FluentFiction - Welsh

Written by: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • When Carys Mistakes History for Life: A St. Fagans Adventure
    Jan 23 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: When Carys Mistakes History for Life: A St. Fagans Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-01-23-23-34-01-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Roedd hi'n ddiwrnod oer yn ystod y gaeaf yn St. Fagans, ond roedd yr haul yn disgleirio dros y musewm.En: It was a cold day during winter in St. Fagans, but the sun was shining over the museum.Cy: Roedd Carys heb unrhyw syniad beth oedd yn dod, wrth iddi gerdded drwy strydoedd hanesyddol y lle.En: Carys had no idea what was coming as she walked through the historic streets of the place.Cy: Roedd ei chwilfrydedd yn ddwfn, a heddiw, roedd hi'n edrych ymlaen at ymweld â'r arddangosfa ysbyty maes.En: Her curiosity was deep, and today, she was looking forward to visiting the field hospital exhibition.Cy: Pan gyrhaeddodd Carys arddangosfa'r ysbyty maes, roedd yno wybodaeth syfrdanol.En: When Carys arrived at the field hospital exhibition, there was astounding information.Cy: Roedd i gyd yn ymddangos mor wirioneddol.En: It all seemed so realistic.Cy: Defnyddiwyd offer meddygol hynafol, gwelyau wedi'u gorchuddio â dillad gwynion, a phypedau a oedd yn edrych mor fyw o dan olau oer y gaeaf.En: Ancient medical equipment was used, beds covered with white linens, and mannequins that looked so alive under the cold winter light.Cy: Yn annisgwyl, dechreuodd sŵn canu cloch yn llenwi'r awyr.En: Unexpectedly, the sound of a bell ringing began to fill the air.Cy: Roedd hi'n dryswch i Carys.En: It was confusing for Carys.Cy: "Mae angen help arnynt!" meddai wrthi ei hun, llawn bwriad da.En: "They need help!" she said to herself, full of good intention.Cy: Heb unrhyw amheuaeth, fe benderfynodd Carys fynd i lawr y coridor i chwilio am gymorth.En: Without any hesitation, Carys decided to go down the corridor to seek assistance.Cy: Cyrhaeddodd Rhys a Eira, dau o'r staff, gyda llygaid mawr a gwefrau, wrth iddynt weld Carys brysio at y "cleifion."En: Rhys and Eira, two of the staff, arrived with wide eyes and smiles, as they saw Carys rushing to the "patients."Cy: Roeddent hwythau'n cynnal dril, hyn yn unig, ac roedd yn gyfrinachol hyd hynny.En: They were conducting a drill, nothing more, and it had been secret until then.Cy: Ond Carys nid oedd yn credu bod unrhyw un wedi sylwi pa mor beryg roedd y sefyllfa yn ymddangos iddi.En: But Carys didn't think anyone realized how dangerous the situation appeared to her.Cy: Gan gymryd bandlysiau a bag plastig o gyflenwadau, fe redodd Carys yn ôl at y cyfnos o'r "claf" cyntaf.En: Grabbing bandages and a plastic bag of supplies, Carys ran back to the first "patient."Cy: Roedd hi'n ceisio ei gorau i roi cymorth meddygol, ond mewn gwirionedd, roedd dim ond cywilydd ar wyneb Rhys ac Eira arwydd y bont.En: She was trying her best to provide medical aid, but in reality, there was only embarrassment on the faces of Rhys and Eira at the scene.Cy: "Beth sy'n digwydd?" gofynnodd Rhys yn ffrindly, yn gwrando ar bob clic o'i camera symudol.En: "What is happening?" asked Rhys cheerfully, listening to every click of his mobile camera.Cy: Fe esboniodd Eira'n glir, gan dreialu ddim i chwerthin wrth adrodd am ychydig am y senario thaer oedd yn digwydd.En: Eira explained clearly, trying not to laugh while recounting a little about the intense scenario that was unfolding.Cy: Pan ddeallodd Carys ei chamgymeriad, roedd hi'n teimlo'n ofnadwy.En: When Carys understood her mistake, she felt awful.Cy: "Rwy'n sori," meddai Carys, ei gwyneb yn goch.En: "I'm sorry," said Carys, her face red.Cy: "Rwy'n meddwl roedd yn real."En: "I thought it was real."Cy: Rhys a Eira roeddynt mor falch iddi hi fod mor barod i helpu.En: Rhys and Eira were so pleased