**Sale ends February 23, 2025 at 11:59 PM PT. Offer is available only for active Audible.ca members. Only credit purchases are eligible for this sale. Offer is available on Audible.ca, the Audible iOS app (versions 4.18+) and the Android App (versions 3.73+). To redeem this offer, add two audiobooks to the cart from the selection provided. When you check out, you will be able to purchase both audiobooks for one credit - either by using a credit you have, or by purchasing an additional credit(s) at the time of check out. If you want to keep shopping the sale, you can repeat the process by going back to the sale page. Offer is not transferable and cannot be combined with any other offer. Audible reserves the right to cancel the offer at any time. If you violate any of these terms, the offer will be invalid.

Audible 2-for-1 Sale FAQ

Only the books featured in the sale store: 2-for-1 Sale Store
Select "Add to sale selection" next to the books you would like to purchase and you will see them appear in a black bar at the bottom of your screen.
Make sure you are in the 2-for-1 Sale Store and are using the special sale cart at the bottom of the page. This will appear on all eligible sale books.