• From Facts to Friendship: The School Project That United Us

  • Jun 29 2024
  • Durée: 16 min
  • Podcast

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From Facts to Friendship: The School Project That United Us

  • Résumé

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: From Facts to Friendship: The School Project That United Us Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/from-facts-to-friendship-the-school-project-that-united-us Story Transcript:Sl: Ljubljana je bila tistega poletnega popoldneva prelepa.En: Ljubljana was beautiful that summer afternoon.Sl: Dragonjski most je stal veličastno, okrašen z ikoničnimi kipa zmajev.En: The Dragon Bridge stood majestically, adorned with its iconic dragon statues.Sl: Luka, Nika in Anže so se srečali tam za šolski projekt.En: Luka, Nika, and Anže met there for their school project.Sl: Vročina je bila velika, a njihov cilj je bil jasen: narediti popolno predstavitev o Dragonjskem mostu.En: The heat was intense, but their goal was clear: to create the perfect presentation about the Dragon Bridge.Sl: "Moramo se posvetiti dejstvom," je rekel Luka resno.En: "We need to focus on the facts," Luka said seriously.Sl: "Hočem najboljšo oceno.En: "I want the best grade."Sl: "Nika je imela drugačne ideje.En: Nika had different ideas.Sl: "Luka, moramo biti kreativni.En: "Luka, we need to be creative.Sl: Lahko naredimo maketo ali risbo mostu.En: We can make a model or a drawing of the bridge."Sl: "Anže je stal med njima, miren in z razumevanjem.En: Anže stood between them, calm and understanding.Sl: "Lahko naredimo oboje.En: "We can do both.Sl: Luka, ti lahko napišeš zgodovinski del.En: Luka, you can write the historical part.Sl: Nika, ti lahko pripraviš umetniški del.En: Nika, you can prepare the artistic part.Sl: Jaz bom poskrbel, da vse teče gladko.En: I'll make sure everything runs smoothly."Sl: "Tako so se dela razdelila.En: So the work was divided.Sl: Luka je pisal podatke o mostu.En: Luka wrote the facts about the bridge.Sl: Nika je načrtovala risbo mostu z zmaji.En: Nika planned a drawing of the bridge with dragons.Sl: Anže je organiziral sestanke in preverjal delo.En: Anže organized the meetings and checked the work.Sl: Vse se je zdelo pod kontrolo.En: Everything seemed under control.Sl: A nocoj, pred predstavitvijo, so ugotovili ključni del smernic.En: But that night, before the presentation, they realized a key part of the guidelines.Sl: Učiteljica je želela tudi osebno interpretacijo mostu.En: The teacher wanted a personal interpretation of the bridge as well.Sl: Luka je bil prestrašen.En: Luka was scared.Sl: "Kaj pa zdaj?En: "What do we do now?"Sl: " je vprašal.En: he asked.Sl: Anže je vzel pobudo.En: Anže took the initiative.Sl: "Nika, lahko v svojo risbo vključiš nekaj osebnega sporočila.En: "Nika, you can include a personal message in your drawing.Sl: Luka, ti lahko napišeš nekaj o pomenu mostov za Ljubljano.En: Luka, you can write something about the significance of bridges for Ljubljana."Sl: " Vsi so se strinjali.En: Everyone agreed.Sl: Delali so celo noč.En: They worked all night.Sl: Zjutraj je bila njihova predstavitev pripravljena.En: By morning, their presentation was ready.Sl: Stopili so pred razred.En: They stood before the class.Sl: Luka je govoril o zgodovinskem pomenu mostu.En: Luka talked about the historical significance of the bridge.Sl: Nika je pokazala svojo čudovito risbo z osebnim sporočilom.En: Nika showed her beautiful drawing with a personal message.Sl: Anže je vse lepo povezal.En: Anže tied everything together nicely.Sl: Učiteljica je bila navdušena.En: The teacher was thrilled.Sl: "Čudovito delo!En: "Wonderful job!Sl: Spojili ste zgodovino in kreativnost.En: You've combined history and creativity.Sl: Prva ocena!En: Top marks!"Sl: "Luka je bil presenečen.En: Luka was surprised.Sl: Ni pričakoval, da bo kreativnost tako pomembna.En: He didn't expect creativity to be so important.Sl: "Hvala, Nika.En: "Thank you, Nika.Sl: Hvala, Anže," je rekel iskreno.En: Thank you, Anže," he said sincerely.Sl: S tem je Luka spoznal, da popolnost ni vedno v detajlih, ampak v skupnem delu in ustvarjalnosti.En: With this, Luka learned that perfection is not always in the details, but in teamwork and creativity.Sl: Dragonjski most je za njih postal simbol sodelovanja in prijateljstva.En: The Dragon Bridge became a symbol of cooperation and friendship for them.Sl: To je bila lekcija, ki je Luka ne bo nikoli pozabil.En: It was a lesson Luka would never forget. Vocabulary Words:adorned: okrašenmajestic: veličastnoiconic: ikoničnimiintense: velikafocus: posvetitiseriously: resnocreative: kreativnimodel: maketodrawing: risbounderstanding: razumevanjemhistorical: zgodovinskiartistic: umetniškiorganized: organiziralmeetings: sestankepersonal interpretation: osebno interpretacijoscared: prestrašeninitiative: pobudosignificance: pomenpersonal message: osebno sporočilothrilled: navdušenacombined: spojilicooperation: sodelovanjafriendship: prijateljstvaperfect presentation: popolno predstavitevguidelines: smernicsignificance of bridges: pomen mostovnicely: lepodetails: detajlihteamwork: skupnem delulesson: lekcija
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