FluentFiction - Slovenian

Written by: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Slovenian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovenian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovenian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave, or Ljubljana Castle? Maybe you want to speak Slovenian with your grandparents from Ljubljana?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of Slovenia, the primary country where Slovenian is fluently spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovenian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Izboljšajte svoje razumevanje poslušanja z našimi slovenskimi zgodbami danes!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Braving the White Abyss: A Tundra Tale of Friendship
    Jan 22 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Braving the White Abyss: A Tundra Tale of Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-22-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Na skrajnem severu, kjer veter kroji pokrajino in noč traja dolgo, se je odprla bela tundra.En: At the far north, where the wind shapes the landscape and the night lasts long, the white tundra had opened up.Sl: Matijevik, kraj, kamor je šola iz Ljubljane vsako zimo prirejala ekskurzijo, je bil čisto na robu sveta.En: Matijevik, the place where the school from Ljubljana organized a trip every winter, was right on the edge of the world.Sl: Razen snega in ledu tu ni bilo ničesar drugega.En: Apart from snow and ice, there was nothing else here.Sl: Tomaž, student devetega razreda, je s svetlečimi očmi in neustavljivo željo po dogodivščinah strmel v bele neskončnosti.En: Tomaž, a ninth-grade student, gazed with bright eyes and an irresistible desire for adventure into the white expanses.Sl: Njegova strast je bila polarno okolje.En: His passion was the polar environment.Sl: Nekje tam daleč je slišal o prav posebni ledeniški tvorbi, ki jo je tako želel videti.En: Somewhere out there, he had heard about a very special glacial formation that he so wished to see.Sl: A to ni bilo v načrtu ekskurzije.En: But it was not part of the trip's itinerary.Sl: Nina, njegova najboljša prijateljica, je stala ob njem.En: Nina, his best friend, stood beside him.Sl: Zaskrbljeno je pogledovala proti vetrovkam drugih učencev, ki so se premikale kot majhne pisane pike po beli pokrajini.En: She looked worriedly at the other students' jackets, moving like small colorful dots across the white landscape.Sl: Kot nadzorniki, učitelji niso izgubljali časa.En: The teachers, like overseers, did not waste time.Sl: Pazili so, da nihče ne zaide iz skupine.En: They made sure no one strayed from the group.Sl: "To moram videti, Nina," je rekel Tomaž, gledajoč proti severu, kjer so ledeni kristali začeli svetiti ob sveži svetlobi.En: "I have to see it, Nina," said Tomaž, looking toward the north, where ice crystals began to shimmer in the fresh light.Sl: "Ne bi smela," mu je odgovorila.En: "We shouldn't," she replied.Sl: Toda nekaj v Tomaževem pogledu ga je izdajalo - odločenost.En: But something in Tomaž's gaze betrayed him—determination.Sl: Nina je čutila, da ga ne more pustiti samega.En: Nina felt she couldn't leave him alone.Sl: "Prav.En: "Alright.Sl: Grem s tabo," je vzdihnila.En: I'm going with you," she sighed.Sl: Veter je bil hladen kot nož, ki se je zabadal v ušesa.En: The wind was as cold as a knife, stabbing at their ears.Sl: Sneženje se je začelo okrepiti, a Tomaž in Nina sta korakala.En: The snowfall began to intensify, but Tomaž and Nina marched on.Sl: Navdušenje je premagalo mraz.En: