• Survival, Hope, and Heartbeats in a Snowbound Refuge
    Jan 23 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Survival, Hope, and Heartbeats in a Snowbound Refuge Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-23-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Med krepkimi gorami Triglavskega narodnega parka, skrit pred zvedavimi očmi vsakdanjega življenja, je stala provizorična bolnišnica.En: Amid the mighty mountains of Triglavski narodni park, hidden from the curious eyes of everyday life, stood a makeshift hospital.Sl: Sneg je neusmiljeno padal na šotore, burja je rezala skozi platno.En: The snow fell mercilessly on the tents, the burja wind cut through the canvas.Sl: Notri je bilo tesno, hladno, a polno odločnosti in upanja.En: Inside, it was cramped, cold, but full of determination and hope.Sl: Tina je klečala ob rdečem kovčku z medicinsko opremo.En: Tina was kneeling by the red suitcase with medical supplies.Sl: Novinka v Sloveniji, zdravstvena sestra, zavzeta, a prestrašena.En: A newcomer to Slovenia, she was a nurse, eager but scared.Sl: V novi deželi si je želela dokazati, da zmore.En: In the new country, she wanted to prove to herself that she could manage.Sl: Da je del skupnosti.En: That she was part of the community.Sl: Njene roke so tresle, ko je preštevala obliže in zavoje.En: Her hands trembled as she counted bandages and gauze.Sl: "Ne skrbi," je dejal Matej, z utrujenimi očmi a toplim nasmehom.En: "Don't worry," said Matej, with tired eyes but a warm smile.Sl: "Zmoremo.En: "We can do it.Sl: Vedno zmoremo.En: We always can."Sl: "Matej, izkušenega zdravnika, so leta dela že izčrpala.En: Matej, an experienced doctor, had been worn out by years of work.Sl: Bil je tik pred upokojitvijo, a je želel še nekaj sporočiti tej mladi generaciji.En: He was on the brink of retirement, but he wanted to convey something to this younger generation.Sl: Tina je bila svetilnik prihodnosti, in on je želel le, da njegova zapuščina ostane živa.En: Tina was a beacon of the future, and he just wanted his legacy to remain alive.Sl: Zunaj je Luka, lokalni vodnik, pripravljal ekipo za iskanje preostalih pohodnikov, ki jih je ujela snežna nevihta.En: Outside, Luka, a local guide, was preparing a team to search for the rest of the hikers caught in the snowstorm.Sl: Luka je nosil bolečo preteklost.En: Luka carried a painful past.Sl: Nekoga je nekoč izgubil v podobnih razmerah.En: He had lost someone once in similar conditions.Sl: Toda tokrat, tokrat bo vse drugače, si je obljubil.En: But this time, this time it would be different, he promised himself.Sl: Ko je sneg zagrnil goro kot težka odeja, so ga znotraj šotora zvoki stisk in vprašanj iz ozadja opozarjali na hitrost čas.En: As the snow enveloped the mountain like a heavy blanket, inside the tent, the sounds of pressure and questions from the background reminded him of the pressing time.Sl: V zaledju je bil pohodnik, ki se mu je stanje hitro slabšalo.En: In the background, there was a hiker whose condition was rapidly deteriorating.Sl: Matej in Tina sta morala ukrepati nemudoma.En: Matej and Tina had to act immediately.Sl: "Boš morala narediti to, kar sem ti pokazal," je dejal Matej, ko je podal Tini instrumente.En: "You'll have to do what I showed you," said Matej, as he handed instruments to Tina.Sl: "Zaupaj vase.En: "Trust yourself."Sl: "Tina je vdihnila globoko.En: Tina took a deep breath.Sl: Čutila je utrip bolnih src ob sebi.En: She felt the pulse of the sick hearts beside her.Sl: Čutila je Matejevo mirnost ob svoji strani.En: She felt Matej's calmness by her side.Sl: Ko je izvajala postopek, so njene roke postale trdne.En: As she performed the procedure, her hands became steady.Sl: Matejev glas jo je vodil, in ko je končala, je vedela, da je uspelo.En: Matej's voice guided her, and when she finished, she knew she had succeeded.Sl: "Glej, prava zdravnica si," ji je Matej rekel s ponosom v očeh.En: "Look, you're a real doctor," Matej said to her with pride in his eyes.Sl: Ko se je nevihta umirila, je Luka, prekrit s strelajočim snegom, skozi vrata vnese več pohodnikov, ki so jih uspeli rešiti.En: When the storm subsided, Luka, covered in swirling snow, brought in more hikers they had managed to rescue through the door.Sl: Na njegovem obrazu je bilo zaznati olajšanje.En: Relief was visible on his face.Sl: Preteklost je ostala za njim.En: The past was behind him.Sl: Sedaj je bila le sedanjost.En: Now there was only the present.Sl: Tina je končno začutila, da pripada.En: Tina finally felt that she belonged.Sl: Matej je našel mir pred koncem svoje kariere.En: Matej found peace at the end of his career.Sl: Luka je zbral pogum in pokazal, kdo je bil v resnici: rešitelj.En: Luka gathered the courage and showed who he truly was: a rescuer.Sl: Ko se je nebo končno razjasnilo, je zavladal med shodniki občutek zavezništva in upanja.En: When the sky finally cleared, a sense of camaraderie and hope prevailed among those gathered.Sl: Slednjič je prišla reševalna ...
