
  • The Best Perimenopause Training Tweaks for a Strong, Sculpted Body
    Jan 23 2025

    Training in perimenopause requires a few simple tweaks to drive great results in our body, and prevent weight gain. As hormone levels change, our body responds differently to the exercise we do which means we sometimes don't see the results we expect even when we put in a big effort. So today I'm sharing the best types of exercise and the best workout schedules that drive great results in perimenopause, so you can lose extra pounds, have better energy, and set yourself up in a strong, sculpted and capable body!

    Get the transcript and more notes on the episode here: https://thebettyrocker.com/the-best-perimenopause-training-tweaks/

    Today I’m discussing….

    ⭐️ What changes in our hormones in perimenopause (and why it’s a little different for everyone)
    ⭐️ Why weight gain can start to become a problem in perimenopause
    ⭐️ Why we’re more sensitive to cortisol and stress in perimenopause
    ⭐️ Why training too much can leave us with less results, and even backfire
    ⭐️ The two training types to include in your foundational workout plan
    ⭐️ Two sample training schedules that drive great results in perimenopause
    ⭐️ Exactly how to get the edge back on fat loss in perimenopause
    ⭐️ Benefits of a perimenopause-specific training program like PerimenoFit

    Links to follow up from this episode:

    • PerimenoFit: strength training program and eating guide for women in perimenopause

    • The smart scale I use

    • Foundations of Functional Fitness - free 15 minute guided videos to help you with alignment and good form in key exercises

    • Rock Your Life: new workout plans every month, community, accountability and coaching

    • How estrogen impacts your body's response to exercise and more

    • Betty Rocker training programs, balanced and optimized for women in different life stages

    • Postmenopause Eating and Training Guide

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    36 min
  • My Shocking Accident and How My Healthy Habits Saved Me
    Jan 16 2025

    On my cross country trip coming home for Christmas I had a shocking fall that dislocated my elbow. I was lucky enough to have the strength to get up, drive myself to a hospital and recover well over the following weeks. Falls can be dangerous at any age, and you never know when you're going to need to draw on your reserves. It's always a good time to be getting strong, and staying that way. I'm sharing my story today, with inspiration for you to keep making deposits in your own "health savings account!"

    This episode transcript, links and more: https://thebettyrocker.com/my-shocking-accident-and-how-my-healthy-habits-saved-me/

    In this episode….

    ⭐️ How my accident happened
    ⭐️ Complications with accidents when we're over 65
    ⭐️ How we start losing bone density and muscle tissue
    ⭐️ Why the perimenopause and menopause years are particularly important to pay attention to
    ⭐️ The compounding impact of making deposits in our body's "health savings account" over time
    ⭐️ Key fitness and nutrition strategies to prevent the loss of your body tissue and get (and stay) strong

    Featured in this episode:

    • Rock Your Life: Workout Challenges for women of all ages

    • PerimenoFIT

    • Betty Rocker Workout Programs

    • My Dinner Plan

    • Betty Rocker Meal Plans

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    29 min
  • You're the Main Character in 2025!
    Jan 9 2025

    You are the MAIN CHARACTER of the story that is unfolding in 2025! You've got 12 chapters to write in 12 months. So let's outline the first quarter of our main character's health and fitness plans together today so we can jumpstart your success this year! Grab the free worksheet so you can follow along: bit.ly/2025main

    In this episode….

    ⭐️ How chapters help us break our goals into manageable, and attainable action items
    ⭐️ Defining how we want our heroine to feel as she boldly steps into a new year
    ⭐️ Outlining our fitness plan
    ⭐️ Choosing 1-2 healthy eating goals
    ⭐️ How the habits we form become routine, and habit stacking becomes the norm
    ⭐️ Defining a bonus health-related goal
    ⭐️ Planning the first 3 months!

    Links to follow up from this episode:

    • 2025 Main Character worksheet planner

    • Rock Your Life New Year’s Challenge

    • Betty Rocker programs

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    23 min
  • How much exercise is too much?
    Sep 11 2024

    I know you've probably heard me say that over training can really undermine your results. But what does "over training" actually mean for you? Is it okay to combine other exercises with the program you're currently doing? And what about running or pickleball or swimming or other recreational activities you enjoy on top of your regularly scheduled workouts? How much exercise is too much, and how do you find the sweet spot? Listen to today's conversation for some great insights and answers!

    In this episode, I’m exploring….

    ⭐️ Two essential questions to answer before working out
    ⭐️ How inflammation impacts your ability to get results
    ⭐️ How to know when to back off and when to push harder
    ⭐️ How to create the right balance in your training that supports your goals
    ⭐️ Common training mistakes to avoid
    ⭐️ Essential strategies in the peri and postmenopause years
    ⭐️ Tips for enjoying your recreational activities and your training without burning out

    Links featured in this episode:

    • Betty Rocker workout programs:
      • Bodyweight: 90 Day Challenge
      • Home workout equipment: Abs and Booty Challenge
      • Home workout equipment: Home Workout Domination 1 and Home Workout Domination 2
      • Gym equipment (option to do it with home equipment): Lioness Strength Training
      • Options for bodyweight, home equipment and gym equipment: PerimenoFit
      • Options for bodyweight, home equipment and gym equipment: Rock Your Life
    • Perimenopause Training Guide
    • Postmenopause Training Guide
    • Healthy Eating and Why there isn't a "one size fits all"
    Voir plus Voir moins
    24 min
  • Protein for Women: Part 2 Plus, How to Use Aminos, BCAA's, Collagen and Creatine
    Aug 14 2024

    When it comes to supplements, there are so many out there. But how do you know what you need, and what the difference is between protein powder and say, a BCAA? And do we all need to be taking collagen? Plus there's a lot of buzz about creatine for women right now...is it merited? We're diving into all of this in more in the second installment of my protein for women series.

