
  • Discover Connections in the Heart of a Canadian Winter
    Jan 9 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Discover Connections in the Heart of a Canadian Winter Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-09-08-38-20-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Zimné ráno bolo chladné, sneh jemne pokrýval všetko navôkol.En: The winter morning was cold, the snow gently covering everything around.Sk: Marek sa obzrel okolo seba a cítil, ako mu vietor pohladil tvár.En: Marek looked around and felt the wind caress his face.Sk: Mal na sebe hrubý kabát a v rukách pevne držal rukavice.En: He wore a thick coat and held his gloves firmly in his hands.Sk: Bol to deň, keď sa s triedou mali vydať na výlet do komunitného centra pôvodných obyvateľov Kanady.En: It was the day when the class was set to go on a trip to the community center of the Indigenous peoples of Canada.Sk: Keď vstúpil do centra, teplo ho privítalo ako priateľ.En: When he entered the center, the warmth welcomed him like a friend.Sk: Vôňa cédrového dreva a smiech rozliehajúci sa z miestnosti ho úplne zbavili zimy, ktorá ho tesne obklopovala vonku.En: The scent of cedar wood and laughter echoing from the room completely chased away the winter that surrounded him so closely outside.Sk: Steny boli ozdobené nádhernými farebnými maľbami, ktoré rozprávali príbehy dávnych čias.En: The walls were adorned with beautiful colorful paintings that told stories of ancient times.Sk: V strede miestnosti stál veľký stôl, na ktorom boli nachystané materiály na tvorbu tradičných remesiel.En: In the middle of the room stood a large table with materials prepared for making traditional crafts.Sk: "Poďme sa do toho pustiť," povedala Lena s úsmevom, ktorým povzbudila Mareka.En: "Let’s get started," said Lena with a smile, encouraging Marek.Sk: Marek na chvíľu zaváhal.En: Marek hesitated for a moment.Sk: Vedel, že ho čaká nová skúsenosť, no obával sa toho neznámeho.En: He knew a new experience awaited him, but he was anxious about the unknown.Sk: Jakub ho mierne potiahol za rukáv.En: Jakub gently tugged at his sleeve.Sk: "Neboj sa, zvládneš to," dodal Jakub a Marek sa cítil o trochu odvážnejšie.En: "Don't worry, you can do it," Jakub added, and Marek felt a little braver.Sk: Hostitelia ich učili, ako vyrábať malé drevené sošky, ktoré predstavovali duchov prírody.En: The hosts taught them how to make small wooden figurines representing the spirits of nature.Sk: Marek sa snažil pochopiť každý krok, no nie vždy mu to išlo podľa plánu.En: Marek tried to understand each step, but it didn’t always go according to plan.Sk: Lena a Jakub sa občas zasmiali, keď Marek urobil niečo nesprávne, no vždy to mysleli len ako povzbudenie.En: Lena and Jakub occasionally laughed when Marek did something wrong, but they always meant it as encouragement.Sk: V jednom okamihu sa Marek pokúsil ručne vyrezať vzor do dreva, ale urobil chybu.En: At one point, Marek tried to carve a pattern into the wood by hand but made a mistake.Sk: Projekts sa poškodil, a Marek cítil, ako sa červený od hanby pred očami všetkých.En: The project was damaged, and Marek felt his face turn red with embarrassment in front of everyone’s eyes.Sk: Sklonil hlavu a hlavou mu prebehli pochybnosti.En: He lowered his head, doubts running through his mind.Sk: Ale Lena a Jakub boli hneď pri ňom, povzbudzovali ho, aby začal odznova.En: But Lena and Jakub were right there beside him, encouraging him to start over.Sk: "Pomôžeme ti," povedala Lena a pozorovala chýbajúcu časť sošky.En: "We'll help you," said Lena, observing the missing part of the figurine.Sk: Jakub medzitým priviedol jedného z remeselníkov, ktorý im poskytol ďalšie rady.En: Meanwhile, Jakub brought over one of the craftsmen who provided them with further advice.Sk: Spolu sa zaslúžili o pokračovanie v projektoch a tentokrát bol výsledok omnoho lepší.En: Together, they managed to continue with the project, and this time the result was much better.Sk: Keď nakoniec Marek dokončil svoje dielo, bolo to s pocitom hrdosti a úľavy.En: When Marek finally completed his work, it was with a feeling of pride and relief.Sk: Komunitní členovia pochválili ich prácu a Marek cítil, ako z neho opadala všetka nervozita.En: The community members praised their work, and Marek felt all his nervousness fade away.Sk: Zaslúžene sa zasmial spolu s Lenou a Jakubom, ktorí sa s ním radovali.En: He laughed deservedly, along with Lena and Jakub, who rejoiced with him.Sk: Na konci dňa, keď sa Marek vracal domov, cítil niečo nové.En: At the end of the day, as Marek was returning home, he felt something new.Sk: Bolo to akési spojenie, pocit, že už nie je tak sám.En: It was a kind of connection, a feeling that he wasn’t so alone anymore.Sk: Možno tu, uprostred kanadskej zimy, našiel kúsok domova aj on.En: Perhaps here, in the midst of the Canadian winter, he too found a piece of home.Sk: Teraz ...