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    16 mins
  • Braving the White Abyss: A Tundra Tale of Friendship
    Jan 22 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Braving the White Abyss: A Tundra Tale of Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-22-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Na skrajnem severu, kjer veter kroji pokrajino in noč traja dolgo, se je odprla bela tundra.En: At the far north, where the wind shapes the landscape and the night lasts long, the white tundra had opened up.Sl: Matijevik, kraj, kamor je šola iz Ljubljane vsako zimo prirejala ekskurzijo, je bil čisto na robu sveta.En: Matijevik, the place where the school from Ljubljana organized a trip every winter, was right on the edge of the world.Sl: Razen snega in ledu tu ni bilo ničesar drugega.En: Apart from snow and ice, there was nothing else here.Sl: Tomaž, student devetega razreda, je s svetlečimi očmi in neustavljivo željo po dogodivščinah strmel v bele neskončnosti.En: Tomaž, a ninth-grade student, gazed with bright eyes and an irresistible desire for adventure into the white expanses.Sl: Njegova strast je bila polarno okolje.En: His passion was the polar environment.Sl: Nekje tam daleč je slišal o prav posebni ledeniški tvorbi, ki jo je tako želel videti.En: Somewhere out there, he had heard about a very special glacial formation that he so wished to see.Sl: A to ni bilo v načrtu ekskurzije.En: But it was not part of the trip's itinerary.Sl: Nina, njegova najboljša prijateljica, je stala ob njem.En: Nina, his best friend, stood beside him.Sl: Zaskrbljeno je pogledovala proti vetrovkam drugih učencev, ki so se premikale kot majhne pisane pike po beli pokrajini.En: She looked worriedly at the other students' jackets, moving like small colorful dots across the white landscape.Sl: Kot nadzorniki, učitelji niso izgubljali časa.En: The teachers, like overseers, did not waste time.Sl: Pazili so, da nihče ne zaide iz skupine.En: They made sure no one strayed from the group.Sl: "To moram videti, Nina," je rekel Tomaž, gledajoč proti severu, kjer so ledeni kristali začeli svetiti ob sveži svetlobi.En: "I have to see it, Nina," said Tomaž, looking toward the north, where ice crystals began to shimmer in the fresh light.Sl: "Ne bi smela," mu je odgovorila.En: "We shouldn't," she replied.Sl: Toda nekaj v Tomaževem pogledu ga je izdajalo - odločenost.En: But something in Tomaž's gaze betrayed him—determination.Sl: Nina je čutila, da ga ne more pustiti samega.En: Nina felt she couldn't leave him alone.Sl: "Prav.En: "Alright.Sl: Grem s tabo," je vzdihnila.En: I'm going with you," she sighed.Sl: Veter je bil hladen kot nož, ki se je zabadal v ušesa.En: The wind was as cold as a knife, stabbing at their ears.Sl: Sneženje se je začelo okrepiti, a Tomaž in Nina sta korakala.En: The snowfall began to intensify, but Tomaž and Nina marched on.Sl: Navdušenje je premagalo mraz.En: Enthusiasm overcame the cold.Sl: Toda nenadoma se je nebo zavrtilo in belina okoli njiju je postala neprekinjen zid snega.En: But suddenly, the sky spun, and the whiteness around them became an unbroken wall of snow.Sl: "Ne vidim poti nazaj," je Nina v paniki vzklikala.En: "I can't see the way back," Nina cried out in panic.Sl: Tomaž se je poskušal spomniti, kje so zadnjič videli skupino.En: Tomaž tried to remember the last place they saw the group.Sl: A vse je bilo enako.En: But everything looked the same.Sl: Vse belo.En: All white.Sl: Čas je tekel, prsti so otrpnili in strah se je prikradel v njune srce.En: Time passed, fingers numbed, and fear crept into their hearts.Sl: "Tukaj!En: "Over here!"Sl: " Tomaž je nenadoma zaklical, s svetilko, ki se je tresla na njegovi zmrznjeni roki.En: Tomaž suddenly shouted, with a flashlight trembling in his frozen hand.Sl: Svetloba je zablisnila na refleksni črtici učiteljeve jakne v daljavi.En: The light caught the reflective strip of a teacher's jacket in the distance.Sl: Upanje!En: Hope!Sl: Po napornem spopadu z vetrom sta končno pritekla do skupine.En: After a difficult struggle with the wind, they finally ran back to the group.Sl: Učitelji so ju sprejeli z olajšanjem in malo jeze.En: The teachers welcomed them with relief and a little anger.Sl: Malce ozebla, a varna, sta stala ob strani in spet dihala mirno.En: Slightly frostbitten but safe, they stood aside and breathed calmly again.Sl: Doma, nazaj v toplih prostorih šole, je Tomaž sedel ob Nini.En: Back home, in the warm school premises, Tomaž sat beside Nina.Sl: "Bilo je strašljivo, ampak vredno," je rekel, nasmejan, čeprav z rahlo modrimi ustnicami.En: "It was scary, but worth it," he said, smiling, though with slightly blue lips.Sl: "Sem se naučila nekaj," je odgovorila Nina.En: "I learned something," Nina replied.Sl: "Včasih je vredno tvegati.En: "Sometimes it's worth taking risks.Sl: Ampak previdno.En: But with caution."Sl: "Tomaž je pokimal, globoko zadovoljen z naukom in še bolj s prijateljstvom, ki ju je zbližalo.En: Tomaž nodded, deeply satisfied with the lesson learned and ...
