
  • I feel like someone or something else always makes decisions for me...
    Sep 26 2023
    I feel like someone or something else always makes decisions for me. Even if I have a say, it’s always a struggle to make my voice heard. external influences that make you feel like someone else is making decisions for you can be loud and make it difficult for you to meet your needs -- let's explore the reasons for your lack of assertiveness, identify what all makes it difficult for you to assert yourself along with reflecting on your thoughts to understand your behavior patterns/underlying beliefs and their impact on your well-being, and find ways to address them and practice self-assertion in your day-to-day life 💜
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    10 min
  • When I feel hurt or upset, I suppress my emotions so I’m not a bother to others
    Sep 26 2023
    understanding your emotions and learning how to communicate them is a continuous process. let's compassionately explore the reasons for suppressing emotions when feeling hurt, understand the consequences of suppressing them, and learn effective communication skills to express them -- remember to be kind to yourself while appreciating the process of self-discovery 💜
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    7 min
  • Many times when people ask me to do things I feel like I don’t have the power to stop or refuse them
    Sep 14 2023
    it can take some time to learn how to stand up for yourself, because oh well, it's not that easy... let's start with some simple steps- explore where your difficulty in refusing people when they ask you to do things comes from, reflect on things from your past that might impact your relationship with 'power' in certain situations, understand how this feeling of powerlessness impacts your life, and learn to assert yourself and your needs :)
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    10 min
  • I'm not very good at standing up for myself in certain moments...
    Sep 14 2023
    I'm not very good at standing up for myself in certain moments, and when it comes to making tough decisions of any kind, I will tend to hesitate, or I will just keep going in circles with myself. I feel like I should be more certain about things or assertive, and I'm not most of the time. building assertiveness takes time and effort — let's reflect on the factors contributing to your hesitancy to assert yourself, create actionable steps to address them & confidently assert your needs, and learn visualization to practice building your self-confidence and assertiveness.
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    9 min
  • I don't have anyone in my life. No joy, no happiness - just me, all alone
    Aug 24 2023
    give yourself credit for acknowledging this feeling and wanting to address it-- take out some time to unbox what's really inside this box of loneliness, deepen your understanding of what you’re going through, and build a sense of connection with yourself by practicing some mind-body connection
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    10 min
  • People judge me without knowing how hard my journey has been.
    Aug 24 2023
    explore the judgment that’s been affecting you, along with reflecting on why you feel under-appreciated, and make yourself feel more validated and appreciated- because you deserve to, bestie!
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    6 min
  • When i’m anxious, my heart rate shoots up, i feel anxious and sweat a lot (By Prachi Gangwani)
    Aug 17 2023
    never underestimate the mind-body connection! the physical symptoms of anxiety can get overwhelming and make it difficult to go about your day-to-day activities — learn some relaxation techniques & incorporate them into your daily life to manage things better & ease the symptoms
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    9 min
  • I feel scared and anxious about falling into negative triggering behaviors (By Vinamra Vasudeva)
    Aug 17 2023
    the secret to managing your triggers is acknowledging & identifying them — learn practical ways of observing & understanding the reasons behind this anxiousness, and how to be mindful of your triggers & not let them control you
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    10 min