that she was so ready to help.Cy: Roeddent yn sicrhau Carys nad oedd unrhyw niwed wedi'i wneud, a bod y digwyddiad wedi dod â chwerthin i bawb sy'n bresennol.En: They assured Carys that no harm was done and that the incident had brought laughter to everyone present.Cy: Dyna pan ddysgodd Carys bwysigrwydd sylwi, esbonio, a holi cyn cymryd camau.En: That was when Carys learned the importance of observing, explaining, and asking before taking action.Cy: Wrth iddi adael yr arddangosfa, roedd Carys yn wên yn dal ar ei hwyneb.En: As she left the exhibition, Carys still had a smile on her face.Cy: "Byddaf yn ofalus y tro nesaf," meddai, er yn dal yn llawn chwilfrydedd ar gyfer yr eiliau hir a llawn straeon byth yn St. Fagans.En: "I'll be careful next time," she said, still full of curiosity for the long aisles and endless stories in St. Fagans.Cy: Curodd ei chalon â llawenydd gan wybod ei bod wedi gwneud pobl yn chwerthin, hyd yn oed os trwy gamddeall bach.En: Her heart beat with joy knowing she had made people laugh, even if through a small misunderstanding.Cy: Roedd hi'n ddiwrnod cofiadwy yn sgwrsio rhwng yr hen hanes a hawddfyd newydd.En: It was a memorable day conversing between old history and newfound ease. Vocabulary Words:cold: oerwinter: gaeafmuseum: ...
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    15 mins
  • Love and Survival: A Glaciologist's Arctic Revelation
    Jan 22 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Love and Survival: A Glaciologist's Arctic Revelation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-01-22-23-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Mae'r gwynt yn chwipio trwy'r llwyfandir eira, tra bod awyr gwan y gaeaf yn hongian dros y dirwedd gwag.En: The wind whips through the snowy plateau, while the faint winter sky hangs over the barren landscape.Cy: Am bellter, mae'r rhewlifoedd yn tywynnu fel goleuadau yn y nos.En: In the distance, the glaciers shine like lights in the night.Cy: Yn y pencadlys ymchwil, mae cynhesrwydd a sŵn y peiriannau yn rhoi rhywfaint o gysur yn erbyn rhuo'r tywydd y tu allan.En: In the research headquarters, the warmth and hum of the machines offer some comfort against the roar of the weather outside.Cy: Mae Gwyn, glasiolog llawn angerdd, wedi ymgolli yn ei waith.En: Gwyn, a passionate glaciologist, is absorbed in his work.Cy: Er, wrth iddo edrych dros ei nodiadau, mae'r unigrwydd yn ei daro fel ton oer.En: Yet, as he looks over his notes, loneliness hits him like a cold wave.Cy: Mae'r ansicrwydd yn ymdodi, gan wneud iddo chwennych rhywbeth mwy na data a gwaith.En: The uncertainty melts away, making him long for something more than data and work.Cy: Maeve yw ei gwrthwynebydd.En: Maeve is his counterpart.Cy: Biolog fentrus sy'n cael ei hudo gan y byd naturiol, mae hi yn ymwelydd yn y gorsaf hon, yn hwylio i astudio'r dynamiadau gwyllt.En: An adventurous biologist enchanted by the natural world, she is a visitor at this station, journeying to study the wild dynamics.Cy: Mae ei chwilfrydedd yn lleddfu pruddglwyf Gwyn, er bod rhywbeth mwya dwys yn dechrau iddo feddwl amdani.En: Her curiosity eases Gwyn's melancholy, although something deeper begins to stir his thoughts about her.Cy: Mae’r cyfathrebu'n anodd yma yn wastadeddau garw’r Arctig.En: Communication is difficult here in the harsh plains of the Arctic.Cy: Mae'r angen am gysylltiad yn cystadlu'n erbyn y tywydd.En: The need for connection competes with the weather.Cy: Un prynhawn, mae Gwyn yn penderfynu cymryd cam.En: One afternoon, Gwyn decides to take a step.Cy: Mae'n siarad gyda Maeve, yn dal i fyny ar ei hastudiaethau ac yn rhannu ychydig o'i deimladau.En: He talks with Maeve, catching up on her studies and sharing a bit of his feelings.Cy: Maen nhw'n cael eu tynnu at ei gilydd, rhywbeth tyner ac eofn yn eu cysylltiad.En: They are drawn to each other, something