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    16 mins
  • Reviving Ljubljana: Art Meets History in a Forgotten Warehouse
    Jan 21 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Reviving Ljubljana: Art Meets History in a Forgotten Warehouse Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-21-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: V zimskem popoldnevu, ko je sneg kot puhast plašč prekrival Ljubljano, je Matej, mlad in navdušen umetnik, iskal navdih za svojo novo umetniško instalacijo.En: On a winter afternoon, when the snow covered Ljubljana like a fluffy cloak, Matej, a young and enthusiastic artist, was seeking inspiration for his new art installation.Sl: Prešeren dan se je hitro bližal in želel je ustvariti nekaj nepozabnega, nekaj, kar bi pustilo pečat v srcih ljudi.En: Prešeren day was quickly approaching, and he wanted to create something unforgettable, something that would leave a mark in people's hearts.Sl: Med iskanjem prostora za delo je slišal govorice o zapuščeni skladiščni zgradbi na obrobju mesta.En: While searching for a space to work, he heard rumors about an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city.Sl: Bila je velika, hladna in skrivnostna - popoln prostor za njegovo vizijo.En: It was large, cold, and mysterious - the perfect space for his vision.Sl: Ko je Matej stopil skozi poškodovana vrata skladišča, ga je pozdravilo odmevanje lastnih korakov.En: When Matej stepped through the damaged doors of the warehouse, he was greeted by the echo of his own footsteps.Sl: Stene so bile pokrite z grafiti, pripovedovale so zgodbe pozabljenih časov.En: The walls were covered in graffiti, telling stories of forgotten times.Sl: Medtem ko je pregledoval prostor, je zaslišal pridušen zvok nekje od zadaj.En: While he was examining the space, he heard a muffled sound from somewhere in the back.Sl: S hitrimi koraki je sledil zvoku in našel Ano, ki je z beležko v roki raziskovala prostor.En: With quick steps, he followed the sound and found Ana, who was exploring the space with a notebook in hand.Sl: Bila je zgodovinarka, njena strast pa je bila oživitev in dokumentiranje zapostavljenih kulturnih znamenitosti Ljubljane.En: She was a historian, and her passion was the revival and documentation of Ljubljana's neglected cultural landmarks.Sl: Matej se je presenečeno ustavil.En: Matej stopped, surprised.Sl: "Tudi ti te zanima skladišče?En: "Are you also interested in the warehouse?"Sl: " je vprašal, nekoliko obrambno.En: he asked, somewhat defensively.Sl: "Da," je odgovorila Ana, njen glas je bil topel.En: "Yes," replied Ana, her voice warm.Sl: "Skladišče je enkratna zgodovinska lokacija.En: "The warehouse is a unique historical location.Sl: Mislim, da bi moralo biti zavarovano.En: I think it should be preserved."Sl: "Matej ni mogel skriti razočaranja.En: Matej couldn't hide his disappointment.Sl: "Jaz sem imel drugačne načrte," je priznal.En: "I had different plans," he admitted.Sl: "Tukaj želim ustvariti instalacijo za Prešeren dan.En: "I want to create an installation here for Prešeren day."Sl: "Njuni pogledi so se srečali v tišini.En: Their eyes met in silence.Sl: Matejeva strast se je spopadla z Anino odločnostjo.En: Matej's passion clashed with Ana's determination.Sl: Toda Matej se ni želel kar tako vdati.En: But Matej didn't want to give up so easily.Sl: Razložil je svojo vizijo, pokazal ji skice, ki jih je že pripravil.En: He explained his vision and showed her the sketches he had already prepared.Sl: Ana je poslušala.En: Ana listened.Sl: Videla je iskrenost v njegovih očeh in ljubezen do umetnosti, ki je odsevala v vsaki njegovi besedi.En: She saw sincerity in his eyes and a love for art that reflected in every word he spoke.Sl: Po dolgem premisleku je Ana priznala: "Morda lahko sodelujeva.En: After a long consideration, Ana admitted, "Perhaps we can collaborate.Sl: Tvoja umetnost bi lahko pripovedovala zgodbo teh sten.En: Your art could tell the story of these walls.Sl: Združiva moči.En: Let's combine our efforts."Sl: "Med njima se je začelo partnerstvo.En: A partnership began between them.Sl: Matej je prinesel ustvarjalnost, Ana pa je poskrbela, da je vsaka umetnina spoštovala zgodovinski kontekst stavbe.En: Matej brought creativity, while Ana ensured that each artwork respected the building's historical context.Sl: S skupnim delom sta vzpostavila prireditveni prostor, kjer sta umetnost in zgodovina zaživeli v harmoniji.En: Together, they established an event space where art and history thrived in harmony.Sl: Opravljeno delo sta predstavila le dan pred Prešerenovim dnem.En: They presented their work just a day before Prešeren's day.Sl: Ljudi so pritegnili njuni prizadevanji.En: People were drawn to their efforts.Sl: Skladišče je zdaj sijalo v novi luči, preteklost in sedanjost sta se srečali v čudovitem dialogu.En: The warehouse now shone in a new light, and the past and present met in a beautiful dialogue.Sl: Ko se je dan končal, sta Ana in Matej stala na pragu skladišča, obdana z občudovanjem ljudi.En: As the day ended, Ana and Matej ...