Enthusiasm overcame the cold.Sl: Toda nenadoma se je nebo zavrtilo in belina okoli njiju je postala neprekinjen zid snega.En: But suddenly, the sky spun, and the whiteness around them became an unbroken wall of snow.Sl: "Ne vidim poti nazaj," je Nina v paniki vzklikala.En: "I can't see the way back," Nina cried out in panic.Sl: Tomaž se je poskušal spomniti, kje so zadnjič videli skupino.En: Tomaž tried to remember the last place they saw the group.Sl: A vse je bilo enako.En: But everything looked the same.Sl: Vse belo.En: All white.Sl: Čas je tekel, prsti so otrpnili in strah se je prikradel v njune srce.En: Time passed, fingers numbed, and fear crept into their hearts.Sl: "Tukaj!En: "Over here!"Sl: " Tomaž je nenadoma zaklical, s svetilko, ki se je tresla na njegovi zmrznjeni roki.En: Tomaž suddenly shouted, with a flashlight trembling in his frozen hand.Sl: Svetloba je zablisnila na refleksni črtici učiteljeve jakne v daljavi.En: The light caught the reflective strip of a teacher's jacket in the distance.Sl: Upanje!En: Hope!Sl: Po napornem spopadu z vetrom sta končno pritekla do skupine.En: After a difficult struggle with the wind, they finally ran back to the group.Sl: Učitelji so ju sprejeli z olajšanjem in malo jeze.En: The teachers welcomed them with relief and a little anger.Sl: Malce ozebla, a varna, sta stala ob strani in spet dihala mirno.En: Slightly frostbitten but safe, they stood aside and breathed calmly again.Sl: Doma, nazaj v toplih prostorih šole, je Tomaž sedel ob Nini.En: Back home, in the warm school premises, Tomaž sat beside Nina.Sl: "Bilo je strašljivo, ampak vredno," je rekel, nasmejan, čeprav z rahlo modrimi ustnicami.En: "It was scary, but worth it," he said, smiling, though with slightly blue lips.Sl: "Sem se naučila nekaj," je odgovorila Nina.En: "I learned something," Nina replied.Sl: "Včasih je vredno tvegati.En: "Sometimes it's worth taking risks.Sl: Ampak previdno.En: But with caution."Sl: "Tomaž je pokimal, globoko zadovoljen z naukom in še bolj s prijateljstvom, ki ju je zbližalo.En: Tomaž nodded, deeply satisfied with the lesson learned and ...
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    16 mins
  • Reviving Ljubljana: Art Meets History in a Forgotten Warehouse
    Jan 21 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Reviving Ljubljana: Art Meets History in a Forgotten Warehouse Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-21-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: V zimskem popoldnevu, ko je sneg kot puhast plašč prekrival Ljubljano, je Matej, mlad in navdušen umetnik, iskal navdih za svojo novo umetniško instalacijo.En: On a winter afternoon, when the snow covered Ljubljana like a fluffy cloak, Matej, a young and enthusiastic artist, was seeking inspiration for his new art installation.Sl: Prešeren dan se je hitro bližal in želel je ustvariti nekaj nepozabnega, nekaj, kar bi pustilo pečat v srcih ljudi.En: Prešeren day was quickly approaching, and he wanted to create something unforgettable, something that would leave a mark in people's hearts.Sl: Med iskanjem prostora za delo je slišal govorice o zapuščeni skladiščni zgradbi na obrobju mesta.En: While searching for a space to work, he heard rumors about an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city.Sl: Bila je velika, hladna in skrivnostna - popoln prostor za njegovo vizijo.En: It was large, cold, and mysterious - the perfect space for his vision.Sl: Ko je Matej stopil skozi poškodovana vrata skladišča, ga je pozdravilo odmevanje lastnih korakov.En: When Matej stepped through the damaged doors