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FluentFiction - Croatian

  • Résumé

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Croatian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Croatian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Croatian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Dubrovnik, Plitvice Lakes National Park, or Split? Maybe you want to speak Croatian with your grandparents from Zagreb?

    Our podcast provides in-depth cultural and linguistic insights, preparing you for full immersion in the regions where Croatian is predominantly spoken, including Croatia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Croatian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Poboljšajte svoje razumijevanje slušanja s našim hrvatskim pričama danas!
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  • Love by the Waterfall: A Tale of Nature and New Beginnings
    Jul 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Love by the Waterfall: A Tale of Nature and New Beginnings Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Marko je hodao stazama Nacionalnog parka Plitvička jezera.En: Marko was walking along the trails of Plitvička Jezera National Park.Hr: Bio je ljetni dan, sunce je sjajilo, a zrak je bio svjež.En: It was a summer day, the sun was shining, and the air was fresh.Hr: Marko je bio fotograf, tražio je savršenu fotografiju.En: Marko was a photographer, seeking the perfect shot.Hr: Gužva turista ometala ga je, pa se odlučio udaljiti od glavne staze.En: The crowd of tourists was distracting him, so he decided to move away from the main trail.Hr: Petra je bila znanstvenica, istraživala je ekosustav parka za svoju doktorsku disertaciju.En: Petra was a scientist researching the park's ecosystem for her doctoral dissertation.Hr: Nosila je laboratorijski kaput i veliko računalo.En: She was wearing a lab coat and carrying a large computer.Hr: Odjednom, njena oprema se pokvarila.En: Suddenly, her equipment malfunctioned.Hr: Pokušala je to popraviti sama, ali nije uspjela.En: She tried to fix it herself but did not succeed.Hr: Marko je hodao šumom i došao do malog, skrivenog vodopada.En: Marko wandered through the forest and came upon a small, hidden waterfall.Hr: Tamo je vidio Petru kako pokušava popraviti svoju opremu.En: There he saw Petra trying to repair her equipment.Hr: Prišao joj je.En: He approached her.Hr: "Mogu li pomoći?" upitao je Marko.En: "Can I help?" Marko asked.Hr: Petra ga je pogledala s osmijehom, ali i sa zabrinutošću.En: Petra looked at him with a smile but also with concern.Hr: "Da, molim te. Ova oprema mi je važna za istraživanje, ali sada ne radi."En: "Yes, please. This equipment is crucial for my research, but now it’s not working."Hr: Marko je kleknuo pored nje i zajedno su počeli gledati što nije u redu.En: Marko knelt beside her, and together they began to figure out what was wrong.Hr: Nakon nekog vremena shvatili su problem i uspjeli popraviti opremu.En: After some time, they identified the problem and managed to fix the equipment.Hr: Petra je bila sretna.En: Petra was happy.Hr: "Hvala ti puno! Ti si mi spasio dan."En: "Thank you so much! You saved my day."Hr: Marko je nasmiješio.En: Marko smiled.Hr: "Drago mi je što sam mogao pomoći. Ovaj vodopad je tako lijep, hoćeš li biti na mojoj fotografiji? To bi bilo savršeno za moj projekt."En: "I’m glad I could help. This waterfall is so beautiful; would you mind being in my photograph? It would be perfect for my project."Hr: Petra je pristala.En: Petra agreed.Hr: Stala je pored vodopada, a Marko je uzeo nekoliko fotografija.En: She stood next to the waterfall, and Marko took several pictures.Hr: Svaka fotografija bila je savršena.En: Each one was perfect.Hr: Nakon toga, sjeli su na kamen i razgovarali.En: After that, they sat on a rock and talked.Hr: Marko je pričao o svojoj strasti za fotografijama.En: Marko spoke about his passion for photography.Hr: Petra je pričala