
  • Hot Topic: Recovery with JJ Warren
    Mar 19 2024
    Can an addict even be truly recovered? Is the disease of addiction terminal once you've had it? Listen in as JJ and I discuss key paradigm shifts that he experienced during his journey to recovery. Many of these views are controversial in the rehab centers and AA meetings that JJ has been to, but revolutionary for him in becoming clean.

    We will dissect the subconscious beliefs that hold us bound, and then give actionable takeaways that can be applied in day-to-day life. Whether it's simply scrolling on your phone every night or always needing alcohol to make it through the weekend, this conversation will impact you!
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    1 h et 27 min
  • Hot Topic: Addiction with JJ Warren
    Dec 29 2023
    The hot topic discussed today is a heavy one. It has affected millions of lives and is a growing problem in every society to this day. Covering themes from science to self-worth, this is a necessary conversation on addiction.

    My guest JJ is a recovered addict of various substances and has felt called to share his story. We talk about the source of addiction, rather than just the symptoms. He provides solutions that he has found based on his experience. Apply these principles to your life and share this episode to those that may be struggling!

    The 🔑 Takeaways

    (0:00) Intro
    (3:10) JJ’s Backstory
    (6:30) Initial Pull to Use
    (9:45) How Things Can Escalate Quickly
    (12:10) Understanding Dopamine
    (16:45) Self-Worth in Addiction
    (22:00) Kicked Out of the 13th Rehab
    (26:50) Meeting Mentors
    (28:28) What is “rock bottom,” really?
    (31:48) Powerful Truths

    *trigger warning* as topics of addiction, violence, and suicide are mentioned.

    *explicit language warning* as some foul language is used in this episode.

    Recovery Treatment
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    38 min
  • Principle & Practice: Yoga 
    Dec 12 2023
    In this episode, I give an introduction to the mystical philosophy of Yoga. What I mistakenly believed to be just a fitness fad, has opened up into a world of wisdom.

    Yoga is a Sanskrit word that means to unite, to join, to connect, or to yoke. Its teachings are centered around the mind-body-soul connection and its techniques are powerful. Look at yoga in this light, and you will discover balance within your whole being.

    The 🔑 Takeaways:
    (0:00) Life Update
    (2:30) The Epitome of Holistic Health
    (3:50) My Backstory of Finding Yoga
    (11:09) What is Yoga, really?
    (12:53) The 8 Limbs
    (14:00) Yama and Niyama
    (17:00) Asana
    (18:10) Pranayama
    (20:02) Pratyahara
    (21:53) Dharana
    (23:06) Dhyana
    (24:15) Samadhi
    (26:00) Concluding Invitation
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    27 min
  • Hot Topic: Masculine and Feminine Energies 
    Nov 29 2023
    Reap Your Roots has a NEW genre for episodes focused on hot topics that have been circulating around the health and healing space. Although the topic for today is nothing new, there has been a noticeable revival around this theme in recent times.

    My guest today is the beautiful and intelligent Rachel Daybell. She is (somehow) my wife; and excels as a photographer, breathwork facilitator, and mother also. Since I've known her I've looked up to her and appreciated her wisdom, some of which she shares here.

    For this episode, we chose separately 3 words to describe the masculine and 3 words to describe the feminine. Listen as we discuss definitions and real-life examples to gain a better understanding of these energies. Knowing about the masculine/feminine balance will help us understand ourselves better and will improve our relationships.

    The 🔑 Takeaways:

    (0:00) Intro
    (2:00) Hot Topic and Hot Guest
    (4:43) Male Waffle Brain and Female Spaghetti Brain
    (9:00) Masculine: Structure and Steady || Feminine: Fluidity and Flow
    (11:12) Energies in Relationships
    (13:25) Masculine: Doing and Action || Feminine: Being and Essence
    (19:49) Value in Just Being
    (22:00) Masculine: Giving || Feminine: Receiving
    (24:50) Masculine: Resilience || Feminine: Nurturing
    (28:00) Conclusion
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    29 min
  • Principle & Practice: Prayer
    Nov 15 2023
    In this episode, I cover one of the most simple, yet most impactful spiritual practices of the ages. Although fifteen minutes only scratches the surface of this topic, I share some analogies of how prayer helps us progress.

    The 3 modes of prayer that I discuss are from my personal experience and study of the scriptures. All 3 serve us well as we communicate with our Creator.

    The 🔑 Takeaways:
    (0:00) Intro
    (1:02) The Two Truths
    (3:40) Praying Unlocks Potential
    (5:11) The Elephant and the Stake / Big Wall Climbing and Camping
    (9:02) Asking God
    (10:48) Telling God
    (12:28) Thanking God
    (13:30) Roadblock of Too Little Emotion
    (14:25) Roadblock of Too Much Intellect
    (15:33) Summary of the 3 Modes of Prayer
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    17 min
  • Principle & Practice: Ancestral Strength
    Aug 30 2023
    What does it mean to reap our roots? In this episode, we will discuss how the events, emotions, behaviors, and traits of our family's past could be influencing us today. We talk of ways to become aware of that ancestral influence and to discern if what they've left behind is hurting or helping us.

    The 🔑 Takeaways:
    (0:00) Intro
    (2:44) My Initial Interest in Family History
    (4:56) What is Generational Trauma?
    (9:25) Epigenetics
    (10:50) Fate vs Destiny
    (14:25) How To Break the Cycle
    (16:00) What is Ancestral Strength?
    (17:05) Grandpa Keith, Butch Cassidy, and Viking Blood
    (24:00) How to Access Your Strength
    (26:12) Leaving your Mark on Your Family Line
    (28:00) Invitation to Begin Reaping your Roots

    Voir plus Voir moins
    29 min
  • Attribute: Courage
    Aug 16 2023
    “The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.”

    This episode we discuss an attribute that is essential to any endeavor. And one that we will need to call upon even more in an ever-timid world.

    (0:00) Intro
    (1:40) Defining Courage
    (2:33) The Need for Fear
    (4:45) Jim Carreys Story
    (5:55) Fear Disguised as Practicality
    (7:20) The Need for Courage

    (9:07) Inspiration
    (11:00) Preparation
    (11:55) Execution
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    15 min
  • Principle & Practice: Energy is in Everything w/ Vanessa Kerr
    Aug 1 2023
    In this episode, we explore the invisible world of energy. We discuss specifically how the mind, body, and soul are interwoven and communicate through certain energetic fields.

    Our amazing guest, Vanessa, was called to this space years ago. She shares wisdom and experiences that she’s gained from working with different modalities of healing and empowerment.

    The 🔑 takaways:
    2:00 - Vanessa's Story
    6:06 - Noticing Energy
    9:52 - Studying Energy
    13:40 - Traditions and Modalities
    21:50 - Holding your Own Space
    29:10 - Everything is Alive
    31:50 - Grounding Practices
    34:50 - Clearing Out Congestion
    37:15 - Her Cosmic Experience42:15 - Seek Higher Help for Yourself and for Others
    43:50 - The Power is Within
    47:44 - Trusting the Process
    51:30 - Instagram : awakening_integration
    Website: awakeningintegration.com
    52:50 - The 🔑 Takeaways
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    56 min