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    15 mins
  • Marek's Winter Quest: Patience Unlocks Style
    Jan 8 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Marek's Winter Quest: Patience Unlocks Style Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-08-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Marek stál pri okne v rodinnom dome v Bratislave.En: Marek stood by the window in the family house in Bratislava.Sk: Sledoval, ako sa snehové vločky usadili na strome pred domom.En: He watched as snowflakes settled on the tree in front of the house.Sk: Dom bol plný hluku, smiechu a vône varených dobrôt.En: The house was full of noise, laughter, and the smell of cooked delicacies.Sk: Novoročné oslavy sa ešte neskončili, všade viseli girlandy a svetielka.En: The New Year's celebrations were not over yet; garlands and lights hung everywhere.Sk: "Dnes idem na nákupy," Marek sa obrátil k svojej mame, ktorá bola zaneprázdnená kuchyňou.En: "Today I'm going shopping," Marek turned to his mother, who was busy in the kitchen.Sk: "Potrebujem novú zimnú bundu.En: "I need a new winter jacket."Sk: "Marek mal obmedzený rozpočet, ktorý mu rodičia dali.En: Marek had a limited budget given by his parents.Sk: Jeho starší súrodenci, Zuzana a Jakub, mali vždy štýlové oblečenie.En: His older siblings, Zuzana and Jakub, always had stylish clothes.Sk: Marek chcel tiež niečo podobné.En: Marek wanted something similar too.Sk: Vedel však, že jeho peniaze nestačia na drahé značky, ktoré sa im tak páčili.En: However, he knew that his money was not enough for the expensive brands they liked so much.Sk: Skočil do topánok a pevne zatiahol šál okolo krku.En: He jumped into his shoes and tightly wrapped a scarf around his neck.Sk: "Vráť sa pred večerou," zavolala na neho mama, keď Marek vyrazil do chladného dňa.En: "Come back before dinner," his mother called after him as Marek headed out into the cold day.Sk: V meste bolo rušno.En: The city was bustling.Sk: Ľudia sa prechádzali, z obchodov znela hudba a ulice boli pokryté jemnou vrstvou snehu.En: People were walking around, music played from shops, and the streets were covered with a thin layer of snow.Sk: Marek navštívil niekoľko obchodov.En: Marek visited several stores.Sk: V každom okne si prezeral ponuku búnd a hľadal niečo, čo by sa mu páčilo a zároveň bolo dostupné.En: At each window, he looked over the selection of jackets, searching for something he would like and that was affordable.Sk: Nakoniec sa zastavil v obchode na rohu.En: Finally, he stopped at a store on the corner.Sk: „Výpredaj,“ hlásil veľký červený nápis.En: "Sale," announced a large red sign.Sk: Marek ho sledoval, ako keby to bolo znamenie.En: Marek watched it as if it was a sign meant for him.Sk: Prešiel sa pomaly medzi regálmi až.En: He walked slowly between the racks until...Sk: Uzrel ju!En: There it was!Sk: Ako keby bola jeho dokonalá bunda presne na neho čakala.En: As if his perfect jacket was waiting just for him.Sk: Štýlová, hrejivá a vo farbe, ktorú miloval.En: Stylish, warm, and in a color he loved.Sk: V jantárovej: farba slnka na zimnej oblohe.En: In amber: the color of the sun on a winter sky.Sk: Jeho srdce búšilo radosťou, keď si všimol ďalšieho chlapca, ktorý sa k nej blížil.En: His heart pounded with joy when he noticed another boy approaching it.Sk: Marek zrýchlil krok, takmer bežal.En: Marek quickened his pace, almost running.Sk: Ruka sa natiahla, a v poslednej chvíli uchopil bundu tesne predtým, ako to urobil ten druhý.En: His hand reached out, and at the last moment, he grabbed the jacket just before the other boy could.Sk: „Máš šťastie,“ usmial sa predavač pri pokladni, keď Marek platil nadšený kúpou.En: "You're lucky," smiled the sales clerk at the checkout when Marek paid, thrilled with his purchase.Sk: Bunda bola zľavnená o polovicu, čím sa zmestila do jeho rozpočtu.En: The jacket was half-priced, fitting within his budget.Sk: Marek sa vrátil domov s úsmevom.En: Marek returned home with a smile.Sk: Pochopil, že niekedy je treba trpezlivosti a rozvaha.En: He understood that sometimes patience and deliberation are needed.Sk: Bunda bola jeho a on bol teraz trochu viac sebavedomý a tiež múdrejší.En: The jacket was his, and he was now a bit more confident and also wiser.Sk: Zuzana a Jakub ho privítali s obdivom.En: Zuzana and Jakub greeted him with admiration.Sk: „Vyzeráš skvele,“ povedali jednomyseľne.En: "You look great," they said unanimously.Sk: Marek vedel, že to nebolo len preto, že mal na sebe peknú bundu.En: Marek knew it wasn't just because he was wearing a nice jacket.Sk: Bola to trpezlivosť a rozumná voľba, ktoré nakoniec priniesli jeho úspech.En: It was patience and sensible choice that ultimately brought his success.Sk: Tak sa Marek naučil hodnotu trpezlivosti a rozumného nakupovania.En: Thus, Marek learned the value of patience and smart shopping.Sk: A všetkým v dome bolo jasné, že aj Marek už vyrástol.En: And it was clear to ...
