
  • FFT S2E10 The Bathroom Key
    Jul 15 2022

    The key to many of society's political debates is creating civil law for ALL that is not based on religious bias. And this most certainly includes the topic of transgender people using the bathroom that corresponds to their gender identity. We use restrooms to poop, pee, wash our hands and get the f#*% out! I'm tired of ChristoFascist politicians like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Ron DeSantis who waste our time and money with 'Anti' legislation that does nothing but hijack progress and criminalize good people.

    Just a little food for thought...

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    11 min
  • FFT S2E9 Former Fetus
    Jun 29 2022

    As a gay man who never will get pregnant and who never wants to have children in this lifetime, I thought it would be a good time to offer some food for thought on the topic of abortion. You might be asking, "Well, what makes you think we want to hear your opinion?"

    I'm coming to the topic as a Medical Technologist. As a Secular Humanist who attended a Catholic University. As a son. As a friend to women, trans men, and non-binary people. As a champion of loving parenting and amazing parents. As a Devil's Advocate to red herrings and Karen-esque comments like, "People should be more responsible with sex" or "Women should close their legs" or "Show up at the polls" - Idgaf if you are a Democrat, a Republican, a MAGA Trumplican Cult Member, a ChristoFascist, an Independent, or a citizen of some foreign land watching this reality shit-show we called The United States of America. Whatever the case, there is a profound little nugget somewhere in this episode for everyone.

    I would like to say that I'm shocked Roe vs Wade has been overturned, but I'm not. I'm disappointed in a nation that was once the envy of the free world, and now, we have their sympathy and concern. Even the Pope's.

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    23 min
  • FFT S2E8 The Cafeteria
    Jun 27 2022

    This episode of FudaForThought is intended for mature audiences and may contain adult language and themes. Listener discretion is advised.

    The story I want to share with you in this episode is one that dates back to the beginning of the last decade of the 20th century.

    The USSR was collapsing, toast was starting to take a back seat to the bagel, and my friends and I were all becoming young adults, knee deep in puberty. You may find this hard to believe, but this story I am about to share, from decades ago, has ties to today, to June of 2022, Pride month, to Governor Ron DeSantis and Florida’s disgraceful HB1557, also known as the “Don’t Say Gay” Bill.

    This episode has to do with bullying and antibullying, lifelong trauma and how it manifests in different ways, for different people, from the empath to the sociopath, from crippling defeat to triumphant renaissance.

    And now, Roe overturned, and the United States dips further into chaos.

    To quote Jerri Blank of Strangers With Candy, "When the lunch bell rings, why don't ya eat me."

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    26 min
  • FFT S2E7 No Smoking
    Jun 19 2022

    I have a magnet on my fridge that I got on one of my trips to Italy years ago. It reads, "Stronzo non fumare," which loosely means, "A**hole, don't smoke."

    After 25 years, I quit smoking cigarettes on June 1, 2021. I don’t think or have any reason to think that I will pick up smoking as a habit again. But never say never, because just as easily as I became dependent in 1996, I could just as easily pick it up again in 5 or ten years from now. Just the same, this time feels different. This time feels right. This time, I feel in control. I know the work it takes, and I’m willing to put it in to get where I want to be and stay smoke-free.

    Finally, I had success with a combination of factors - a perfect recipe for me to finally quit smoking cigarettes. Learn more at FudaForThought.com blog & podcast and follow me @CarloFuda across the metaverse.

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    19 min
  • FFT S2E6 Thoughts & Munchies
    Jun 13 2022

    I had a great weekend. So much food. So much to think about. We, the USA, need to step it up. I know we can do it - also, I talk about Hulu's Candy (no spoilers) & Chile Rellenos. It's FudaForThought. Oh, and memberberries, memba?!?



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    22 min
  • FFT S2E5 Eat my pie, Anita Bryant.
    May 9 2022

    In this episode, I talk about Anita Bryant getting a pie in her face on October 14, 1977. I'm driving (the phone was appropriately placed, and I was talking as though you were in the car). Listener discretion is advised.

    As a gay Roman Catholic kid in the 1980's, I was never angry at my church, or my God, but I could see the vitriol of people like Anita Bryant who appeared on countless television programs, spreading misinformation, bigotry, and hate. I imagined that in the future, we would continue to progress and move forward, following truth and scientific consensus, logic and reason, but instead, in 2022, it feels like we have taken a giant leap 50 years back.

    Today's kids deserve better than to hear hateful, hurtful rhetoric by the likes of those who want to impose their personal ideologies on civil society. I share my stories so that a unique perspective might better explain how ALL of us on the side of GOOD can be as ONE.

    I am a Secular Humanist, and I have friends of many faiths. The thread that ties each of our individual lives is love and it holds together the fabric of humanity.

    Learn more at the FudaForThought.com blog.

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    22 min
  • FFT S2E4 Ciao Dalida Ciao
    May 3 2022

    Today marks 35 years since Iolana Cristina Gigliotti died by suicide in Paris, France.

    The world knows her as Dalida, international superstar, singer, actress, and global icon. I didn’t even know who she was until 2020, when I needed her voice and her story most, and I discovered this chanteuse, with whom I share so much.

    Her voice affects me like no other, not my close friends, not Madonna, not even my cat’s. I connect with Dalida on so many levels like I never have in my entire lifetime - we share so much - Calabrese by blood, but citizens of the World - tormented by love and life, but joyous and exuberant to be alive - humble and scared but sexy and full of confidence - she is a spirit animal, a Mother in the Stars, a muse, and a lifesaver that I can reach 24 hours a day, even in my dreams.

    Learn more at FudaForThought.com.

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    20 min
  • FFT S2E3 Oprah's On
    May 1 2022

    In this episode, I share a personal story from when I was a kid & obsessed with Oprah. Who remembers the commercial, "Oprah's On!?"

    I also share two heart-warming yet gut-wrenching stories that Oprah featured on her talk show and on the 20th anniversary DVD, HeartPrints. Read more and see photos at the FudaForThought blog.

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    14 min