• #65 - Sculpt Kitchen
    Jan 18 2023
    Join Lylas in this behind the scenes episode as she takes you through her current Nutrition Protocol and how she is creating her sugar detox with recipes from the Sculpt Kitchen.

    Let's go!

    (00:49) - The fourth and final winner of the LSL Anniversary Contest Series-Congrats Brette!
    (02:08) - Where to find the Sculpt Kitchen and how to subscribe to Friday Coach Treats.
    (02:58) - Follow our new Instagram, @LadySculptLifestyle
    (03:43) - A tour of the Sculpt Kitchen and how it works.
    (05:49) - Lylas shares her current protocol and which recipe she is using for her sugar detox.
    (15:24) - A quick look at recipes for hosting and taking to parties.
    (16:26) - "Whatever your body goal is, consistency with food is really important." ~ Lylas Leona

    Show Links:
    Friday Coach Treats
    Sculpt Kitchen
    16-Week Transformation Program
    Nutrition Protocol Creation Guide
    Follow Lylas Leona on Social:
    Instagram @LylasLeona and @LadySculptLifestyle
    Facebook Lylas Leona and Facebook Group Transformation House

    Website: www.lylasleona.com
    Email: coach@lylasleona.com
    Show more Show less
    18 mins
  • #64 - Transformation Masterclass
    Jan 11 2023

    Join Lylas for an in depth look at the Transformation Masterclass, a three part series that deep dives into Mindset, MacroNutrition and Muscle Development. Are you ready to start your transformation?

    Let's go!

    (05:04) - What Transformation Masterclass is all about?
    (09:41) - How the Transformation Masterclass Workbook was created.
    Overview of the main topics in Transformation Masterclass:
    (11:14) - Mindset
    (17:38) - Macro Nutrition
    (19:28) - Muscle Development

    Show Links:
    Masterclass Link is coming January 2023...
    The 16-Week Transformation Program
    Nutrition Protocol Creation Guide

    Follow Lylas Leona on Social:
    Instagram @LylasLeona and @LadySculptLifestyle
    Facebook Lylas Leona and Facebook Group Transformation House

    Website: www.lylasleona.com
    Email: coach@lylasleona.com

    Show more Show less
    25 mins
  • BONUS - Growing Pains
    Jan 9 2023

    Welcome to 2023!

    Join Lylas for this bonus episode as she shares some of the 'growing pains' she is experiencing both in her personal and business life. On the other side of growing pains you are taller, stronger and more resilient!

    Let's go!

    (01:01) - Lylas opens up about stepping back to navigate growing pains.
    (02:28) - Lylas Leona Fitness transitions into Lady Sculpt Lifestyle Inc.
    (03:29) - Why it is important to love ourselves first.
    (07:11) - She guides us how to wipe your slate clean and purposely choose what you add back into your lifestyle.
    (10:44) - She shares how to overcome the growing pains and why growing is good.

    Show Links:
    Brooke Castillo -The Life Coach School

    Follow Lylas Leona on Social:
    Instagram @LylasLeona and @LadySculptLifestyle
    Facebook Group Transformation House

    Website: www.lylasleona.com
    Email: coach@lylasleona.com

    Show more Show less
    12 mins
  • #63 - Nutrition Protocol Creation Guide
    Dec 14 2022

    The foundational nutrition concepts behind Lylas Leona's self correcting weight loss strategy. If your goal is weight loss, this free downloadable guide is the perfect place to start.
    Let's Go!

    (02:12) - What is a nutrition protocol.
    (02:56) - Why a nutrition protocol is important.
    (05:18) - Lylas points out things to note in the Nutrition Protocol Creation Guide.
    (05:38) - Bonus, Macro Nutrition Cheat Sheet.
    (07:10) - Instant Gratification Desire VS Weekly Nutrition Protocol
    (08:56) - Lylas outlines questions to ask yourself at the end of each week of protocol.
    (11:05) - How to download your Nutrition Protocol Creation Guide.
    (12:13) - Lylas discusses minimum nutrition targets.
    (16:59) - How to register for January 2023's Transformation Program.
    (17:14) - How to choose your nutrition lifestyle. Intermittent Fasting vs. Multi Mini Meals
    (21:58) - Reminder of Friday Coach Treats.

    Show links:
    Nutrition Protocol Creation Guide
    The 16-Week Transformation Program
    Friday Coach Treats

    Contest Details: How well are you listening?
    1.) Answer this question: What are the 3 M's/3 Pillars of what Lady Sculpt was build upon?
    2.) Email the answer to coach@lylasleona.com to get your entry on this part 4 contest series. Until Friday, December 30, 2022.

    Winner will be announced on January 04, 2023 episode. The lucky winner will be personally emailed and get a special limited edition of Lady Sculpt tank top.

    Follow Lylas Leona on Social:

    Facebook Lylas Leona and Facebook Group Transformation House
    Instagram @LylasLeona and @LadySculptLifestyle
    Website: www.lylasleona.com
    Email: coach@lylasleona.com

    Show more Show less
    23 mins
  • #62 - Transformation 2023
    Dec 7 2022

    Have you been trying to lose the same 20 pounds for the last 10 years?