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    15 mins
  • Blanket of Memories: Healing Hearts Through Nostalgia
    Jan 8 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Blanket of Memories: Healing Hearts Through Nostalgia Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-08-08-38-19-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V dome starej mamy bolo stále teplo a útulne.En: In their grandmother's house, it was always warm and cozy.Sk: Aj keď bola zima a vonku padal sneh, dnu panovala príjemná atmosféra.En: Even though it was winter and snow was falling outside, a pleasant atmosphere prevailed inside.Sk: Milan a Zuzana tam prišli, aby pretriedili veci starej mamy.En: Milan and Zuzana had come to sort through their grandmother's belongings.Sk: Každý kút tejto veľkej rodinnej domácnosti ukrýval spomienky.En: Every corner of this large family home concealed memories.Sk: Milan sedel na zemi s krabicou plnou starých kníh a dokumentov.En: Milan was sitting on the floor with a box full of old books and documents.Sk: Zuzana sedela na pohovke, obklopená starými fotografiami a dekami.En: Zuzana was sitting on the couch, surrounded by old photographs and blankets.Sk: Odložila jednu deku a pozrela na brata.En: She set aside one blanket and looked at her brother.Sk: "Mali by sme túto deku nechať," povedala jemne.En: "We should keep this blanket," she said gently.Sk: "Naozaj potrebujeme toľko deky?En: "Do we really need so many blankets?Sk: Niektoré sú už staré a roztrhnuté," povzdychol si Milan.En: Some of them are already old and torn," Milan sighed.Sk: Pre neho bol úloh jasný.En: To him, the task was clear.Sk: Museli sa rýchlo pretriediť a postupovať prakticky.En: They needed to sort quickly and proceed practically.Sk: Zuzana sa zahľadela na deku.En: Zuzana gazed at the blanket.Sk: "Toto je deka, pod ktorou sme ako deti spali.En: "This is the blanket we used to sleep under as children.Sk: Má svoju hodnotu.En: It has its value."Sk: "Milan sa na chvíľu zastavil.En: Milan paused for a moment.Sk: Pomaly vstal a pozrel sa na stenu, kde viseli obrazy starej mamy.En: He slowly stood up and looked at the wall where their grandmother's pictures hung.Sk: Cítil pocit viny, že ju viac nenavštevoval.En: He felt guilty for not visiting her more often.Sk: "Viem, že je pre teba ťažké niečo vyhodiť.En: "I know it's hard for you to throw things away.Sk: Ale musíme byť rozumní," povedal ticho.En: But we have to be reasonable," he said quietly.Sk: Zuzana sklonila hlavu a vzdychla.En: Zuzana bowed her head and sighed.Sk: "Nemôžem sa vzdať spomienok.En: "I can't give up memories.Sk: Potrebujem ich.En: I need them."Sk: "Nastalo medzi nimi ticho, ktoré prerušil Milan.En: There was a silence between them that Milan broke.Sk: "Čo keby sme tie najvzácnejšie veci nechali a zvyšok dali na dobré účely?En: "What if we keep the most treasured items and give the rest to good causes?Sk: Možno by sme niečo mohli aj zrecyklovať.En: Maybe we could recycle some things too."Sk: "Zuzana kývla hlavou.En: Zuzana nodded her head.Sk: "To by bolo rozumné.En: "That would be reasonable.Sk: Ale tú deku by som naozaj chcela nechať.En: But I really would like to keep that blanket."Sk: "Milan si sadol vedľa nej a chytil jej ruku.En: Milan sat down next to her and took her hand.Sk: "Súhlasím.En: "I agree.Sk: Tú deku necháme.En: We'll keep that blanket."Sk: "Spolu si prešli všetky miestnosti.En: Together, they went through every room.Sk: Vybrali tie najcennejšie veci a ostatné roztriedili.En: They selected the most valuable items and sorted the rest.Sk: Niektoré veci putovali do darov, iné preč.En: Some things were donated, others discarded.Sk: Pomaly sa im podarilo všetko usporiadať.En: Slowly, they managed to organize everything.Sk: Dom sa pomaličky vyprázdňoval, ale bol naplnený ich spojením a spoločným úsilím.En: The house gradually emptied, but it was filled with their connection and joint effort.Sk: Keď nakoniec odišli, zimné slnko začalo zapadať, jeho teplé lúče osvetľovali dom zo všetkých strán.En: When they finally left, the winter sun began to set, its warm rays illuminating the house from all sides.Sk: Milan a Zuzana sa cítili pokojne.En: Milan and Zuzana felt at peace.Sk: Naučili sa vážiť si jeden druhého a našli spôsob, ako uctiť pamiatku svojej staršej mamy spoločne.En: They learned to appreciate each other and found a way to honor their grandmother's memory together.Sk: Ich srdcia boli plné lásky a spomienok, ktoré mali na ten veľký dom plný drahocenných chvíľ.En: Their hearts were full of love and memories of that large house filled with precious moments. Vocabulary Words:cozy: útulneprevail: panovaťbelongings: veciconcealed: ukrývalgently: jemnetorn: roztrhnutépractically: praktickygazed: zahľadelatreasured: najvzácnejšiedonate: darovaťdiscarded: vyhodiťorganize: usporiadaťtreasured: cennejšieconnection: spojenieeffort: úsilieilluminating: osvetľovaliappreciate: vážiť sihonor: uctiťwarm rays: teplé lúčefilled: ...
