• Into the Shadows: A Historian's Quest for a Hidden Artifact
    Jul 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Into the Shadows: A Historian's Quest for a Hidden Artifact Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/into-the-shadows-a-historians-quest-for-a-hidden-artifact Story Transcript:Sl: Vroč poletni zrak je lebdil nad starodavnimi ruševinami blizu Ljubljane.En: The hot summer air hovered over the ancient ruins near Ljubljana.Sl: Stari zidovi so bili prepleteni z vinsko trto in divjim rastjem.En: The old walls were intertwined with grapevines and wild vegetation.Sl: Matej, mlad zgodovinar poln odločnosti, je šel po ozki poti med ruševinami.En: Matej, a young historian full of determination, walked along the narrow path between the ruins.Sl: Vedel je, da je tu nekje skrit redek artefakt.En: He knew that a rare artifact was hidden somewhere here.Sl: Ta artefakt bi lahko rešil njegove finančne težave.En: This artifact could solve his financial problems.Sl: Lara, njegova stara prijateljica, je nenadoma stopila izza enega od zidov.En: Lara, his old friend, suddenly stepped out from behind one of the walls.Sl: "Matej!En: "Matej!"Sl: " je zaklicala.En: she called out.Sl: "Kaj počneš tukaj?En: "What are you doing here?"Sl: "Matej se je obotavljal, nato pa se je nasmehnil.En: Matej hesitated, then smiled.Sl: "Lara, iščem star artefakt.En: "Lara, I'm looking for an old artifact.Sl: Mogoče bo vreden veliko denarja.En: Maybe it will be worth a lot of money."Sl: "Lara je stisnila ustnice.En: Lara pressed her lips together.Sl: "To je nevarno, Matej.En: "This is dangerous, Matej.Sl: Oblasti so prepovedale vstop sem.En: The authorities have forbidden entry here."Sl: "Matej se je obrnil na petah in odločeno odkorakal globlje v ruševine.En: Matej turned on his heel and resolutely walked deeper into the ruins.Sl: Lara je zavzdihnila in mu sledila.En: Lara sighed and followed him.Sl: Vse do zdaj ni vedela za njegove finančne težave.En: Until now, she hadn't known about his financial troubles.Sl: Koraki so odmevali po kamnitih hodnikih.En: Their footsteps echoed through the stone corridors.Sl: Vodi jih je vedno več sumljivih senc.En: More and more suspicious shadows guided them.Sl: Matej je bil odločen, da pride do artefakta.En: Matej was determined to find the artifact.Sl: Z vsakim korakom pa je bil bližje nevarnosti.En: With each step, however, he was closer to danger.Sl: Matej in Lara sta prišla do velike dvorane, kjer je bilo svetlobe malo.En: Matej and Lara reached a large hall with little light.Sl: Na sredini je bila starodavna skrinja.En: In the middle was an ancient chest.Sl: Matej je pohitel k njej, a Lara ga je prijela za roko.En: Matej hurried to it, but Lara grabbed his arm.Sl: "Kaj, če je past?En: "What if it's a trap?"Sl: "Matej se je zdrznil.En: Matej flinched.Sl: Njegove misli so bile razdvojene med iskanjem artefakta in varnostjo.En: His thoughts were torn between finding the artifact and safety.Sl: Toda lakota po rešitvi njegovih težav je premagala strah.En: But the hunger to solve his problems outweighed his fear.Sl: "Mora biti tukaj," je rekel.En: "It has to be here," he said.Sl: Približal se je skrinji in jo previdno odprl.En: He approached the chest and cautiously opened it.Sl: V njej je bil star artefakt, čudovita zlata maska.En: Inside was an ancient artifact, a beautiful golden mask.Sl: Toda nenadoma je iz sence skočil velik pajek, stražar artefakta.En: But suddenly, a large spider, the guardian of the artifact, jumped out from the shadows.Sl: Matej je nagonsko zgrabil artefakt in poskušal uiti, a ne da bi ga pajek zgrabil.En: Instinctively, Matej grabbed the artifact and tried to escape, avoiding the spider's grasp.Sl: Lara je kričala, "Matej, beživa!En: Lara screamed, "Matej, let's run!"Sl: " Skupaj sta stekla skozi hodnike, pajek pa ju je lovil.En: Together, they ran through the corridors, the spider chasing them.Sl: Hitro so tekli skozi ruševine, pajek pa je bil vedno bližje.En: They ran quickly through the ruins, but the spider was getting closer.Sl: Na koncu sta prišla do izhoda, kjer je Matej končno padel na kolena.En: Finally, they reached the exit, where Matej fell to his knees.Sl: Pajek je obstal in se umaknil.En: The spider stopped and retreated.Sl: Lara ga je prijela za roko, pomaga mu resti.En: Lara took his hand, helping him up.Sl: "Povej mi resnico," je zahtevala.En: "Tell me the truth," she demanded.Sl: Matej je globoko vdihnil.En: Matej took a deep breath.Sl: "Imam velike dolgove, Lara.En: "I have big debts, Lara.Sl: Potrebujem ta denar.En: I need this money."Sl: "Lara ga je nežno pogledala.En: Lara looked at him gently.Sl: "Naslednjič mi povej.En: "Tell me next time.Sl: Pomagala ti bom.En: I will help you."Sl: "Oba sta s polno hitrostjo stekla iz ruševin, artefakt trdno v Matejevi roki.En: Both of them ran out of the ruins at full speed, the artifact tightly in Matej's hand.Sl: Skupaj sta uspela pobegniti oblasti in pajku.En: Together, they managed to escape the authorities and the ...
