• Lesson 20_The certainty of God’s promises changes how believers live
    Mar 28 2023

    Aim: The certainty of God’s promises changes how believers live.

    I.  Remember God’s Promises (2 Peter 3 1-7) T1: God’s promise to return is affirmed by the power of His Word.

    a. How confident are you in the certainty of God’s promise to return and judge the earth with fire?

    b. How does that promise affect how you think about God?

    c. In what specific ways could a new or renewed belief in the power of God’s Word change how you live?

    II. Remember God’s Patience (2 Peter 3.8-18) T2: God’s patience in executing His final judgment motivates believers to live for Him alone.

    a. How might the certainty of God’s coming judgment change how you pray for and share the gospel with the lost?

    b. What difference does God’s merciful patience make in your view of His judgment and His salvation?  

    III. Remember God’s Peace (2 Peter 3.14-18) T3: God’s peace belongs to those who continually grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

    a. How stable is your Christian walk?

    b. How deeply rooted is it in the Word of God?

    c. What evidence do you have that proves you are continually growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ?

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    39 mins
  • Lesson 19_God is worthy of our wholehearted worship!
    Mar 20 2023

    Lecture Outline:

    Aim: God is worthy of our wholehearted worship!

    I. Faithful Words (Joshua 23) T1: God alone is faithful and thus worthy of our wholehearted worship. 

    a.What has God done for you that testifies to His love for you?  How can you work to remember this in the moments when you struggle to obey?

    b.When God is slow to keep His promises, how does the account of Joshua help your heart to wait in faith?

    II.The Choice (Joshua 24:1-28) T2: God is worth wholehearted choosing.

    a.Whom will you wholeheartedly choose to serve today?

    b.What other things vie for your heart?

    c.What will you do to ensure that God has your whole heart?

    III.Testimony of Hope (Joshua 24:29-33) T3: God is our hope and therefore worthy of our wholehearted worship.

    a.What would it mean for you to live as a servant of the Lord?

    b.How can your death be a testimony of hope?  What will you do to ensure that it is so? 

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    37 mins
  • Lesson 18_A deeper knowledge of Jesus Christ guards against destructive false teaching
    Mar 7 2023

    Aim: A deeper knowledge of Jesus Christ guards against destructive false teaching.  

    I.False Faith (2 Peter 2.1-10a) T1: False teaching is recognized and rebuffed by a deep knowledge of Christ revealed in the absolute truth of His Word.

    a.How quickly do you recognize false teaching?

    b.How do you respond to the lies false teachers spew?

    II.False Freedom (2 Peter 10b-22) T2: False teaching never leads to true freedom because it is only found in Christ!

    a.Which freedom are you pursuing…a false freedom or true freedom in Christ?

    b. How might a deeper knowledge of Jesus Christ help you guard against being enslaved to sin and corruption?

    c.Does your lifestyle proclaim you follow the sensual way of false teachers or the sacred way of the Lord Jesus Christ?

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    40 mins
  • Lesson 17_A deeper knowledge of Christ’s divine majesty increases our longing for His return
    Feb 28 2023

    Lecture Outline:

    Aim: A deeper knowledge of Christ’s divine majesty increases our longing for His return.

    I.Majestic Son Revealed (2 Peter 1.16-18) T1: A deeper knowledge of Christ’s divine majesty increasingly transform us into His likeness.

    a.How fit are you for heaven?

    b.What do you need to do to deepen your personal relationship with God?

    c.What will you do differently, beginning today, to “yada” Him.

    II.Morning Star Rising (2 Peter 1.19-21) T2: A deeper knowledge of Christ's divine majesty is gained by the regular study of God’s breathed out Word.

    a. How has the light God’s Word revealed Christ’s glory to you?
    b. In what ways has this revelation changed your relationship with Him?

    c. How might a deeper knowledge of Christ’s divine majesty inform your deepest longings?

