• One for One: A Simple Tool to Make Positive Change Feel Easier | Ep114
    Mar 2 2025

    Rewiring our systems and rewriting our patterns takes conscious, compassionate attention, and this is one easy tool you can use. Whatever pattern you find yourself wanting to shift — painful rumination, being hard on yourself, unhealthy habits, etc. — try matching that time and energy with one simple countermeasure to grow more balance: one for one. In today's episode we walk you through some examples from our own lives, and how to do this for yourself.

    "Like finding gold." - Alma W.

    "The best therapy I've ever done for myself." - Sanjeev B.

    Join our monthly membership for LIVE calls & practice:

    Get our Self-Compassionate Body-Based Toolkit:



    Every episode begins and ends with a body-based self-connection practice, so you can grow your capacity to be with all that life brings. We also include self-reflection and journaling prompts each week, posted on our Instagram @wholeheartedloving. New episodes every Sunday at 10am PT.

    Learn more about us and how you can practice with us LIVE at wholeheartedloving.com.

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    45 mins
  • 3 Prompts for Compassionate Self-Assessment | Ep113
    Feb 23 2025

    Life inventories can be overwhelming and tend to focus on the negatives: things that aren’t feeling good, with the pressure of needing to change them. Instead of asking what’s going wrong, we explore what is and isn’t working for us, and where we’re seeing positive change already — this compassionate reframe moves us away from the shame of shoulds, and toward loving inspiration.

    In today's episode we go through three easy prompts with a series of examples from our own lives, past and present, and walk you through how you can lovingly inspire yourself with these simple self-reflections.

    "Like finding gold." - Alma W.

    "The best therapy I've ever done for myself." - Sanjeev B.

    Join our monthly membership for LIVE calls & practice:


    Get our Self-Compassionate Body-Based Toolkit:



    Every episode begins and ends with a body-based self-connection practice, so you can grow your capacity to be with all that life brings. We also include self-reflection and journaling prompts each week, posted on our Instagram @wholeheartedloving. New episodes every Sunday at 10am PT.

    Learn more about us and how you can practice with us LIVE at wholeheartedloving.com.

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    1 hr and 28 mins
  • How to Figure Out What You Like (and Feel It In Your Body) | Ep112
    Feb 16 2025

    Coming off of autopilot and stepping into deeper agency in your life & relationships presents many amazing opportunities. Among our favs is the opportunity to enjoy pleasant sensations you might have whizzed by in the past. Taking the time to be with the sensations of what you already know feels good to you, and discovering new and different things that also feel good, is a sure and easy way to make life feel better.

    In today's episode, we talk about things we used to think were stupid, but were willing to try, that now feel most excellent, and we discuss ways to figure out what you like — because there are so many unknown unknowns when it comes to feeling good, and so many ways to find them for yourself.

    "Like finding gold." - Alma W.

    "The best therapy I've ever done for myself." - Sanjeev B.

    Join our monthly membership for LIVE calls & practice:


    Get our Self-Compassionate Body-Based Toolkit:



    Every episode begins and ends with a body-based self-connection practice, so you can grow your capacity to be with all that life brings. We also include self-reflection and journaling prompts each week, posted on our Instagram @wholeheartedloving. New episodes every Sunday at 10am PT.

    Learn more about us and how you can practice with us LIVE at wholeheartedloving.com.

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    42 mins
  • Embodying Appreciation in Life & Love (for Small Steps with Big Impacts) | Ep111
    Feb 9 2025

    There are so many baby steps on a healing journey — and so many lessons we have to learn over and over again. It’s worth looking back and appreciating what we couldn’t appreciate then, and the impact each step has had on our lives. May this also help you look forward, to the unknown value your current steps are manifesting for your future self.

    Today's episode is full of tidbits we've picked up along the way which we didn't realize the value of at the time, including the simple body-based tools that seemed so trivial but rippled out into massive positive shifts in our lives and relationships.

    "Like finding gold." - Alma W.

    "The best therapy I've ever done for myself." - Sanjeev B.

    Join our monthly membership for LIVE calls & practice:


    Get our Self-Compassionate Body-Based Toolkit:



    Every episode begins and ends with a body-based self-connection practice, so you can grow your capacity to be with all that life brings. We also include self-reflection and journaling prompts each week, posted on our Instagram@wholeheartedloving. New episodes every Sunday at 10am PT.

    Learn more about us and how you can practice with us LIVE atwholeheartedloving.com.