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    15 mins
  • Marek’s Heartfelt Lesson: A Foggy Swamp Escape
    Jan 7 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Marek’s Heartfelt Lesson: A Foggy Swamp Escape Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-07-23-34-01-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Marek, Eva a Jana sa vybrali na zimu do Foggy Swamp.En: Marek, Eva and Jana set out for the winter to Foggy Swamp.Sk: Marek bol vášnivý turista, rád chodil po prírode.En: Marek was a passionate hiker, he loved walking in nature.Sk: Dnes chcel uniknúť stresu z práce.En: Today, he wanted to escape the stress of work.Sk: Marek bol presvedčený, že jeho zdravie je perfektné.En: Marek was convinced that his health was perfect.Sk: Veril si.En: He was confident.Sk: Mlha bola hustá.En: The fog was thick.Sk: Stromy boli staré.En: The trees were old.Sk: Vzduch bol chladný a vonial borovicami.En: The air was cold and smelled of pine.Sk: Cesta bola klzká.En: The path was slippery.Sk: Eva a Jana išli vpredu.En: Eva and Jana walked ahead.Sk: Marek kráčal pomaly za nimi.En: Marek walked slowly behind them.Sk: Zrazu pocítil ostrú bolesť v hrudi.En: Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his chest.Sk: Bola silná, prišla nečakane.En: It was strong and came unexpectedly.Sk: Zastavil sa.En: He stopped.Sk: Skúsil to ignorovať.En: He tried to ignore it.Sk: Povedal si, že je len unavený.En: He told himself he was just tired.Sk: Pokračoval ďalej.En: He kept going.Sk: Eva sa otočila.En: Eva turned around.Sk: "Marek, si v poriadku?En: "Marek, are you okay?"Sk: " spýtala sa.En: she asked.Sk: "Áno, áno," odpovedal Marek, aj keď si nebol istý.En: "Yes, yes," Marek replied, even though he wasn't sure.Sk: Bolesť sa zhoršovala.En: The pain worsened.Sk: Začal sa potiť, cítil závrat.En: He started sweating and felt dizzy.Sk: Hmla sa zdala byť hustejšia.En: The fog seemed to thicken.Sk: Ešte raz sa zastavil.En: He stopped once more.Sk: Cítil, že niečo nie je v poriadku.En: He felt that something wasn't right.Sk: Marek sa snažil dýchať zhlboka.En: Marek tried to breathe deeply.Sk: Ale bolesť ho neopustila.En: But the pain did not leave him.Sk: Vedel, že musí niečo urobiť.En: He knew he had to do something.Sk: Zavolal na Evu a Janu.En: He called out to Eva and Jana.Sk: "Musím požiadať o pomoc," povedal potichu.En: "I need to ask for help," he said quietly.Sk: Jana rýchlo vytočila číslo záchrannej služby.En: Jana quickly dialed the emergency number.Sk: O chvíľu neskôr Marek počul zvuk helikoptéry.En: A moment later, Marek heard the sound of a helicopter.Sk: Evu a Janu sledovali, ako ho záchranári zdvíhajú na nosidlách.En: Eva and Jana watched as the rescuers lifted him onto a stretcher.Sk: Marek vedel, že je v bezpečí.En: Marek knew he was safe.Sk: V nemocnici sa dozvedel, že je dôležité starať sa o svoje zdravie.En: In the hospital, he learned that it is important to take care of one's health.Sk: Uvedomil si, že fyzická kondícia nie je všetko.En: He realized that physical fitness is not everything.Sk: Musí byť pokorný a pripravený priznať si zraniteľnosť.En: He must be humble and ready to admit his vulnerability.Sk: Uvedomil si, že zdravie zahŕňa i starostlivosť o srdce.En: He realized that health also includes taking care of the heart.Sk: Keď sa vrátil domov, Marek poďakoval Eve a Jane za ich pomoc.En: When he returned home, Marek thanked Eva and Jana for their help.Sk: Vedel, že jeho pohľad na zdravie sa zmenil.En: He knew that his perspective on health had changed.Sk: Rozhodol sa, že sa bude viac venovať celkovej starostlivosti o seba.En: He decided that he would pay more attention to overall self-care.Sk: Bol vďačný za lekciu, ktorú mu Foggy Swamp dal.En: He was grateful for the lesson that Foggy Swamp had given him. Vocabulary Words:passionate: vášnivýhiker: turistaescape: uniknúťstress: stresuconvinced: presvedčenýthick: hustáair: vzduchslippery: klzkásharp: ostrápain: bolesťchest: hrudiunexpectedly: nečakaneignore: ignorovaťtired: unavenýworsened: zhoršovalasweating: potiťdizzy: závratthicken: zhustnúťrealized: uvedomil sivulnerability: zraniteľnosťemergency: záchrannej službystretcher: nosidláchhospital: nemocnicifitness: kondíciahumble: pokornýgrateful: vďačnýperspective: pohľadoverall: celkovejself-care: starostlivosť o sebalesson: lekciu
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    14 mins
  • Finding Light: Marek's Journey Through Fog and Fear
