Sustain Me Podcast

Auteur(s): Sustain Me Podcast
  • Résumé

  • Sustain Me is a podcast that will help teach others how to live a healthy life by breaking down the basics of health through the SUSTAIN ME principle and showing you that true health is attainable, affordable, and achievable!
    Sustain Me Podcast
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  • EXERCISE: is staying active holistic?
    Mar 3 2025

    ANNOUNCEMENTS: Review Raffle & Q & A’s

    Comment your Questions and give us a review on Spotify or Apple podcast in to be entered into our End of Season Giveaway!

    Barbara O’neill: “Stagnation is death & activity is life.”

    • The way we live can determine the way we die. What we do in our 20s is revealed in our 40s.

    • Exercise improves your circulation.

    • You can’t afford not to do it.

    • The heart is a muscle that can be strengthened by exercise or weakened by lack of exercise.

    • A lack of physical activity can significantly increase the risk of developing chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and depression, while also contributing to weight gain, reduced muscle mass, poor mental health, and decreased overall quality of life.

    • Barbara’s best workout: HIIT - High intensity interval training.
      • 6 cycles of 30 seconds of intense workout followed by 90 seconds recovery time. (15 minutes a day)

      • It’s the most effective way to workout.

      • Another movement tip from Barbara: Rebounding (2 minutes a day in the morning)

      • Strength comes from defying gravity

      • Acceleration and deceleration stimulates the lymphatic system. (body’s vacuum pushes out toxins from the body.

      • Swelling? - rebound

      • Lymph issues? - rebound

      • Upset baby? - rebound

      • Pregnant? - rebound

      Apply the A’s

    • Attainable (capable of being done or carried out)

      • 15 minutes a day. Anyone can do that.

    • Affordable (inexpensive, and reasonably priced)

      • You can do HIIT at home - free!

    • Achievable (able to be brought about or reached successfully)

      • Set a time in the day to workout and make that appointment with yourself. You can’t afford not to.

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    51 min
  • MODERATION: non toxic can be toxic
    Feb 24 2025
    • Comment and Review to be entered into our Giveaway!

      Benefits (What are the facts?)

      • Moderation: “You can have too much of a good thing.” Barbara

      • Toxic Non-toxic culture.

      • It’s a battlefield of the mind first.

    • Neuro Pathways

      • Changing neural pathways, also known as neuroplasticity, is the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life, primarily in response to new experiences and learning, allowing for adaptation and skill development; essentially, the more you practice something, the stronger the associated neural pathways become, while unused pathways weaken and can eventually fade away.

      • Key facts about changing neural pathways:

      • Neuroplasticity is a lifelong process: The brain can change and adapt at any age, although the rate of change may slow down with age.

      • Use it or lose it: Frequently used neural pathways become stronger, while those not used regularly weaken and can eventually be pruned away by the brain.

      • Learning new skills stimulates new pathways: Activities like learning a new language, playing a musical instrument, or exercising can create new neural connections.

      • Practice is key: To significantly change neural pathways, consistent and deliberate practice is required.

    • Moderation is 80/20 - 80/20 rule

      • Diet vs. Lifestyle

    • Discernment

      • Discern what you and your family needs.

      • Pay attention to your body! Tonsils (Paul revere example)

    • Self discipline: Practicing self-discipline helps you find inner peace, strength, resilience, and can even help heal mental health issues.

    • “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your moderation be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:4-7

      Apply the A’s

      • Attainable (capable of being done or carried out)

        • Pray and discern what is best for you and your family.

      • Affordable (inexpensive, and reasonably priced)

        • Not every health fad is for you. (That’s why we are doing this podcast!)

      • Achievable (able to be brought about or reached successfully)

        • Create a health plan that works for you and your family.

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    55 min
  • NUTRITION Part Two: What should you be feeding your kids?
    Feb 3 2025

    Child Nutrition:


    • The best food for a baby should be breast milk. (goats milk is closest if you can't breastfeed.)

    • When should a baby eat food?

    • 1. When they have teeth.

    • 2. When the baby can sit.

    • 3. When the baby can feed itself. (you must have all three)

      • Don’t give them starch too soon! It depends on their teeth.

      • 4 on the top and 4 on the bottom are still milk teeth.

      • When molars come through, they are ready for grains. (4 grain grinders)

      • At 10 months you can give them steamed veggies.

    • Teach them to chew! First foods should be cucumbers, celery or apples.(baby food doesn’t teach them to chew) *When they spit it out example.

      • Wheat & dairy of today can be causing a lot of neurological issues in adults and children.
      • If you have a child dealing with tonsillitis, earaches, bronchitis, this could be a dairy intolerance.

      Dangers of dyes & sugar in children:

      • Cancer-causing
      • Hyperactivity
      • Inattention
      • Restlessness
      • Impaired memory

      Why all behavioral? It passes into the blood/brain barrier.

    • Foods with dye:

      • Candy: M&M's, Skittles, and other candies
      • Baked goods: Cake mix, cookies, pie filling, and cake frosting
      • Drinks: Kool-Aid, Gatorade, Powerade, SunnyD, and other sports drinks
      • Flavored foods: Applesauce, ketchup, yogurt, and dips
      • Other foods: Jell-O, pickles, smoked salmon, and salad dressing, inorganic fruits like oranges. (Citrus Red #2)

      How to Eat: How to aid in digestion

      • Let the stomach rest when you do. (at night)
      • Breakfast like a king

      • Lunch like a prince

      • Dinner like a pauper

    • Acid reflux:

        • It’s not too much acid - it’s a weak valve. How can you help? ^^^

        • Strong acid is important for digestion. Stop taking antacids.

          • Stomach acid is antibacterial. It allows your body to heal itself.

        • Low stomach acid? Take juice of a lemon and then ¼ tsp cayenne pepper and ⅓ cup of water before a meal.

      • Strengthen gut flora:

        • Gut flora is responsible for breakdown of b-vitamins, absorption, protection, and nourishment.

        • Eat fermented foods, take a probiotic, eat less sugar and more whole foods. Don’t take antibiotics. (they kill gut flora and cause mold and fungus in the body)

      • Chew:

        • Spend time chewing your food and giving the digestive enzymes in your mouth time to start breaking down your food. Benefits: weight loss - less digestive issues - less sensitive to foods.

      • Eat sitting and in a peaceful environment:

        • This improves digestion.

      • Water intake while eating:

        • A lot of fluids during a meal delays digestion because it dilutes the stomach acid.

        • Stop drinking 30 minutes before a meal and start again an hour or 2 after eating.

      • Hours between eating:

        • Digestion takes 3.5 - 4 hours. Rest 1 hour so eat every 4.5 to 5 hours. Give the body time to fully digest before you fill it with food again.

        • Starving between meals? The body often doesn’t know the difference between thirst and hunger. Drink water!

      • Apply the A’s

        • Attainable (capable of being done or carried out)

          • Start small: Pick what part is most doable for you and start there. Then build.

        • Affordable (inexpensive, and reasonably priced)

          • Breast milk - the cheapest and best thing to feed your baby.

          • When you chew properly you eat less therefore saving money.

        • Achievable (able to be brought about or reached successfully)

          • Partner to eat well with. Start!

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    52 min

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