
  • The Squirrel Story
    May 10 2015
    Each of us make decisions every day, and while each decision impacts those around us to some degree, some are life-altering for everyone involved. Some people make decisions easily and quickly while others others struggles. Your probably learn one way or the other most of the time, but some things are more easily decided than others. In today's analogy, the Squirrel Story, two squirrels play out this real-life dilemma. One squirrel is nervously indecisive while the other is quickly decisive. Real-life scenarios describe the meaning of the Squirrel Story, which was developed and written by Dr. Rita through years of counseling. We will discover why some people react to decision-making the way they do, and we'll learn the characteristics each type of decision-maker possesses. You may even recognize yourself in one of the characters. Stay tuned after the story to hear helpful tips on how to implement these healing strategies into your own life.
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    56 min
  • Blue Dots and White Wall
    May 3 2015
    Positive perfectionism may lead to worldly successes, but can also be damaging when not channeled correctly. Negative perfectionism can cause damage to you physically, emotionally and mentally. Today's analog story, the Blue Dots and the White Wall, is told to help you to understand how perfectionism can be harmful for you. Real-life scenarios, developed and written by Dr. Rita were gleaned from years of counseling and are shared her to help you understand why perfectionism has caused you to be the way you are today. You may recognized yourself in one of these characters. The Blue Dots and the White Wall is staged at an airport where there are perfectionists of all ages. At the end of the show, tips will be given on how to prevent yourself from being trapped by your perfectionism, so be sure to stay tune.
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    56 min
  • Boomerang Story
    Apr 26 2015
    Perhaps you know someone who likes to point a finger and makes an accusation. May be it is you who is being blames. The truth is, it never feel good to be the one getting the blame. Today's analogy story, the Boomerang Story, Dr. Rita reveals four types of blamer: the Irresponsible Blamer, the Passive/Aggressive Blamer, Should Blamer, and the Victimized Blamer. Discovering the reason why someone likes to blame not only helps you understand him/her, it also helps you to not to blame others. Blamer feels better when they think someone else is at fault. However, although blaming makes them feel more free, it is a temporary emotions that often ends up with them feeling more trapped in the end. Stay tuned after the story to learn how you can be freed from the debilitation effects of blaming and being blamed. We all have been on both sides, so don't be surprised if you recognize yourself in one of the characters.
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    56 min
  • Twilight Zone
    Apr 19 2015
    If you are depressed, anxious or struggling with an addiction. It is common to feel worse at certain times throughout the course of your day. During these down-times, you may experience an increased number of negative or tempting thoughts, which can leave you feeling overwhelmed and out of control. How do you get out of this rut? Today's analogy story, the Twilight Zone, will now be told. Using real-life scenarios to emphasize the story's meaning, Dr. Rita developed this narrative from years of counseling sessions. Don't be surprised if you identify with one of these characters. In today's show, you will observe people in an office building, people of all ages and from all walks of lives who are struggling in their own Twilight Zone. See sure to stay tuned at the end of the show for exciting and helpful tips to help you get out of your own Twilight Zone.
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    55 min
  • Back Pack Story
    Apr 12 2015
    Stress often happen when you take on problems that belong to someone else, such as trying to change someone's behavior, trying to be friends with everyone, trying to manage other people's feelings, or even trying to solve their problems. Living this way demands energy you do not have, and you end up not even being able to handle your own problems. This analogy represents those who tries to carry problems for others and ends up losing themselves. The real-life scenarios illustrates the meaning of the Back Pack story, and represents three types of individuals, the People Pleaser, Back Pack carrier, Rescuer Back Pack carrier and Co-Dependent Back Pack carrier. You will see how much stress, pain and agony you bring yourself when you take on the affairs of someone else. At the end of the show, you will learn ways to change this life style and live a more healthy and happy life.
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    57 min
  • The Grey Zone
    Apr 5 2015
    The way we think determines how we perceive our situation. When we think positively, we deal with trials differently than when we think negatively. Thoughts which are extreme, whether good or bad, are considered to be black and white thoughts. Those who think dichotomously see things in terms of good or bad, right or wrong, love or hate........with nothing in between. The analogy of the Grey Zone will help you see if you are this type of thinker. Don't be surprised if you recognize yourself in one of the stories presented today. These healing narratives describe how each individual recognized that he or she was in a black and white thinking process, and how they each learned to gear their thoughts process towards healthy, balanced, grey thoughts. Developed and written by Dr. Rita, these situations were gleaned from counseling sessions in the hopes of helping attain healthy relationships while living life in the Grey Zone.
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    56 min
  • The Train Story
    Mar 29 2015
    Prolonged anger damages a person physically, emotionally and socially. It can be the cause of your physical ailment, emotional disturbance or social isolation. This analogy, the Train Story, explains how to stop your anger before it negatively affects you. This show discusses real-life scenarios that were developed from counseling sessions and written by Dr. Rita. Here, people who were damaged physically, emotionally, and socially due to their anger problems learned to overcome this debilitating emotion. You may recognize yourself in one of these examples. Each character in the Train Story learns to deal effectively with his or her anger and as a result, begins life anew.
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    56 min
  • Relational Circles
    Mar 22 2015
    Relationships are often the most stressful parts of our existence. Do you have any unhealthy relationship that cause you undue stress? Relationships can be healthy or unhealthy, and they usually falls into one of four categories or circles: Intimate, close, causal or acquaintance. It is when we try to move our relationships into a circle that is not supposed to inhabit that we often end up frustrated and disappointed, This Relationship Circle analogy describes socially unhealthy relationships and teaches you how to break those bad cycles. Developed in story from real-life scenarios, Dr. Rita describes three types of personalities, the People Pleaser, the Loner, and the Admirer. All these individual struggle through life until they learn, and apply, concepts geared towards healing. In the end, everyone learns how to make healthy changes in their Relationship Circles and their lives become happier.
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    57 min