    Jan 7 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Finding Light: Marek's Journey Through Fog and Fear Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-07-08-38-19-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Marek sa potkýnal po vlhkej zemi Bieleho močiaru.En: Marek stumbled through the damp ground of Bieleho Močiara.Sk: Cítil, ako sa mu chladný, silný vietor zarýva pod kabát.En: He felt the cold, strong wind piercing under his coat.Sk: V zime je močiarny kraj nehostinný a dnes ho zakrývala hustá hmla.En: In winter, the marshland is inhospitable, and today it was covered in thick fog.Sk: Nevidel si ani na špičku vlastného nosa.En: He couldn't even see the tip of his own nose.Sk: V hlave mu stále vŕtali rady Ivety.En: In his mind, Iveta's advice kept echoing.Sk: "Pokiľ sa stratíš, využívaj všetky zmysly.En: "If you get lost, use all your senses.Sk: Počúvaj zvuky, cítiť ich môžeš lepšie ako vidieť.En: Listen to sounds; you can sense them better than seeing."Sk: "Marek cítil strach.En: Marek felt fear.Sk: Stratil zrak.En: He lost his sight.Sk: Všetko začalo v momente, keď cez hustú hmlovinu prival iba hluché ticho.En: Everything started in the moment when the thick fog brought only deafening silence.Sk: Zavrel oči a snažil sa počúvať všetko, čo ho obklopuje.En: He closed his eyes and tried to listen to everything surrounding him.Sk: Kroky po blate, šum lístia, slabé čvirikanie vtáctva.En: Steps in the mud, the rustle of leaves, faint chirping of birds.Sk: Snažil sa spätne vybaviť, čo mu o tejto oblasti hovorila Jana, jeho priateľka.En: He tried to recall what Jana, his girlfriend, had told him about this area.Sk: Ona bola skutočne nebojácna.En: She was truly fearless.Sk: "Na kraji močiaru je stará cesta," povedala mu raz.En: "At the edge of the marsh, there's an old road," she had once said.Sk: "Je to bezpečné miesto.En: "It's a safe place."Sk: "Bez zraku bol Marek dosť zraniteľný.En: Without sight, Marek was quite vulnerable.Sk: Vedel to a obával sa toho.En: He knew it and was afraid of it.Sk: Vždy sa spoliehal len sám na seba.En: He always relied on himself.Sk: Ale teraz potreboval pomoc.En: But now he needed help.Sk: Počul, že nedaleko od neho prejde auto.En: He heard a car pass nearby.Sk: Je to jeho šanca.En: This was his chance.Sk: "Pomoc!En: "Help!"Sk: " zvolal do ticha.En: he called into the silence.Sk: "Pomôžte mi!En: "Help me!"Sk: " Jeho hlas zanikol v hmle, ale potom sa snažil ešte raz.En: His voice was lost in the fog, but then he tried again.Sk: Musel sa spoľahnúť na to, že niekto bude počuť jeho volanie.En: He had to rely on someone hearing his call.Sk: Potreboval ich priniesť k sebe.En: He needed to bring them to him.Sk: Po chvíli, ktorá sa zdala nekonečná, počul hlasy.En: After a moment that seemed endless, he heard voices.Sk: Ľudia odpovedali na jeho výkriky.En: People responded to his cries.Sk: "Tu sme!En: "Here we are!Sk: Počuli sme ťa, ideme k tebe!En: We heard you, we're coming to you!"Sk: " Boli to turistickí nadšenci, ktorí, nevysvetiteľne, práve prechádzali okolo.En: They were hiking enthusiasts who, inexplicably, were just passing by.Sk: S ich pomocou sa pomaly presunul k bezpečiu.En: With their help, he slowly moved to safety.Sk: Svetlo prichádzajúce spoza hmly mu po chvíli prinieslo pokoj.En: The light coming from behind the fog brought him peace after a while.Sk: Zrýchlil krok až do bezpečia na suchej ceste.En: He quickened his pace until he was safe on the dry road.Sk: Marek, teraz bezpečne na okraji močiara, pochopil význam slova spolupráca.En: Marek, now safely at the edge of the marsh, understood the meaning of the word cooperation.Sk: Nebolo to o jeho nezávislosti, ale o ochote požiadať o pomoc.En: It wasn't about his independence, but about the willingness to ask for help.Sk: Naučil sa, že byť otvorený zraniteľnosti nie je slabosť, ale múdrosť.En: He learned that being open to vulnerability is not weakness, but wisdom.Sk: A práve to pochopil v hľadaní svetla vo vonkajšom, aj vnútornom svete.En: And he understood this in searching for light in both the external and internal world. Vocabulary Words:stumbled: potkýnaldamp: vlhkápiercing: zarývainhospitable: nehostinnýmarshland: močiarny krajechoing: vŕtalideafening: hluchérustle: šumvulnerable: zraniteľnýrelied: spoliehalcries: výkrikyhiking: turistickíinexplicably: nevysvetliteľnepeace: pokojcooperation: spoluprácaindependence: nezávislostivulnerability: zraniteľnostiwisdom: múdrosťmarsh: močiarfog: hmlachirping: čvirikanieedge: krajsurrounding: obklopujesenses: zmyslyfaint: slabéquickened: zrýchliltip: špičkawillingness: ochotesafe: bezpečnýexternal: vonkajšom
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    14 mins
  • The Heartfelt Hunt: Discovering Holiday Joy in Košice
