Fluent Fiction - Japanese

Written by: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Japanese listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

    Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Japanese, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Japanese and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

    But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Japan? Maybe you want to speak Japanese with your friends from Tokyo? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in Japanese.

    Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Japanese listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • In the Grip of Nature: A Researcher's Arctic Resolve
    Jan 22 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Japanese: In the Grip of Nature: A Researcher's Arctic Resolve Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/ja/episode/2025-01-22-23-34-02-ja Story Transcript:Ja: 果てしない白い大地が広がる北極ツンドラ。En: The endless expanse of the white Arctic tundra stretched out before them.Ja: ハルカはその冷たい風を感じながら、誇らしげに立っていた。En: Haruka stood proudly, feeling the cold wind.Ja: 彼女は気候変動に情熱を持つ研究者である。En: She was a researcher passionate about climate change.Ja: 今回のフィールドスタディで重要なデータを集めるのが彼女の目標だ。En: Her goal for this field study was to gather important data.Ja: ハルカの隣には、経験豊富なガイドのケンタがいる。En: Beside Haruka was Kenta, an experienced guide.Ja: 自然の力を深く尊敬する彼は、慎重に周囲を見渡していた。En: Deeply respectful of the forces of nature, he cautiously surveyed the surroundings.Ja: 「ハルカさん、この天気には気をつけてくださいね」と彼は忠告する。En: "Please be careful with this weather, Haruka-san," he advised.Ja: その時、突然の吹雪が彼らを包み込む。En: Suddenly, a blizzard enveloped them.Ja: 風は激しさを増し、寒さが骨に染み渡る。En: The wind grew fiercer, and the cold seeped into their bones.Ja: ハルカの頬は凍傷で痺れ始めた。En: Haruka's cheeks started to go numb from frostbite.Ja: 彼女は気づかないふりをして、研究を進めようとする。「このチャンスは逃せないわ」と心の中で決意する。En: She pretended not to notice and tried to proceed with her research, determined in her heart, "I can't miss this opportunity."Ja: しかし、ケンタは彼女を止めた。En: However, Kenta stopped her.Ja: 「安全が第一です。データよりも命が大切です」と、彼は真剣な目で告げた。En: "Safety comes first. Life is more important than data," he said with a serious look.Ja: ハルカは葛藤する。En: Haruka found herself conflicted.Ja: 彼女は研究者だ、使命感に燃えている。En: She was a researcher, driven by her sense of duty.Ja: しかし、命の危険もある。En: But there was also the danger to her life.Ja: 風が一層強さを増し、視界が真っ白になった。En: The wind intensified, and their surroundings became a blinding white.Ja: ハルカはその時、自分の凍傷が深刻であることを改めて感じた。En: In that moment, Haruka realized her frostbite was severe.Ja: 手足は感覚を失い、動かしにくくなっていた。En: Her hands and feet were losing feeling and becoming difficult to move.Ja: 「このままでは、本当に戻れなくなるかもしれない…」。En: "If we keep this up, we might not make it back..."Ja: 彼女はついにケンタの言葉に耳を傾ける決意をした。En: At last, she resolved to heed Kenta's words.Ja: 「行こう、ここは危険すぎる」とハルカは言い、二人は共に風の中をゆっくりと研究ステーションに向かった。En: "Let's go; it's too dangerous here," Haruka said, and the two of them slowly made their way toward the research station through the wind.Ja: 歩くたびに雪が足元を邪魔するが、ケンタのリードで安全に戻ることができた。En: Each step was hindered by the snow underfoot, but with Kenta's guidance, they were able to return safely.Ja: 研究ステーションの暖かさが二人を包む。En: The warmth of the research station enveloped them.Ja: ハルカは凍傷にかかった手足を温めながら、自然の力に対する新たな尊敬を胸に抱いた。En: As Haruka warmed her frostbitten limbs, she held a newfound respect for the power of nature in her heart.Ja: データ収集は大事だが、安全がそれ以上に大切だと彼女は学んだ。En: She had learned that while data collection is important, safety is even more so.Ja: こうして、ハルカとケンタは無事に帰還し、また新たな挑戦に備えて準備を始めた。En: Thus, Haruka and Kenta safely returned and began preparing for yet another challenge.Ja: 自然と向き合うということは、常に命を賭けるということでもある。En: Facing nature means always putting one's life on the line.Ja: それを理解したことで、彼女の研究に対する情熱はさらに深まった。En: Understanding this deepened her passion for her research even further. Vocabulary Words:expanse: 大地tundra: ツンドラstretched: 広がるresearcher: 研究者passionate: 情熱を持つgather: 集めるfield study: フィールドスタディcautiously: 慎重にsurveyed: 見渡すblizzard: 吹雪enveloped: 包み込むfrostbite: 凍傷numb: 痺れdetermined: 決意するconflicted: 葛藤する...