tender and bold in their connection.Cy: Ond mae'r Arctig yn frawychus.En: But the Arctic is formidable.Cy: Un bore, mae storm yn codi'n sydyn, yn gyffredin ond peryglus yn y rhan hon o'r byd.En: One morning, a storm rises suddenly, common yet dangerous in this part of the world.Cy: Wrth i'r byd gwyn droi'n fôr o niwl ac eira, mae Maeve yn cael ei ddal yng nghanol ei gafael am ei bywyd.En: As the white world turns into a sea of mist and snow, Maeve finds herself caught in its grasp for her life.Cy: Yn y distyllfeydd eira, llais Gwyn yw ei chyfodiad.En: In the snowy expanses, Gwyn's voice is her lifeline.Cy: Mae Gwyn yn brysio allan, ei galon yn curo â chymysgedd o ofn a phenderfyniad.En: Gwyn rushes out, his heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination.Cy: Mae'n achub Maeve cyn iddi fynd ar goll i dragwyddoldeb y storm.En: He rescues Maeve before she gets lost to the eternity of the storm.Cy: Wrth iddynt gael lloches yn ol y tu mewn, mae Gwyn yn gwybod mai hwn yw'r foment.En: As they find shelter back inside, Gwyn knows this is the moment.Cy: Mae'n dweud wrth Maeve faint mae'n ei edmygu, nid yn unig am ei medr ond am ei phresenoldeb.En: He tells Maeve how much he admires her, not just for her skill but for her presence.Cy: Pan ddaw'r storm i ben, mae'n amlwg fod yr amser wedi newid popeth.En: When the storm subsides, it's clear that time has changed everything.Cy: Mae Maeve yn dewis aros yn hwy, gan gynnig cydweithredu hyd yn oed yn ddwysach na'r blaen.En: Maeve chooses to stay longer, offering collaboration even more intense than before.Cy: Mae'r ddau yn canfod bod gwir ystyr eu gwaith ym mharhad yng nghwmni ei gilydd.En: The two find that the true meaning of their work lies in continuing together.Cy: Er i Gwyn ddechrau gyda chwilio am ddata, mae wedi darganfod gwerth cwmni da a chysylltiad personol.En: Though Gwyn began with a quest for data, he has discovered the value of good company and personal connection.Cy: Mae Maeve, trwy gydweithredu, wedi canfod hyd yn oed fwy o werth yn ei hymchwil.En: Maeve, through collaboration, has found even more worth in her research.Cy: Felly, mae’r maes iâ blinedig yn dawel eto, ond gyda hoffter newydd rhwng y cynlluniau ymchwil.En: Thus, the weary ice field is quiet again, but with a newfound warmth between the research plans. Vocabulary Words:whips: chwipioplateau: llwyfandirbarren: gwagglaciers: rhewlifoeddheadquarters: pencadlyshum: sŵnabsorbed: ymgolliloneliness: unigrwyddcounterpart: gwrthwynebyddenchanted: hudodynamics: dynamiadaueases: ...
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    15 mins
  • Romantic Legends Reborn: A Dydd Santes Dwynwen Discovery
    Jan 21 2025
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Romantic Legends Reborn: A Dydd Santes Dwynwen Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/cy/episode/2025-01-21-23-34-02-cy Story Transcript:Cy: Mewn gaeaf oer, gyda gwynt yn chwythu drwy adfeilion castell hen, roedd Gareth a Mair yn cerdded gyda'i gilydd.En: In a cold winter, with wind blowing through the ruins of an old castle, Gareth and Mair were walking together.Cy: Roedd hi'n Ddydd Santes Dwynwen, diwrnod cariadon Cymru.En: It was Dydd Santes Dwynwen, the day of lovers in Wales.Cy: Roedd hi’n oer, ond roedd eu chwilfrydedd a chyffro yn gwrthsefyll y tywydd.En: It was cold, but their curiosity and excitement were resisting the weather.Cy: Roedd Gareth, hanesydd lleol, yn aml yn crwydro adfeilion y castell hwn i ddysgu’r gwirionedd am y chwedlau oedd o’i gwmpas.En: Gareth, a local historian, often roamed these castle ruins to learn the truth about the legends surrounding it.Cy: Yn ei gredu ef, dim ond straeon oeddent.En: In his belief, they were mere stories.Cy: Ar y llaw arall, roedd Mair, artist ac un fyddai’n rhodio ar fylchau tywyll ei dychymyg, yn credu bod gwirionedd cuddiedig yno.En: On the other hand, Mair, an