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    17 mins
  • Breaking the Ice: A Journey to Friendship and Self-Discovery
    Jan 20 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Breaking the Ice: A Journey to Friendship and Self-Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-20-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Belo snežno pokrivalo je nežno pokrivalo pokrajino okoli Blejskega jezera.En: The white snow blanket gently covered the landscape around Blejski jezero.Sl: Narava je dihala zimski mir.En: Nature breathed the calm of winter.Sl: Meglica se je dvigala nad jezersko gladino, pravljično ovijajoč otok s cerkvico.En: Mist rose above the lake's surface, magically enveloping the island with the church.Sl: Mateja je stala ob robu zamrznjenega jezera in opazovala svoje odseve v ledu.En: Mateja stood at the edge of the frozen lake, observing her reflections in the ice.Sl: Vse se je zdelo spokojno, a znotraj sebe je čutila nemir.En: Everything seemed peaceful, yet inside she felt restless.Sl: Mateja je bila na zimskih počitnicah s prijateljema, Anžetom in Evo.En: Mateja was on winter vacation with her friends, Anže and Eva.Sl: Vedno je občudovala njuno energijo.En: She always admired their energy.Sl: Eva je bila sončno prijazna, Anže pa vedno poln idej.En: Eva was cheerfully friendly, while Anže was always full of ideas.Sl: Mateja je bila tiha in premišljena.En: Mateja was quiet and contemplative.Sl: Pogosto se je čutila kot da je v njihovi senci.En: She often felt as though she was in their shadow.Sl: Pogovarjali so se o tem, kaj bi počeli ta dan.En: They were discussing what to do that day.Sl: Eva je predlagala, da bi se vsi trije sprehodili okrog jezera.En: Eva suggested that the three of them take a walk around the lake.Sl: Anže je želel raziskovati bližnji grad.En: Anže wanted to explore the nearby castle.Sl: Mateja je ostala tiho.En: Mateja remained silent.Sl: Želela si je, da bi se sprehodili, a tudi da bi se bolj povezal z njima.En: She wished for a walk but also hoped to connect more with them.Sl: Počutila se je, kot da bi morala nekaj reči, a ni vedela, kako začeti.En: She felt like she should say something but didn't know how to start.Sl: Ko so se odpravili na pot, so se Mateji misli vrtele v glavi.En: As they set off, Mateja's thoughts swirled in her head.Sl: Smehljala se je, ko sta Anže in Eva pripovedovala zgodbe in se smejala njunim šalam.En: She smiled as Anže and Eva told stories and laughed at their jokes.Sl: A znotraj je sanjala o trenutku, ko bi lahko bila bolj odprta, bolj pristna.En: But inside, she dreamed of a moment when she could be more open, more genuine.Sl: V trenutku tišine, ko sta Anže in Eva strmela v veličasten pogled na otoček s cerkvico, je Mateja zastala.En: In a moment of silence, as Anže and Eva stared at the magnificent view of the island with the church, Mateja paused.Sl: Eva je opazila, da je Mateja utihnila.En: Eva noticed that Mateja had become quiet.Sl: Pristopila je bližje in rekla: "Mateja, vse okej?En: She stepped closer and said, "Mateja, is everything okay?"Sl: "Priložnost, je pomislila Mateja.En: Opportunity, thought Mateja.Sl: A njena samozavest je omahovala.En: Yet her confidence wavered.Sl: Kljub temu je globoko vdihnila in tiho rekla: "Včasih se počutim, kot da se izgubim v vsem tem.En: Nevertheless, she took a deep breath and quietly said, "Sometimes I feel like I get lost in all of this."Sl: "Eva je napolnile oči z razumevanjem.En: Eva's eyes filled with understanding.Sl: "Res?En: "Really?Sl: Nisi sama, veš.En: You're not alone, you know.Sl: Pomembna si nam.En: You're important to us.Sl: Povej nama, kako se lahko bolje povežemo.En: Tell us how we can connect better."Sl: "Mateja je bila ganjena.En: Mateja was moved.Sl: Zdelo se ji je, kot da se je prebil led med njima, tako kot led na jezeru, ki se je pričel tajati pod prvimi toplimi žarki.En: It felt like the ice between them had broken, just like the ice on the lake, starting to melt under the first warm rays.Sl: Začela je pripovedovati o svojih občutkih, svojem iskanju svojega mesta med prijateljema.En: She began to talk about her feelings, her search for her place among her friends.Sl: Razveselilo jo je Evino razumevanje.En: She was delighted by Eva's understanding.Sl: Njuna beseda je privabila Anžeta, ki je z zanimanjem prisluhnil in obljubil, da bodo skupaj gradili bolj odprto in povezano prijateljstvo.En: Their conversation drew in Anže, who listened with interest and promised that they would work together to build a more open and connected friendship.Sl: Ko je sonce začelo zahajati, so se trije prijatelji - Mateja, Anže in Eva - vrnili proti koči, objeti s toplino na novo odkritega prijateljstva.En: As the sun began to set, the three friends - Mateja, Anže, and Eva - returned to the cabin, embraced by the warmth of newly discovered friendship.Sl: Mateja je čutila, da je njen glas končno slišan.En: Mateja felt that her voice was finally heard.Sl: In z novim zaupanjem v svoje sposobnosti je vedela, da je korak za korakom postajala ...