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    15 mins
  • Lost Towel, Found Friendship: A Hot Spring Adventure
    Jan 21 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Japanese: Lost Towel, Found Friendship: A Hot Spring Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/ja/episode/2025-01-21-23-34-02-ja Story Transcript:Ja: 新年のお祝いの中、晴都(はると)、雪(ゆき)、空(そら)の三人の友達は、冬の温泉旅行にやってきました。En: Amid the New Year's celebrations, three friends, Haruto, Yuki, and Sora, embarked on a winter hot spring trip.Ja: 山の麓にある温泉旅館は、雪に覆われた松の木に囲まれ、幻想的な蒸気が漂っていました。En: The hot spring inn, located at the foot of the mountain, was surrounded by pine trees covered in snow, creating a fantastical atmosphere with steam drifting around.Ja: 「ここは最高の場所だね、みんなリラクスできるよ。」晴都は言いました。En: "Koko is the best place, everyone can relax," Haruto said.Ja: 温かいお湯に浸かり、三人はリラックスしていました。En: Soaking in the warm water, the three friends were relaxing.Ja: しかし、静かな時間はすぐに破られました。En: However, the peaceful moment was soon disrupted.Ja: 「あれ!タオルがない!」雪は驚いて叫びました。En: "Oh no! The towel is gone!" Yuki shouted in surprise.Ja: おちゃめな猿がタオルをすばやくかっさらい、近くの木の枝に飛び上がっていました。En: A mischievous monkey had quickly snatched the towel and jumped onto a nearby tree branch.Ja: 「あの湿った猿め!」空が笑いながら言いました。En: "That pesky wet monkey!" Sora said with a laugh.Ja: 雪は半分怒り、半分笑いながら言いました:「早く取り返さないと、帰れないよ!」En: Yuki, half angry and half laughing, said, "We need to get it back quickly, or we won't be able to leave!"Ja: でも、温泉の岩は滑りやすく、追いかけるのは難しそうでした。En: However, the rocks around the hot spring were slippery, and chasing the monkey seemed difficult.Ja: そこで、晴都は考えました。En: That's when Haruto had an idea.Ja: 「計画を立てよう。僕たちだけで取り返すのは難しい。」En: "Let's make a plan. It's too hard to get it back on our own."Ja: みんなは晴都の作戦を聞きました。En: Everyone listened to Haruto's strategy.Ja: 「僕たちには、以前のお菓子の包みがあるだろう?それで猿をおびき寄せるんだ。En: "We have those old snack wrappers, right? We can use them to lure the monkey.Ja: 空、君は踊って猿の注意を引いて。En: Sora, you dance to distract the monkey.Ja: それで雪、君がタオルをつかみにいくんだ。」En: Then Yuki, you grab the towel."Ja: こうして、作戦が始まりました。En: And so, the plan was set into motion.Ja: 空は湯煙の中で、コミカルな踊りを始めました。En: Sora began a comical dance amidst the steam.Ja: 猿は興味津々で見ていました。En: The monkey watched with great interest.Ja: そのすきに、雪はさっとタオルを取り戻しました。En: Taking advantage of that moment, Yuki swiftly retrieved the towel.Ja: 「やった!」と三人は声をそろえて叫びました。En: "We did it!" they all shouted in unison.Ja: 無事にタオルを取り戻し、三人は安心して着替えることができました。En: With the towel safely recovered, the three were able to change clothes with peace of mind.Ja: 「良いお正月の思い出ができたよね。」晴都は皆を見て笑いました。En: "We made a good New Year's memory, didn't we?" Haruto smiled at everyone.Ja: 「こういう予想外のことも楽しめるようになったんだ。」空は満足げに頷きました。En: "We've learned to enjoy unexpected things like this," Sora nodded contentedly.Ja: 帰り道、三人は雪の中を笑いながら歩きました。En: On the way back, the three friends walked through the snow, laughing.Ja: 温泉での出来事は、これからも語り継がれる思い出となりました。En: The events at the hot spring became a memory that would be retold over and over.Ja: 問題が起きた時でも、皆で協力すれば乗り越えられることを学んだ晴都たちは、互いの絆の強さを再確認したのです。En: Haruto and his friends learned that even when problems arise, by working together, they can overcome them, reaffirming the strength of their bond. Vocabulary Words:amid: 中embarked: やってきましたfantastical: 幻想的なdisrupted: 破られましたpesky: 湿ったchasing: 追いかけるlure: おびき寄せるdistract: 注意を引いてcomical: コミカルなswiftly: さっとretrieve: 取り戻しましたunison: 声をそろえてunexpected: 予想外のreaffirming: 再確認したbond: 絆soaking: 浸かりnearby: 近くのslippery: 滑りやすくstrategy: ...
