
  • 25-9 The REAL Reason Why Jesus Fasted… And You Should Too!
    Feb 26 2025

    Episode 25:9 The REAL Reason Why Jesus Fasted… And You Should Too!

    Fasting, especially when done for more than 3 days, is good for your health.

    For example, many people with High Blood Pressure and/or Type 2 Diabetes oftentimes experience dramatic improvement and, at times, a complete HEALING after Fasting.

    In addition, tumors, skin lesions, joint pains, and brain fog often disappear from a prolonged Fast.

    Not to mention improved hormone function, decreased autoimmune symptoms and increased energy levels.

    However, these health benefits… amazing as they are… are NOT the reason why Jesus Fasted.

    Nor are they the reason why He wants us to Fast.

    There’s another reason.

    A more powerful reason.

    A reason I discuss on this week’s episode of the Get Healthy Alabama podcast.

    Be sure to give this episode a good listen as it will unlock a powerful Biblical principle regarding health and healing.

    A principle you’re NOT going to hear anywhere else.

    In addition, please share this episode with a friend.



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    Continue the conversation regarding this episode, and all future episodes, by signing up for our daily emails.

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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

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    18 min
  • 25-8 A Powerful Healing Tool From The Bible… That Very Few Christians Know About
    Feb 19 2025

    Episode 25:8 A Powerful Healing Tool From The Bible… That Very Few Christians Know About

    What if I told you there was an herb that had amazing healing properties.

    A popular herb from the Bible that was shown to help people…

    - Lose Weight

    - Lower Blood Pressure

    - Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

    - Avoid Alzheimer’s

    - Prevent Cancers

    - Improve Skin

    - Decrease Joint Pains

    - Strengthen Immunity

    - Enhance Mental Clarity

    Would you be interested in learning more about this herb?

    Of course you would!

    But there’s a catch.

    What I’m talking about, although found in the Bible, is NOT an herb.

    Instead, it’s a powerful Biblical practice that I talk about in great depth on this episode.

    An episode you'll want to give a good listen to... and then share with a friend.



    Want to learn more?

    Continue the conversation regarding this episode, and all future episodes, by signing up for our daily emails.

    Simply visit: GetHealthyAlabama.com

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    Also, if you haven’t already, we'd appreciate it if you'd subscribe to the podcast, leave a comment and give us a rating. (Thanks!!!) 

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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

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    17 min
  • 25-7 “As A Man Thinketh…”
    Feb 12 2025

    Episode 25:7 “As A Man Thinketh…”

    There are many things you can do to be healthy.

    Things such as exercising, eating right and getting enough sleep and sunlight.

    However, there is one thing that’s even more powerful.

    Something that will impact your health more than your diet.

    More than your supplements.

    More than your exercise routine.

    And more than any prescription drug you might be taking.

    It’s your thoughts.

    Your thoughts are powerful… especially the thoughts you have about yourself, your health, and the role of God in healing.

    Get your thoughts right in these areas and you WILL be healed.

    You WILL walk in a state of optimal health.

    The question is HOW?

    HOW do you get your thoughts right?

    HOW do you develop a mindset that is aligned with the promises of God?

    These are questions I tackle on this week’s episode.

    Questions that go deep to the heart of healing.

    Questions that will help you obtain the health and healing you seek.

    Be sure to give this episode a good listen and then share it with a friend.



    Want to learn more?

    Continue the conversation regarding this episode, and all future episodes, by signing up for our daily emails.

    Simply visit: GetHealthyAlabama.com

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    Also, if you haven’t already, we'd appreciate it if you'd subscribe to the podcast, leave a comment and give us a rating. (Thanks!!!) 

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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

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    17 min
  • 25-6 Health And Healing By The Book (Bible)
    Feb 5 2025

    Episode 25:6 Health And Healing By The Book (Bible)

    Why are Christians so sick?

    That is, why are people who believe in Jesus just as sick as those who don’t?

    And, why don’t we see miraculous healings today… healings similar to the ones Jesus and His disciples performed two thousand years ago?

    These are questions I’ve pondered for over forty years.

    Questions I believe I have answers to. Answers that need to be shared with other Believers.

    On this week's episode I begin a discussion regarding these answers.

    Specifically, I share:

    A Philosophy… A Principle… and A Promise

    EACH based upon the Word of God.

    EACH aimed at helping you experience better health and healing.

    If you have any interest in learning a Biblical perspective for health and healing, give this episode a good listen.

    And, as always please share it with a friend.



    Want to learn more?

    Continue the conversation regarding this episode, and all future episodes, by signing up for our daily emails.

    Simply visit: GetHealthyAlabama.com

    Once there, download the “Symptom Survey” and you will automatically added to our email list.


    Also, if you haven’t already, we'd appreciate it if you'd subscribe to the podcast, leave a comment and give us a rating. (Thanks!!!) 

    https://Facebook.com/GetHealthyAlabamaOn Facebook?