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    18 mins
  • Flames of Unity: How Collaboration Saved Triglav National Park
    Jul 2 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Flames of Unity: How Collaboration Saved Triglav National Park Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/flames-of-unity-how-collaboration-saved-triglav-national-park Story Transcript:Sl: V srednjem poletju, ko je sonce visoko nad Triglavskim narodnim parkom, Anže, Tjaša in Alenka stopajo skozi bujno gozdno pot.En: In the midst of summer, when the sun is high above Triglav National Park, Anže, Tjaša, and Alenka walk along a lush forest path.Sl: Gozd je miren, nasičen z vonjem borovcev in petjem ptic.En: The forest is serene, saturated with the scent of pine trees and the song of birds.Sl: Anže, visok in mišičast mladenič s strastjo do okoljevarstva, vodi projekt zaščite ogroženih rastlin.En: Anže, a tall and muscular young man with a passion for environmental protection, leads a project to protect endangered plants.Sl: "Moramo zaščititi to področje pred pretiranim sekanjem," pravi Anže odločno.En: "We must protect this area from excessive logging," Anže says firmly.Sl: Njegov glas odmeva med drevesi.En: His voice echoes among the trees.Sl: Tjaša, praktična gozdarka z dolgimi izkušenjami, ga opazuje s skrbjo.En: Tjaša, a practical forester with extensive experience, watches him with concern.Sl: "Težko bo," reče, "Lokalni gozdarji so proti.En: "It will be difficult," she says, "The local foresters are against it."Sl: "Alenka, mlada in radovedna botaničarka, se sklanja nad neznanim cvetom.En: Alenka, a young and curious botanist, bends over an unknown flower.Sl: "Čudovito je tukaj," reče in se spominja očetovih zgodb o naravnih lepotah.En: "It’s beautiful here," she says, recalling her father's stories about the natural beauty.Sl: Projekt želi zaščititi redke rastline, vendar se Anže sooča z birokratskimi ovirami in nasprotovanjem krajevnih gozdarjev.En: The project aims to protect rare plants, but Anže faces bureaucratic obstacles and opposition from the local foresters.Sl: "Vidijo nas kot grožnjo svojemu preživetju," opozarja Tjaša, "Ne bo lahko prepričati jih.En: "They see us as a threat to their livelihood," Tjaša warns, "It won’t be easy to convince them."Sl: "Anže ve, da mora ukrepati.En: Anže knows he must act.Sl: Z odločno mislijo na očeta, odide k logarjem.En: With a determined thought of his father, he goes to the loggers.Sl: "Prositi moramo za kompromis," pravi, čeprav Tjaša skomiga z rameni.En: "We must ask for a compromise," he says, though Tjaša shrugs.Sl: "Lahko pride do spora," jo opozarja.En: "It could lead to a conflict," she warns.Sl: V sencah visokih dreves, obkroženih z zvočnimi žagami in hrupom traktorjev, pride do soočenja.En: In the shadows of tall trees, surrounded by the sound of saws and tractor noise, a confrontation unfolds.Sl: "To ni trajnostno!En: "This is not sustainable!"Sl: " vzklika Anže.En: exclaims Anže.Sl: Logarji ga gledajo mrko.En: The loggers look at him grimly.Sl: "Imamo družine, ki jih hranimo," odgovarja eden.En: "We have families to feed," one responds.Sl: Napetost narašča in začne se prepir.En: Tension rises, and an argument ensues.Sl: Naenkrat se v daljavi pojavi plamen.En: Suddenly, a flame appears in the distance.Sl: "Požar!En: "Fire!"Sl: " zakriči Alenka.En: screams Alenka.Sl: Vsi, vključno z logarji, hitro združijo moči.En: Everyone, including the loggers, quickly joins forces.Sl: Voda se zliva iz vedra v vedro, drevesne veje so zarezane, ogenj postopoma ugaša.En: Water is passed from bucket to bucket, tree branches are cut, and the fire gradually extinguishes.Sl: Počasi se plameni zmanjšajo, dokler se končno ne pogasijo.En: Gradually, the flames diminish until they are finally extinguished.Sl: Ob razvalinah uničenega dela gozda se srečejo oči.En: Among the ruins of the destroyed part of the forest, eyes meet.Sl: "Moramo sodelovati," reče eden izmed logarjev trpko.En: "We need to cooperate," says one of the loggers bitterly.Sl: Anže pokima.En: Anže nods.Sl: "S pravilnimi praksami lahko vsi zmagamo," reče.En: "With proper practices, everyone can win," he says.Sl: Tjaša in Alenka se oba strinjata.En: Tjaša and Alenka both agree.Sl: Po požaru se dogovorijo za trajnostno sekanje in zaščito ogroženih rastlin.En: After the fire, they agree on sustainable logging and the protection of endangered plants.Sl: Ko sonce zaide za visokimi gorami, se Anže ozre na obnovljeni gozd.En: As the sun sets behind the high mountains, Anže looks at the restored forest.Sl: Njegovo srce je polno.En: His heart is full.Sl: Spoznal je, da je sodelovanje bolj učinkovito kot boj.En: He realized that cooperation is more effective than conflict.Sl: "Oče bi bil ponosen name," misli in se nasmehne.En: "Father would be proud of me," he thinks and smiles.Sl: Triglavski narodni park je še vedno čudovit.En: Triglav National Park is still beautiful.Sl: S povezanim naporom je ponovno varen in trajnostno gospodarjen.En: Through connected efforts...