o svojoj ljubavi prema prirodi.En: Petra spoke about her love for nature.Hr: Imali su mnogo zajedničkih tema.En: They had many common interests.Hr: "Hoćemo li se opet vidjeti?" pitao je Marko.En: "Shall we meet again?" asked Marko.Hr: "Naravno," rekla je Petra s osmijehom.En: "Of course," Petra said with a smile.Hr: Izmijenili su brojeve telefona i obećali da će se uskoro opet vidjeti.En: They exchanged phone numbers and promised to see each other soon.Hr: Marko je shvatio da ljepota prirode nije samo u izgledu, već i u znanosti i istraživanju.En: Marko realized that the beauty of nature is not just in its appearance but also in science and research.Hr: Petra je shvatila da je važno dijeliti svoje strasti i istraživanja s drugima.En: Petra understood that it’s important to share one’s passions and discoveries with others.Hr: Kako su sunčeve zrake polako nestajale, Marko je gledao svoj aparat.En: As the sun’s rays slowly faded, Marko looked at his camera.Hr: Fotografija je bila savršena; Petra je stajala ispred vodopada, simbol zajedništva prirode i znanosti.En: The photograph was perfect; Petra stood in front of the waterfall, a symbol of the unity of nature and science.Hr: Bio je to početak njihovog novog prijateljstva, možda i nečeg više.En: It was the beginning of their new friendship, perhaps something more.Hr: Marko i Petra su se oprostili, ali su znali da će se ubrzo vidjeti.En: Marko and Petra said goodbye but knew they would see each other soon.Hr: Plitvička jezera su postala mjesto gdje su otkrili više od prirodne ljepote.En: Plitvička Jezera had become a place where they discovered more than natural beauty.Hr: Otkrili su prijateljstvo i zajedničke ciljeve.En: They discovered friendship and shared goals.Hr: I tako su hodali u različitim smjerovima, ali s istom misijom u ...
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    17 min
  • Finding Her Voice: Ivana's Journey at Diocletian's Palace
    Jul 2 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Finding Her Voice: Ivana's Journey at Diocletian's Palace Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Ivana i Petar su stajali ispred Dioklecijanove palače, sunce je žarilo nad Splitom.En: Ivana and Petar were standing in front of Diocletian's Palace, with the sun blazing over Split.Hr: Turisti su se skupili oko njih, spremni za vođenje.En: Tourists had gathered around them, ready for the tour.Hr: Ivana je osjećala laganu nervozu.En: Ivana felt slightly nervous.Hr: Voljela je povijest, znala je sve detalje o palači, ali Petar je uvijek bio onaj koji je privlačio pažnju.En: She loved history and knew all the details about the palace, but Petar was always the one who captured people's attention.Hr: Petar je započeo priču, gestikulirajući rukama i smijući se.En: Petar started the story, gesticulating and laughing.Hr: "Dobrodošli u Dioklecijanovu palaču! Ova palača je stara više od 1700 godina!"En: "Welcome to Diocletian's Palace! This palace is over 1,700 years old!"Hr: Turisti su bili očarani, zureći u Petara i palaču s oduševljenjem.En: The tourists were fascinated, staring at Petar and the palace with enthusiasm.Hr: Ivana je stajala po strani, ljubazno se smiješeći, ali osjećala se neprimjetno.En: Ivana stood off to the side, smiling politely but feeling unnoticed.Hr: Dok su hodali kroz palaču, Petar je zaustavio grupu ispred stare cisterne.En: As they walked through the palace, Petar stopped the group in front of an old cistern.Hr: "Ovuda je prolazila Dioklecijanova vojska!" rekao je dramatično.En: "Diocletian's army passed through here!" he said dramatically.Hr: Turisti su ga slušali u tišini.En: The tourists listened in silence.Hr: Ivana je poznavala ovu cisternu bolje od bilo koga; ovdje je provela sate proučavajući detalje.En: Ivana knew this cistern better than anyone; she had spent hours studying its details.Hr: Ali je šutjela.En: But she remained silent.Hr: Petrova priča bila je uzbudljiva, ali Ivana je znala da može