
  • Power over ourself is the only power that satisfies
    Feb 19 2025

    When we have power over ourself, we have no desire to have power over others.

    No matter how much power we have over others, it will never fill our need to experience our power. Power over ourselves includes being able to choose which thoughts to act on, how we choose to behave.

    If you'd like to work with me in gaining greater power over yourself, including your thinking, you can contact me at scottfriedman40@gmail.com

    My books are available on Amazon. Links to the books appear on my website, www.thoughtcoachingbyscott.com

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    11 min
  • Self acceptance changes our world
    Feb 18 2025

    Our world is what we perceive it to be. It reflects back to us our thinking. If we accept deeper positive truths about ourself, that will be reflected back to us by other people and the world. The deeper we go in accepting ourself, the more we identify with being ONE with all there is. We identify with creating our world. We identify with being infinite love joy and peace. The more we accept our devine characteristics, the more we see those traits reflected back to us by the world.

    I help people achieve greater acceptance of their devine qualities through coaching. If that's something that you'd like to do, contact me at scottfriedman40@gmail.com

    My books are available on Amazon. You can find links to them through my web site, www.thoughtcoachingbyscott.com

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    15 min
  • Allowing win win solutions
    Feb 17 2025

    As long as we measure winning as increasing our conscous experience of joy, creativity, love, peace, exhileration and the lik, the more open we are to recognizing and implementing win solutions. When we're present in the flow, win win solutionos effortlessly eminate from our spontaneous expression of our thoughts and actions. We need only reflect back on times when we were "in the zone" to both confirm our ability to be in that state and accept that our spontaneous expressions from that state were optimal.

    Win win solutions automatically flow from us when we're in a peaceful centered state. Reflect back and take note of what works for you in being conscious of being present. If you're like most people, you'll want to be in that state as much as possible. This is where accepting we have choice is mostg valuable.

    If you'd like my help in being more present and allowing the expression of more win win behavior, contacgt me at scottfriedman490@gmail.com.

    My books are available on Amazon. You can find links to the books on my website, www.thoughtcoachingbyscott.com

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    14 min
  • What we focus on grows in our life
    Feb 12 2025

    We create with our attention.

    All we need do is look at our life to see what we're creating with our attention. The more I act on thoughts imbued with love joy and peace, the more love joy and peace I experience. The more I focus on the wisdom I receive in meditation, the more I find myself practically applying that wisdom for my and other's benefit.

    We have control over what we focus on, how we interpret the events in our life. The more we take ownership of this inheirant ability, the more we consciously create the life experience we want.

    If you'd like my assistance in becoming increasingly aware of your thoughts and the impact of acting on those thoughts or choosing not to acgt on those thoughts, you can contact me at scottfriedman40@gmail.com

    My books are available on Amazon. Links to the books appear on my website, www.thoughtcoachingbyscott.com

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    13 min
  • Focusing more in the present
    Feb 11 2025

    We are always in the present moment because that is the only moment that ever exists. The more we're conscious of that fact, the better everything is in our conscious life and experience.

    For most of us, we often focus on thoughts that have a time component to them. That attention we pay to a thought that has time as part of it, actually creates time. For example, worrying about the future is embracing a "worry thought" which has time as a component of that thought. If time didn't exist, the future wouldn't exist and we wouldn't worry about the future. We create time when we focus on it. In fact, everything we create we create by focusing our attention on it. That's how we create.

    Living in the present moment, free from thinking about time, allows us to experience the love, joy, wisdom and all the other wonderful qualities that are part of us.

    If you'd like my help in being more conscious and accepting of the fact that the only moment that exists is the present moment, contact me at scottfriedman40@gmail.com

    My books are available on Amazon. You can find links to the books on my website, www.thoughtcoachingbyscott.com

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    10 min
  • Energy
    Feb 10 2025

    We all have access to the unlimited energy within us. Choosing to act on thoughts that have vast amounts of energy as part of them allows us to consciously experience more of the unlimited energy we are. That energy opens the door to a conscience experience of wisdom, healing, success in all forms and enlightenment.

    I offer assistance in helping people become more conscious of their thinking and claim their power to choose which thoughts to act on and which not to act on. If you'd like my help, let me know at scottfriedman40@gmail.com

    My books are available on Amazon. You can find links to them on my website, www.thoughtcoachingbyscott.com

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    11 min
  • Accepting the projection of our consciousness
    Feb 9 2025

    We perceive the world as a projection of how we see and understand ourself.

    Recently I've noticed that all the people I know are looking to uplift humanity in some way. It may be leaving a legacy for their children, leaving a service that reduces conflict, heading non profits to maximize the value of their contribution, uplifting the consciousness of the world, or something else. The point is that I have accepted by own efforts and desire to uplift humanity to such a degree that I'm seeing that effort all around me.

    Possibly the most valuable aspect of this understanding is to know that our view of the outer world will change as we more completely accept the kind, loving, powerful, creative, joyful beings we are. This adds greater definition to the fact that when we heal ourself, we heal the world.

    If you'd like my assistance in growing your acceptance and thinking of the magnificent being you are and the contribution to the world you make, contact me at scottfriedman40@gmail.com

    My books are available on Amazon. You can find links to those books at www.thoughtcoachingbyscott.com

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    10 min
  • Healing Lifelong Denial
    Feb 8 2025

    As we continue heal through acceptance false negative thoughts, we are increasingly able to heal false negative thoughts that are deeply ingrained and so familiar that they're hard to notice. The deeper and longer we've had false negative thoughts, the more profound and lifechanging it is to heal them through acceptance. It makes the realization of lifelong dreams possible.

    By being honest with ourselves, we can uncover and beak free from being controlled by negative thoughts. There are many ways to do this. If you'd like my help, contact me at scottfriedman40@gmail.com.

    My books are available on Amazon. You can find links to them on my website, www.thoughtcoachingbyscott.com. One book in particular that might be of interest to you is "Insights in getting out of our own way".

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    18 min