• Understanding Teen Dating Violence: Prevention, Signs, and Legal Protections
    Feb 13 2025

    In this episode of the Voice2Change podcast we discuss teen dating violence, featuring our special guest Brenda Harkavy, a former SVU prosecutor and experienced litigator. The discussion reveals that one in three teens experiences dating violence, with both physical and digital forms of abuse being prevalent. Harkavy explains various warning signs of teen dating violence, including excessive texting, controlling behavior, digital harassment, and isolation tactics.

    The episode focuses on the importance of parents maintaining open communication with their teens about healthy relationships and the potential dangers of digital interactions. Brenda also talks about legal protections and resources for teens in abusive relationships.

    Brenda Harkavy is an experienced litigator who has represented numerous survivors in cases involving institutional misconduact. She previously served as a Special Victims Unit (SVU) prosecutor, where she handled hundreds of teen dating violence cases in Baltimore City and other jurisdictions. During her time as an SVU prosecutor, she was actively involved in educating teens about dating violence by facilitating assemblies at local high schools. Topics Discussed:

    • Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
    • Signs and types of teen dating violence
    • Importance of raising awareness about unhealthy relationships
    • Statistics on teen dating violence in the U.S.
    • Empowering teens to recognize signs of abuse
    • Legal implications and potential for escalating behavior
    • Legal Protections for Teens
    • Educating children about their digital footprint
    • Setting healthy boundaries and limits for internet use

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    40 mins
  • Legal Battles and Support for Sexual Abuse Survivors
    Jan 16 2025

    In today's episode of Voice2Change, our guest Kristen Gibbons Feden delves into the complexities of legal battles against sexual predators and institutions. Drawing from her extensive background as a former prosecutor and current civil litigator, Feden discusses the critical importance of building trust with survivors, preparing them for the arduous legal process. The conversation underscores the essential role of expert testimony, the challenges of prosecuting intimate partner violence cases, and the profound impact of financial compensation in aiding survivors' recovery. The episode not only addresses the legal and emotional intricacies involved but also provides resources and emphasizes community support in preventing future sexual violence.

    Kristen Gibbons Feden is a distinguished attorney and former prosecutor renowned for her impactful work in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, one of the state's largest counties. Driven by a deep commitment to public service, Feden dedicated her legal career to seeking justice for victims, particularly in cases involving sexual crimes. Her prosecutorial expertise extended to handling a wide array of serious offenses, including childhood sexual abuse, intimate partner violence, and elder exploitation. Through her dedication and service, Feden has established a legacy of advocating for the vulnerable and striving for justice within the legal system.

    Topics Discussed:

    • Legal battles against sexual predators and institutions
    • Building trust and allowing survivors to share their stories on their own terms
    • Transparency and explaining each step of the legal process
    • Preparing survivors for cross-examination and harsh questioning
    • Familiarizing survivors with the courtroom and supporting them during trials
    • Emphasis on policy changes to prevent sexual violence
    • Importance of expert testimony to educate juries
    • Criticism of institutions prioritizing profit over safety
    • Cases involving severe trauma and the necessity of compensation

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    39 mins
  • Discussing Trauma of Older Adults: Breaking Generational Norms
    Dec 12 2024

    In today's episode of Voice2Change, we explore the challenges older adults face when discussing past abuse. Our guest, Daniel, underscores the importance of creating safe spaces for these conversations and being present to listen. He sheds light on the complexities of processing past trauma, emphasizing personal healing, finding supportive communities, and respecting individuals’ autonomy while navigating these conversations.

    Daniel Kaye grew up in a generation where silence was the norm, and personal struggles were often shrouded in secrecy. Witnessing the pervasive sense of shame and reluctance to speak openly about personal histories, Daniel became a quiet yet powerful advocate for acknowledging and learning from the past. His work has paved the way for future generations to engage with honesty and empathy. In addition to his advocacy, Daniel has written and illustrated three children's books.

    Topics Discussed:

    • Internalized shame and blame
    • Processing past trauma
    • Healing complexity
    • Older Generations' silence
    • Self-acceptance and healing
    • Intergenerational conversations
    • Respecting autonomy
    • Support resources

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    40 mins
  • A Journalist Journey Investigating Sexual Crimes
    Nov 8 2024

    In today's Voice2Change episode, we dive deep into the world of investigative journalism with our guest, Rachel de Leon. Known for her impactful documentaries, Rachel joins us to discuss her latest work, "Victim/Suspect," now streaming on Netflix. This documentary reveals the complex and often troubling dynamics involved when victims report sexual crimes, only to find themselves doubted or even criminalized by the very system meant to protect them.

    From uncovering interrogation tactics to highlighting stories too often dismissed, Rachel's investigation shines a light on the urgent need for reform. Join us as we venture into the heart of these critical issues, offering insights, hope, and voices that demand to be heard.