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    17 mins
  • Victory at Lake Bled: Anja's Triumphant Return to Rowing Glory
    Jul 1 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Victory at Lake Bled: Anja's Triumphant Return to Rowing Glory Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/victory-at-lake-bled-anjas-triumphant-return-to-rowing-glory Story Transcript:Sl: Ob sončnem vzhodu nad Blejskim jezerom se je Anja pripravljala na letno veslaško tekmo.En: At sunrise over Lake Bled, Anja was preparing for the annual rowing competition.Sl: Jezero je bilo čudovito, obdano z zelenimi hribi, in voda je sijala kot kristal.En: The lake was beautiful, surrounded by green hills, and the water shimmered like crystal.Sl: V zraku je bilo čutiti vznemirjenje, saj so tekmovalci iz vse države prihajali na dogodek.En: The air was filled with excitement as competitors from all over the country arrived for the event.Sl: Anja je stala ob obali in se spominjala svojega očeta.En: Anja stood by the shore, remembering her father.Sl: Bil je prava legenda na Bledu.En: He was a true legend in Bled.Sl: Vsako poletje je zmagoval in še danes so ljudje govorili o njegovih uspehih.En: Every summer he would win, and even today people still spoke of his achievements.Sl: Po njegovi smrti je Anja čutila dolžnost, da nadaljuje njegovo zapuščino.En: After his death, Anja felt obliged to continue his legacy.Sl: Toda letos se je soočala z dvomi.En: But this year, she faced doubts.Sl: Po poškodbi je njen trening trpel.En: After an injury, her training had suffered.Sl: Skrbelo jo je, da morda ne bo mogla tekmovati.En: She worried that she might not be able to compete.Sl: Tekmeci so že čakali na startu.En: The competitors were already waiting at the starting line.Sl: Med njimi je bila tudi Petra, favoritinja za zmago.En: Among them was Petra, the favorite to win.Sl: Bila je hitra in močna.En: She was fast and strong.Sl: Anja je vedela, da bo to težek boj.En: Anja knew it would be a tough battle.Sl: Srce ji je močno razbijalo, a pogled na očetovo staro veslo, ki ga je prinesla s seboj, ji je dal moč.En: Her heart was pounding, but looking at her father's old oar that she brought with her gave her strength.Sl: „Gremo, Anja,“ si je rekla tiho.En: "Let's go, Anja," she whispered to herself.Sl: Ko je zazvenel piščal, so veslači zagnali čolne v vodo.En: When the whistle blew, the rowers launched their boats into the water.Sl: Anja je veslala močno.En: Anja rowed hard.Sl: Sprva ji je šlo dobro, a bolečina v rami ji je začela povzročati težave.En: At first, she did well, but the pain in her shoulder began to cause problems.Sl: Z vsakim zamahom je bila bolj utrujena.En: With each stroke, she grew more tired.Sl: Sredi tekme je Petra prevzela vodstvo.En: Midway through the race, Petra took the lead.Sl: Anja je začutila val obupa.En: Anja felt a wave of despair.Sl: Toda spomnila se je očetovih besed: „Najtežje bitke se bijejo v glavi.En: But she remembered her father's words: "The toughest battles are fought in the mind."Sl: “ Znova je zbrala moč in nadaljevala.En: She gathered her strength again and continued.Sl: Zadnji del proge je bil najtežji.En: The final part of the course was the hardest.Sl: Petra je bila že skoraj na cilju, a Anja ni popustila.En: Petra was almost at the finish line, but Anja did not give up.Sl: Z naporom, ki ga še nikoli ni čutila, je pospešila ritem.En: With an effort she had never felt before, she picked up the pace.Sl: Bil je to boj iz oči v oči.En: It was a head-to-head battle.Sl: Anja proti Petri.En: Anja against Petra.Sl: Vater je pljuskala okoli njiju.En: The water splashed around them.Sl: Anja je čutila, kako se meje zmožnosti premikajo naprej.En: Anja felt the limits of her abilities being pushed further.Sl: Bilo je neverjetno.En: It was incredible.Sl: V zadnjih metrih je Anja izbruhnila z novo energijo.En: In the last meters, Anja surged with new energy.Sl: Rdeč trak cilja se je bližal.En: The red finish line tape was approaching.Sl: Petra je bila samo korak pred njo.En: Petra was just a step ahead of her.Sl: Anja je še enkrat močno zamahnila in s čolnom presekala ciljno črto ravno pred Petro.En: Anja gave one final, powerful stroke and crossed the finish line just ahead of Petra.Sl: Dihala je globoko in padla v čoln od izčrpanosti.En: She breathed deeply and collapsed into the boat from exhaustion.Sl: Ljudje so ji ploskali in vzklikali.En: People clapped and cheered for her.Sl: Zmage ni mogla verjeti.En: She couldn't believe she had won.Sl: Solze so ji tekle po licih.En: Tears streamed down her cheeks.Sl: Čutila je, kako se njen oče široko smeji z neba.En: She felt her father smiling broadly from the sky.Sl: Zmagala je.En: She had won.Sl: Anja je sedla ob obali s svojim očetovim veslom v roki.En: Anja sat by the shore with her father's oar in hand.Sl: Počutila se je povezano z njim, bolj kot kadarkoli prej.En: She felt more connected to him than ever before.Sl: Vedela je, da je izpolnila njegovo zapuščino in odkrila svojo moč.En: She knew she had fulfilled his legacy ...