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    16 mins
  • Finding Inspiration in Ljubljana's Winter Wonderland
    Jan 19 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Inspiration in Ljubljana's Winter Wonderland Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-19-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Zimski dan v Ljubljanskem botaničnem vrtu je ponujal hladno, a očarljivo kuliso.En: A winter day in the Ljubljansko Botanical Garden offered a cold but charming backdrop.Sl: Očišče zelenega listja in nežne bele ivje na rastlinah ustvarjajo spokojno vzdušje.En: The green foliage and delicate white frost on the plants created a serene atmosphere.Sl: Luka in Ana sta hodila po poteh, zavita v tople šale, in med njima se je slišalo le škripanje snega pod čevlji.En: Luka and Ana walked along the paths, wrapped in warm scarves, and between them, only the crunching of snow underfoot could be heard.Sl: "Bliža se Prešernov dan," je veselo rekla Ana.En: "Prešernov dan is approaching," Ana said cheerfully.Sl: "Si načrtoval kakšno posebno proslavo?En: "Have you planned any special celebration?"Sl: "Luka je odkimal.En: Luka shook his head.Sl: "Trenutno me bolj skrbi ta projekt.En: "Right now, I'm more concerned about this project.Sl: In stanje moje zbirke rastlin.En: And the state of my plant collection."Sl: "Na obisk v botanični vrt sta prišla z namenom.En: They had come to the botanical garden with a purpose.Sl: Luka je želel poiskati redko zimsko rastlino, ki bi ga navdahnila za nov projekt.En: Luka wanted to find a rare winter plant that would inspire him for a new project.Sl: Toda že pri prvih korakih v toplih rastlinjakih je izvedel, da rastline, ki jo je iskal, ni na voljo.En: But upon taking their first steps in the warm greenhouses, he found out that the plant he was looking for wasn't available.Sl: Luka je zavzdihnil.En: Luka sighed.Sl: "Mislil sem, da bo to potovanje drugačno.En: "I thought this trip would be different."Sl: "Ana ga je razumevajoče pogledala.En: Ana looked at him understandingly.Sl: "Mogoče najdeva kaj drugega?En: "Maybe we'll find something else?Sl: Botanični vrt je poln presenečenj.En: The botanical garden is full of surprises."Sl: "Luka je okleval, a se je strinjal.En: Though hesitant, Luka agreed.Sl: Sprehodila sta se naprej in Ana je vodila pot skozi skrivnostne kotičke vrta.En: They walked on, and Ana led the way through the garden's mysterious corners.Sl: Tihi koraki so ju peljali mimo majhnega ribnika, kjer je voda na robovih skoraj zamrznila.En: Their quiet steps took them past a small pond, where the water at the edges was nearly frozen.Sl: Nenadoma sta se ustavila pred novim delom vrta.En: Suddenly, they stopped in front of a new part of the garden.Sl: Pisan razkaz zimzelenih rastlin in cvetočih grmičev ju je pričakal kot topel objem v mrazu.En: A colorful display of evergreens and flowering shrubs greeted them like a warm embrace in the cold.Sl: Rastline so dišale po nezemeljski svežini.En: The plants smelled of otherworldly freshness.Sl: Luka je pogledal bližje.En: Luka looked closer.Sl: Rdeče in bele cvetlice so sijale kot dragulji.En: Red and white flowers shone like jewels.Sl: Njegova domišljija se je začela prebujati.En: His imagination began to awaken.Sl: Seme navdiha se je zasadilo v njegovem srcu.En: A seed of inspiration was planted in his heart.Sl: "To je neverjetno," je tiho rekel Luka in se nasmehnil prvič tega dne.En: "This is incredible," Luka said quietly, smiling for the first time that day.Sl: Ana se je nasmehnila.En: Ana smiled.Sl: "Videla sem.En: "I saw it.Sl: Navdih.En: Inspiration.Sl: Tukaj je.En: It's here."Sl: "Luka je bil hvaležen.En: Luka was grateful.Sl: Jesenski sumrak se je spustil na mesto, ko sta zapustila vrt.En: Autumn twilight descended on the city as they left the garden.Sl: Luka ni našel želene rastline, a je odkril nekaj pomembnejšega – navdih in moč prijateljstva.En: Luka hadn't found the plant he wanted but discovered something more important—inspiration and the power of friendship.Sl: Ko sta se bližala izhodu, se je Luka obrnil k Ani.En: As they approached the exit, Luka turned to Ana.Sl: "Hvala, ker si me podprla.En: "Thank you for supporting me.Sl: Imam idejo za nov projekt.En: I have an idea for a new project."Sl: "Ana ga je objela.En: Ana embraced him.Sl: "Vedno, Luka.En: "Always, Luka.Sl: V najbolj hladnih zimah najdeš toplino, če imaš prave ljudi okoli sebe.En: In the coldest winters, you find warmth if you have the right people around you."Sl: "Z novim elanom in zaupanjem sta odkorakala v večer, medtem ko so prvi zameti praznične razsvetljave začeli osvetljevati ulice Ljubljane.En: With renewed energy and confidence, they walked into the evening as the first signs of festive lights began to illuminate the streets of Ljubljana.Sl: Luka je bil pripravljen na nove izzive.En: Luka was ready for new challenges. Vocabulary Words:backdrop: kulisafoliage: listjeserene: spokojnoscarf: šalunderfoot: pod čevljiconcerned: skrbicollection: zbirkagreenhouse: rastlinjaksigh: ...