    I have your solution!

    Join me for this detailed look at my 16 Week Transformation Program and how it can help you lose the weight for good.

    Seriously, the last weight loss program you will ever need.

    Let's go!


    (01:51) - The third winner of the LSL Anniversary Contest Series is announced-Congrats Melissa!
    (02:28) - Lylas launches the next contest series. (03:32) - How The 16 Week Transformation Program works.
    (06:09) - Overview of curriculum for The 16 Week Transformation Program from week 1 to 16.
    (21:56) - How to register for January 2023's Transformation Program.

    Contest Details: How well are you listening? 1.) Answer this question: What are the 3 M's/3 Pillars of what Lady Sculpt was build upon? 2.) Email the answer to coach@lylasleona.com to get your entry on this part 4 contest series. Until Friday, December 30, 2022.

    Winner will be announced on January 04, 2023 episode. The lucky winner will be personally emailed and get a special limited edition of Lady Sculpt tank top.

    Follow Lylas Leona on Social:
    Instagram @LylasLeona and @LadySculpt
    Facebook Lylas Leona and Facebook Group Transformation House

    Website: www.lylasleona.com
    Email: coach@lylasleona.com

    Show more Show less
    24 mins
  • #61 - Comp Prep Goals - Team Sculpt
    Nov 30 2022
    Is one of your 2023 goals to step on a competition stage? If so, this episode is for you!
    Everything you need to know about deciding to compete, setting a timeline and how Team Sculpt Comp Prep works.

    Let's Go!

    (00:28) - A brief review of Lady Sculpt Lifestyle 1 year anniversary contest details
    (03:35) - Is Competition Prep a good fit for you for 2023. Lylas outlines things to consider.
    (10:21) - How to set up a timeframe for Comp Prep. She gives examples.
    (17:00) - How Team Sculpt works and what it includes.
    (23:17) - Lylas reminds everyone about the Comp Prep Clinic on December 5, 2022. She gives overview on topics that will be discussed.

    Show Links:
    December 5th Comp Prep Clinic
    3 Step Guide

    Contest Details:
    1.) Leave a review on Lady Sculpt Lifestyle podcast in whatever podcasting platform you use. A previous review is okay too.
    2.) Take a screenshot of it.
    3.) Email the screenshot at coach@lylasleona.com until December 02, 2022

    Lucky winner will be announced on 2022 December 7th and will get a exclusive Lady Sculpt Tank Top and
    Follow Lylas Leona on Social:
    Instagram @LylasLeona and @LadySculpt
    Facebook Lylas Leona and Facebook Group Transformation House

    Website: www.lylasleona.com
    Email: coach@lylasleona.com
    Show more Show less
    26 mins
  • #60 - 2023 Goals
    Nov 23 2022

    Join Lylas for this goal setting episode. Why having goals are important. How to overcome fear of setting goals. And how Lylas and Lady Sculpt can help you achieve your 2023 goals.

    Let's Go!

    (02:53) - Why goals are important.
    (03:48) - How to set goals.
    (07:43) - Lylas encourages us to make a small habit change and gives examples of goals.
    (09:01) - She talks about how Sculpt Strategy Plan helps to set goals.
    (10:14) - She guides us on how to create Sculpt Strategy Plan.
    (13:39) - Lylas gives overview on upcoming podcast topics that will help us achieve 2023 goals.
    (13:54) - She provides questions to ponder in setting up your goals.

    Show Links:
    2023 January - 16 Week Transformation Program

    Contest Details:
    1.) Leave a review on Lady Sculpt Lifestyle podcast in whatever podcasting platform you use. A previous review is okay too.
    2.) Take a screenshot of it.
    3.) Email the screenshot at coach@lylasleona.com until December 02, 2022
    Lucky winner will be announced on 2022 December 7th.

    Follow Lylas Leona on Social:
    Instagram @LylasLeona and @LadySculpt
    Facebook Group Transformation House

    Website: www.lylasleona.com
    Email: coach@lylasleona.com

    Show more Show less
    15 mins
  • BONUS - How To Love Yourself Hard - Part 3
    Nov 16 2022

    A special sneak peek into the WOW (Women's Only Weekend) live session on How To Live Yourself Hard - Hosted by Lylas Leona and special guest Tamara Anderson

    Part 3 - Emotion On Purpose - Generating thoughts to create emotions that fuel you!


    ~ Download your personal worksheets ~

    Show Links:
    Join us January 2023 - The 16-Week Transformation Program
    Tamara Anderson - Instagram @tbfdiscoversherself
    WOW - Women Only Weekend

    Follow Lylas Leona on Social:
    Instagram @LylasLeona and @LadySculpt
    Facebook Group Transformation House

    Website: www.lylasleona.com
    Email: coach@lylasleona.com

    Show more Show less
    10 mins