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    17 mins
  • Secrets Beneath the Oak: Unraveling Mysteries at Lake Bled
    Jun 30 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Secrets Beneath the Oak: Unraveling Mysteries at Lake Bled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/secrets-beneath-the-oak-unraveling-mysteries-at-lake-bled Story Transcript:Sl: Tomaž je stal na obali Blejskega jezera.En: Tomaz stood on the shore of Lake Bled.Sl: Poletje je bilo v polnem razmahu.En: Summer was in full swing.Sl: Sonce je svetilo in turisti so se smejali.En: The sun was shining, and tourists were laughing.Sl: Njegove misli pa so bile daleč stran.En: But his thoughts were far away.Sl: Pred leti je njegov oče izginil.En: Years ago, his father had disappeared.Sl: Za sabo je pustil nekaj sledi, a ena stvar je bila še posebej pomembna.En: He left behind a few clues, but one thing was particularly important.Sl: Pustil je pismo.En: He left a letter.Sl: Pismo, ki bi lahko razložilo vse.En: A letter that could explain everything.Sl: Maja je prišla mimo.En: Maya walked by.Sl: Njegova stara prijateljica iz otroštva.En: His old childhood friend.Sl: Imela je skrivnosti.En: She had secrets.Sl: Vedela je nekaj o pismu, a Tomažu ni povedala.En: She knew something about the letter but hadn’t told Tomaz.Sl: Videla je bolečino v njegovih očeh.En: She saw the pain in his eyes.Sl: Vedela je, kaj išče.En: She knew what he was looking for.Sl: Ni želela, da bi našel to pismo.En: She didn’t want him to find that letter.Sl: »Živjo, Tomaž,« je rekla.En: "Hi, Tomaz," she said.Sl: »Kako si?«En: "How are you?"Sl: »Dobro, Maja. Poznaš tisto staro mesto, kjer sva se igrala kot otroka?« je vprašal.En: "Good, Maya. Do you remember that old place where we used to play as kids?" he asked.Sl: Maja je vedela, kaj misli.En: Maya knew what he meant.Sl: »Seveda, kaj pa je z njim?«En: "Of course, what about it?"Sl: »Tam je nekaj skrito. Nekaj pomembnega,« je rekel Tomaž.En: "There's something hidden there. Something important," Tomaz said.Sl: Njene oči so se rahlo zaiskrile.En: Her eyes sparkled slightly.Sl: »Morda bi ti lahko pomagala,« je rekla, a v njen mislih je bil načrt.En: "Maybe I could help you," she said, but there was a plan in her mind.Sl: Načrt, da ga zadrži stran od resnice.En: A plan to keep him away from the truth.Sl: Šla sta skupaj mimo cerkve na otoku.En: They walked together past the church on the island.Sl: Veslači so ju nežno pozdravljali.En: Rowers gently greeted them.Sl: Bila sta tako blizu mesta, kjer je bilo pismo skrito.En: They were so close to the place where the letter was hidden.Sl: »Mislim, da vem, kje bi lahko bilo,« je rekla Maja.En: "I think I know where it might be," Maya said.Sl: Vodila ga je po napačni poti, stran od resničnega mesta.En: She led him the wrong way, away from the real place.Sl: Tomaž se je ustavil.En: Tomaz stopped.Sl: Nekaj mu ni bilo prav.En: Something felt off.Sl: Spomnil se je nekega pomembnega detajla.En: He remembered an important detail.Sl: Spomnil se je, kako sta se z Majo vedno skrivala za starim hrastom.En: He remembered how he and Maya always hid behind the old oak tree.Sl: Tam je bilo nekaj posebnega.En: There was something special there.Sl: »Počakaj, Maja,« je rekel.En: "Wait, Maya," he said.Sl: Pogledal je proti hrastu.En: He looked toward the oak.Sl: »Tam mora biti!«En: "It must be there!"Sl: Maja je ugotovila, da je predaleč šla.En: Maya realized she had gone too far.Sl: »Tomaž, prosim, ne hodi tja.«En: "Tomaz, please, don't go there."Sl: Njene oči so bile polne skrbi.En: Her eyes were full of concern.Sl: A Tomaž je stekel.En: But Tomaz ran.Sl: Prihod do hrasta je bil kot potovanje nazaj v čas.En: Reaching the oak felt like traveling back in time.Sl: Tam je bilo pismo, skrito med korenine drevesa.En: There was the letter, hidden among the tree's roots.Sl: Držal je pismo, roke so se tresle.En: He held the letter, his hands trembling.Sl: »Kaj mi nisi hotela povedati, Maja?«En: "What didn’t you want to tell me, Maya?"Sl: Maja je bila tiha.En: Maya was silent.Sl: Vedela je, da ne more več skrivati resnice.En: She knew she could no longer hide the truth.Sl: »Nisem želela, da bi izvedel.En: "I didn't want you to know.Sl: Nisem želela, da bi naša preteklost prizadela najino prijateljstvo.«En: I didn't want our past to hurt our friendship."Sl: Tomaž je odprl pismo.En: Tomaz opened the letter.Sl: Notri je bila resnica.En: Inside was the truth.Sl: Njegov oče ni pobegnil.En: His father hadn’t run away.Sl: Bil je v nevarnosti in je želel zaščititi svojo družino.En: He was in danger and wanted to protect his family.Sl: Solze so mu tekle po licih.En: Tears streamed down his cheeks.Sl: »Hvala, Maja.En: "Thank you, Maya.Sl: Hvala, da si bila ob meni, tudi ko si skrivala resnico,« je rekel.En: Thank you for being with me, even while hiding the truth," he said.Sl: Maja je položila roko na njegovo.En: Maya placed her hand on his.Sl: »Oprosti, Tomaž.En: "I'm sorry, Tomaz.Sl: Želela sem le, da bi bil srečen.«En: I only wanted you ...
