La #creatina es un compuesto ampliamente estudiado y utilizado tanto en el ámbito #deportivo como en la #salud general. Se encuentra de manera natural en el cuerpo #humano y en ciertos #alimentos, y es conocida por sus beneficios #ergogénicos y #terapéuticos.
- Creatina monohidratada: La forma más común y estudiada.
Feldman, E. (2009). Creatine: a dietary supplement and ergogenic aid.. Nutrition reviews, 57 2, 45-50 .
Greenhaff, P. (1997). The nutritional biochemistry of creatine. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 8, 610-618.
Kreider, R., & Stout, J. (2021). Creatine in Health and Disease. Nutrients, 13.
Ostojić, S. (2021). Creatine as a food supplement for the general population. Journal of Functional Foods, 83, 104568.
Persky, A., & Brazeau, G. (2001). Clinical pharmacology of the dietary supplement creatine monohydrate.. Pharmacological reviews, 53 2, 161-76 .
Ostojić, S., & Forbes, S. (2021). Perspective: Creatine, a Conditionally Essential Nutrient: Building the Case.. Advances in nutrition.
Wax, B., Kerksick, C., Jagim, A., Mayo, J., Lyons, B., & Kreider, R. (2021). Creatine for Exercise and Sports Performance, with Recovery Considerations for Healthy Populations. Nutrients, 13.
Bonilla, D., Kreider, R., Stout, J., Forero, D., Kerksick, C., Roberts, M., & Rawson, E. (2021). Metabolic Basis of Creatine in Health and Disease: A Bioinformatics-Assisted Review. Nutrients, 13.
Zhang, L., Zhu, Z., Yan, H., Wang, W., Wu, Z., Zhang, F., Zhang, Q., Shi, G., Du, J., Cai, H., Zhang, X., Hsu, D., Gao, P., Piao, H., Chen, G., & Bu, P. (2021). Creatine promotes cancer metastasis through activation of Smad2/3.. Cell metabolism.