If you’ve gone cash-based, why are you still acting like you work for insurance?
Too many practice owners break up with insurance companies… but then keep trying to keep them happy. It’s like staying in touch with a toxic ex—you don’t owe them anything!
In this episode, we’re putting a stop to the madness. Here’s what we cover:
🚫 No more calling insurance companies—Not for denials, pre-auths, or patient questions. That’s not your job anymore.
🚫 No more fighting on their behalf—If a patient wants to submit for reimbursement, we’re happy to provide documentation—but we’re not playing insurance games.
🚫 No more worrying about what they say—Our obligation is to our patients, not insurance companies. Period.
If you’ve committed to running a cash-based practice, it’s time to fully step into that role. No more answering insurance calls. No more trying to “play nice.”
You’re free—now act like it!
Business Accelerator Program
If you're looking to grow as a business owner and meet your business goals faster, make sure to join us for the next cohort of the Business Accelerator Program! You can find all the details and submit an application at www.pelvicptrising.com/accelerator
We've now had more than 350+ business owners through the program - check out all the results and apply now to reserve a spot!
About Us
Nicole and Jesse Cozean founded Pelvic PT Rising to provide clinical and business resources to physical therapists to change the way we treat pelvic health. PelvicSanity Physical Therapy (www.pelvicsanity.com) together in 2016. It grew quickly into one of the largest cash-based physical therapy practices in the country.
Through Pelvic PT Rising, Nicole has created clinical courses (www.pelvicptrising.com/clinical) to help pelvic health providers gain confidence in their skills and provide frameworks to get better patient outcomes. Together, Jesse and Nicole have helped 600+ pelvic practices start and grow through the Pelvic PT Rising Business Programs (www.pelvicptrising.com/business) to build a practice that works for them!
Get in Touch!
Learn more at www.pelvicptrising.com, follow Nicole @nicolecozeandpt (www.instagram.com/nicolecozeandpt) or reach out via email (nicole@pelvicsanity.com).
Check out our Clinical Courses, Business Resources and learn more about us at Pelvic PT Rising...Let's Continue to Rise!