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    19 mins
  • From Facts to Friendship: The School Project That United Us
    Jun 29 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: From Facts to Friendship: The School Project That United Us Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/from-facts-to-friendship-the-school-project-that-united-us Story Transcript:Sl: Ljubljana je bila tistega poletnega popoldneva prelepa.En: Ljubljana was beautiful that summer afternoon.Sl: Dragonjski most je stal veličastno, okrašen z ikoničnimi kipa zmajev.En: The Dragon Bridge stood majestically, adorned with its iconic dragon statues.Sl: Luka, Nika in Anže so se srečali tam za šolski projekt.En: Luka, Nika, and Anže met there for their school project.Sl: Vročina je bila velika, a njihov cilj je bil jasen: narediti popolno predstavitev o Dragonjskem mostu.En: The heat was intense, but their goal was clear: to create the perfect presentation about the Dragon Bridge.Sl: "Moramo se posvetiti dejstvom," je rekel Luka resno.En: "We need to focus on the facts," Luka said seriously.Sl: "Hočem najboljšo oceno.En: "I want the best grade."Sl: "Nika je imela drugačne ideje.En: Nika had different ideas.Sl: "Luka, moramo biti kreativni.En: "Luka, we need to be creative.Sl: Lahko naredimo maketo ali risbo mostu.En: We can make a model or a drawing of the bridge."Sl: "Anže je stal med njima, miren in z razumevanjem.En: Anže stood between them, calm and understanding.Sl: "Lahko naredimo oboje.En: "We can do both.Sl: Luka, ti lahko napišeš zgodovinski del.En: Luka, you can write the historical part.Sl: Nika, ti lahko pripraviš umetniški del.En: Nika, you can prepare the artistic part.Sl: Jaz bom poskrbel, da vse teče gladko.En: I'll make sure everything runs smoothly."Sl: "Tako so se dela razdelila.En: So the work was divided.Sl: Luka je pisal podatke o mostu.En: Luka wrote the facts about the bridge.Sl: Nika je načrtovala risbo mostu z zmaji.En: Nika planned a drawing of the bridge with dragons.Sl: Anže je organiziral sestanke in preverjal delo.En: Anže organized the meetings and checked the work.Sl: Vse se je zdelo pod kontrolo.En: Everything seemed under control.Sl: A nocoj, pred predstavitvijo, so ugotovili ključni del smernic.En: But that night, before the presentation, they realized a key part of the guidelines.Sl: Učiteljica je želela tudi osebno interpretacijo mostu.En: The teacher wanted a personal interpretation of the bridge as well.Sl: Luka je bil prestrašen.En: Luka was scared.Sl: "Kaj pa zdaj?En: "What do we do now?"Sl: " je vprašal.En: he asked.Sl: Anže je vzel pobudo.En: Anže took the initiative.Sl: "Nika, lahko v svojo risbo vključiš nekaj osebnega sporočila.En: "Nika, you can include a personal message in your drawing.Sl: Luka, ti lahko napišeš nekaj o pomenu mostov za Ljubljano.En: Luka, you can write something about the significance of bridges for Ljubljana."Sl: " Vsi so se strinjali.En: Everyone agreed.Sl: Delali so celo noč.En: They worked all night.Sl: Zjutraj je bila njihova predstavitev pripravljena.En: By morning, their presentation was ready.Sl: Stopili so pred razred.En: They stood before the class.Sl: Luka je govoril o zgodovinskem pomenu mostu.En: Luka talked about the historical significance of the bridge.Sl: Nika je pokazala svojo čudovito risbo z osebnim sporočilom.En: Nika showed her beautiful drawing with a personal message.Sl: Anže je vse lepo povezal.En: Anže tied everything together nicely.Sl: Učiteljica je bila navdušena.En: The teacher was thrilled.Sl: "Čudovito delo!En: "Wonderful job!Sl: Spojili ste zgodovino in kreativnost.En: You've combined history and creativity.Sl: Prva ocena!En: Top marks!"Sl: "Luka je bil presenečen.En: Luka was surprised.Sl: Ni pričakoval, da bo kreativnost tako pomembna.En: He didn't expect creativity to be so important.Sl: "Hvala, Nika.En: "Thank you, Nika.Sl: Hvala, Anže," je rekel iskreno.En: Thank you, Anže," he said sincerely.Sl: S tem je Luka spoznal, da popolnost ni vedno v detajlih, ampak v skupnem delu in ustvarjalnosti.En: With this, Luka learned that perfection is not always in the details, but in teamwork and creativity.Sl: Dragonjski most je za njih postal simbol sodelovanja in prijateljstva.En: The Dragon Bridge became a symbol of cooperation and friendship for them.Sl: To je bila lekcija, ki je Luka ne bo nikoli pozabil.En: It was a lesson Luka would never forget. Vocabulary Words:adorned: okrašenmajestic: veličastnoiconic: ikoničnimiintense: velikafocus: posvetitiseriously: resnocreative: kreativnimodel: maketodrawing: risbounderstanding: razumevanjemhistorical: zgodovinskiartistic: umetniškiorganized: organiziralmeetings: sestankepersonal interpretation: osebno interpretacijoscared: prestrašeninitiative: pobudosignificance: pomenpersonal message: osebno sporočilothrilled: navdušenacombined: spojilicooperation: sodelovanjafriendship: prijateljstvaperfect presentation: popolno predstavitevguidelines: smernicsignificance of bridges: pomen mostovnicely: lepodetails: detajlihteamwork: skupnem delulesson: lekcija