artist and someone who would wander through the dark alleys of her imagination, believed there was hidden truth there.Cy: "Dwi'n teimlo bod rhywbeth hudolus yn y lle hwn," meddai Mair, ei llygaid yn drwch dros y haul eira nesaf.En: "I feel there's something magical about this place," said Mair, her eyes lingering over the next snow-covered sun.Cy: "Mae hi fel petai'r castell yn pwysleisio rhyw ddirgelwch rhamantus.En: "It's as if the castle is emphasizing some romantic mystery."Cy: "Gareth oedd yn gwrthod derbyn hynny.En: Gareth refused to accept that.Cy: "Mae'r straeon hyn yn mythau, Mair,” eglurodd Gareth yn bendant.En: "These stories are myths, Mair," explained Gareth definitively.Cy: “Does dim byd mwy nag adfeilion yma.En: "There is nothing more than ruins here."Cy: "Wrth iddynt gerdded drwy'r coridorau caregog, rhywbeth disglair ar y llawr denodd sylw Mair.En: As they walked through the stony corridors, something shiny on the floor caught Mair's attention.Cy: “Beth yw hwn?En: "What is this?"Cy: ” gofynnodd, gan bwyso i lawr i ddal pendant dirgel gyda marciau cryptig arno.En: she asked, leaning down to pick up a mysterious pendant with cryptic marks on it.Cy: Roedd ei emosiynau yn frasach.En: Her emotions were stirred.Cy: Roedd ei hanadl yn cyflymu.En: Her breath quickened.Cy: "Mae'n rhaid i ni edrych ar hwn gan arbenigwr!En: "We need to show this to an expert!"Cy: " awgrymodd Gareth, ei ddiddordeb yn dechrau dangos ar ei wyneb.En: suggested Gareth, his interest beginning to show on his face.Cy: Hyd yn oed ef, gyda'i arfer o amheuo, teimlai rhywbeth gwahanol yno.En: Even he, with his habit of skepticism, felt something different there.Cy: Cymerasant y pendant i'r arbenigwr lleol.En: They took the pendant to a local expert.Cy: Roedd hithau’n ferch fywiog, yn enwog am ei gwybodaeth am y traddodiadau lleol.En: She was a lively woman, renowned for her knowledge of local traditions.Cy: Wrth gipio’r pendant, roedd hi’n nodio gyda pharch.En: As she examined the pendant, she nodded with respect.Cy: "Mae’r marciau hyn yn gynrychioli hen chwedlau," dywedodd hi, "yr adeiladodd yr hynafiaid yn ymwneud â chariad coll.En: "These marks represent ancient legends," she said, "built by the ancestors concerning lost love."Cy: "Safodd Gareth a Mair mewn distawrwydd am eiliad, gwrando ar hanes y pendant.En: Gareth and Mair stood in silence for a moment, listening to the tale of the pendant.Cy: Am y tro cyntaf, teimlai Gareth hud yn y gair 'gwirionedd'.En: For the first time, Gareth felt magic in the word 'truth'.Cy: Efallai nad oedd pob chwedl yn ramant y beirniaid ond mewn ffordd, roeddent wir yn dal darnau bach o hanes.En: Perhaps not all legends were the romance of critics but, in a way, they truly held small pieces of history.Cy: Dechreuodd Mair wenu'n fawr.En: Mair began to smile widely.Cy: Ei chalon yn cynefin mewn gwirionedd newydd.En: Her heart settled in new truth.Cy: O’r diwrnod hwnnw ymlaen, roedd Gareth yn llawer llai amheus a mwy agored i'r syniad o wyrthiau.En: From that day forward, Gareth was much less skeptical and more open to the idea of miracles.Cy: Byddai Mair yn parhau i ddarlunio'r hyn a ddisgrifiodd hi fel gwirionedd rhomant y castell.En: Mair would continue to illustrate what she described as the romantic truth of the castle.Cy: Roedd y chwedl wedi dod â thwf iddynt ill dau.En: The legend had brought growth to them both.Cy: Roedd y ddau yn gadael yr arbenigwr gyda'u calonau ysgafnach, gwybod bod rhywbeth hudol, rhyw drothwy i wirionedd, a allai fod yn wir yn y chwedlau a'r straeon serch hŷn.En: The two left the expert with lighter hearts, knowing there was something magical, some threshold to truth, that could be real in the older love legends and stories.Cy: Roedd yn Ddydd ...
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    16 mins

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