
  • Fervent Friday Prayer
    Nov 17 2023

    Have you prayed today? I pray that your spirit man will always abide in with the Holy Spirit. I pray that you will continue to ask Yeshua to always abide in you and you abide in the Holy Spirit. This prayer is key to asking the Holy Spirit to always abide in you, and what it takes to remain grounded in the Holy Spirit. Be Blessed! Never forget your weapon of war and communication to Yahweh! Prayer!

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    2 min
  • Midweek Confidence Boost
    Nov 15 2023

    As you know, this week’s theme is exchanging of spirits through impartation. So, this week confidence boost is spirit because you always want to always abide in the right spirit. As a result, I will give an acronym for spirit that will brighten your understanding of what kind of spirit you should start praying for in Yahweh.

    S-Serenity (meaning in hebrew is peace)

    P-Patience (meaning in hebrew is to bear or to suffer)

    I-Ignite (meaning in hebrew is to set a blaze)

    R-Righteousness (meaning in hebrew is upright; genuinely good)

    I-Isolation (meaning in hebrew is the complete separation from others of a person suffering from contagious or infectious disease)

    T-Thirst (meaning in hebrew is an eager desire for something; craving)

    Once your abiding in the right spirit all of these things become first nature to how you operate.

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    18 min
  • Fervent Friday Prayer
    Nov 10 2023

    Prayer is the key to locking the doors to see transformation; first within yourselves, and then for the people around you. Take the time out pray this prayer throughout the day or even over weekend. The Holy Spirit will guide you into what you may need to add to your own prayer life by listening to these prayers on Fridays. Praying with the Word of Yahweh will not only change your prayer life but change how you see and view scripture. Prayer is your weapon of mass destruction to the kingdom of darkness; however, a weapon for the kingdom of Yahweh. Walk in your authority with the weapon of prayer. Pray! Pray! Pray!

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    52 min
  • Midweek Confidence Boost
    Nov 8 2023

    The acronym for this week puts emphasizes on being set apart through how you should see yourself as Yahweh's see you in Christ. Being holy and set apart works hand and hand according to our key scripture 1 Peter 1:15-16 just as Yahweh is. But you have to understand that you are already healed, overcomer, the light (also known as salt of the earth see Matthew 5:13-16; however, you have to be yielding to the Holy Spirit to allow you to experience these things that were already predestined for you.

    H.O.L.Y means

    H-Healed (To make healthy and whole or sound)

    -When you are healed in Christ, you become a weapon for the kingdom of Yahweh. Because you understand the identity in which you stand. However, you can be physically healed but spiritual dead.

    O-Overcomer (Gain the victory over someone or something)

    You gain the understanding that you have already gained victory over the schemes and tactics of the enemy. Because of who you are in Christ and what power within you, makes you full aware that Yeshua has already defeated the enemy.

    L-Light (Insight, understanding, awareness)

    Once you have become aware of who you are in Christ, the light shines in those dark places of your being allowing you to tap in the fullness of Abba to conquer the things that were trying to defeat you.

    Y-Yielding (submissive)

    You are yielding to what the Holy Spirit is doing because you already know you will come out on top due to serving a NEVER FAILING Yahweh.

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    7 min
  • Rebirth of Your Spirit Man Part 2
    Nov 6 2023
    The first process is purging and pruning for the call on your life. Now, let’s take the time out to discuss what consecration is and means to be set apart to become the vessel used for Yahweh’s kingdom.
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    16 min
  • Fervent Prayer Friday
    Nov 3 2023

    1 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭7‬-‭8‬‬

    Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

    Abba, I thank your for another day for grace and mercy. Thank you father for the daily revelation for the needing to be purge of the things that the enemy is trying to use to keep me bound. Thank you father for loving me unconditionally in spite of everything that I have done as well as my forefathers. You have and never will leave or forsake me. I thank you for Your Word and the

    Holy Spirit to keep me aligned in this Christian walk. Thank you father for your daily protection from not being consumed by the troubles of life and the things of this world. As I continue to pray, abba I need your mercy in every of area my life that I have allowed the spirit of pride and impure motives caused me to quench the Holy Spirit of the purge and pruning I need to step into the anointing; I need to walk in the purpose you have called me to.! Holy Spirit, I yield to you. Holy Spirit abide and brood over me! Holy Spirit consume me like never before. Holy Spirit purge me of the leaven of wickedness and evil that is speaking against my breakthrough, my marriage, my life, my children, my loved ones and my destiny. Set me free Holy Ghost because Your Word says whom the Son set free is free indeed. I walk in my freedom today! In Jesus Christ Name, Amen!

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    3 min
  • Midweek Confidence Boost
    Nov 1 2023

    Let's build up yourselves through the Word of God (Yahweh). Confidence Boost is a middle of the week encouragement to keep you focused on the things of God (Yahweh). This week episode we are focused on the NEW version of yourself. As a result, we will have an acronym for NEW.

    N is for nullify the voice of the enemy with the blood of Jesus

    ◦ Nullify means to cancel out (goggle definition)

    ◦ The enemy will try to speak against the healed and new version of You because he wants to keep you bound.

    ◦ The blood of Jesus has already won the victory. You have learn how to use it against the enemy because the blood of Jesus defeated the enemy over 4000 years ago.

    E is for edify your spirit man in the Word of God

    ◦ Edify means instruct or improve (goggle definition)

    ◦ You have to allow the Word of God to continue to penetrate your heart of the things that concern Christ.

    ◦ Allowing the Word of God to lead and guide you; you will be able to walk in the fruit of the Spirit

    W is for willingly surrender to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

    ◦ Willing means to prompt to act or respond (goggle definition)

    ◦ Without your surrendering, the Holy Spirit will not be able to abide because it would be consistent battle of your fighting against the Holy Spirit.

    ◦ The Holy Spirit has to lead you in order for you to walk in the NEW version of yourself.

    W is for willingly surrender to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

    ◦ Willingly means to prompt to act or respond (goggle definition)

    ◦ Without your surrendering, the Holy Spirit will not be able to abide because it would be consistent battle of your fighting against the Holy Spirit.

    ◦ The Holy Spirit has to lead you in order for you to walk in the NEW version of yourself.

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    6 min
  • Rebirth of Your Spirit Man Part 1
    Oct 30 2023

    1 Corinthians 5:7-8 in the eyes of 2 Corinthians 5:17

    You are a new creation in Christ and when you choose God’s will over your own; you are allowing God to take full control over your life. When you surrender your will for God’s will; you will begin to feel like you are losing but you are actually gaining in the end. Because you have now birth a version of yourself that is full of joy, peace, contentment, boldness and reliance on God. Now, in order to become the person Yahweh (God in Hebrew) has called you to be. You have to be purged and prune of the leaven (evil or wickedness) that caused you to operate in the old version of yourself. As a result, this episode addresses what the leaven is and what the process of the season of purge may look like. The process of purging and pruning does not feel good but it is for your good. The purpose that Yahweh was to reveal to you is on the otherside of the purge and pruning. You have to yield to it. I hope you enjoy the first episode of Season 2!

    Speak His Word Over Your Like:

    (Say it as many times as you need to)

    I will allow the Holy Spirit to purge me of the leaven, so I can be all that He predestined me to be.

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    25 min