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    16 mins
  • Matej's Hidden Revelation: Discovering Postojna's Secret Chamber
    Jun 28 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Matej's Hidden Revelation: Discovering Postojna's Secret Chamber Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/matejs-hidden-revelation-discovering-postojnas-secret-chamber Story Transcript:Sl: Pod zemljo, kjer je svet miren in skrivnosten, deluje Matej kot vodič v Postojnski jami.En: Underground, where the world is peaceful and mysterious, Matej works as a guide in the Postojna Cave.Sl: Poleti je jama hladna in osvežilna, kar privablja številne obiskovalce.En: In the summer, the cave is cool and refreshing, attracting many visitors.Sl: Matej je zavzet pri svojem delu in je ponosen na svojo jamo.En: Matej is dedicated to his job and proud of his cave.Sl: Rad ima njen spokojni svet in pogosto razmišlja o neodkritih prehodih.En: He loves its serene environment and often thinks about undiscovered passages.Sl: Vsak dan vodi skupine obiskovalcev po podzemnih hodnikih, osvetljenih z umetnimi lučmi.En: Every day, he leads groups of visitors through the underground corridors, illuminated by artificial lights.Sl: Stalaktiti in stalagmiti krasijo jamo in na Matejev obraz vedno znova privabijo nasmeh.En: Stalactites and stalagmites adorn the cave, always bringing a smile to Matej's face.Sl: Kljub temu pa Mateja nekaj vleče globlje.En: However, something draws Matej deeper.Sl: Rad je raziskovalec v srcu in hrepeni po odkritju novega dela jame.En: He is an explorer at heart and longs to discover a new part of the cave.Sl: Med odmorom nekega dne, ko je jama prazna, Matej opazi skrit prehod.En: One day, during a break when the cave is empty, Matej notices a hidden passage.Sl: Prehod je temen in delno zakrit z velikim kamnom.En: The passage is dark and partially obscured by a large rock.Sl: Matej ve, da nima veliko časa zaradi vsakodnevnih turnej, a njegova radovednost ga premaga.En: Matej knows he doesn't have much time because of the daily tours, but his curiosity gets the better of him.Sl: Odloči se pogledati, kar hitro, kam vodi prehod.En: He decides to quickly see where the passage leads.Sl: Svetilka v roki, Matej previdno prestopi kamen.En: With a flashlight in hand, Matej carefully steps over the rock.Sl: Pot je ozka in neznana.En: The path is narrow and unknown.Sl: Srca mu bije hitreje, ko se spušča globlje.En: His heart beats faster as he descends deeper.Sl: Po nekaj minutah hoje, ko že misli, da bo moral obrniti, pride v velik, neodkrit prostor.En: After a few minutes of walking, just when he thinks he will have to turn back, he comes into a large, undiscovered chamber.Sl: V dvorani so redki stalagmita in stalaktiti, kot jih še nikoli ni videl.En: In the hall are rare stalagmites and stalactites, unlike any he has ever seen.Sl: Vsak kamen je edinstven, kot kiparjeva mojstrovina.En: Each stone is unique, like a sculptor’s masterpiece.Sl: Matej čuti mešanico navdušenja in strahu.En: Matej feels a mix of excitement and fear.Sl: Težko razloži občutek, a ve, da je naletel na nekaj posebnega.En: It's hard to explain, but he knows he’s come across something special.Sl: Vseeno se mora vrniti na svoje delo, preden ga kdo pogreši.En: Still, he must return to his job before anyone misses him.Sl: Hitro si zapomni pot nazaj in se vrne na običajno turo, kot da se ni nič zgodilo.En: He quickly memorizes the way back and returns to the usual tour as if nothing had happened.Sl: V dni, ki sledijo, Matej ne more nehati misliti na svoj odkrit prostor.En: In the days that follow, Matej can't stop thinking about the space he discovered.Sl: Razmišlja o tem, da bi svoj odkritje prijavil oblastem, a ne more zbrati poguma.En: He considers reporting his find to the authorities but can't muster the courage.Sl: Ta del jame mu namreč predstavlja nekaj osebnega, njegov skriti zaklad.En: This part of the cave represents something personal to him, his hidden treasure.Sl: Odločitev skrije v srcu.En: He keeps the decision in his heart.Sl: Uživa v svojem delu še bolj, saj zdaj nosi s seboj skrivnost, ki jo varuje.En: He enjoys his work even more now, carrying with him the secret he protects.Sl: Matej postane pogumnejši in zaščitniški do jame.En: Matej becomes braver and more protective of the cave.Sl: Njegova predanost jamo postane še močnejša, saj ve, da nosi del te skrivnosti v sebi.En: His dedication to the cave grows stronger, knowing that he carries a part of its secret within him.Sl: In tako Matej nadaljuje svoje delo, vsak dan ponosno vodi obiskovalce po znanih hodnikih, a v srcu čuva svoj dragocen, nedotaknjen kotiček jame.En: And so, Matej continues his work, proudly leading visitors through the well-known corridors each day, while in his heart, he cherishes his precious, untouched corner of the cave. Vocabulary Words:peaceful: mirenmysterious: skrivnostendedicated: zavzetserene: spokojniundiscovered: neodkritihpassages: prehodihcorridors: hodnikihilluminated: osvetljenihstalactites: stalaktitistalagmites: stalagmitaadorn: ...
