
  • IS THERE A GOD? ANY GOD? part-8 Conclusion
    Dec 31 2020
    The Conclusion Holy Land Man has demonstrated to you, using seven different scientific methods of evidence, the existence of GOD. Holy Land Man has proven the existence of a very intelligent designer of life and of probably this universe. At this stage and for the purpose of this research of "Is There a GOD?" Holy Land Man has not made any further conclusions (and you should therefore not intuitively assume) that: That GOD belongs to any religion. HOLY LAND MAN concluded that GOD is "merely" the one responsible for our existence. HOLY LAND MAN has not aimed to prove here that the Bible is true or that any religion is right.The fact that HOLY LAND MAN's conclusion is that there is a GOD, responsible for our creation, doesn't mean that He/She/It is still responsible for our existence.Concluding that there is a GOD doesn't conclude that GOD is anything that any religion tells usEven if there is a GOD, there is no reason to become religious because HOLY LAN
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    7 min
  • IS THERE A GOD? ANY GOD? part-7
    Dec 26 2020
    Evidence-Based On The History Of The People Of Israel (People Of The Bible) It is said that the King of France once asked the philosopher Belz Pascal to give him evidence of the existence of GOD. Pascal replied without hesitation: "The Jews, Your Excellency." The existence of the people of Israel, its survival throughout history and above all, its return to the land and the establishment of a renewed state, deviate so much from the laws of history known to other peoples, that they astonished quite a few historians and thinkers from the nations of the world like Mark Twain, Lev Tolstoy, Nietzsche, Ernest Renan, John Adams, Woodrow Wilson and others expressed their amazement at the miraculous existence of the people of Israel and their contribution to humanity beyond all proportion to its size. And all of this, even before the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. The Torah Of The Bible The unique history of the people of Israel would have been preached even if the T
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    9 min
    Dec 25 2020
    The Evidence of Revelation This argument for the existence of GOD is very simple: we know that GOD exists, because many people have testified that they have met Him. Even if we have not seen it ourselves, the very existence of evidence on the matter is evidence. It may not be the GOD of Moses, Mohamad, or Jesus or a GOD that is affiliated with any religious sect, but "a GOD". Are the testimony of many and the belief of the majority makes it a fact? For a moment, let's not think of GOD as a religious GOD but as an entity which is superior to us. It can even be a particle. Crowds of people throughout history have described experiences of divine revelation they have had, religious or mystical experiences, visions, prophecy, and the like. Some of those experiences occurred in daydreaming, during routine activities, and some were achieved as a result of activities like meditation, or in exceptional situations like near-death experiences. There are many differences b
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    11 min
    Dec 24 2020
    Evidence Of Human Morality Most mentally healthy human beings have basic and very strong moral intuitions embedded in them. They have intuitions that things like murder, robbery, and harm to innocents are negative. The way in which the same moral intuitions are applied varies, of course, from society to society, as do the definitions to whom moral rules apply, but there is no society in history that has not recognized the existence of morality and justice even at the basic level. Not only do people feel intense moral feelings, but they also lead their lives by them, sometimes with significant concessions to pleasures and satisfaction to the point of self-sacrifice. They even go to war against those they perceive as behaving immorally. We perceive morality as objective and not subjective A careful examination of those moral intuitions leads to the conclusion that we perceive morality not as a subjective emotion but as an objective, absolute, and binding reality. If morality wa
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    8 min
    Dec 23 2020
    The Evidence In The Design And Its Complexity While the cosmological argument is based on the very existence of the universe, the argument from design (also called the complexity argument, or the physio-theological argument) is based on certain features of the universe or parts of it, the high level of complexity. According to this argument, there are phenomena in the universe with such a high level of sophistication, chief among them living beings in general and humans in particular. It is inconceivable that they were created by chance. The existence of these phenomena indicates that some intelligent Factor planned and assembled them. Suppose we were to walk in the desert and find on the sand not just a glass ball, but an elaborate and complex clock. Certainly, we would conclude that some intelligent creator designed it. Intuitive Evidence This evidence seems intuitive, so it occupies a central place in discussions about GOD’s existence. It is based not only on our intuition
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    11 min
    Dec 23 2020
    The Evidence Of Human Consciousness The human consciousness is an absolute wonder. It is the thing through which we think, understand, and perceive reality, create, feel, experience, and feel. It is in fact the only thing we experience directly, in the first person, with absolute certainty. And yet, the essence of consciousness itself is a mystery. Its very existence is an appeal to the materialist worldview, which holds that the only thing that exists is a matter, and an acknowledgment of a mystery that opens up the possibility of a more spiritual worldview, which may include GOD as well. Materialistic claim brain excretes consciousness Materialists claim that consciousness is nothing but a product of matter, something that appears in some way from brain activity, just as the kidneys excrete urine, so the brain excretes consciousness. Not only does such a claim sound very strange on the face of it, but it also has no end to the explanation of how it happens. Of course, it is
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    9 min
    Dec 22 2020
    The Cosmological Evidence Philosophical evidence for the existence of GOD is a relatively late phenomenon. Belief in GOD is essentially an intuitive sense of persuasion, sometimes accompanied by religious and spiritual experiences. In the ancient world, people believed in GOD or the gods naturally without any logical proof. The very fact that this belief appeared in all ancient cultures without exception testifies to its intuitiveness. It was only at a later stage, around the sixth century BCE, that philosophers began to appear in Greece, China, and India. They formulated logical and intellectual arguments about the existence of GOD. This question became one of the most central and debated philosophical issues of all time after this era. The prophecy and the inspiration of the Divine departed, creating a distance between humans and GOD. Infinite philosophical literature has been written around the evidence for the existence of GOD. These words are binding, and these words
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    9 min
    Dec 22 2020
    Laws of Nature as Evidence We live in a universe made up entirely of moving particles of matter, from electrons’ rotation to galaxies’ motion. We are not surprised when we see living things moving and moving, but we would be surprised if we suddenly saw inanimate objects starting to carry on their own. If the table in our living room were suddenly hovering in the air, or ping pong balls were beginning to surround each other in circles, we would look for an explanation. But in our universe, matter is constantly moving. Not only do inanimate objects move, but they also do so according to a fixed and precise regularity represented in the equations of physics. This phenomenon begs the question: how can inanimate objects move, and how is it possible that they all move precisely according to the same rules? If asked, most people will simply answer that the laws of nature drive matter in the universe. For example, apples fall from the tree because of the force of gravity. But thi
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    9 min