    Jan 6 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: The Heartfelt Hunt: Discovering Holiday Joy in Košice Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-06-23-34-02-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Vánoční trhy v Košicích hýří kouzlem.En: The Christmas markets in Košice are brimming with magic.Sk: Námestie je plné jasných svetiel a vône vareného vína.En: The square is full of bright lights and the aroma of mulled wine.Sk: Juraj, so srdcom plným nádeje, sa prediera cez dav ľudí.En: Juraj, with a heart full of hope, pushes through the crowd.Sk: Premýšľa o tom, čo kúpiť svojej rodine.En: He ponders what to buy for his family.Sk: Sviatočná atmosféra je nádherná, ale čas sa krátí.En: The festive atmosphere is wonderful, but time is running short.Sk: Vianoce sú už za dverami.En: Christmas is just around the corner.Sk: Juraj nie je sám.En: Juraj is not alone.Sk: Zuzana a Marek sú s ním.En: Zuzana and Marek are with him.Sk: Prišli, aby mu pomohli.En: They've come to help him.Sk: Zuzana je jeho priateľka.En: Zuzana is his girlfriend.Sk: Marek je jeho najlepší kamarát.En: Marek is his best friend.Sk: "Juraj, nestrácaj čas!En: "Juraj, don't waste time!"Sk: " hovorí Zuzana láskavo.En: Zuzana says kindly.Sk: "Pozri, koľko ľudí je tu!En: "Look at how many people are here!Sk: Dary sa rýchlo míňajú.En: Gifts are running out quickly."Sk: " Juraj sa snaží nepoddávať panike, ale cíti tlak.En: Juraj tries not to panic, but he feels the pressure.Sk: Prvý stánok je plný šperkov.En: The first stall is full of jewelry.Sk: Juraj vie, že jeho mama má rada jednoduché veci.En: Juraj knows his mom likes simple things.Sk: Rozhodne sa, že šperk nie je ten pravý dar.En: He decides that jewelry is not the right gift.Sk: Druhý stánok je s hračkami.En: The second stall has toys.Sk: Pre jeho mladšieho brata by to bolo perfektné.En: It would be perfect for his younger brother.Sk: Ale už vie, že Marek mu už niečo vybral.En: But he already knows that Marek has chosen something for him.Sk: Ako prechádzajú ďalšími stánkami, Juraj si uvedomí, že najdôležitejšie sú myšlienky za darčekmi.En: As they go through more stalls, Juraj realizes that the thoughts behind the gifts are most important.Sk: Náhle zastane.En: He suddenly stops.Sk: "Zuzana, Marek, čo myslíte, čo by potešilo mojich rodičov?En: "Zuzana, Marek, what do you think would make my parents happy?"Sk: " opýta sa.En: he asks.Sk: Zuzana sa usmeje.En: Zuzana smiles.Sk: "Niečo z vášho detstva.En: "Something from your childhood.Sk: Niečo, čo máte všetci radi.En: Something that you all love."Sk: "Juraj pozorne rozmýšľa.En: Juraj thinks carefully.Sk: Potom uvidí posledný stánok.En: Then he sees the last stall.Sk: Je plný ručne vyrobených vecí.En: It is full of handmade items.Sk: Vopred už takmer zatvárajú.En: They are almost closing already.Sk: Srdce mu poskočí.En: His heart skips a beat.Sk: V stánku sú krásne drevené figúrky.En: The stall has beautiful wooden figures.Sk: Každú z nich ručne tvorená, každá unikatná.En: Each one is handmade, each one unique.Sk: Juraj si spomenie, ako jeho rodina každý rok dekoruje stromček a ako sa jeho mama rada postará o drevené ozdoby.En: Juraj remembers how his family decorates the tree every year and how his mom loves to take care of the wooden ornaments.Sk: Rýchlo sa rozhodne.En: He quickly decides.Sk: Vezme niekoľko figúrok a zaplatí za ne.En: He picks up several figures and pays for them.Sk: Predavač mu s úsmevom zabalí darčeky.En: The vendor wraps the gifts with a smile.Sk: V tej chvíli trhy začnú zatvárať.En: At that moment, the markets start to close.Sk: Juraj si s úľavou vydýchne.En: Juraj breathes a sigh of relief.Sk: "Stihli sme to," hovorí Marek.En: "We made it," Marek says.Sk: Cestou domov sa Juraj cíti spokojný.En: On the way home, Juraj feels satisfied.Sk: Nevybral drahé dary, ale viem, že jeho rodina tieto darčeky ocení.En: He didn't choose expensive gifts, but he knows his family will appreciate these presents.Sk: Vianoce sa blížia a Juraj sa už nemôže dočkať, keď uvidí úsmevy na tvárach svojich rodičov a brata.En: Christmas is approaching, and Juraj cannot wait to see the smiles on his parents' and brother's faces.Sk: Niekedy sú to práve maličkosti, čo majú veľký význam.En: Sometimes, it is the little things that have great significance.Sk: A tak Juraj pochopil, že najkrajšie dary sú tie zo srdca.En: And so Juraj understood that the most beautiful gifts are those from the heart.Sk: A Vianoce sú práve o šťastí a pokoji, ktorý zdieľame s tými, ktorých máme najradšej.En: And Christmas is truly about the happiness and peace we share with those we love the most. Vocabulary Words:brimming: hýříaroma: vôňamulled: varenéhoponders: premýšľafestive: sviatočnápressure: tlakstall: stánokjewelry: šperkovunique: unikátnaornaments: ...
