोबायोलॉजी और इथनोबॉटनी जैसे विषयों का गहनता से अध्ययन और बतौर वैज्ञानिक कार्य करते हुए लेखक ने आदिवासियों के हर्बल ज्ञान को बेहद करीब से जाँचा-परखा है और इस ज्ञान की पैठ दुनियाभर के सामने लाने के लिए डटे हुए हैं। उम्मीद है कि जंगल लेबोरेटरी स्वास्थ्य और बेहतर जीवन से जुड़े जानकारों और इस विषय में रुचि रखने वाले तमाम पाठकों के लिए एक मील का पत्थर साबित होगी।

    Ms Swati Bathwal is a renowned Public health expert and has invited guest speaker Dr Deepak Acharya. Dr Acharya is a Herbalist, a Scientist, a Microbiologist who has authored his first Book, Amazon Best seller Jungle Laboratory. Dr Acharya has worked with the adivasis , tribals in Gond regions and in Central India and Gujarat. He brings his experience about various lifestyle practises which are followed by tribals in India and FILLS THE GAP between what is LOST in Ancient Health Wisdom.

    In thi episode:

    1. Swati Bathwal fills the gap between the experimental research on health and nutrition and Dr Deepak Acharya explain the science behind it based on ancient tribal experience.
    2. Learn about few Natural/ Herbal tips which are not backed by industrials benefits but FOR PUBLIC benefit.

    Dr Acharya's book is published by Penguin House, India and on sale on Amazon, India and Books stores across the country.

    Wish you luck in Health.


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    32 mins
  • Natural 3 tips to prevent Diabetes
    May 11 2023

    In this educational episode, Dietitian and Public Health Expert, Ms Swati Bathwal explains how repeating 3 habits can lead to Type 2 Diabetes. She explains or she gives 3 simple lifestyle practices where we could be going wrong. She explains these tips by providing evidence based tips examples which can be adapted in our everyday life. In this episode, learn about

    1. Tips which were practised by ancestors before industrialisation and can benefit our health.
    2. Swap just these 3 evidence to reverse your diabetes or control your blood sugars.
    3. Learn additional tips to prevent other health conditions like blood pressure, obesity.

    This episode will get you hooked till the end.

    Keep sharing and listening to Swati Bathwal on Diet X Podcast.

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    12 mins
  • Heart Attack in Young Age- How to prevent it
    Dec 2 2022

    Heart attack in young adults is getting more common these days. From celebrities to industrialists and to people working in MNC's, there are many young adults you are being victims of heart attack. In this episode, Dietitian and Public Health Expert, Swati Bathwal discusses the follow:

    1. Are high homocysteine levels and low Vitamin B12 levels linked?
    2. Is LDL cholesterol the reason behind heart attack?
    3. Does cholesterol deposition happens overnight?
    4. Is sitting the new smoking?
    5. And is smoking the only reason for heart attack?

    This episode is framed using all evidence based information. Swati Bathwal can be contacted on her social media handles, her instagram account Swati_Bathwal to solve your health related queries.

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    16 mins
  • Artificial Sweeteners vs Sugar - which is better
    Nov 25 2022

    Ever wonder if Diet soo drink is better than the regular soft drink? If adding sugar to chai is better than adding artificial sweetener or diet mithai's or desserts are better than the others. In this episode, Public Health expert, Dietitian Swati Bathwal talks about when you sip your favourite coffee or tea or any of you favourite beverage, is drinking it with artificial sweetener better than natural sugar or what is the best substitute.

    In this episode, she also discusses if there are any side effects of artificial sweetener, benefits of natural sweetners like jaggery, brown sugar, honey. She also explains with evidence based science on which artificial sweetener is better than the other and what should be the quantity.

    By the end of this episode, she will give you some amazing tips on how to incorporate the sweetness to your favourite chai or coffee.

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    14 mins
  • Air Pollution ke gharelu upaye / Home Remedies for Air Pollution
    Nov 18 2022

    Air pollution not only impacts our lungs but there is a lot more to this environment calamity. In this episode, Public Health Expert, Swati Bathwal explains:

    1. Air pollution effects beyond lungs health.
    2. Which foods help fight Air Pollution?
    3. What can we do at home to prevent pollution?
    4. Is 100 safe AQI level or bad?

    A must episode for climate activists, health practitioners, city dwellers, young adults and elderly, in short for every citizen of this planet Earth.

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    11 mins
  • Diabetes Manage Karne Ke Easy Tip
    Nov 12 2022

    In this episode, Dietitian, Public Health Expert and Diabetes Educator explains basics of Diabetes. She is on a mission to help people reverse Pre- Diabetes and maintain a healthy blood sugar for Diabetes. On World Diabetes Day, 2022 she brings an easy home guide for people to manage sugar levels at home. In this episode you will know-

    1. What is a pre Diabetes and what are the best ways to diagnose Diabetes.
    2. What to do if your sugars are low / Hypoglycemia?
    3. How much to exercise in Diabetes?
    4. Easy way to check blood sugar levels at home
    5. Can you eat sugar in Diabetes?
    6. Can Diabetes be reversed?

    and a lot more.

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    16 mins