of the warehouse, he was greeted by the echo of his own footsteps.Sl: Stene so bile pokrite z grafiti, pripovedovale so zgodbe pozabljenih časov.En: The walls were covered in graffiti, telling stories of forgotten times.Sl: Medtem ko je pregledoval prostor, je zaslišal pridušen zvok nekje od zadaj.En: While he was examining the space, he heard a muffled sound from somewhere in the back.Sl: S hitrimi koraki je sledil zvoku in našel Ano, ki je z beležko v roki raziskovala prostor.En: With quick steps, he followed the sound and found Ana, who was exploring the space with a notebook in hand.Sl: Bila je zgodovinarka, njena strast pa je bila oživitev in dokumentiranje zapostavljenih kulturnih znamenitosti Ljubljane.En: She was a historian, and her passion was the revival and documentation of Ljubljana's neglected cultural landmarks.Sl: Matej se je presenečeno ustavil.En: Matej stopped, surprised.Sl: "Tudi ti te zanima skladišče?En: "Are you also interested in the warehouse?"Sl: " je vprašal, nekoliko obrambno.En: he asked, somewhat defensively.Sl: "Da," je odgovorila Ana, njen glas je bil topel.En: "Yes," replied Ana, her voice warm.Sl: "Skladišče je enkratna zgodovinska lokacija.En: "The warehouse is a unique historical location.Sl: Mislim, da bi moralo biti zavarovano.En: I think it should be preserved."Sl: "Matej ni mogel skriti razočaranja.En: Matej couldn't hide his disappointment.Sl: "Jaz sem imel drugačne načrte," je priznal.En: "I had different plans," he admitted.Sl: "Tukaj želim ustvariti instalacijo za Prešeren dan.En: "I want to create an installation here for Prešeren day."Sl: "Njuni pogledi so se srečali v tišini.En: Their eyes met in silence.Sl: Matejeva strast se je spopadla z Anino odločnostjo.En: Matej's passion clashed with Ana's determination.Sl: Toda Matej se ni želel kar tako vdati.En: But Matej didn't want to give up so easily.Sl: Razložil je svojo vizijo, pokazal ji skice, ki jih je že pripravil.En: He explained his vision and showed her the sketches he had already prepared.Sl: Ana je poslušala.En: Ana listened.Sl: Videla je iskrenost v njegovih očeh in ljubezen do umetnosti, ki je odsevala v vsaki njegovi besedi.En: She saw sincerity in his eyes and a love for art that reflected in every word he spoke.Sl: Po dolgem premisleku je Ana priznala: "Morda lahko sodelujeva.En: After a long consideration, Ana admitted, "Perhaps we can collaborate.Sl: Tvoja umetnost bi lahko pripovedovala zgodbo teh sten.En: Your art could tell the story of these walls.Sl: Združiva moči.En: Let's combine our efforts."Sl: "Med njima se je začelo partnerstvo.En: A partnership began between them.Sl: Matej je prinesel ustvarjalnost, Ana pa je poskrbela, da je vsaka umetnina spoštovala zgodovinski kontekst stavbe.En: Matej brought creativity, while Ana ensured that each artwork respected the building's historical context.Sl: S skupnim delom sta vzpostavila prireditveni prostor, kjer sta umetnost in zgodovina zaživeli v harmoniji.En: Together, they established an event space where art and history thrived in harmony.Sl: Opravljeno delo sta predstavila le dan pred Prešerenovim dnem.En: They presented their work just a day before Prešeren's day.Sl: Ljudi so pritegnili njuni prizadevanji.En: People were drawn to their efforts.Sl: Skladišče je zdaj sijalo v novi luči, preteklost in sedanjost sta se srečali v čudovitem dialogu.En: The warehouse now shone in a new light, and the past and present met in a beautiful dialogue.Sl: Ko se je dan končal, sta Ana in Matej stala na pragu skladišča, obdana z občudovanjem ljudi.En: As the day ended, Ana and Matej ...