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    1 hr and 27 mins
  • Jordan Gray: On Coming Undone & Finding Yourself | Ep110
    Feb 2 2025

    Today's episode is in conversation with Jordan Gray, a relationship coach who's helped us and millions of others step up in our lives and shine for all the world to see. We talk about the body nudges that led us to connect with each other, and Jordan shares his journey from head-based shoulds kind of thinking, to feeling his way into a life more fulfilling than all his shoulds could ever have imagined.

    Learn more about Jordan at jordangrayconsulting.com.

    Also mentioned in this episode:

    Conscious Relationship Training crtrainings.com

    Phil T. Mistlberger ptmistlberger.com

    Banyen Books & Sound banyen.com

    "Like finding gold." - Alma W.

    "The best therapy I've ever done for myself." - Sanjeev B.

    Join our monthly membership for LIVE calls & practice:


    Get our Self-Compassionate Body-Based Toolkit:



    Every episode begins and ends with a body-based self-connection practice, so you can grow your capacity to be with all that life brings. We also include self-reflection and journaling prompts each week, posted on our Instagram @wholeheartedloving. New episodes every Sunday at 10am PT.

    Learn more about us and how you can practice with us LIVE at wholeheartedloving.com.

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    1 hr and 55 mins
  • Attuning Your Patterns to Your Values Using Compassionate Self-Inquiry | Ep109
    Jan 26 2025

    In the first chunk of life, we learn how to get by based on worldviews and patterns of people around us — and we come to assume their ways are our ways too. But often, they aren’t, and we need to find our own path. By now, you might know what you truly value, and still find that old conditioning is manifesting different values in your patterns of feeling, connection, and behaviour. This is where body connection and compassionate self-inquiry can help you find your way.

    "Like finding gold." - Alma W.

    "The best therapy I've ever done for myself." - Sanjeev B.

    Join our monthly membership for LIVE calls & practice:


    Get our Self-Compassionate Body-Based Toolkit:



    Every episode begins and ends with a body-based self-connection practice, so you can grow your capacity to be with all that life brings. We also include self-reflection and journaling prompts each week, posted on our Instagram @wholeheartedloving. New episodes every Sunday at 10am PT.

    Learn more about us and how you can practice with us LIVE at wholeheartedloving.com.

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    48 mins
  • Grow Your Boundaries & Relationships Through Compassion Immersion | Ep108
    Jan 19 2025

    We’re here to grow self-connection and -compassion — deconditioning painful old patterns, overdubbing our inner critics with loving, supportive dialogue. Byproducts include clearer boundaries, easier communication, and so much more. Can you explore where you are now with compassion?

    In today's episode we talk about how simple, body-based practices are a gateway for establishing and sharing healthy boundaries while staying in connection.

    "Like finding gold." - Alma W.

    "The best therapy I've ever done for myself." - Sanjeev B.

    Join our monthly membership for LIVE calls & practice:


    Get our Self-Compassionate Body-Based Toolkit:



    Every episode begins and ends with a body-based self-connection practice, so you can grow your capacity to be with all that life brings. We also include self-reflection and journaling prompts each week, posted on our Instagram @wholeheartedloving. New episodes every Sunday at 10am PT.

    Learn more about us and how you can practice with us LIVE at wholeheartedloving.com.

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    32 mins
  • Grow Your Relationships Using Sensory Perception - aka When the Boot Doesn't Fit | Ep107
    Jan 12 2025

    Trying to force a fit is a natural response to our human need for love and connection — it’s also an integral part of learning what fits. As we hone our self-awareness over time and discover our preferences, it’s worthwhile to feel into what’s fitting well in our lives and relationships, and what could fit better.

    In today's episode we use Georgianna's experience with a broken snowboarding boot and her search for new ones as an analogy for relationship, and we talk about how to source your body to find what feels like a fit and what doesn't.

    "Like finding gold." - Alma W.

    "The best therapy I've ever done for myself." - Sanjeev B.

    Join our monthly membership for LIVE calls & practice:


    Get our Self-Compassionate Body-Based Toolkit:



    Every episode begins and ends with a body-based self-connection practice, so you can grow your capacity to be with all that life brings. We also include self-reflection and journaling prompts each week, posted on our Instagram @wholeheartedloving. New episodes every Sunday at 10am PT.

    Learn more about us and how you can practice with us LIVE at wholeheartedloving.com.

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    52 mins