    In this episode, I’m exploring….

    ⭐️ Recap of the essential aminos, and why we need them
    ⭐️ The difference between protein powder and free-form amino acid supplements
    ⭐️ How amino acids impact our cognitive function
    ⭐️ The benefits and differences of BCAA's and Essential Amino Acid formulas
    ⭐️ Some thoughts on why under-consuming protein is so common
    ⭐️ The pervasiveness of information that doesn't serve women
    ⭐️ The benefits of creatine for women and tips for using it
    ⭐️ How to get collagen in your diet, and when and why you might want to supplement
    ⭐️ Why supplements are "nice to have" but not "required" and who might benefit from them

    Links featured in this episode:

    • Protein for Women Part 1: Plus tips for using and choosing protein powders
    • Rock and Restore essential amino acids formula by Betty Rocker
    • Why I recommend creatine for active women (article)
    • Smart scale for tracking body composition
    • Creatine monohydrate supplement by Thorne
    • Full Body Collagen by Betty Rocker
    • Betty Rocker meal plans
    Voir plus Voir moins
    24 min
  • Protein for Women: Part 1 Plus Tips for Using and Choosing Protein Powders
    Jul 31 2024

    Why is protein so important for us as women? The reasons go well beyond our body composition goals. Today I’m talking all things protein, including why we need it, how much we need, and how those needs change over time. Plus, I’m covering protein powder and some different ways you can use it - from timing around your workouts to cooking with it. And I'm sharing my best tips for choosing a quality product that covers all your bases - from my experience as a consumer and women’s fitness coach, and from my experience creating my own product line.

    And, coming up in our next episode I'll go over the difference between protein powder, collagen, free-form aminos and creatine - so stay tuned, and be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode!

    In this episode, I’m exploring….

    ⭐️ Why women need protein, and the amino acids it breaks down into
    ⭐️ The "essential aminos" and where to get them
    ⭐️ How the amount of protein you need changes over time
    ⭐️ Why you don't have to take a protein supplement (and when you might want to)
    ⭐️ What I look for when choosing a plant based protein powder vs. a dairy-based protein powder

    Links featured in this episode and references:

    • How eating the right amount of protein impacts a woman's body
    • Guide for women in perimenopause
    • Guide for women post-menopause
    • Betty Rocker brand (Whole Betty) protein powders
    • Guide to choosing protein powders and different types
    • Betty Rocker meal plans
    Voir plus Voir moins
    33 min
  • Why "Healthy Eating" Can Look So Many Different Ways
    Jul 10 2024

    Is there a "perfect diet?" I don't think so. One of the challenges many of us face on our health journey is wading through the conflicting and confusing messages about "eating healthy." It's hard to navigate and it's hard to know if what you're doing is supporting your goals or hindering them. I think different things work for different people at different times, and learning some basics about the nutrients and how our bodies work is a great place to start, so we can better understand why certain things work better for us than others.

    In this episode, I’m exploring….

    ⭐️ Why your sister's diet might work better for you and not her, and vice versa
    ⭐️ Why your husband's diet might appear to work better for him than for you
    ⭐️ Why the diet you did 10 years ago might not work the same for you now
    ⭐️ How seeing the "team" at work inside our bodies can be helpful for shaping the choices we make about food
    ⭐️ Where "3 meal magic" can be helpful
    ⭐️ The way protein, carbohydrates and fat support your body
    ⭐️ Examples of eating around your workouts

    Links featured in this episode and references:

    • Hidden causes of weight gain (podcast with Dr. Jill Carnahan)
    • How to heal emotional eating (podcast with Tricia Nelson)
    • Protein 101
    • How eating the right amount of protein affects a woman's body
    • Carbs 101
    • Gut Health and Estrogen Balance
    • Healthy Fats 101
    • Healthy Eating Shortcuts
    • The Body Fuel System (6 week balanced eating and recipes plan)
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    30 min
  • 5 Essential Recovery Tips if You Get Sick or Injured
    Jun 26 2024

    If you've ever gotten injured or been recovering from an illness wondering when you could start training again, today's conversation is for you! After recently getting COVID and suffering a lengthy recovery period, I had time to ponder - and put into practice - the very advice I so often give. Not only will you learn how to get better more quickly, you'll also get my best tips for preserving muscle and avoiding weight gain while you're taking some time off from your training.

    In this episode, I’m exploring….

    ⭐️ How an illness can disrupt multiple body systems, from our immune system to our endocrine system
    ⭐️ How COVID impacts our hormones, and what to be aware of if you're in peri or post menopause
    ⭐️ Why seeing faster results from a workout program is about more than diet and exercise
    ⭐️ How to be aware of the stressors to our system that we can't see or easily pinpoint
    ⭐️ 5 keys to a strong recovery
    ⭐️ How to avoid losing muscle when you're taking some time off from training
    ⭐️ A reframe to avoid undue anxiety about taking a step back

    Links to follow up from this episode:

    Links featured in this episode:

    • PerimenoFit: 8 week strength training program for women in perimenopause
    • All Betty Rocker training programs contain options for women in peri and post menopause. See them all here!
    • All Betty Rocker eating plans
    • Health benefits of walking for women
    • How Walking supports long-term fat loss
    • Gut health and estrogen balance
    • Lab testing company with affordable labs (labs must be ordered by your doctor)
    • Home testing kits that you can order without a doctor
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    28 min