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    14 mins
  • Snow, Friendship, and New Year Revelations in Niseko
    Jan 20 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Japanese: Snow, Friendship, and New Year Revelations in Niseko Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/ja/episode/2025-01-20-23-34-02-ja Story Transcript:Ja: 積もる雪が光る朝、ニセコの美しいスキー場でカイト、ユミ、そしてアキラは新しい一年を迎えました。En: On a morning when the piled-up snow glistened, Niseko's beautiful ski resort greeted Kaito, Yumi, and Akira as they welcomed the new year.Ja: 空気は冷たくても、その場の活気に皆の心は温かくなります。En: Despite the chilly air, the vibrant atmosphere warmed everyone’s hearts.Ja: この冬、彼らは一緒に過ごし、友情を深めることを楽しみにしていました。En: This winter, they looked forward to spending time together and deepening their friendship.Ja: カイトは挑戦を愛するスキーヤーです。En: Kaito is a skier who loves challenges.Ja: しかし、最近友達との距離を感じていました。En: However, he has recently been feeling somewhat distant from his friends.Ja: 「この旅行で、友達との絆を強くしたい」と密かに思っていました。En: He secretly thought, "I want to strengthen my bonds with my friends on this trip."Ja: ユミは慎重で、いつも安全を重視します。En: Yumi is cautious and always prioritizes safety.Ja: 実はアキラへの想いを抱えていました。En: In reality, she harbored feelings for Akira.Ja: アキラはカジュアルな性格で、カイトの危険な滑り方を批判しつつも、ユミの気持ちには気づいていませんでした。En: Akira, with his casual personality, often criticized Kaito's risky skiing but was oblivious to Yumi's feelings.Ja: スキー場での一日が過ぎ、アキラが提案します。「そろそろ帰ろうか?」En: As the day at the ski resort came to an end, Akira suggested, "Shall we head back soon?"Ja: しかし、カイトは少し不安に感じつつも、「もう一本滑ってからにしようよ!」と言いました。En: However, Kaito, feeling a bit anxious, replied, "Let's go down one more run first!"Ja: その時、カイトは高度の影響で体調が悪化していることに気づいていましたが、それを隠していました。En: At that moment, Kaito noticed that the altitude was affecting his health, but he kept it hidden.Ja: 彼が山頂近くにたどり着いた時、急に眩暈を感じ、雪の上に崩れ落ちました。En: When he reached near the summit, he suddenly felt dizzy and collapsed onto the snow.Ja: ユミとアキラはすぐにカイトを助けに駆け寄りました。En: Yumi and Akira quickly rushed over to help Kaito.Ja: ユミは応急処置を施し、安心させるように笑顔を作りました。「大丈夫だよ、ゆっくりしてね」と優しく言いました。En: Yumi administered first aid and, putting on a reassuring smile, gently said, "It's okay, just take it easy."Ja: アキラも手助けをしながら、カイトに言いました。「君の冒険心は素晴らしい。でもこれからは、みんなのことも考えようよ。」En: While also assisting, Akira said to Kaito, "Your adventurous spirit is admirable. But from now on, let's consider everyone as well."Ja: 彼の言葉には友情の想いが込められていました。En: His words were filled with the spirit of friendship.Ja: 彼らは無事にロッジに戻り、ユミはカイトの看病をしました。En: They safely returned to the lodge, and Yumi took care of Kaito.Ja: その夜、小さな炉の火が暖かく揺らぎ、ユミはアキラに向かって思い切って言いました。「実は、あなたのことが好きなんです」。En: That night, as the small fire in the stove flickered warmly, Yumi mustered up her courage and said to Akira, "Actually, I like you."Ja: アキラは少し驚き、しかし微笑んでユミの手を優しく握りました。「ありがとう、僕も君のことを大切に思ってるよ。」En: Akira was somewhat surprised, but smiled and gently held Yumi's hand. "Thank you, I cherish you too."Ja: そして、友達三人はこの経験を通して学びました。En: Through this experience, the three friends learned something valuable.Ja: カイトは友情の大切さを、ユミは勇気を、アキラは仲間への感謝の心を。En: Kaito learned the importance of friendship, Yumi gained courage, and Akira developed a sense of gratitude towards his companions.Ja: 新しい年が始まり、多くのことを得た彼らの絆は、一層深まりました。En: As the new year began, their bonds strengthened even more, enriched with many lessons.Ja: 静かな雪景色の中で、温かい友情の灯は、いつまでも消えることなく輝いていました。En: In the quiet snowy landscape, the warm light of their friendship ...
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    16 mins

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