doprinijeti.En: Petar's story was exciting, but Ivana knew she could contribute.Hr: Na kraju su stigli do podruma palače, gdje su lukovi i mramorne ploče sijali u zlatnoj svjetlosti.En: In the end, they reached the palace basement, where the arches and marble slabs shone in the golden light.Hr: Petar je pogledao prema Ivani, prepoznavši njen izraz.En: Petar looked at Ivana, recognizing her expression.Hr: "Ivana," rekao je, "želiš li podijeliti neku zanimljivost?"En: "Ivana," he said, "would you like to share something interesting?"Hr: Ivana je osjetila kako joj srce brže kuca.En: Ivana felt her heart beat faster.Hr: "Naravno," rekla je polako.En: "Of course," she said slowly.Hr: "Ovdje, u podrumu, nalazi se najstarija sačuvana cisterna za vodu.En: "Here in the basement, you'll find the oldest preserved water cistern.Hr: Dioklecijan je izgradio ovu cisternu kako bi osigurao dovoljnu količinu vode za stanovnike palače."En: Diocletian built this cistern to ensure an adequate water supply for the palace residents."Hr: Turisti su se približili, zainteresirano slušajući.En: The tourists drew closer, listening intently.Hr: Ivana je nastavila, osjećajući kako joj raste samopouzdanje.En: Ivana continued, feeling her confidence grow.Hr: "Osim toga, ovdje su pronađeni brojni mozaici i alati iz rimskog doba.En: "Additionally, numerous mosaics and tools from the Roman era have been found here.Hr: To nam govori koliko je palača bila napredna za svoje vrijeme."En: This tells us just how advanced the palace was for its time."Hr: Turisti su bili zadivljeni.En: The tourists were impressed.Hr: Netko je čak postavio pitanje, a Ivana je pažljivo odgovorila.En: Someone even asked a question, which Ivana answered carefully.Hr: Dok je govorila, Petar je stajao pored nje, s osmijehom odobrenja.En: As she spoke, Petar stood beside her, smiling with approval.Hr: Ivana je prvi put osjetila da je stvarno prepoznata, ne samo kao vodič, već kao stručnjak.En: For the first time, Ivana felt truly recognized, not just as a guide, but as an expert.Hr: Tour je završio sa velikim aplauzom.En: The tour ended with a big round of applause.Hr: Turisti su se zahvalili obojici vodiča, ali mnogi su posebno hvalili Ivanino znanje.En: The tourists thanked both guides, but many specifically praised Ivana's knowledge.Hr: Petar je prišao Ivani i rekao, "Bila si fantastična! Stvarno imaš znanje i strast."En: Petar approached Ivana and said, "You were fantastic! You really have the knowledge and passion."Hr: Ivana je osjetila kako joj srce ispunjava ponos.En: Ivana felt her heart fill with pride.Hr: "Hvala, Petre," rekla je skromno.En: "Thank you, Petar," she said modestly.Hr: "Zajedno smo sjajan tim."En: "We make a great team."Hr: Tog dana, sunce je zalazilo nad Splitom, bacajujući zlatne zrake preko starih zidina Dioklecijanove ...
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    17 min
  • Statehood Day Heroes: An Unlikely Duo Saves a Life
    Jul 1 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Statehood Day Heroes: An Unlikely Duo Saves a Life Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Hr: Ban Jelačićev trg bio je pun ljudi.En: Ban Jelačić Square was full of people.Hr: Bilo je ljeto, Dan državnosti.En: It was summer, Statehood Day.Hr: Šarene zastave vijorile su se na svakom koraku.En: Colorful flags were waving everywhere.Hr: Karlo, učitelj povijesti, hodao je trgovačkim centrom.En: Karlo, a history teacher, was walking through the shopping center.Hr: Bio je zabrinut za svoje bolesne roditelje, ali danas je odlučio provesti dan u gradu.En: He was worried about his sick parents, but today he decided to spend the day in the city.Hr: Stajao je ispred kipa bana Jelačića i gledao oko sebe.En: He stood in front of the statue of Ban Jelačić and looked around.Hr: Iznenada, djevojka u gomili se srušila.En: Suddenly, a girl in the crowd collapsed.Hr: Ljudi su stali oko nje, u panici.En: People stopped around her, panicking.Hr: Karlo je odmah prišao.En: Karlo immediately approached.Hr: Pognuo se i pokušao je probuditi.En: He bent down and tried to wake her.Hr: Nije znala kako će reagirati.En: He didn't know how she would react.Hr: Ana, studentica medicine, bila je nedaleko.En: Ana, a medical student, was nearby.Hr: Vidjevši situaciju, prišla je brzo.En: Seeing the situation, she quickly approached.Hr: "Dajte da pomognem," rekla je odlučno.En: "Let me help," she said decisively.Hr: Karlo je povukao korak unazad.En: Karlo stepped back.Hr: "Možeš li je probuditi?En: "Can you wake her up?"Hr: " upitao je sumnjivo.En: he asked skeptically.Hr: Ana je kleknula pokraj djevojke i počela pregled.En: Ana knelt beside the girl and began an examination.Hr: "Provjerit ću puls," rekla je mirno.En: "I’ll check her pulse," she said calmly.Hr: Osjetila je slab puls.En: She felt a weak pulse.Hr: "Treba nam voda i hlada," dodala je.En: "We need water and shade," she added.Hr: Karlo je odjurio do najbližeg kioska po bocu vode.En: Karlo dashed to the nearest kiosk for a bottle of water.Hr: U trenu se vratio.En: He returned instantly.Hr: Ana je pažljivo podigla djevojčinu glavu i polako joj kapala vodu na usne.En: Ana carefully lifted the girl's head and slowly dripped water onto her lips.Hr: Djevojka se polako osvijestila.En: The girl gradually regained consciousness.Hr: "Uspjela si!En: "You did it!"Hr: " uzviknuo je Karlo radosno.En: Karlo exclaimed joyfully.Hr: Ana je zadržala spokojan izraz lica.En: Ana maintained a calm expression.Hr: "Hvala, ali moramo pričekati hitnu pomoć," rekla je odlučno.En: "Thank you, but we need to wait for the ambulance," she said firmly.Hr: Karlo je pogledao na sat.En: Karlo looked at his watch.Hr: Znao je da će zakasniti kući.En: He knew he would be late getting home.Hr: Ali odlučio je ostati.En: But he decided to stay.Hr: Kroz nekoliko minuta, došla je hitna pomoć.En: Within a few minutes, the ambulance arrived.Hr: Djevojka je bila u sigurnim rukama.En: The girl was in safe hands.Hr: Karlo je duboko udahnuo.En: Karlo took a deep breath.Hr: Shvatio je koliko je važno biti tu za druge.En: He realized how important it is to be there for others.Hr: Ana je promatrala kako ambulanta odlazi.En: Ana watched as the ambulance departed.Hr: Osjetila je ponos i sigurnost u svoje vještine.En: She felt pride and confidence in her skills.Hr: Znala je da je odabrala pravi put.En: She knew she had chosen the right path.Hr: "Brava si," rekao je Karlo.En: "You're brave," Karlo said.Hr: "Ponosan sam na tebe.En: "I’m proud of you."Hr: "Ana je kimnula.En: Ana nodded.Hr: "Hvala.En: "Thank you.Hr: I ti si učinio pravu stvar.En: You did the right thing too."Hr: " Karlo je osmjehnuo, znajući da iako je zakasnio kući, učinio je nešto značajno.En: Karlo smiled, knowing that although he was late getting home, he had done something significant.Hr: Na trgu se nastavila proslava, ali za Karla i Anu, taj dan postao je poseban.En: The celebration on the square continued, but for Karlo and Ana, that day had become special.Hr: Oboje su naučili vrijednu lekciju i osjećali se povezano sa svijetom oko sebe.En: Both learned a valuable lesson and felt connected to the world around them.Hr: Vrijeme je prolazilo, ali njihovo iskustvo ostalo je vječno u srcima.En: Time passed, but their experience remained forever in their hearts.Hr: Kročeći prema kući, Karlo je znao da će odsad pomagati drugima kad god može.En: As he walked home, Karlo knew he would now help others whenever he could.Hr: Ana je osjećala da je spremna za sve izazove koje joj donosi medicina.En: Ana felt ready for all the challenges that medicine would bring her. Vocabulary Words:square: trgworried: zabrinutstatue: kipcollapsed: srušilacrowd: gomilapanicking: paniciapproached: prišaobent down: pognuoreact: reagiratipulse: pulscalmly: mirnoshade: hladadashed: odjuriokiosk: ...
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    16 min

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