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    15 mins
  • Courage in the Tatry: A Quest Beyond Snow and Doubt
    Jan 6 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Courage in the Tatry: A Quest Beyond Snow and Doubt Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-06-08-38-19-sk Story Transcript:Sk: Juraj a Lenka stáli na okraji lesa, hľadeli na majestátne Tatry.En: Juraj and Lenka stood at the edge of the forest, gazing at the majestic Tatry.Sk: Sneh pádal z neba ako nebeské periny.En: Snow fell from the sky like heavenly blankets.Sk: Nový rok práve začal, ale vietor bol surový, pripomínajúci, že Tatry sú krásne, avšak nemilosrdné.En: The New Year had just begun, but the wind was harsh, a reminder that the Tatry are beautiful yet unforgiving.Sk: Juraj sa pozrel na Lenku.En: Juraj looked at Lenka.Sk: "Si si istá, že chceš ísť ďalej?En: "Are you sure you want to go on?"Sk: " opýtal sa s obavou.En: he asked with concern.Sk: Lenka mala odhodlaný výraz v tvári.En: Lenka had a determined look on her face.Sk: "Áno, verím si.En: "Yes, I believe in myself.Sk: Chcem ukázať svojej rodine, že to zvládnem," odpovedala.En: I want to show my family that I can do it," she replied.Sk: Cesty medzi stromami boli zakryté bielym závojom.En: The paths between the trees were covered with a white curtain.Sk: Juraj bol skúsený turistický vodca, no po minuloročnej neúspešnej expedícii sa jeho sebadôvera otriasla.En: Juraj was an experienced hiking guide, but after last year's unsuccessful expedition, his confidence was shaken.Sk: "Sľubujem, že ťa ochránim," povedal Juraj, no jeho hlas znel neisto aj v jeho vlastných ušiach.En: "I promise I'll protect you," Juraj said, but his voice sounded uncertain even to his own ears.Sk: Obaja šli ďalej, keď sneh padal stále hustejšie.En: They both continued as the snow fell more densely.Sk: Juraj sa snažil koncentrovať na trasu, ale všetky značky sa stratili pod bielou plachtou.En: Juraj tried to concentrate on the route, but all the signs were lost under the white blanket.Sk: Lenka bola pred ním, krok za krokom, jej dych bol viditeľný vo vzduchu.En: Lenka was ahead of him, step by step, her breath visible in the air.Sk: "Ako sa cítia?En: "How are you feeling?"Sk: " zakričal Juraj cez svišťajúci vietor.En: Juraj shouted over the whistling wind.Sk: "Dobre," odpovedala Lenka, ale jej hlas bol napnutý.En: "Fine," Lenka replied, but her voice was tense.Sk: Snehová búrka naberala na sile.En: The snowstorm grew stronger.Sk: Cesta bola nejasná a vietor ich ustavične tlačil.En: The path was unclear, and the wind kept pushing them.Sk: "Lenka, mali by sme sa vrátiť," zvolal Juraj, zastavujúc sa.En: "Lenka, we should turn back," Juraj called, stopping.Sk: Niekoľko krokov pred ním Lenka váhala.En: A few steps ahead of him, Lenka hesitated.Sk: Bola unavená, ale jej túžba dosiahnuť vrchol bola silná.En: She was tired, but her desire to reach the summit was strong.Sk: "Nie, ešte nie," protestovala, no v očiach sa jej zračili iskierky pochybností.En: "No, not yet," she protested, though sparks of doubt shone in her eyes.Sk: Práve keď sa chystala pokračovať, Juraj si všimol úzky útesovú cestu.En: Just as she was about to continue, Juraj noticed a narrow cliff path.Sk: Tišil vietor svojim telom.En: He shielded the wind with his body.Sk: "Lenka, teraz je to nebezpečné," povedal pevne.En: "Lenka, it's dangerous now," he said firmly.Sk: Chvíľu na seba hľadeli, a potom Lenka nakoniec prikývla.En: They looked at each other for a moment, and then Lenka finally nodded.Sk: Rozum ju premohol.En: Reason overcame her.Sk: Juraj našiel malú jaskyňu vedľa cesty.En: Juraj found a small cave by the path.Sk: "Tu sa schováme," povedal, pomáhajúc Lenke vojsť.En: "We'll hide here," he said, helping Lenka to enter.Sk: Sneh hučal vonku, ale vnútri sa cítili o trošku bezpečnejšie.En: The snow roared outside, but inside, they felt slightly safer.Sk: Cez noc trvalo, kým vietor skončil svoju divokosť.En: It took all night for the wind to end its wildness.Sk: Ráno ich privítala jasná obloha.En: Morning greeted them with a clear sky.Sk: "Pozri, môžeme ísť domov," usmiala sa Lenka, objímajúc Juraja s vďakou.En: "Look, we can go home," Lenka smiled, hugging Juraj with gratitude.Sk: On, pozorujúc zmenu v počasí, cítil, ako strach opúšťa jeho srdce.En: He, observing the change in weather, felt fear leaving his heart.Sk: Na ceste dolu Jurajova istota rástla.En: On the way down, Juraj's confidence grew.Sk: Našiel bezpečnú trasu, kedykoľvek mali pochybnosti.En: He found a safe route whenever there were doubts.Sk: Lenka kráčala s ním, už pokojne a usmiato.En: Lenka walked with him, now calm and smiling.Sk: Dosiahli dolinu, pričom ich srdcia boli naplnené novými lekciami.En: They reached the valley, their hearts filled with new lessons.Sk: Juraj vedel, že jeho rozhodnutia zachránili oboch.En: Juraj knew that his decisions had saved them both.Sk: A Lenka si uvedomila, že dosiahnuť ...