    Topics Discussed:

    • Balancing sensitivity with journalistic rigor
    • False reporting allegations and police investigation scrutiny
    • Coercive methods used by detectives on victims
    • Understanding Miranda Rights & arrest procedures
    • Emotional challenges for victims resulting from criminalization and recantations
    • Advice for aspiring investigative reporters
    • Editing and content decisions
    • Transparency, source reliability and the impact on individuals

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    41 mins
  • Embracing Empathy: Inside the Healing Process for Sexual Assault Survivors
    Oct 10 2024

    In today's Voice2Change episode, we delve into the internal struggles faced by survivors of sexual crimes, such as feelings of failure and fear of blame. Our guest Chris emphasizes listening without trying to "fix" the survivor, asking supportive questions, and practicing empathy and self-compassion. She recommends local resources like rape crisis centers and encourages finding the right therapist. Highlighting misunderstandings around psychological concepts like counterintuitive behaviors and cognitive dissonance. Chris advocates for better education to support survivors effectively.

    Chris Schopen has dedicated a remarkable career to addressing trauma and abuse, working in various roles such as an educator, therapist, forensic interviewer, school counselor, expert witness, and author. With extensive experience interviewing over 5,000 victims both nationally and internationally, Chris has become a respected figure in the field. This wealth of experience naturally led to their current role as a wellness trainer with the Maricopa County Attorney's Office. In this position, Chris is committed to enhancing the well-being of all employees, from the front-line receptionist to the county attorney herself, by providing support that intertwines personal and professional development. Recognizing Chris’s expertise and having collaborated for nearly two decades, the county attorney specifically created this role to leverage Chris’s unique skills to foster a healthy and supportive work environment.

    • Role of support groups and advocacy centers
    • Encouragement of empathy and self-compassion
    • Counterintuitive Behaviors and Cognitive Dissonance
    • Influence on perceptions of sexual assault and myths about the crime
    • Learn about local resources like rape crisis centers and domestic violence shelters
    • Empathy and Self-Compassion

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    33 mins
  • Closing the Gap: Implementing Tracking Systems for Sexual Assault Evidence Kits
    Sep 12 2024

    In today's Voice2Change episode, we delve into the critical issue of rape kit backlogs and the profound impact it has on sexual assault survivors. We'll discuss the frustration expressed by the lack of tracking for rape kits and the incredible efforts being made in Michigan and other states to implement tracking systems for victims, giving access to monitor the status of their rape kits. Join us as we uncover the challenges, progress, and crucial initiatives to address this issue, and learn why it is so important.

    Our guest Rebecca Campbell graduated with a degree in psychology from Michigan State University and went on to do an internship at a domestic violence rape crisis center. She volunteered with survivors in hospital emergency rooms and helped them with medical forensic exams. This experience inspired her to go to graduate school and become a research psychologist, focusing on improving support for rape survivors. Her work is motivated by her experiences as a volunteer and her desire to make a positive impact in this field.

    • The lack of tracking for rape kits
    • Backlog in Detroit of 11,000 rape kits dating back to the 1980s
    • Efforts to address the issue and prevent future backlogs
    • Victims' rights regarding rape kit exams
    • Law enforcement misconceptions about rape
    • Understanding the resources available for sexual assault survivors
    • Efforts to prevent similar backlogs in the future

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    35 mins
  • Safe Student Initiative: Educating College Students about the Red Zone
    Aug 8 2024

    Welcome to the Voice2Change Podcast from Jane Doe No More. In today's episode, we are speaking with Megan Charette. In this episode, Megan, a member of our Survivors Speak Outreach Team, shares her personal experience of being sexually assaulted during her second year of college and the impact it had on her life. She emphasizes the vulnerability of college students to peer pressure, alcohol, drugs, and sexual assault, also known as the red zone, and the importance of educating students about safety, consent, and bystander intervention.

    Through her story, Megan addresses the stigma and fear associated with reporting sexual assault, the struggle with self-blame, and the healing process of sharing her story. The episode highlights the significance of creating awareness and surveillance to combat sexual crimes on college campuses and the importance of parents having honest and difficult conversations with their children about assault. Megan's story serves as a powerful reminder of the impact of decision-making and the need for continued education and support for victims of sexual assault.

    • Talking to high schoolers about entering college
    • Vulnerability of college students to peer pressure, alcohol, drugs, and sexual assault
    • The impact of decision-making on personal safety
    • The Red Zone: understanding the vulnerability of college students
    • Megan's personal story
    • Bystander intervention and importance of safety awareness and education
    • Encouraging victims to seek support from trusted individuals

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    32 mins
  • Empowering Survivors: The Impact of Jane Doe No More in Montana
    Jul 11 2024

    Welcome to the Voice2Change Podcast from Jane Doe No More. In today's episode, we are speaking with our friends in Montana. You will hear from Barbie, Kristi, and Julia, who are part of our Survivors Speak team and Jamie, a fierce advocate. They will share their personal journey and the impact Jane Doe No More has had in their lives.

    They emphasize the importance of community support and being believed while navigating the healing process and moving beyond surviving. Jane Doe No More is recognized by these survivors for providing a safe, non-judgmental space to process trauma and offer empowerment through education and advocacy. This episode also highlights the importance of survivor autonomy as well as bystander awareness and intervention to prevent sexual crimes.

    • How Jane Doe No More made it to Montana
    • Jamie, Barbie, Kristi, and Julia sisterhood
    • Empowerment through education
    • Survivor Autonomy and Bystander Awareness
    • Finding healing and support through Jane Doe No More
    • Legal Action and Advocacy Efforts

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    28 mins