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    15 mins
  • Serendipity in Snow: How a Market Encounter Transformed Dinner
    Jan 18 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Serendipity in Snow: How a Market Encounter Transformed Dinner Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-18-23-34-01-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Ljubljana je bila odeta v zimsko tančico.En: Ljubljana was cloaked in a winter veil.Sl: Snežinke so rahlo padale na tlakovane ulice Stare Ljubljane.En: Snowflakes gently fell on the cobbled streets of Old Ljubljana.Sl: Osrednja tržnica je bila živahna kot vedno, še posebej ob prazniku svetih treh kraljev.En: The central market was as lively as ever, especially during the holiday of the Three Wise Men.Sl: Tam je Matej, skrbno pripravljen arhitekt, išče popolno zimsko zelenjavo za večerjo s prijatelji.En: There, Matej, a carefully prepared architect, was searching for the perfect winter vegetables for a dinner with friends.Sl: "Sovražim, ko nekaj ne najdem," je zamrmral, ko je pregledoval stojnice.En: "I hate it when I can't find something," he murmured as he inspected the stalls.Sl: Na njegovem seznamu je manjkal ohrovt, ki ga ni našel nikjer.En: Kale was missing from his list, and he couldn’t find it anywhere.Sl: Stres ga je začel prevzemati.En: Stress began to take over him.Sl: Nina, topla in spontana učiteljica, se je približala, opazila njegov nemir in skušala pomagati.En: Nina, a warm and spontaneous teacher, approached, noticing his restlessness and tried to help.Sl: "Iščeš nekaj posebnega?En: "Are you looking for something special?"Sl: " je vprašala z nasmehom.En: she asked with a smile.Sl: "Ohrovt," je rekel Matej in rahlo zavzdihnil.En: "Kale," Matej said with a slight sigh.Sl: "Brez njega bo jed nepopolna.En: "Without it, the dish will be incomplete."Sl: ""Zakaj pa ne poskusiš raje s špinačo ali rdečo peso?En: "Why not try spinach or beets instead?"Sl: " je predlagala Nina.En: Nina suggested.Sl: "Lahko dodaš tudi malo buče za sladkobo.En: "You can also add a little pumpkin for sweetness."Sl: "Matej je dvomljivo pogledal.En: Matej looked doubtful.Sl: Njegov načrt je bil natančno izdelan.En: His plan was meticulously crafted.Sl: A nekaj je bilo v Nininih iskricah navdušenja, ki ga je pritegnilo.En: But there was something in Nina's spark of enthusiasm that drew him in.Sl: "Prav," je rekel, nekoliko nerad.En: "Alright," he said, somewhat reluctantly.Sl: "Poglejmo, kaj imaš v mislih.En: "Let's see what you have in mind."Sl: "Pod svetlikajočimi lučmi, ki so visele nad tržnico, je Nina vodila Mateja med stojnicami.En: Under the twinkling lights hanging over the market, Nina led Matej among the stalls.Sl: Skupaj sta izbrala svežo zelenjavo, ki je dišala po zimi.En: Together, they picked out fresh vegetables that smelled like winter.Sl: Matej je opazoval, kako je navdušeno izbirala, okušala, se pogovarjala z branjevkami.En: Matej watched as she enthusiastically selected, tasted, and chatted with the vendors.Sl: Njeno veselje je bilo nalezljivo.En: Her joy was contagious.Sl: "Veš," je končno rekel Matej, ko sta plačevala nakupe.En: "You know," Matej finally said as they paid for their goods.Sl: "Mislim, da bo to najina najboljša večerja doslej.En: "I think this will be our best dinner yet.Sl: Ali se mi boš pridružila?En: Would you join me?Sl: Mislim, da bi želel prijateljem predstaviti eno zelo posebno učiteljico.En: I think I'd like to introduce my friends to a very special teacher."Sl: "Nina je s presenečenjem, a s toplim nasmehom, sprejela povabilo.En: Nina, surprised but with a warm smile, accepted the invitation.Sl: "Z veseljem," je rekla.En: "With pleasure," she said.Sl: Večerja je postala praznik dobrih okusov in smeha.En: The dinner became a celebration of good flavors and laughter.Sl: Matej se je naučil, da lahko spontane izbire prinesejo neverjetno radost.En: Matej learned that spontaneous choices can bring incredible joy.Sl: Nina je doživela zadovoljstvo ob tem, da je pomagala premagati trdo planiranje z malo več spontanosti.En: Nina experienced the satisfaction of helping overcome rigid planning with a little more spontaneity.Sl: Tržnica v Ljubljani se je počasi praznila, a v bistvu pa je šele začela osvetljevati novo prijateljstvo in svežo priložnost za drugačen pogled na svet.En: The market in Ljubljana slowly emptied, yet in essence, it had just begun to illuminate a new friendship and a fresh opportunity to see the world differently.Sl: Na koncu sta oba spoznala, da je življenje polno nepričakovanih čudes, če le dovoliš, da te način vodi tja, kamor želi iti sam.En: In the end, both realized that life is full of unexpected wonders if you just allow the path to lead you where it wishes to go. Vocabulary Words:cloaked: odetaveil: tančicosnowflakes: snežinkecobbled: tlakovaneinspected: pregledovalstalls: stojnicemissing: manjkalrestlessness: nemirsigh: zavzdihnilsuggested: predlagaladoubtful: dvomljivometiculously: natančnoreluctantly: neradtwinkling: svetlikajočimivendors: branjevkamicontagious: ...