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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    18 min
  • 25-5 What To Do When “Dietary Changes and Supplements” Aren’t Helping You Heal
    Jan 29 2025

    Episode 25:5 What To Do When “Dietary Changes and Supplements” Aren’t Helping You Heal

    More and more people are turning to natural approaches to healing.

    That’s great!

    However, what’s not so great is that most of these individuals are only considering ONE natural approach:


    That is, when most Americans turn to natural medicine, the ONLY “Tool” they consider is nutrition… specifically dietary changes and supplements.

    Again, that’s great!

    Unfortunately, dietary changes and supplements are NOT always the answer.

    Some health issues require additional Tools.

    Tools that aren’t related to nutrition.

    On this episode I discuss nine other Tools a person should consider when seeking to heal their body naturally.

    Nine Tools that, any of which, can be THE answer you need in your healing journey.

    Be sure to give this episode a good listen and then share it with a friend.



    Want to learn more?

    Continue the conversation regarding this episode, and all future episodes, by signing up for our daily emails.

    Simply visit: GetHealthyAlabama.com

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    Also, if you haven’t already, we'd appreciate it if you'd subscribe to the podcast, leave a comment and give us a rating. (Thanks!!!) 

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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    18 min
  • 25-4 Natural Approaches For Healing Your Body of GERD, SIBO and IBS
    Jan 22 2025

    Episode 25:4 Natural Approaches For Healing Your Body of GERD, SIBO and IBS

    Millions of Americans deal with digestive disturbances… from gas and bloating to full blown conditions such as GERD, SIBO and IBS.

    When seeking help, most of these individuals are told by their doctors to “take” something.

    Either something “over the counter” or a prescription drug such as an antibiotic, an antispasmodic, an antacid, or an anti-inflammatory (steroid).

    And while these drugs may help a person feel better, they do nothing to correct the CAUSE of the digestive problem.

    Nothing to help the person experience healing from their condition.

    There has to be a better way.

    An approach to digestive disorders that actually helps people heal.

    A natural approach that doesn’t destroy the “good” bacteria of one’s gut.

    Fortunately, there is.

    And on this episode I talk about it.

    A natural approach for helping individuals heal their body of digestive disorders such as GERD, SIBO and IBS.

    Be sure to give this episode a good listen and then share it with a friend.



    Want to learn more?

    Continue the conversation regarding this episode, and all future episodes, by signing up for our daily emails.

    Simply visit: GetHealthyAlabama.com

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    Also, if you haven’t already, we'd appreciate it if you'd subscribe to the podcast, leave a comment and give us a rating. (Thanks!!!) 

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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    18 min
  • 25-3 The Ultimate Recipe For Health And Healing
    Jan 15 2025

    Episode 25:3 The Ultimate Recipe For Health And Healing

    Wouldn’t it be awesome if there was a “recipe” for being healthy?

    A recipe for getting your body to heal?

    Of course it would!

    Well, guess what?

    There is!

    There is an actual recipe for being healthy.

    A recipe for creating an environment in which your body can heal itself.

    And on this episode I share that recipe with you.

    Specifically, I share with you the EXACT ingredients needed to create a healthy body.

    A body that can heal itself.

    So, if you’re serious about optimizing your health and/or healing your body through natural methods, be sure to give this episode a good listen.

    And, if you like what you hear, please share it with a friend.



    Want to learn more?

    Continue the conversation regarding this episode, and all future episodes, by signing up for our daily emails.

    Simply visit: GetHealthyAlabama.com

    Once there, download the “Symptom Survey” and you will automatically added to our email list.


    Also, if you haven’t already, we'd appreciate it if you'd subscribe to the podcast, leave a comment and give us a rating. (Thanks!!!) 

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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    16 min
  • 25-2 The Two Questions You MUST Ask Your Doctor
    Jan 8 2025

    Episode 25:2 The Two Questions You MUST Ask Your Doctor

    In order to get the most out of your visit to a doctor you have to be prepared.

    You have to know what you want… what you expect.

    Without this preparation, there’s a good chance you’ll leave the doctor’s office confused.

    Unhappy that he/she didn’t provide you with the answers you were looking for.

    The solutions that you need.

    It doesn’t have to be this way.

    Visits to the doctor CAN be productive.

    CAN help you attain the healing you seek.

    But, again, you have to be prepared.

    You have to know what to ask… and why.

    On this episode I share with you what you need to know BEFORE visiting a doctor.

    What your mindset should be… and what his/her mindset should be as well!

    More importantly, I share the two questions you MUST ask.

    Questions that will set you on the path to TRUE healing.

    Give this episode a good listen as it will help both you and your doctor.

    In addition, please be sure to share it with a friend.



    Want to learn more?

    Continue the conversation regarding this episode, and all future episodes, by signing up for our daily emails.

    Simply visit: GetHealthyAlabama.com

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    Also, if you haven’t already, we'd appreciate it if you'd subscribe to the podcast, leave a comment and give us a rating. (Thanks!!!) 

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    * This podcast is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Please consult with your health care provider before making any health-related changes.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    17 min