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    17 mins
  • Breaking the Ice: A Journey to Friendship and Self-Discovery
    Jan 20 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Breaking the Ice: A Journey to Friendship and Self-Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-20-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Belo snežno pokrivalo je nežno pokrivalo pokrajino okoli Blejskega jezera.En: The white snow blanket gently covered the landscape around Blejski jezero.Sl: Narava je dihala zimski mir.En: Nature breathed the calm of winter.Sl: Meglica se je dvigala nad jezersko gladino, pravljično ovijajoč otok s cerkvico.En: Mist rose above the lake's surface, magically enveloping the island with the church.Sl: Mateja je stala ob robu zamrznjenega jezera in opazovala svoje odseve v ledu.En: Mateja stood at the edge of the frozen lake, observing her reflections in the ice.Sl: Vse se je zdelo spokojno, a znotraj sebe je čutila nemir.En: Everything seemed peaceful, yet inside she felt restless.Sl: Mateja je bila na zimskih počitnicah s prijateljema, Anžetom in Evo.En: Mateja was on winter vacation with her friends, Anže and Eva.Sl: Vedno je občudovala njuno energijo.En: She always admired their energy.Sl: Eva je bila sončno prijazna, Anže pa vedno poln idej.En: Eva was cheerfully friendly, while Anže was always full of ideas.Sl: Mateja je bila tiha in premišljena.En: Mateja was quiet and contemplative.Sl: Pogosto se je čutila kot da je v njihovi senci.En: She often felt as though she was in their shadow.Sl: Pogovarjali so se o tem, kaj bi počeli ta dan.En: They were discussing what to do that day.Sl: Eva je predlagala, da bi se vsi trije sprehodili okrog jezera.En: Eva suggested that the three of them take a walk around the lake.Sl: Anže je želel raziskovati bližnji grad.En: Anže wanted to explore the nearby castle.Sl: Mateja je ostala tiho.En: Mateja remained silent.Sl: Želela si je, da bi se sprehodili, a tudi da bi se bolj povezal z njima.En: She wished for a walk but also hoped to connect more with them.Sl: Počutila se je, kot da bi morala nekaj reči, a ni vedela, kako začeti.En: She felt like she should say something but didn't know how to start.Sl: Ko so se odpravili na pot, so se Mateji misli vrtele v glavi.En: As they set off, Mateja's thoughts swirled in her head.Sl: Smehljala se je, ko sta Anže in Eva pripovedovala zgodbe in se smejala njunim šalam.En: She smiled as Anže and Eva told stories and laughed at their jokes.Sl: A znotraj je sanjala o trenutku, ko bi lahko bila bolj odprta, bolj pristna.En: But inside, she dreamed of a moment when she could be more open, more genuine.Sl: V trenutku tišine, ko sta Anže in Eva strmela v veličasten pogled na otoček s cerkvico, je Mateja zastala.En: In a moment of silence, as Anže and Eva stared at the magnificent view of the island with the church, Mateja paused.Sl: Eva je opazila, da je Mateja utihnila.En: Eva noticed that Mateja had become quiet.Sl: Pristopila je bližje in rekla: "Mateja, vse okej?En: She stepped closer and said, "Mateja, is everything okay?"Sl: "Priložnost, je pomislila Mateja.En: Opportunity, thought Mateja.Sl: A njena samozavest je omahovala.En: Yet her confidence wavered.Sl: Kljub temu je globoko vdihnila in tiho rekla: "Včasih se počutim, kot da se izgubim v vsem tem.En: Nevertheless, she took a deep breath and quietly said, "Sometimes I feel like I get lost in all of this."Sl: "Eva je napolnile oči z razumevanjem.En: Eva's eyes filled with understanding.Sl: "Res?En: "Really?Sl: Nisi sama, veš.En: You're not alone, you know.Sl: Pomembna si nam.En: You're important to us.Sl: Povej nama, kako se lahko bolje povežemo.En: Tell us how we can connect better."Sl: "Mateja je bila ganjena.En: Mateja was moved.Sl: Zdelo se ji je, kot da se je prebil led med njima, tako kot led na jezeru, ki se je pričel tajati pod prvimi toplimi žarki.En: It felt like the ice between them had broken, just like the ice on the lake, starting to melt under the first warm rays.Sl: Začela je pripovedovati o svojih občutkih, svojem iskanju svojega mesta med prijateljema.En: She began to talk about her feelings, her search for her place among her friends.Sl: Razveselilo jo je Evino razumevanje.En: She was delighted by Eva's understanding.Sl: Njuna beseda je privabila Anžeta, ki je z zanimanjem prisluhnil in obljubil, da bodo skupaj gradili bolj odprto in povezano prijateljstvo.En: Their conversation drew in Anže, who listened with interest and promised that they would work together to build a more open and connected friendship.Sl: Ko je sonce začelo zahajati, so se trije prijatelji - Mateja, Anže in Eva - vrnili proti koči, objeti s toplino na novo odkritega prijateljstva.En: As the sun began to set, the three friends - Mateja, Anže, and Eva - returned to the cabin, embraced by the warmth of newly discovered friendship.Sl: Mateja je čutila, da je njen glas končno slišan.En: Mateja felt that her voice was finally heard.Sl: In z novim zaupanjem v svoje sposobnosti je vedela, da je korak za korakom postajala ...
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    16 mins

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