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    15 mins
  • Building Magic: The Epic Snowman Adventure at Tivoli Park
    Jan 17 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Building Magic: The Epic Snowman Adventure at Tivoli Park Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-17-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Na robu Tivoli Parka, ki se je spreminjal v pravo zimsko pravljico, je Maja skrbno gledala snežinke, ki so plesale po zraku.En: At the edge of Tivoli Park, which was turning into a true winter fairy tale, Maja carefully watched the snowflakes dancing in the air.Sl: V snežnem metežu je tlela njena želja – zgraditi največjega snežaka, kar jih je kdaj videl park.En: In the snowstorm, her desire was burning – to build the biggest snowman the park had ever seen.Sl: Luka in Ana, njena prijatelja, sta se tresla v svojih toplih bundah, vendar sta sledila Maji z radovednostjo in kančkom dvoma.En: Luka and Ana, her friends, shivered in their warm jackets, but followed Maja with curiosity and a hint of doubt.Sl: "Poglej, koliko snega!En: "Look at all this snow!"Sl: " je zavpila Maja s sijočimi očmi.En: shouted Maja with shining eyes.Sl: "Naredili bomo veličastnega snežaka!En: "We will make a magnificent snowman!"Sl: ""Resno?En: "Seriously?Sl: V tem vremenu?En: In this weather?"Sl: " se je zasmejal Luka in potegnil kapo globlje čez ušesa.En: laughed Luka, pulling his cap further over his ears.Sl: "Kdo pa bo potem pil vročo čokolado?En: "Who will have the hot chocolate then?"Sl: " se je nasmehnila Ana, očitno bolj zainteresirana za nagrado kot projekt.En: smiled Ana, clearly more interested in the reward than the project.Sl: Maja ni popuščala.En: Maja was not giving up.Sl: Začela je valiti prvo veliko snežno kepo.En: She began rolling the first large snowball.Sl: Sneg je bil moker in težak, popoln za oblikovanje, a tudi zahteven za delo v teh vremenskih razmerah.En: The snow was wet and heavy, perfect for shaping, but also challenging to work with in these weather conditions.Sl: Njeni prijatelji sta se kmalu pridružila, ne da bi opazila, kako so kljub mrazu začeli uživati.En: Her friends soon joined, not noticing how they began to enjoy themselves despite the cold.Sl: Medtem ko je snežak rasel, je veter pihal vedno močneje, ogrožal je njegovo stabilnost.En: As the snowman grew, the wind blew increasingly harder, threatening its stability.Sl: "Potrebuje nekaj podpore," je predlagala Maja s stisnjenimi ustnicami, medtem ko je pogledovala proti vrhu snežaka.En: "It needs some support," suggested Maja with pursed lips, as she looked toward the top of the snowman.Sl: Luka je pomislil na športno igrišče in se spomnil na drevesne veje, ki so zmrznjene visele ob poteh.En: Luka thought of the sports field and remembered the tree branches, frozen and hanging along the paths.Sl: "Veje!En: "Branches!Sl: Podprimo ga z vejami," je rekel in skupaj so hiteli zbrati vse, kar bi lahko pomagalo.En: Let's support it with branches," he said, and they hurried to gather all that could help.Sl: Ko se je snežak dvigoval vse višje, je vetrič postal nevzdržen.En: As the snowman rose higher, the breeze became unbearable.Sl: Snežna pošast, kot so jo poimenovali, je začela nevarno nihati.En: The snow monster, as they called it, began to sway dangerously.Sl: Maja, Luka in Ana so zapahnili veje in sekunde so se zdele kot večnost.En: Maja, Luka, and Ana fastened the branches, and seconds seemed to last forever.Sl: Nato se je veter končno umiril.En: Then the wind finally calmed.Sl: Snežak je stal ponosno, veličastno.En: The snowman stood proudly, magnificently.Sl: "Uspelo je!En: "We did it!"Sl: " je vzkliknila Ana, ko so trije prijatelji popadli v snežni objem zadovoljstva.En: exclaimed Ana, as the three friends fell into a snowy embrace of satisfaction.Sl: Sledil je smeh, kepanje in tekanje po zasneženih poteh parka.En: This was followed by laughter, snowball fights, and running along the snowy paths of the park.Sl: Ko so končali z zimsko bitko, je Maja spoznala nekaj pomembnega.En: When they finished their winter battle, Maja realized something important.Sl: Nič ni bilo bolj dragoceno od veselja, ki ga je prineslo sodelovanje.En: Nothing was more precious than the joy brought by teamwork.Sl: Snežak je bil velik in veličasten, toda tisto, zaradi česar je bil poseben, je bilo prijateljstvo, ki ga je izgradil.En: The snowman was big and magnificent, but what made it special was the friendship it had built.Sl: Tivoli Park je ob koncu dneva blestel v miru, njegove poti obkrožene z večernim sijajem.En: Tivoli Park at the end of the day shone in peace, its paths surrounded by an evening glow.Sl: Maja, Luka in Ana so se sprehodili domov, toplo srčno prepričani, da je zima res čas čarobnih pustolovščin.En: Maja, Luka, and Ana walked home, warmly convinced that winter is indeed a time of magical adventures. Vocabulary Words:edge: robdesire: željashivered: treslacuriosity: radovednostdoubt: dvommagnificent: veličastenreward: nagradarolling: valitiheavy: težakshaping: ...
