• Finding Bridges: A Family Reconnects in Prešeren Square

  • Jun 26 2024
  • Length: 19 mins
  • Podcast

Finding Bridges: A Family Reconnects in Prešeren Square cover art

Finding Bridges: A Family Reconnects in Prešeren Square

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Bridges: A Family Reconnects in Prešeren Square Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/finding-bridges-a-family-reconnects-in-preseren-square Story Transcript:Sl: Sončen popoldan je obsijal Prešernov trg v Ljubljani.En: A Sunny afternoon illuminated Prešeren Square in Ljubljana.Sl: Miha je stal na robu trga, gledal svojo sestro Niko, ki je prvič po mnogih letih znova obiskala Slovenijo.En: Miha stood at the edge of the square, watching his sister Nika, who was visiting Slovenia again after many years.Sl: Srce mu je bilo težko.En: His heart felt heavy.Sl: Luka, njegov najstniški sin, se je zadržano držal ob strani, pogreznjen v svoj pametni telefon.En: Luka, his teenage son, stood aloof nearby, absorbed in his smartphone.Sl: Miha je na hitro povzdignil glas. "Luka, poglej okoli sebe. Tu je čudovito, to je naš dom."En: Miha quickly raised his voice. "Luka, look around you. It's beautiful here, this is our home."Sl: Luka je zavzdihnil in dvignil pogled, a hitro spet povesil glavo, ne da bi rekel besedo.En: Luka sighed and lifted his gaze, but quickly lowered his head again without saying a word.Sl: Nika se je nasmehnila in stopila bližje, poskušala je olajšati napetost.En: Nika smiled and stepped closer, trying to ease the tension.Sl: "Miha, kaj praviš, če Luka vidi nekaj posebnega? Morda bomo našli nekaj, kar ga zanima," je predlagala Nika s toplim glasom.En: "Miha, what do you say if Luka sees something special? Maybe we can find something that interests him," Nika suggested warmly.Sl: Miha je prikimal in pogledal sina. "Luka, želiš videti Tromostovje? In morda se nato usedemo na pijačo?"En: Miha nodded and looked at his son. "Luka, do you want to see the Triple Bridge? And maybe we can sit down for a drink afterwards?"Sl: Luka je še vedno ignoriral očeta, ampak Nika ni obupala.En: Luka still ignored his father, but Nika didn't give up.Sl: "Luka, veš, ko sem bila tvoja starost, mi je oče vedno pripovedoval zgodbe o tem trgu.En: "Luka, you know, when I was your age, our father always told me stories about this square.Sl: Bil je moj najljubši kraj."En: It was my favorite place."Sl: Luka je rahlo dvignil pogled in končno rekel nekaj: "Kdo je Prešeren?"En: Luka slightly raised his gaze and finally said something: "Who is Prešeren?"Sl: Miha je olajšano zavzdihnil. "Prešeren je največji slovenski pesnik.En: Miha sighed in relief. "Prešeren is the greatest Slovenian poet.Sl: Pisal je veliko lepe poezije."En: He wrote a lot of beautiful poetry."Sl: Nika je spet prevzela pobudo. "Kaj če ti povem eno zanimivo zgodbo o njem? Saj veš, da je bil zaljubljen v Julijo, a mu ona ljubezni ni vračala."En: Nika took the initiative again. "How about I tell you an interesting story about him? You know, he was in love with a woman named Julija, but she didn't return his love."Sl: Luka je končno spravil telefon v žep. "No, prav. Povej," je rekel.En: Luka finally put his phone in his pocket. "Alright, tell me," he said.Sl: Omamni vonj kave je preveval trg, ko so stopili bližje spomeniku.En: The intoxicating aroma of coffee filled the square as they moved closer to the monument.Sl: Nika je začela pripovedovati zgodbo o Prešernu.En: Nika began telling the story of Prešeren.Sl: Miha je opazoval Luko, ki je počasi kazal več zanimanja.En: Miha observed Luka, who was slowly showing more interest.Sl: Ko so prispeli do Tromostovja, je Luka celo postavil nekaj vprašanj.En: When they reached the Triple Bridge, Luka even asked a few questions.Sl: Nenadoma pa se je Luki nekaj prebudilo v srcu. "Ampak... oče, ne razumeš, kaj doživljam.En: Suddenly, something stirred in Luka's heart. "But... Dad, you don't understand what I'm going through.Sl: Vedno sva se samo prepirala."En: We have always just argued."Sl: Miha je globoko vdihnil. "Vem, Luka. Tudi meni je težko.En: Miha took a deep breath. "I know, Luka. It's hard for me too.Sl: Želim pa, da veš, da si mi pomemben."En: But I want you to know that you matter to me."Sl: Luka je dvignil glas. "Kako naj ti verjamem?En: Luka raised his voice. "How can I believe you?Sl: Po vsem tem? Misliš, da ena zgodba spremeni vse?"En: After everything? Do you think one story changes everything?"Sl: Atmosfera se je na trenutek zatemnila. Nika je hitro posredovala.En: The atmosphere darkened for a moment. Nika quickly intervened.Sl: "Luka, veš, tvoj oče je bil zame vedno vzor.En: "Luka, you know, your father was always a role model for me.Sl: Vedno je bil tam, ko sem ga potrebovala. Res je, da ni vse popolno.En: He was always there when I needed him. It's true that not everything is perfect.Sl: Toda lahko se trudimo, da bo bolje."En: But we can try to make it better."Sl: Lukine oči so začele sijati od prelitega čustva. "Morda se res nisva razumela... ampak rad bi poskusil bolje," je tiho rekel.En: Luka's eyes started to shine with emotion. "Maybe we didn't understand each other... ...
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