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    16 mins
  • Finding Hope: Luka's Journey to a Loving Family
    Jun 27 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Hope: Luka's Journey to a Loving Family Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/finding-hope-lukas-journey-to-a-loving-family Story Transcript:Sl: Poletni veter je nežno pihal skozi okna velike, stare sirotišnice.En: The summer breeze gently blew through the windows of the large, old orphanage.Sl: Zidovi so bili obrabljeni, a čisti in okrašeni s pisanimi risbami otrok.En: The walls were worn but clean, decorated with colorful drawings by the children.Sl: Luka je počasi hodil po hodniku, z glavo sklonjeno, in sanjal o dnevu, ko bi našel ljubečo družino.En: Luka walked slowly down the hallway, his head bowed, dreaming of the day he would find a loving family.Sl: Bil je tih fant, ki se je pogosto skrival v senci, vendar je imel veliko srce.En: He was a quiet boy who often hid in the shadows, but he had a big heart.Sl: Ana, prijazna vzgojiteljica, je bila v središču dogajanja.En: Ana, the kind caretaker, was at the center of it all.Sl: Imela je veliko nalog in pogosto je bila preobremenjena.En: She had many tasks and was often overwhelmed.Sl: Toda nikoli ni pozabila na otroške potrebe.En: But she never forgot the children's needs.Sl: Poleti je bil čas, ko so morali nakupiti šolske potrebščine.En: Summer was the time when they had to buy school supplies.Sl: Proračun je bil omejen in vsak otrok je potreboval nekaj posebnega.En: The budget was limited, and each child needed something special.Sl: "Tako, Luka, greva po nakupih," je rekla Ana z nasmehom, ko je prišel k njej.En: "So, Luka, let's go shopping," Ana said with a smile when he came to her.Sl: "Potrebujemo zvezke, barvice in šolske torbe.En: "We need notebooks, crayons, and school bags."Sl: "Luka je pokimal in sledil Ani do majhne trgovinice v bližini sirotišnice.En: Luka nodded and followed Ana to a small shop near the orphanage.Sl: Trgovina je bila polna ljudi, polic pa so bile obložene s pisalnimi potrebščinami v živih barvah.En: The store was crowded, and the shelves were filled with brightly colored school supplies.Sl: Luka je previdno opazoval, kako Ana izbira zvezke in barvice.En: Luka watched carefully as Ana picked out notebooks and crayons.Sl: Bil je preveč sramežljiv, da bi izrazil svoje želje.En: He was too shy to express his preferences.Sl: "Luka, bi mi pomagal izbrati barvice?En: "Luka, would you help me choose the crayons?"Sl: " je vprašala Ana, ko je opazila njegovo zaskrbljenost.En: Ana asked when she noticed his concern.Sl: Luka je pokimal in skupaj sta začela izbirati potrebščine.En: Luka nodded, and together they started selecting the supplies.Sl: Ana je videla, da Luka zelo zavzeto pomaga.En: Ana saw that Luka was very diligent in helping.Sl: Njegova natančnost in skrbnost sta ji padli v oči.En: His precision and care stood out to her.Sl: Medtem ko sta se vračala v sirotišnico, je pred vrati stalo par.En: As they returned to the orphanage, a couple stood at the door.Sl: Izgledala sta zainteresirana in radovedna.En: They looked interested and curious.Sl: Ana je vedela, da iščeta otroka za posvojitev.En: Ana knew they were looking to adopt a child.Sl: Luka je nesel torbo s potrebščinami in opazil, da sta ga opazovala.En: Luka carried the bag of supplies and noticed they were watching him.Sl: Bil je živčen, a je zbral pogum in se približal Ani.En: He was nervous, but he gathered his courage and approached Ana.Sl: "Ana, lahko jaz pomagam razdeliti potrebščine?En: "Ana, can I help distribute the supplies?"Sl: " je vprašal Luka.En: Luka asked.Sl: Ana je zaznala iskro upanja v njegovih očeh in se odločila, da mu da posebno pozornost.En: Ana noticed a spark of hope in his eyes and decided to give him special attention.Sl: "Seveda, Luka.En: "Of course, Luka.Sl: Računam nate," je rekla z nasmehom.En: I'm counting on you," she said with a smile.Sl: Skupaj sta razdeljevala zvezke in barvice drugim otrokom.En: Together, they distributed the notebooks and crayons to the other children.Sl: Par je ves čas opazoval.En: The couple watched the whole time.Sl: Luka je zbral vso svojo moč in se potrudil pokazati svojo najboljšo plat.En: Luka gathered all his strength and tried to show his best side.Sl: Njegova ljubeznivost in marljivost sta bila očitni.En: His kindness and diligence were obvious.Sl: Ko je dan mineval, sta par stopila k Ani.En: As the day went on, the couple approached Ana.Sl: "Tale fant je zelo poseben," je rekel moški.En: "This boy is very special," the man said.Sl: "Bi lahko izvedela več o njem?En: "Could we learn more about him?"Sl: "Ana je čutila mešanico čustev – sreče, ponosa in tudi žalosti.En: Ana felt a mixture of emotions – happiness, pride, and also sadness.Sl: "Seveda," je rekla in se trudila zadržati solze.En: "Of course," she said, trying to hold back tears.Sl: "Luka je res poseben fant.En: "Luka is indeed a special boy.Sl: Vedno je pripravljen pomagati.En: He is always ready to help."...