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    15 mins
  • Lost in Snow: A Journey Beyond the Path
    Jan 16 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Lost in Snow: A Journey Beyond the Path Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/sl/episode/2025-01-16-23-34-02-sl Story Transcript:Sl: Matej je sedel na hlodu ob poti in gledal v daljavo.En: Matej sat on a log by the path, gazing into the distance.Sl: Vsi so se ustavili na kosilo, učiteljica je razdelila sendviče, a Matej je imel drugo idejo.En: Everyone had stopped for lunch, the teacher had handed out sandwiches, but Matej had a different idea.Sl: Njegov obraz je izražal nemir.En: His face expressed unease.Sl: Vedel je, da nekje v gozdu leži skriti slap, o katerem je bral.En: He knew there was a hidden waterfall somewhere in the forest, one he had read about.Sl: "Če bi le lahko," je pomislil, "če bi le lahko šel pogledat."En: "If only I could," he thought, "if only I could go and see it."Sl: Ana, ki je sedela poleg njega, je opazila Matejev zamišljeni pogled.En: Ana, who was sitting next to him, noticed Matej's thoughtful gaze.Sl: "Kaj razmišljaš?" ga je vprašala.En: "What are you thinking about?" she asked him.Sl: Matej se je ozrl nazaj k njej in se nasmehnil.En: Matej turned back to her and smiled.Sl: "Nekje blizu je slap," je povedal, "želim ga videti!"En: "There's a waterfall nearby," he said, "I want to see it!"Sl: "Matej, mi pa moramo ostati na poti," je odgovorila Ana resno.En: "Matej, we're supposed to stay on the path," Ana replied seriously.Sl: Pravila parka so bila jasna, a Matejev nemiren duh že dolgo ni poslušal pravil.En: The park's rules were clear, but Matej's restless spirit hadn't listened to rules for a long time.Sl: Med kosilom je Matej sklenil.En: During lunch, Matej made up his mind.Sl: Pogledal je naokrog, nato pa začel potihoma lesti stran.En: He looked around, then began to quietly slip away.Sl: Ana je to opazila.En: Ana noticed this.Sl: "Se res odpravljaš?" je vprašala tiho.En: "Are you really going?" she asked softly.Sl: Matej prikimal in pomignil z glavo proti gozdu.En: Matej nodded and gestured with his head towards the forest.Sl: Ana ni mogla verjeti, a nekaj v njej je kliknilo.En: Ana couldn't believe it, but something inside her clicked.Sl: "Pridem s teboj," je rekla, "a samo zato, da te prepričam, da se vrneva."En: "I'll come with you," she said, "but only to convince you to come back."Sl: Zasnežena tla so škripala pod njunimi škornji.En: The snowy ground crunched under their boots.Sl: Pot je postajala vedno bolj ozka, gozd okoli njiju pa gostejši.En: The path became increasingly narrow, and the forest around them denser.Sl: Jasno nebo se je začelo spreminjati.En: The clear sky began to change.Sl: Nebo je postajalo oblačno in hitro se je začel naletavati sneg.En: The sky was becoming cloudy, and snow began to fall quickly.Sl: V počasnejšem koraku sta oba začutila, da sta zašla.En: In their slower pace, both felt that they had strayed.Sl: "Matej," je zaskrbljeno rekla Ana, "ne bi smela biti tukaj. Vrniva se, dokler je še svetlo."En: "Matej," Ana said worriedly, "we shouldn't be here. Let's go back while it's still light."Sl: Matejov uporni pogled je popustil.En: Matej's rebellious look subsided.Sl: Prestrašil se je ideje izgubljenosti in svojih odločitev.En: He was frightened by the idea of being lost and his decisions.Sl: Vihar je okrog njiju pihal snežinke.En: The storm whirled snowflakes around them.Sl: Zdaj ni bil več čas za eksperimentiranje.En: Now was no longer the time for experimenting.Sl: "Vredu," je priznal Matej, "vrniva se."En: "Alright," Matej admitted, "let's go back."Sl: Ana je umirjeno sledila istemu slednjemu koraku, poskušala se je spomniti vsakega zavojčka, ki sta ga naredila.En: Ana calmly followed the same last steps, trying to remember every turn they had made.Sl: Pot je bila težka in sneg je zakrival sledi, vendar sta zaupala eden drugemu.En: The path was difficult and the snow covered the tracks, but they trusted each other.Sl: Ko sta končno zagledala skupino učencev in učiteljico, ki je že bila pripravljena na odhod, sta oba globoko oddahnila.En: When they finally saw the group of students and the teacher, who were already ready to leave, they both sighed deeply.Sl: Matej in Ana sta se nerodno nasmehnila učiteljici, ki je bila vidno zaskrbljena, a hkrati olajšana, da sta varno nazaj.En: Matej and Ana awkwardly smiled at the teacher, who was visibly worried but relieved that they were safely back.Sl: "Tako sem vesela, da sta v redu," je rekla učiteljica.En: "I'm so glad you're both okay," the teacher said.Sl: Matej je sklonil glavo, zavedajoč se, da so pravila včasih tukaj z razlogom.En: Matej bowed his head, realizing that sometimes rules are there for a reason.Sl: Ana je obdržala svoj običajni nasmeh, a z utripom poguma v sebi, da lahko, kadar je nujno, prevzame vodstvo.En: Ana maintained her usual smile, but with a hint of courage inside her, knowing that when necessary, she could take the lead.Sl: Trikraljev narodni park je ...
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    17 mins