• Finding Courage: Rekindling Passion in an Art Gallery

  • Mar 8 2025
  • Length: 17 mins
  • Podcast

Finding Courage: Rekindling Passion in an Art Gallery

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Finding Courage: Rekindling Passion in an Art Gallery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/af/episode/2025-03-08-23-34-01-af Story Transcript:Af: Die son se strale val sagte patrone oor die gladde houtvloere van die Iziko South African National Gallery.En: The sun's rays cast soft patterns over the smooth wooden floors of the Iziko South African National Gallery.Af: Herfs dra sy goue kleure na die bome buite, en die wind fluister saggies deur die oop vensters.En: Autumn brings its golden colors to the trees outside, and the wind whispers softly through the open windows.Af: Die galery is vol mense, almal op soek na iets spesiaals in die kunswerke wat oral hang.En: The gallery is full of people, all in search of something special in the artworks hanging everywhere.Af: Elske, met haar helder oë en donker hare, stap traag van skildery na skildery.En: Elske, with her bright eyes and dark hair, walks slowly from painting to painting.Af: Sy hoop dat een van hierdie stukke die vuur van kreatiwiteit wat sy so mis, in haar kan aansteek.En: She hopes one of these pieces can ignite the fire of creativity she so misses within her.Af: Sy voel vasgevang in haar eie twyfel, onseker oor haar vermoëns as kunstenaar.En: She feels trapped in her own doubts, unsure of her abilities as an artist.Af: In 'n ander hoek van die galery kyk Janco met stille verwondering na 'n doek wat hom herinner aan sy eie verborge liefde vir kuns.En: In another corner of the gallery, Janco gazes with silent wonder at a canvas that reminds him of his own hidden love for art.Af: Hy is 'n geskiedenis onderwyser, maar sy hart klop vinniger vir die kleur en vorm van kuns.En: He is a history teacher, but his heart beats faster for the color and form of art.Af: Hy wens hy kon meer openlik sy passie volg, maar die vrees vir oordeel hou hom terug.En: He wishes he could follow his passion more openly, but the fear of judgment holds him back.Af: Skielik, in die middle van die galery, loop Elske reg in iemand vas.En: Suddenly, in the middle of the gallery, Elske bumps right into someone.Af: Haar oë ontmoet die bekende gesig van Janco.En: Her eyes meet the familiar face of Janco.Af: Hulle het lank gelede in skool vriende geword, maar die lewe het hulle paaie laat skei.En: They had become friends long ago in school, but life took them on separate paths.Af: "Janco!En: "Janco!"Af: " roep Elske opgewonde.En: Elske calls out excitedly.Af: "Dis regtig jy!En: "It's really you!"Af: "Janco glimlag breed.En: Janco smiles broadly.Af: "Elske!En: "Elske!Af: Wat 'n verrassing!En: What a surprise!Af: Wat maak jy hier?En: What are you doing here?"Af: "Elske lag nervously.En: Elske laughs nervously.Af: "Ek probeer weer inspirasie kry.En: "I'm trying to get inspiration again.Af: Ek voel so.En: I feel so...Af: vasgevang.En: trapped."Af: "Hulle stap saam deur die galery en stop by 'n groot, kleurryke skildery.En: They walk together through the gallery and stop at a large, colorful painting.Af: Dit is vol vonkelende blou en groen kleure, en iets daaraan raak hulle albei diep.En: It is full of sparkling blues and greens, and something about it touches them both deeply.Af: "Ek het altyd van kuns gehou," sê Janco skielik.En: "I've always loved art," Janco says suddenly.Af: "Maar ek weet nie.En: "But I don't know...Af: Dit voel of ek dit nie regtig kan volg nie.En: It feels like I can't really pursue it."Af: "Elske kyk na hom, verras oor sy openhartigheid.En: Elske looks at him, surprised by his openness.Af: "Hoekom nie?En: "Why not?"Af: ""Ek is bang vir wat mense sal sê.En: "I'm afraid of what people will say.Af: Wat as ek nie goed genoeg is nie?En: What if I'm not good enough?"Af: " antwoord hy.En: he replies.Af: Sy knik en verstaan.En: She nods in understanding.Af: "Ek voel dieselfde oor my eie werk.En: "I feel the same about my own work."Af: "Hulle staan stil, die stil harmonie van die kunswerk rondom hulle.En: They stand still, the quiet harmony of the artwork surrounding them.Af: Elske draai na Janco.En: Elske turns to Janco.Af: "Wat dink jy van hierdie skildery?En: "What do you think of this painting?"Af: "Hy tel sy moed bymekaar en vertel haar van hoe die kleure sy verbeelding aan die brand steek.En: He gathers his courage and tells her how the colors set his imagination alight.Af: Hoe die skildery vir hom die krag van nuwe begin voel.En: How the painting feels to him like the power of new beginnings.Af: Dit is in daardie oomblik dat Elske besef haar probleem was nooit haar talent nie, maar haar eie twyfel.En: It's in that moment that Elske realizes her problem was never her talent but her own doubt.Af: “Ek dink ek moet weer begin skilder.En: "I think I should start painting again.Af: Net vir my.En: Just for me."Af: ”Janco straal.En: Janco beams.Af: "En ek sal 'n kunsklas neem.En: "And I'll take an art class.Af: Ek dink dis tyd dat ek dit ernstig opneem.En: I think it's time I take it seriously....
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