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    19 mins
  • Finding Bridges: A Family Reconnects in Prešeren Square
    Jun 26 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Bridges: A Family Reconnects in Prešeren Square Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/finding-bridges-a-family-reconnects-in-preseren-square Story Transcript:Sl: Sončen popoldan je obsijal Prešernov trg v Ljubljani.En: A Sunny afternoon illuminated Prešeren Square in Ljubljana.Sl: Miha je stal na robu trga, gledal svojo sestro Niko, ki je prvič po mnogih letih znova obiskala Slovenijo.En: Miha stood at the edge of the square, watching his sister Nika, who was visiting Slovenia again after many years.Sl: Srce mu je bilo težko.En: His heart felt heavy.Sl: Luka, njegov najstniški sin, se je zadržano držal ob strani, pogreznjen v svoj pametni telefon.En: Luka, his teenage son, stood aloof nearby, absorbed in his smartphone.Sl: Miha je na hitro povzdignil glas. "Luka, poglej okoli sebe. Tu je čudovito, to je naš dom."En: Miha quickly raised his voice. "Luka, look around you. It's beautiful here, this is our home."Sl: Luka je zavzdihnil in dvignil pogled, a hitro spet povesil glavo, ne da bi rekel besedo.En: Luka sighed and lifted his gaze, but quickly lowered his head again without saying a word.Sl: Nika se je nasmehnila in stopila bližje, poskušala je olajšati napetost.En: Nika smiled and stepped closer, trying to ease the tension.Sl: "Miha, kaj praviš, če Luka vidi nekaj posebnega? Morda bomo našli nekaj, kar ga zanima," je predlagala Nika s toplim glasom.En: "Miha, what do you say if Luka sees something special? Maybe we can find something that interests him," Nika suggested warmly.Sl: Miha je prikimal in pogledal sina. "Luka, želiš videti Tromostovje? In morda se nato usedemo na pijačo?"En: Miha nodded and looked at his son. "Luka, do you want to see the Triple Bridge? And maybe we can sit down for a drink afterwards?"Sl: Luka je še vedno ignoriral očeta, ampak Nika ni obupala.En: Luka still ignored his father, but Nika didn't give up.Sl: "Luka, veš, ko sem bila tvoja starost, mi je oče vedno pripovedoval zgodbe o tem trgu.En: "Luka, you know, when I was your age, our father always told me stories about this square.Sl: Bil je moj najljubši kraj."En: It was my favorite place."Sl: Luka je rahlo dvignil pogled in končno rekel nekaj: "Kdo je Prešeren?"En: Luka slightly raised his gaze and finally said something: "Who is Prešeren?"Sl: Miha je olajšano zavzdihnil. "Prešeren je največji slovenski pesnik.En: Miha sighed in relief. "Prešeren is the greatest Slovenian poet.Sl: Pisal je veliko lepe poezije."En: He wrote a lot of beautiful poetry."Sl: Nika je spet prevzela pobudo. "Kaj če ti povem eno zanimivo zgodbo o njem? Saj veš, da je bil zaljubljen v Julijo, a mu ona ljubezni ni vračala."En: Nika took the initiative again. "How about I tell you an interesting story about him? You know, he was in love with a woman named Julija, but she didn't return his love."Sl: Luka je končno spravil telefon v žep. "No, prav. Povej," je rekel.En: Luka finally put his phone in his pocket. "Alright, tell me," he said.Sl: Omamni vonj kave je preveval trg, ko so stopili bližje spomeniku.En: The intoxicating aroma of coffee filled the square as they moved closer to the monument.Sl: Nika je začela pripovedovati zgodbo o Prešernu.En: Nika began telling the story of Prešeren.Sl: Miha je opazoval Luko, ki je počasi kazal več zanimanja.En: Miha observed Luka, who was slowly showing more interest.Sl: Ko so prispeli do Tromostovja, je Luka celo postavil nekaj vprašanj.En: When they reached the Triple Bridge, Luka even asked a few questions.Sl: Nenadoma pa se je Luki nekaj prebudilo v srcu. "Ampak... oče, ne razumeš, kaj doživljam.En: Suddenly, something stirred in Luka's heart. "But... Dad, you don't understand what I'm going through.Sl: Vedno sva se samo prepirala."En: We have always just argued."Sl: Miha je globoko vdihnil. "Vem, Luka. Tudi meni je težko.En: Miha took a deep breath. "I know, Luka. It's hard for me too.Sl: Želim pa, da veš, da si mi pomemben."En: But I want you to know that you matter to me."Sl: Luka je dvignil glas. "Kako naj ti verjamem?En: Luka raised his voice. "How can I believe you?Sl: Po vsem tem? Misliš, da ena zgodba spremeni vse?"En: After everything? Do you think one story changes everything?"Sl: Atmosfera se je na trenutek zatemnila. Nika je hitro posredovala.En: The atmosphere darkened for a moment. Nika quickly intervened.Sl: "Luka, veš, tvoj oče je bil zame vedno vzor.En: "Luka, you know, your father was always a role model for me.Sl: Vedno je bil tam, ko sem ga potrebovala. Res je, da ni vse popolno.En: He was always there when I needed him. It's true that not everything is perfect.Sl: Toda lahko se trudimo, da bo bolje."En: But we can try to make it better."Sl: Lukine oči so začele sijati od prelitega čustva. "Morda se res nisva razumela... ampak rad bi poskusil bolje," je tiho rekel.En: Luka's eyes started to shine with emotion. "Maybe we didn't understand each other... ...
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    19 mins