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    18 mins
  • Mysteries of Bratislava: A School Trip to Remember
    Jan 5 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Mysteries of Bratislava: A School Trip to Remember Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sk/episode/2025-01-05-23-34-01-sk Story Transcript:Sk: V Bratislave, pod zimnou oblohou pokrytou snehovými vločkami, sa školský autobus zastavil pred majestátnym hradom.En: In Bratislava, under a winter sky covered with snowflakes, the school bus stopped in front of a majestic castle.Sk: V triede vládlo vzrušenie, pretože dnes bol zvláštny deň - sviatok Troch kráľov.En: Excitement filled the class, as today was a special day - the holiday of the Three Kings.Sk: Marek, plachý a zvedavý študent, vystúpil užaslý z autobusu.En: Marek, a shy and curious student, stepped out of the bus in awe.Sk: V hlave mu stále rezonovala legenda o skrytom posolstve ukrytom niekde v hrade.En: The legend about a hidden message concealed somewhere within the castle still resonated in his mind.Sk: "Lívia, pozri sa na tie steny, sú také staré!En: "Lívia, look at those walls, they're so old!"Sk: " zvolal Marek, keď sa blížili k hlavnému vchodu hradu.En: exclaimed Marek as they approached the main entrance of the castle.Sk: Lívia, jeho veselá spolužiačka, nič nepočula, pretože bola príliš zaneprázdnená skúšaním nového fotoaparátu.En: Lívia, his cheerful classmate, didn't hear him because she was too busy trying out her new camera.Sk: Tomáš, ich učiteľ histórie, starostlivo sledoval, aby sa všetci zdržiavali pokope.En: Tomáš, their history teacher, carefully watched to ensure everyone stayed together.Sk: Bol to jeho nejobľúbenejší výlet v roku a vždy sa snažil vzbudiť u svojich žiakov nadšenie pre slovenskú históriu.En: It was his favorite trip of the year, and he always tried to inspire his students with enthusiasm for Slovak history.Sk: "Deti, nezabudnite sa držať spolu, hrad dnes bude plný návštevníkov!En: "Children, don't forget to stick together, the castle will be full of visitors today!"Sk: " varoval ich s úsmevom.En: he warned them with a smile.Sk: Marek mal v pláne niečo iné.En: Marek had different plans.Sk: Chcel nájsť to tajomné posolstvo, o ktorom hovorili staré povesti.En: He wanted to find that mysterious message that old legends spoke of.Sk: Pri každej príležitosti skontroloval rozloženie hradu a hľadal miesto, ktoré sa zhodovalo s popisom.En: At every opportunity, he checked the layout of the castle, searching for a place that matched the description.Sk: Lívia ho však neustále volala späť, aby urobila ďalšie fotky s ním pri každej významnej pamiatke.En: However, Lívia kept calling him back to take more pictures with him at every significant monument.Sk: "Poď, Marek!En: "Come on, Marek!Sk: Stoj pred tou veľkou sochou!En: Stand in front of that big statue!"Sk: " smiala sa Lívia, ale Marekove myšlienky boli už ďaleko za stenami hradu.En: Lívia laughed, but Marek's thoughts were already far beyond the castle walls.Sk: Keď prešli do jednej z tichších častí hradu, Marekova šanca prišla.En: When they moved into one of the quieter parts of the castle, Marek's chance came.Sk: Jeho srdce bilo rýchlo, keď sa obzrel okolo a zistil, že nikto z jeho spolužiakov ani Tomáš ho nevidí.En: His heart was racing as he looked around and realized that none of his classmates or Tomáš could see him.Sk: Rýchlo sa vytratil do bočnej chodby.En: He quickly slipped away into a side corridor.Sk: Voňal staré kamene a videl stopy starnutia na stene.En: He smelled the old stones and saw the signs of aging on the wall.Sk: Tam, v úzkej klenbe, niečo svietilo.En: There, in a narrow arch, something was shining.Sk: Približoval sa k tomu a našiel vytesaný starý nápis, ktorý zjavne nepatril k žiadnym známym písomným pamiatkam.En: He approached it and found an ancient inscription carved in, which clearly did not belong to any known written records.Sk: Celý ohromený sa vrátil k skupine, skrývajúc vlastnú malú výhru.En: Completely astonished, he returned to the group, hiding his own small triumph.Sk: Lívia ho zahliadla a s úsmevom zaznamenala jeho nadšenie spolu s krátkym vysvetlením objavu.En: Lívia spotted him and, with a smile, captured his excitement along with a brief explanation of his discovery.Sk: "Nie je to len o knihách," pomyslel si Marek, keď sa díval na Líviu, ktorá s nadšením opisovala svoj nový objav v objektíve svojho fotoaparátu.En: "It's not just about books," Marek thought as he watched Lívia, who was enthusiastically describing her new find through the lens of her camera.Sk: Výlet sa skončil.En: The trip ended.Sk: Marek sa cítil silnejší a istejší.En: Marek felt stronger and more confident.Sk: Mal niečo, čo ho viedlo k váženiu si minulosti o to viac.En: He had something that led him to appreciate the past even more.Sk: Vedel, že teraz má do svojho projektu unikátny a autentický zdroj.En: He knew he now had a ...
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    16 mins