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    39 mins
  • Lesson 16_God’s people rest secure in His great faithfulness
    Feb 21 2023

    Lecture Outline:

    Aim: God’s people rest secure in His great faithfulness.

    I.Secure Place (Joshua 20-21) T1: God faithfully provides a safe place for believers to run: Jesus Christ!

    a.What do you do when the world shakes and your soul quakes?

    b.When your fight or flight response says, “Take flight!”, to whom do you fly?

    II.Sacred Place (Joshua 22) T2: God faithfully provides believers all they need to live as His faithful witnesses.

    a.How has God proven His faithfulness to you?

    b.In what ways could you give witness to His Almighty power and saving grace?

    c.How has He been with you in your fight against sin and evil?

    d.How has He been with you in your flight to safety and security?

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    36 mins
  • Lesson 15_What you know makes all the difference.
    Feb 13 2023

    Lecture Outline:

    Aim: What you know makes all the difference.

    I. The Tools (2 Peter 1:1-4) T1: God has sufficiently provided all we need to live holy lives.

    a. What promises of God empower you to live differently?

    b. What will you do to move from a mere intellectual knowledge of God to an experiential knowledge that comes from a relationship with God? 

    II. The Job (2 Peter 1:5-11) T2: What you know of God should be evident in your life.

    a. In which of these qualities do you need to grow?

    b. How will you use your knowledge and experience of Jesus to help you grow?

    III. The String Around Your Finger (2 Peter 1:12-15) T3: The gospel may not be novel, but it is still spectacular.

    a. Who in your life would benefit from you being a minister of remembrance?  What verses will you use to help them continue heavenward?

    b. How can you grow in reminding yourself of the truth?  What do you need to remind yourself of today?


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    37 mins
  • Lesson 14_Believers claim their spiritual inheritance through wholehearted faith
    Feb 7 2023

    Aim: Believers claim their spiritual inheritance through wholehearted faith.

    I.Authority of God (Joshua 13.1-14.5) T1: T1: Believers claim their spiritual inheritance through wholehearted obedience to the authority of the LORD God Almighty!

    a.In which areas of your life is your obedience to God’s authority non-existent or half-hearted?  

    b.How might you be missing the blessings of your inheritance because of your failure to wholeheartedly obey God?

    c.What steps will you take to surrender to His authority in wholehearted obedience?

    II.Abandoned to God (Joshua 14.6-15) T2: Believers claim their spiritual inheritance through wholehearted trust in God’s great faithfulness.

    a.Which “what ifs” are causing you to doubt God’s faithfulness?

    b.What will you do to abandon those “what ifs” & abandon yourself to God instead?

    III.Allotments from God (Joshua 15-19) T3: Believers claim their spiritual inheritance by using their God-given gifts and talents to do all He commands them.

    a.What gifts and talents has God allotted to you?

    b.What commands has God given you to follow?

    c.How does His divine ‘allotment’ for you inspire your obedience to His call and commands?

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    41 mins
  • Lesson 13_The hope of eternal glory impacts a believer's earthly living
    Jan 31 2023

    Lecture Outline:

    Aim: The hope of eternal glory impacts a believer’s earthly living.

    I.Humble Willingness (1 Peter 5.1-7) T1: The hope of eternal glory motivates us to be humble, willing servants of God.

    a.Which desires of your flesh do you need to mortify to “humble yourself under the mighty hand of God”?

    b.What needs to change in your way of thinking and acting to pursue Christlike humility?

    c. How might you more humbly and willingly care for the needs of your church family?

    d.How does or could the hope of an unfading crown of glory impact your day-to-day life?

    II. Hopeful Watchfulness (1 Peter 5.8-14) 


     The hope of eternal glory motivates us to stand firm in God’s grace.

    a.What steps could you take to maintain your hope of glory, even in a season of suffering?

    b.What is your battle plan for resisting the enemy and standing firm in the faith?

    c.How might you become a receptacle as well as a dispenser of God’s grace?


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    42 mins